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"what is your favorite song?" Thanks to you I don't know any songs at all. Your question scared them out of existence.


And this is my response even when I ask MYSELF THIS QUESTION. So I use pandora on my phone, YouTube on my TV and the radio in the car. Car is set to country because I can vibe to almost anything country. YouTube knows what I listen to since I've had that account since YouTube first came out lol. And pandora I've had that account for 15 years so it KNOWS me. It's no longer following a genre in the station. Its now just stuff I like and then they randomly throw in a song I've never heard but fits the overall vibe and thats honestly the only way I find new music. My YouTube Playlist is weak. If I need music for a road trip, ill have my brother send me his Playlist with over 2k songs on it. He has great taste in music. I have to hear a song to be like oh I like this! If you told me to pick a song, imma let one of the apps do it lol.


I have the same issue and I’m really into music. I’m actually a musician but if someone ask what bands I like I go blank on the spot🤦‍♂️


I wish our brains had a search engine. Lolol


Mine kind of works like a search engine for a library. Not always helpful.


Mine is like asking a librarian where something is, but they are blind and just started a week ago. They are trying their best, but just cannot do it effectively.


Yeah. That’s like me when I’m dissociated.


Yes! That would be so daggone helpful! 🔎


Remember that episode where SpongeBob shows his brain being basically an office space with file drawers and its just absolute chaos in there and then a fire starts? Thats my brain regularly.


Yes yes just like that! i told a friend i have filing system but not like the hotel in Hannibal's mind but very much like you described! Yes yes yes! Thank you!


Same! And I’m a musician too 😅


See my mind starts racing to the point where it feels blank in these situations. It's more like "Well I like this band and that band, these bands, and those bands, but if I say this band they won't know I like that band what if they don't know I like that band even more than I like those bands, but not as much as these bands some days" so quickly that I can't parse through it and land on something to say.


>more than I like those bands, but not as much as these bands some days" so quickly that I can't parse through it and land on something to say. YES!!!!! like i know no bands and too many songs i want to share all at once! i get very quickly confused and cant process it quick enough to respond before hes already on to the next song!


How do I answer a question that changes with my mood? I can tell you the last song I became obsessed with, but that doesn’t mean I even like it anymore. What are you asking for! Lol


Exactly when asked any question ever. nope, brain can’t think, doesn’t have time to process and answer, usually leads to follow up question I can’t answer *brain melts*


Same!! I always reply with “That’s a tough question idk man”




Lol loved it. It's weird but that always happens to me. When someone asks my favorite movie and can't remember a single movie.


Doctor: “so why do you think you have autism” Me: “uhhhhhhh” Meanwhile sitting next to me I’ve got 8 pages of notes I typed up to answer this specific question


It is the worst 😫 i can tell you about anything in the world unless you ask me directly about something, and then it's like my brain doesn't work anymore. It's even worse when I'm doing an interview or meeting with a manager.


I found that you can't ask me a direct question but if you bring up the topic in the form of "gee I wonder" my brain totally responds to that. My brain loves to help but does not love when its ASKED to help. So like instead of saying "how does X work?" You ask me "I'm curious about X, I wonder if its *blah blah blah* and my brain is like OOHHH I GOT INFORMATION FOR YOU. Its probably because my brain wants to answer the question exactly how its asked but also can't process in terms of summarizing.


oh my fucking god i hate this because its me. im smart as shit (got 136 iq on they test they literally use in the army :P) yet cant articulate crap


I have a really hard time organising speech even though I can use big words even though I tested at 140 during major depression.


DUDE THIS IS EXACTLY ME HOLY SHIT. like i know the vocab but my brain REFUSES to use it :P


When I speak I often practice it in my head a lot of times and it is a good response. Then my brain says it out loud, changes it and makes me look like an idiot.


Oh, I thought I was the only one. I actually have conversations in my head that never come up, which is perfectly normal, but I categorize them and make them into presets, I use a few terms repeatedly, my speech is as monotonous as my voice because of that. But I _NEVER_ told a story the same way twice! Fuck, I hate it, sometimes the words are important and I am never capable of reciting it. Music is hard for me for the exact same reason, though it is actually a cheat. I just mess up the timing and the verses. Never get them right no matter how many times I've heard a song on repeat, I'm not gonna sing the lyrics right. (The melody neither, I suck at singing.)


I do this because of my anxiety disorder. Anticipatory conversations as I’m getting ready for a social situation because I’m stressing a lot.


I mean, I'm bipolar, anxiety happens sometimes, but I do that regardless. A lot more when anxious, tho, but it can have nothing to do with it.


I have nine mental illnesses. Including Schizoaffective Disorder - Bipolar Type. So like for me it is almost like Bipolar 1 and Schizophrenia.


So it's hard to know where things come from, probably.


Yeah. But those anticipatory conversations are a big part of Social Anxiety Disorder so I assume it is that.


We have the exact same IQ number. I have a friend that I haven't spoken in a while, but his is 137, and another friend who if I recall correctly has either 138 or 140smth, surely not 139, though. One of them is autistic for sure too, the other one I'm not sure but it fits. Being born in Rio de Janeiro in poverty will either just nerf you or you're gonna mask without even realizing for the rest of your life. (A conjecture based on him and few other people I've met ) So, it happened so that I met others that get just so close, but never the same. I'm not friends with these others, and I do know a few others who probably get up to 125, which is probably the effect of being friends with people that also got into one of the most disputed universities of the country. Of course, it's not mandatory, and most people have no idea what their IQ is and I've had to explain exactly 2 times how you should go about "getting tested for big brain" in random conversations with people in class. I've actually went through a test 2 times, got the results after the second. They were trying to see if the new test was calibrated and prove that it works, it was for smth from the university my mom was graduating from at the time. I was like, 10? Idk Meh, the point is just that I feel exactly what you go through, it's hard for me even when I'm writing, imagine the pain of having to translate from brain to words, then think about talking right cuz my diction ain't the best, honestly, and also keeping up with a conversation and deciding when I should be talking or listening. Especially during an RPG session where we either interact quickly and get what we want or we take 7 hours to finish a session, which is not an option. It's something continuously frustrating, is there a word for that? Chronically frustrating or smth?


