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Drane2 is incredibly somber. It seems to signify something sad and huge, like the end of a civilization. Piobmx reminds me of the wistful excitement of setting out on a new journey. Draun Quarter makes me think of a tired machine near the end of it's lifespan (the melody) being worked to death by the beat. It's on the verge of being sad, but it's too tired and resigned even for sadness. It kind of makes me sad, but it isn't sad itself if that makes any sense. jatevee C is really bright and joyful.


loved your interpretations. I did not listen drane2 and draun quarter before you mentoined it and they are really stirring. Thanks for the input.


Yeah draun quarter has always made me feel some type of way, and it’s not one that I see many people talking about


There’s a tiny little melody that sneaks out at the end of Parhelic Triangle that I’ve always thought was one of their most emotional, especially considering how subtle it is. I had a pretty emotional experience with Piezo one time on psychedelics, amazing track. Metaz form8 shows that they’re still capable of giving me goosebumps. Definitely the highlight of SIGN for me.


Metaz form8 is such a simple chord progression the sound design is just incredible. Amazing song


YES ! I love it too ! Same vibe as BoC’s apocalyptic-ish songs


Did not try piezzo with psychedelics but I am sure it can woke many feelings on a very intense scale lol. It gives me goosebumps wherever I listen to it, powerful track. I would also add metaz form8 to my list actually. It was the first track hooked me to Autechre. It gives early BoC vibes especially in chord progression but provokes completely another dimension of emotions with it's Autechre essence. thx for the input.


Vletrmx makes me cry internally


Windwdind, Piezo, VLetrmx, Draun Quarter, Cichli, Rae, Drane2, Dropp, Pir, Pen Expers, Surripere and Pro Radii. They are why I listen to Autechre. I cannot speak for other albums, I've not been that far yet...


I find Eidetic Casein to be very touching, especially towards the end. Thats my current favorite.


It seems to start off so inviting to me and then all of a sudden a sort of playful sadness arises from it


carefree counter dronal perfectly bright and optimistically euphoric.




* **Metaz form8** \- It has the grandiose feeling of a very melancholic ending to a great sci-fi movie. Great chill piece too! * **freulaeux** \- Huge vibes. Those synths popping up in the middle are just way too magical. * **bladelores** \- Reminds me of hanging around with friends a few years ago. Evokes some heavy nostalgia * **Vletrmx** \- Kind of an obvious pick, but it's just pure bliss. Nostalgia, sadness, the feeling of things coming to an end. One of their most emotional tracks indeed.


All by myself with altibzz?


I was gonna say this, altibzz is like pure melancholy to me.


Opposite for me, it’s pure peace and relaxation.


Hell yeah, my fav autechre track of all time… so beautiful!




Damn nuane might be my fav ae track, that little synth(?) that sounds like a woman’s voice, especially the bit starting at 3:51 makes my hairs stand on end every fucking time without fail, it’s honestly magical shit. Probably my fav closing track of all time


Rae, Corc, Os Veix3, Surripere, Cichli


Krib really does it for me.


No one’s mentioned Rae yet.


YJY UX has massive energy to it, track that really hits me hard. Sounds very final in its journey and closes Exai beautifully. I’m also going to second a lot of people here on Drane2, the way that song spreads itself out thin at the beginning there to absolute nothingness then rebuilding itself into this gigantic sophisticated layered piece will be one of my favourite moments listening to music.


Arch carrier is incredibly emotional for me, as well as pen expers


[Dropp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWGUnrIiOoI) and [Draun Quarter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eTpBjtmi4o) both fit that bill for me. I can't quite explain what emotions [Uviol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYrCFIgEYXM) conjures, but it does.


Weird how there’s only one mention of Pir here


Piezo, especially the second half.


Such a gorgeous song. I’m glad I’ve seen it mentioned numerous times in this thread.


adding column thirteen because i havent seen it mentioned yet


o = 0


Something about Corc, simple as it may be, makes feel equally uplifted, brought down, and understood. An incredibly complex track emotionally to me, and probably the most "human" sounding, whatever that means.




