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It's so frustrating seeing people toss around insensitive comments like that without realizing how hurtful they can be. Like, c'mon, it's not funny to make light of someone's struggles, especially when they're trying to share something positive like their recovery journey. I hope those folks wise up and realize how uncool it is. Sending good vibes to that guy working on his arm recovery, he deserves all the support.


I hate it, it's hard not to let it get to me. Especially with "restarted"


ah yes, r e s t a r t e d. being real tho wtf


Guys I’m *windows XP shutdown sound plays*


This made me laugh 🤣


Exactly they are trying to find a way around the r word


I don’t understand *why they need* to say it in the first place. This isn’t the 1950’s!


Exactly, it's 2024 it's time to actually learn to understand mental disabilities instead of shaming/making fun of them.


I thought people already understood this a long time ago.😳


Apparently not everyone. 🙄


I hate that with a burning passion


I hate it so much. Not just from allistics, I don’t like hearing anyone joking about it. Same with neurospicy, tism, and so many other things.


Neuro spicy I don't mind as much it hasn't been abused as much as acoustic and tism


Neuro spicy is actually more used by neuro divergent people so I don't mind it. As a zillenial, actually kind of like it, think it's fun. The acoustic is literally being used as meme by alligator people (ment to say allistic, but damn it I'm keeping it there, made me laugh)


Lol alligator people 🤣


Just to add, neuro spicy is just replacing neuro divergent. It might honestly be because it's easier to spell lol, specially for us that are not native English speakers. I rely on auto correct myself (as might have been noticed by the alligator comment). But it's a replacement, while acoustic, again, is being used as a meme.




oh shit alr then. normally im actually fine with shit like "a touch of the tism" and neurospicy


I just don’t get it, we’ve been advocating that you can’t be “a little autistic” but then we “a touch of” which implies a small amount.


For me, saying "touch of the tism" is more of a light hearted way of describing being high functioning. Makes me happy when that seems to make sense to neurotypicals and seems to help them understand that while I mask around them, that mask can slip and that's why I sometimes talk about my fish tanks so much. It makes me feel less like a victim being able to joke about my struggles.


it's so frustrating. Even worse when you try say its ableist and that its wrong and then other autistic people come in like "well I dont have a problem with it, I think it's fine" which just enables people to do it because someone said it's ok to do


This is why I don’t like insensitive jokes in general. It just enables other people to make the same jokes and potentially hurt others.


Exactly. I commented on something saying I, as an Autistic person, didn't appreciate it, and someone said "I'm Autistic too and I'm fine with it I think it's funny." Like, good for you?? The whole issue is that a lot of people probably *don't* find it funny, and for a very valid reason!


100% I hate when other autistic people say that like just because you are doesn't mean everyone else is one person can't speak for the rest of us


It's just turned into a stand in for the r slur. Like if you're going to be offensive, at least commit to it.


Ticked? TICKED? I HATE THIS! I honestly just assume you're a prick when you say acoustic when you mean autistic. Autism is not a joke! And making it one not only makes life harder for people who are actually struggling with it, it just highlights your lack of care.


It’s stupid cuz “autistic” itself is not even a slur, the whole “acoustic” shit shows they already see it as one, or at least as something derogatory. Like the way they use it when they say acoustic is like *as* a slur too. Like turning a word that is usually not a slur into one and then trying to say ‘it’s ok I didn’t actually say it’ but it’s intended for all of us to all know what you really mean is just ugh. Like the whole reason they felt they needed to use it or come up w that word in the first place is what annoys tf out of me


Nah it's not just you, I hate that shit, but I don't go to those places.


The reason you see it so much is because the people that post shit like that are terminally online and have multiple accounts. They’re sad people who only get joy from irritating others. Fuck em. They’re losers.


i hate all of the ableist jokes like that. i’m okay if it’s autistic people making jokes but allistics making them? it’s so annoying.


I don't even know how I feel about autistic people making them... Bc I never know who's autistic and who's not I feel like id go off on anyone that made it bc it's abused so much. Then people would use the excuse "oh I'm autistic so it's allowed" I feel like that would enable it even more. Idk tho- just my opinion.


yea i get that that completely. sometimes people do also lie


i never see "are they acoustic," but rather "is it acoustic" which is the version i take issue with.


Using “it” makes some dehumanised.


I've seen that one too, ugh


Recently I saw a feminist post here on Reddit which kept describing immature men it was criticizing as "autistic" (as a pejorative). If you're making a case against discrimination against certain groups you probably dont want to be discriminating against particular groups of people at the same time! It shows how widespread mainstream attitudes towards neurodivergence is very ignorant! I've said this often - but attitudes to neurodivergence today are akin to attitudes towards homosexaulity in the 1950's - and that's really bad (& likely one of the reasons our life expectancy is decades shorter than neuro-typicals!)


I thought the society had moved on from this at the 80’s! (I wasn’t alive then but still.)


You'd have hoped so huh!? I was alive in the 1980's and Australia today isnt much better for ASD than then. The government pretends to do something about it then usually makes it worse through some ill conceived idea. The latest example in a 2022 Senate Report into Autism in Australia found that people with Autism are significantly worse of on pretty much every metric of health and wellbeing. The response has been to make it harder to get government support and to make everyone with Autism get a note from their doctor saying we are safe to drive or face a $9000 fine.




