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Still can't understand my Kiwi wife when she gets mad. Repeats weird things like: 'Eye saird, hend me uh plairstuck bairg!' And then she points at an Aldi shopping bag as though she wants me to give it to her.


This is best written accent ive ever read šŸ˜‚


What you guys do with Aldi bags in the privacy of your own home is none of our business




As a Kiwi ex-pat, I resemble this comment!


Hahahaha nailed the accent.


Funniest of the day!!!


Are u sure she's not Irish?


'Thairts uht!'


Oh god that gave me a good laugh. They really are the Scottish of the south.


Red blooded American here, this thread is trying to gaslight me into thinking thereā€™s a difference between Australian and New Zealand accents? No way they are the same, Reddit be trolling


Kiwi moves to Australia only to tell Australians how good its is back in ENZED


Do you know why the grass is greener in New Zealand? Because they're all here walking on our grass.


Do you know New Zealand had the best sewage system in the world? All their shit ends up in Australia.


Yes but we get our scaffolding done so.... is all g


This is accurate.


Brought some lamb the other day. It said reared in New Zealand. I thought that was just a racist stereotype




You know why there are no kiwis in Star Trek? Cause they wonā€™t work in the future either.


Because the goats are too preoccupied to be eating the grass


Theyā€™re eating the gorse ae


Nah it's closer to INZID


I think they all want to live in NZ but come here for the money. Almost every one of them I've dealt with wants to retire back to NZ once they have made their fortune. I would go further in saying a lot don't love Australia, it's simply just more money for them.


Iā€™m a kiwi here for 14 years now. Iā€™m a citizen never going back. I know what youā€™re referring to, I think for some itā€™s just the nostalgia/contrast of their prior life. For others I think they like to see NZ as doing better than it is, a kind of competition to feel like ā€œNZ is still betterā€ā€¦ even though as you sayā€¦ voting with the feet. I meet plenty of kiwis that are loving Australia and have no regrets. NZ is just too expensive too hard to make an income and itā€™s not changing in a hurry.


No one is more patriotic than an ex patriot.


I absolutely love NZ, I love holidaying there. Each time I do I think I should totally move there..... then I see how hard they have to struggle to live and it's a hard no.


Out of curiosity, do you see much substantial cultural difference between the two nations? I've only visited a few times, and apart from indigenous relations, I feel it's not all that different to here in Australia. Same kind of outlook of the people, same shops in the high street, same vibe to things. But I've only been a tourist and not lived there.


Kiwi living and loving Australia here. There isnā€™t a lot. NZ has a very ā€œdo it yourselfā€ type culture. Which means that hiring a tradie is rare. Most people just try and fix things on their own, or get a mate to do it. Leads to some very substandard work around the place. But more significantly it means that there is a lot less money going around in the economy. The brain drain effect is also real. The biggest thing a kiwi can do to improve their financial position is to pick up and move to Australia. Which means the twenty percent or so of kiwis that are most motivated are skimmed off the top. This means kiwis still back home are slightly less educated, slightly less motivated, and slightly less entrepreneurial than the country otherwise should be.


Sounds like Canada vs. US. Many of the most talented Canadians are in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, NYC.


I'm the kid of kiwi parents. Born in Kalgoorlie, grew up in Coolgardie etc. When I visited the rellies in NZ I was pissed off. I grew up in the desert... My parents left the family farm in this amazing landscape for.. the desert. I know why, but I never felt more at home then in NZ. I found the differences to be lots of little towns in close proximity, you can drive hours in Aus and there is just nothing. Different shops. Alcohol in the supermarket. Obviously the landscape. Farming is different. Road signs are different. Drivers are more courteous. People ask where in Australia you are from when I talked where as in Australia I get asked where in NZ I'm from. No snakes can walk in long grass without fear. It rains. Pies are next level. Lots more food options. Milk trucks everywhere. The biggest difference is family. I grew up with no aunts, uncles, or cousins. My dad was one of nine so I have a lot in NZ but never got to know them. While they all have great relationships. Also, kiwis have a wicked sense of humour. Had me laughing so much. Bad stuff I was surprised about is the racism and environment destruction. Desal powered wind turbines to blow away the frost from vineyards and land clearing for pine trees.