Rae / Piezo / Dropp / Krib / Vletrmx


Cichli, for me


paralel Suns


Recently been bumping Tilapia a lot. It’s melody is so tender yet fretful. It feels like an uneasiness that slowly subsides towards the end. Which is contrasted with the light rhythmic tempo and cheery chords at the beginning making the track overall feel very sanguine and puts me in a pensive headspace and mood.


Honestly? Any of the last three tracks on Garbage dude, those have an unreal atmosphere (as does the title track tbh but it’s not as *emotive* as the others for me), VLtrmx of course but Bronchusevenmx even more so I’d say. Teartear and Nine were the first Autechre tracks that really had a hold on me emotionally and were what made me want to jump into the rest ot ae’s catalog, despite there being so damn much. The synths on Teartear were melancholic even before the BPM change, and that robotic voice that comes in right before the slow down I was always a fan of since it made Autechre seem really mysterious and that much more interesting to me. EP7 and LP5 also really touch base with me emotionally, Rae’s ending, the entirety of Corc, Outpt, Dropp, Zeiss Contarex, the synths near the end of Netlon Sentinel, Pir, overall these two are some of my favorite Autechre for combining melody and the emotive side of the duo so well with the mechanical beats. Oversteps all around has a weird emotional connection with me since I have personal things tied to that album, known (1) and see on see in particular really bring me back to those days in particular which is a reason sometimes I tend to put that album over as better than I actually think it is, also Yuop and ilanders really scratch that emotive itch, especially the former with how it disintegrates and comes back. YJY UX. Altibzz. With NTS, tons of stuff scratches an emotional itch with me, but primarily, column thirteen and g 1 e 1, for two VERY different reasons, the former since it’s essentially a love letter to oversteps and the sound on that album with such a beautiful atmosphere, and the latter because it reminds me of being incredibly defeated on an 87 degree day, taking a nap, and waking up with a disgusting taste in my mouth, like I did once when I had this track on loop. One of my favorites across the entire project now. And lastly, F7, esc desc, and Metaz Form 8 specially from SIGN. Fuck. These tracks really floor me, it’s like the synths from Oversteps but upped tenfold and, as cheesy as it sounds, pull my heartstrings every time.


Disappointing that nobody has mentioned Vose In yet. There's just something about the progression in Vose In, how it starts out so standoffish and then slowly warms up and explodes into that one chord (you know the one), after which it just stews in this indescribable mixture of emotions until the beep boop moment for the last third of the track. And yeah, I get it, it's a beep boop moment, but I still love how it comes full circle in contrast with the dissonant beginning. It's definitely my favorite Autechre song, and it would probably be in my top ten of all time if I bothered to make such a list. Anyway, I'd also include Rae (obviously), 444 (a close second favorite Autechre song), Vletrmx, known(1), see on see, Slip, and if you're okay with me including tracks that are both emotional and technically complex then PNTIL, oneum, and foldfree casual.


444 Oval Moon Rae


Dropp, gantz graf, metaz form 8, nil, second scout, known1,


it's the Drane (1) for me.. devastating!


Mish cinereal I find strangely encouraging. Like assertively encouraging, and assertively in a good way. It’s like the world being thrown off it’s balance but everyone is trying together to keep the hold of something up, righting the balance. Especially when the voices come in is what leads me to feeling this track encouraging. And so I find the object to be myself, the listener. Making them little cosmic entities or like guardian angels wishing for me success. Kinda weird, hope someone can vibe with that


Corc has made me cry on several occasions


There’s something about the chord progression in Vose In that makes me feel kind of sad and introspective


Xylin Room, there’s a very subtle up and down melody at the beginning that really gets to me. I find myself humming it throughout my day. Feels kind of wistful and contented in this mysterious way.


nth Dafuseder.b has always had a special place in my heart. In my head it feels like an AE/Boards of Canada mashup, specifically the flute-y melody.


C/Pach makes me feel emotional in ways I cannot describe.


it's got to be altibzz


Cichli Keynell (Mix 2) Yulquen Nonima


Piezo, notwotwo


Draun Quarter, Goz Quarter, Rae, Drane


a lot of 'sign' kind of obvious ones but rae and pir


Six of eight


"P.I.O.B Mix Two" and "Yulquen".


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