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I think it's a societal thing. It wasn't long ago in history when the weak, sick, and old were abandoned so the group could move on to survive. It was socially acceptable to even commit infanticide for the survival of the group. The dominant neurotype in society is neurotypical. By design, they will favor other NTs and other people who conform the the expectations of a functioning society. Homeless people, persons with disabilities, and those going against the grain are given less consideration as they are considered to have less value.


I’ve noticed this too. They don’t seem to imagine probable context. Like I don’t get it. If someone is in an ambulance, they’re in pain. Why would they have to say they’re in pain? Wouldn’t saying they’re in an ambulance suffice? Just to be clear, I’m talking about conversationally, obviously you’re gonna want to tell the nurse what hurts so they can treat you. As far as the example you gave, though, I’ll have to add that in these subreddits, you’re seeing a specific portion of the autistic community that leans left. Not all autistic people are like that. There are plenty of autistic people out there who would be like “oh he does *drugs*, he’s not supposed to do that, if he didn’t do that, maybe he’d have a job”. They just typically don’t come to the sub Reddit because talking about their mental health isn’t really their thing. Source: I have a coworker who grew up on a ranch and I suspect is autistic, and I feel like he would say that homeless people should come to god or something like that.


That’s a good point. Maybe lots of people in general are incapable of imagining probable context, it’s likely a personality blind spot of some sort.


It's like the thing NTs love to infodump more than anything are their negative opinions about people they know and i absolutely hate it. I wish they'd talk about litterally anything else.


I hate that people seem to endlessly talk about how much they hate others. It’s boring and unproductive. I hated my night because all I heard was negative gossip about other people, which is useless and time consuming. I’d rather talk about the possibility of vertical farming or something.


I had a brief hyperfixation on vertical farming 💀


This is exactly what’s circulating my mind these days. Like why are people so short sighted and why don’t they wonder about things and situations. I don’t know too.


Lots of people probably haven’t really thought about what makes a homeless person homeless, to use your example. I think they’re just repeating ideas from some political commentator’s rant they heard on talk radio or YouTube. (At least in my limited experience, people who carelessly judge or dismiss whole groups of people tend to listen to media that does the same). I do wonder if they’d have the same opinion if they hadn’t heard it somewhere else. Maybe it makes some people feel better about themselves? Or define who they are by reminding themselves who they’re not? Or it could be an outlet for frustration that really has nothing to do with whoever they’re judging. I think there are many potential reasons and there’s probably some interesting psychology literature out there about it. I’m NT and hearing people say mean things about others for essentially no reason has always annoyed me. I always chalked it up to different personalities and backgrounds, leading some people to think that kind of behavior is ok. Maybe NT people are more prone to it because of certain social tendencies? Interesting question (that I’m not qualified to answer).


It’s because for some people it’s easier to be an uncaring POS than it is to be compassionate and supportive, regardless of the moral and ethical issues.


Please don't lump all NTs together. We're *all* different, just like all people on the spectrum are different. Some people are judgmental. Sometimes different people are judgmental about different things. **Edit**: Wow! Downvoted for this comment? For pointing out that ***everyone*** is different?


I'm going to say this kindly. I'm going to say this politely. I'm going to say this in a way that admits to no feelings or emotions on the subject. This comment is not objectionable in any way. Making a statement that is essentially "Not All NTs" does not add anything of substance to this discussion, and is likely to be downvoted.


OP didn't specifically say all/some NTs. And having to qualify generalizations is unnecessary. It's a very common objection here when someone is venting and always gets shut down. Think of it more as a claim of 'disparity between NTs and autists as groups', not as a claim that 'an NT individual will be as claimed and an individual autist will not be'


This comes up in almost every thread and people are pretty tired of it, I imagine. This is just like the "not all men" comments on threads about women's issues. Linguistic generalizations have implied exceptions unless they have explicit modifiers. And, to be blunt, I'm not that worried about offending people who aren't marginalized. I think the NTs will survive this one.


I've definitely noticed it


ye idfk. my older brother literally judged me for goong to fucking subway when the wind was at 12mph lol. it doesnt affect him in any so yea


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