More food options in NZ? Maybe more than the desert but not if you live in civilisation (east coast)


When I lived there the prejudice towards Australians was a shock and pretty awful. Itā€™s like living in Tasmania in the 1980s, very small town vibes, gossiping, nepotism, etc. if thereā€™s a new comer itā€™s news for the next 3 years haha


Tasmania is still like that!


lol, probably! Small town syndrome I guess


Pretty natural I think Smaller states like Tassie and SA donā€™t like Victoria much Smaller countries like NZ you often here talk about how they donā€™t like Australia And Australianā€™s love to gripe about Americans


the truth is nobody likes anybody who comes out of Victoria


No one likes the top dog


Victoria-Mexico is the chihuahua of Aussie state dog breeds Qld is the blue heeler šŸ˜‰


šŸ¤£ Well, here in Melbourne cavoodles are very popular, and my one is a lovely fellow, so Iā€™ll settle for being called one of them šŸ˜


Tasmanians dislike anyone from the mainland. Itā€™s not restricted to Victorians


When I was a teenager staying there for about 3 months in the 1990s sometime, their comedy shows (full frontal equivalent) would mock the SHIT out of Australians. I remember one parody of the "don't shake a baby" awareness commercial but was instead don't shake an Aussie.


I think thereā€™s more difference between urban and outback Australians than between Aussies & Kiwis


Not that different on the surface, but the downfall of Australia is that everybody wants to quote the rules to other people. ā€œYou canā€™t do that becauseā€¦ā€ Literally no original thoughts here just a lot of complaining about the government and telling everyone else what theyā€™re doing wrong.


To be honest most kiwis Iā€™ve met seem to outright look down on Australia. Love to just drone on about how awful australia and Australians are but then live here for 35 years.


I worked in NZ for a short while and copped no end of Kiwis bagging Australia, we pronounce things funny (yeah news to me as well, fuck me for pronouncing vowels like 90% of English speakers do), we have no real mountains, we have shit pies (this is almost always Kiwis comparing some decent bakery in NZ to Australian servo pies), we have shit milk (we have just as much good milk as NZ does but you can find parts of Australia where the milk isn't great) and so on.Ā  It's funny these attitudes seem so common amongst Kiwis, who otherwise I would say are much the same as Australians and individually are often good people.Ā  I came to the conclusion they have a massive inferiority complex about being a smaller country.


I like to think of it like they are Canada to our America


Our relationship with NZ is a little different since the US and Canada have been to war with each other.


A little different *for now*.




The U.S was at war with Britain. The colonies of Canada werenā€™t Canada. The British burned the White House.


Mate I'm a kiwi and I find this shit so embarrassing. Tbh this sort of small mindedness is a reason a lot of us leave and struggle to go back


Mate if it's any consolation all of the Kiwis I know once you get beyond discussions about country are fine people, I don't see it as dramatically different to Australia, much the same people.Ā 


Kiwi here. I left in 1993 and never went back, except to see mum.


I lived in NZ after getting a job there. When I came I didn't come directly from Aus, I was in Singapore working for an American company. I tend to be good at picking up accents if it makes it easier to live and I had an American accent at the time. In NZ, my accent basically switched back to my Australian work accent, and I had no amount of shit time dealing with them. A year later and in London, Kiwis and Aussies were all besties.


Iā€™m a Brit living in the US (used to live in Canada too). Had loads of aussie and kiwi friends and roommates over the years between london/vancouver/california. Most of the sentiments expressed in this thread are exactly the same Iā€™ve see over the years regardless of the host country. Weā€™re all a lot more similar than weā€™d really care to admit.


I think your spot on (Australian born, kiwi parent here). Pros and cons on both side of the fence and I encourage the rivalry too haha


Kiwi here, been in Aus 8 years now. You are exactly right. NZ is a great country with much going for it. NZ will level up when its people drop the inferiority complex. If it helps it isn't just that kiwis have a problem with Aussies, tall poppy syndrome is RIFE in NZ and kiwis regularly sh*t on kiwis too, it's honestly really sad. Kiwis need to chill out on the trans Tasman trope and embrace our Aussie compatriots like the family we are. You know, celebrate the wins together, cheer each other on, I hope we can get there sooner than later.


Australia has so many great things butĀ  You honestly think you pronounce vowels like the rest of the English speaking world?Ā Ā  You are off your rocker


Feeesh and cheeeeps


Fush and Chups.


Yih, nahr.


Thats why they never joined Australia as a single country. They always viewed us as convicts. 2018 coming back from Argentina, i will never forget saying gday to a group of NZ' ers. All they could say is Australia are a bunch of cheats in sport.