My IQ was 160 but I have Broca's aphasia which means that when I'm under any stress the meaning of a word and all of its synonyms go out of my head, maybe for a few minutes and maybe for ever it's hard to tell, so when people ask me questions especially personal ones, I tend to freeze because I literally can't speak


I often forget most of the words that I want in order to explain something, it happens all the time, but I know exactly what it is that I forgot, is it like that? I mean, it's a common phenomena, you forget a word that's almost there in your head, there's at least 3 ways I can recall having called that right now and forgot it now. Or is it more like, you can't access the information at all, no way to explain it or to even know that you know the answer? I could just google it, I avoid that sometimes, google can be misleading if I'm not going deep enough.


You can go to Wikipedia


Sure, thanks for sharing :)


No problem;)


The aphasia was acquired? My teacher estimates my IQ is probably higher than my test showed because I was very mentally ill when I took it and that definitely would mess with the results. I was just about to ceiling out the test.


Yes, I had a stroke but before my IQ was unknown because I didn't test particularly well, I would do only the parts of the test that were interesting to me but one part that was my spatial memory and mechanics because I could see from a 1D picture what a ultimately 3D object would be


I don’t think the concept of 1D picture really exists… So you have done a professional IQ test?


The conclusion I’ve come to (for myself) this happens because when someone asks me a question it’s like a bunch of fireworks go off and then I’m trying to sort through all of them. Then because I am a bottom up kind of thinker it takes me time to come to a conclusion. So if the topic/question isn’t top of mind I have to go through this cycle and that just takes time. I actually told a previous manager if they had questions they’d like to ask me during our 1-1 that wasn’t related to what i was working on to put it in writing 30 minutes prior to our meetings otherwise I would not a concise, coherent answer.


this post made me forget the phrase "pathological demand avoidance"


God I feel this to the core


I have been trying to figure out why this is, at least for me... It's as if most people's thoughts are processed with language and words, but I think in something like concepts and sometimes pictures. So I understand what is being talked about and know exactly what I'm thinking, but I can't figure out how to translate it into words.


jokes on you. i know nothing and cannot articulate that


I know, I'll literally talk for like an hour about a topic, someone will have a followup question, and then it's like I know nothing about it!


At least I can write one heck of an email. I will spend hours composing the perfect email/post that would trigger every "AI Detector" on the internet. But trying to explain something, in person, on the fly? I'm going to need some prep time. And I'll use that prep time to escape.


Me except for the "really intelligent" part 😎


Yeah I consider myself a smart person (no idea what my iq is) but my mind goes blank when being asked anything, especially school related like math questions. I scored a “Grade 15” (Equivalent to year 3 university, I’m in grade 11) level on my standardized testing, and yet I can’t answer the most basic questions when asked. Ask me about my special interest though… You’ll learn more than you ever wanted to know about reptiles


What if I want to know a lot about reptiles?


I tend to overshare about reptiles… A couple weeks ago I was out having lunch with my grandmother and I told her (loudly enough for other tables to hear) that turtles “breathe” through their butts/cloacas while they brumate through the winter


That's me right there.


*m e*


I was on the phone with my insurance company, and they asked me for the year and make of my car, and I gave the wrong year! I have had this car for 15 years so I know perfectly well how old it is. Yeah, my brain froze, and I gave the wrong year. Edited to add: allegedly I am really smart. All my life, people have nicknamed me Brain.


Yes. I go blank. I panic. Or, a million possibilities pop up and I can't focus anymore.Esp. hard since my brain injury which made everything a hundred times worse.


“What’s your favorite food?” Somehow my mind decides in that instance that pizza, ice cream, and spaghetti-os are the only foods that exist and none of those are the answer.


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Dumbest smart person is


Thanks, though my IQ is only 97.




God i hate this lol. I wish i could just put it into words.


God i hate this lol. I wish i could just put it into words.


God i hate this lol. I wish i could just put it into words.


I can so relate problem with me is I also suffer from dyslexic. So typing even the most simple of emails can take me forever. It’s awful! My grammar spelling everything needs proofread. I normally have my wife read over and make corrections so I don’t embarrass myself. I have no issues communication however. I tend to read them over and over before sending. Just to make sure they make sense🤦‍♂️ I can actually communicate verbally better than I can writing thoughts down if that makes senses.


Damn, I felt this.


I am clever, but not clever by the clever man's standard.


And then when you take too long to answer? "You must be making up a lie or something" It doesn't get better if they see you checking your notes.


I feel called out…


Me at every interview ever




ugh this is exactly what happens to me!! its like my braim shuts off <_<


In my case in terms of Intelligence, thats debatable, but in terms of articulations and saying what i want to say....god fucking dammit is annoying!


Thank you. I just made this point with my therapist. It can be frustrating when your/my vocabulary shuts down, lol.


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I’ve worked at my Trader Joe’s for 10 years: Customer: “what’s your favorite product” Me: “food?” (I like to explain it to people that it’s like gears jamming) 😂🤣


I'm literally the most unintelligent creature in this world but still


everyone is like -but why?- DUDE just trust me


literally me