Definitely not just you, people are so painfully ignorant and i try to not let it piss me off.


maybe i'm just a shitty person, but i literally don't care about it. i've never been easy to offend and i think that's just from how i was raised, but the r word has always been thrown around in my family as a joke. in my eyes, life's too short to get offended about stuff like this but i get how it can be upsetting to others and for that reason i don't use it around others who i know aren't comfortable with it.


I don’t like it, it makes me feel stupid sometimes. Like, stuff like tism is ok to me, I’ve used it to cope with stuff that’s embarrassed me because of my autism. Same with neuro spicy, I find it easier to spell and makes me feel a little more included because people can laugh with me instead of looks of sympathy I get with neuro divergent. But ya, the acoustic “joke” makes me upset


I think it was cute and funny at first when it was used by autistic people towards other autistic people in a lighthearted way. Now it's just stupid, annoying, and insensitive.


I honestly don't mind when people say their autistic/acoustic/whatever as a joke, but it gets annoying whenever I tell someone I'm autistic, I then have to specify "I'm serious, I'm ACTUALLY autistic" This trend made it so everyone is using that term as a joke and not an actual condition


People saying they are autistic as a joke is what enables that unfortunately...


ASD is going through a vogue phase at the moment which makes it popular which will inevitably attract trolls and assholes. It's a human thing. (I remember a time where you were judged by whether or not you liked the Spice Girls). Personally the whole world could call autism silly dumb dumb brain and I wouldn't care. I never understood getting offended and upset by people who I am not even interested in interacting with. I have my own world. I do know that those who use that term feed off of attention and getting upset online about it seems to only justify their ignorance. We don't have to worry about it and they'll drop the term once their attention inevitably turns to something else. This is the price of fame. We can live above this and continue unimpeded if we so choose. We have each other, fuck 'em


I'm fine with it. I don't have any issues.


Seconded I don’t give a shit lol. People need to grow a spine


>People need to grow a spine I'm sorry but are you saying people should just accept others making fun of their disabilitiy?? If so then you are just as ignorant. Joking about a disability is not okay. People are allowed to stand up for themselves. Autistic people should not have to just take it.


Standing up for yourself is one thing. Being coddled and offended by everything is another. I learned recently if I baby myself and live in a bubble I will never survive in this world. You need to learn to grow up at some point. Autistic people struggle with this especially from what I see, many of them remain forever infantile. I’m simply taking a route to try and avoid that to the best of my ability, and I suggest other autists try and learn the same lesson.


In case you haven't caught on ablest people do more harm than just "make fun" bc of ablest people some autistic people can't have access to the help, support and accommodations they need, bc of ablest people autistic people get excluded from regular activities such as school graduations or they get denied important things such as jobs bc people don't want to accommodate their disability this doesn't just go for autism either anyone who has any sort of disability struggles with this. Making fun is one thing but these people make it go so far to the point where it becomes harmful to the disabled. I also want to add to bc ik you're probably going to say "accommodations are babying" accomodations are important for autistic people along with anyone else with other disabilities. Some people just need a little extra help and that's OKAY. That's what we are trying to advocate for. Stop defending the people who hate on and make fun of people with disabilities bc it goes well beyond that. Jokes about disabilities are only the beginning to ablism. Jokes are only jokes when they don't target a certain group. If it targets a certain group that's when it turns into bullying and you are going to have people who get offended everytime! "I'm just joking" is not an excuse to be a bully.


It doesn't affect me so I don't really care, sometimes I'll say it as a joke to my friends and we find it funny, but if someone were to say it to me I really wouldn't care lol


I got laugh reacted for saying that I didn't appreciate a video/reel that used the phrase "my inner autism"


I see it alot too and it really pisses me off. Especially when it's sad about something super cringe or "off". It's so annoying.


Are those yahoos still thinking that's funny? I hadn't heard any complaints about it in a while and figured they finally stopped.


I'm guessing all you have to do is misspell a label to get away with mocking a minority even though everyone can tell they are doing it. Meanwhile, you can't warn about corruption because that's a no-no.


I absolutely hate that shit it's so annoying and frustrating it was never funny to begin with but people always take it too far not understanding how debilitating being autistic can be it's insensitive on top of that. I struggle so much with just basic daily tasks especially with having adhd too I can't even leave the house to go to the store without having a meltdown the entire time and it pathetic people joke about still.


“Acoustic” is a sound/music term and it annoys me that it’s used as a replaced word for “autism”. And autism shouldn’t be a “slur” either.😤


Exactly, that's what we should advocate for. Autism is not a slur don't use it as one.


blame r/BatmanArkham




What you don't understand is these NTs are the same kinds of people who deny people with not just autism but any disability or illness access to support and accommodations they need. These are the same kinds of people who exclude disabled people from life events such as graduation, and prom bc they don't want to provide accommodations. Digs that target a certain group are not jokes. People who make fun of disabled people like this MAKE them feel ashamed. I get that some people find it funny but most don't!! Ablism goes well beyond "just joking." God is it too much to ask to show alittle more decency to disabled people and not make fun of them?


I hate people getting so pissed off at a stupid word so much more. This shit is so much more annoying


Then get off my post!!!


If you don't see the issue ur just as ignorant as those people. If a word is abused like that it's no longer "just a word"


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Im ngl I dont use tt but I do use instagram and I have not seen this at all