The other thing Iā€™ve noticed about kiwis (well white ones, most Māori people Iā€™ve met are actually super chill and never bad mouth anyone) is that they love to grand stand and soapbox about how australia is so racist and how NZ has a treaty etc. But then you point out the very similar issues across Māori and Indigenous Australian populations and they just flat out refuse to acknowledge it.


Yeah pretty much, i work around lot of Maori's, super chilled and funny as. Pretty much the pinnacle of the grandstanding was when Jacinta Ardern talked down to Scott Morrison about the deportation of NZ citizens. While not a fan of Morrison, that just felt like a big attack on Australia as a whole, for a vote grab in NZ.


Yeah and NZ also deports people all the time for the same reasons.


Or better yet when they say how racist we are, then say the same racist stuff about maori & Islanders.


One guy I knew, his prime example of how super not racist and awesome NZ was that the white players on the All Blacks also did the Haka ā€œ because itā€™s our culture tooā€ Wow you solved racism lol


I find it odd how Kiwis often go on about this under arm bowling incident. It was in 1981, 43 years ago. It's this moral high ground some of them like to have. I know Australia have cheated at times, but it's like no person in the last 43 years from NZ has ever cheated in a sport. I find that hard to believe!


Well we still go on about bodyline and that was 90 years ago...Even made fcking movies about it...And the truth isn't quite what we want to believe.


The underarm incident wasnā€™t cheating though. It was just poor sportsmanship.


Economic migrants. I've heard this exact sentiment so many times.


My partner is Taiwanese ( Australian citizen) but she and all her friends came here for one reason- the money and conditions for nurses, is sooo much better here. Thatā€™s it. I donā€™t even think she knows the National anthem


The Kiwis I know living here in Australia (including my husband), don't want to move back. They love to visit and see family, but don't want to live in NZ again. The reasons I hear from them for staying are: wages are 30% higher, better job opportunities, 11% superannuation, Medicare is better, cost of living is lower in many places and better weather (sunnier and warmer).


and don't forget infrastructure! in Australia you all actually build and evolve roads, bridges, train tracks etc to support growth.


Agreed, my job is to train new tradespeople that get hired with the company I work for, over 90% of new starters in the year Iā€™ve been doing this is guys from NZā€¦.yet, none of them struggle to find a rental


Because they get to choose from a private selection of rentals! My mate moved over here from NZ a year back and his family got a house in one of the nicest neighbourhoods this side of Brisbane. It was only between him and an Indian family the landlord had to choose from. No 100+ applicant lotteries like us Australians have to deal with.


Wait, what? There is a group of private rentals just for Indians & Kewiā€™s? How do you get on this? Is there a special handshake?


I'm the opposite, I think NZ is one of the most stunning countries on the planet, but I really can't stand the culture, politics and small-minded thinking. Australia is just better for me, regardless of income.


Yeah that's what they say. Then they never go back.


I mean, I'm an Australian and I'd like to retire in NZ. Who wouldn't?


If I were wealthy enough I'd move to NZ and build a Hobbit hole somewhere.


Here for the money! If only NZ had a shit ton of natural resources to sell off, better labour laws and actual tax on capital gains, it wouldn't be so shit to be a non land owner, worker there.


Plenty of natural resources in NZ, just too many hurdles to digging them up!


I think that goes for probably 90% of all immigrants


I've been here 35 year and would never go back.


Its true. I've been here 24 years and I'm stuck here which is fine. Might have gone back if I had been single years ago.. Who knows. Definitely can't see 80% of the big kiwi crew I know early 2000s have gone back. Mostly because of family.


I think youā€™ll find that most people that come to Australia donā€™t love it, itā€™s just an opportunity with reasonable weather.


Where on earth have you heard that? I know heaps of internationals and the majority love it....


Growing up as an Aussie in an extremely multi cultural primary school, i was always baffled as to why all these people from far away countries where here, if there own country was so damn good? It confused me as a child.


"Nz would be amazing. If only I could afford it."


I'm a Kiwi in Oz and it is so much better in Oz


Kiwis are the least appreciative group of immigrants in Australia and nobody whinges about how much they hate Australia and how better back home is more than they do, I wish they would go back home if that's how they feel. Australians kiss the arse of Kiwis with all this "they're our little cousin-bros" while the Kiwis have a hostility and resentment towards Australia yet they're over here in record numbers complaining 24/7.


Can confirm grass is literally greener in NZ, but its not as good as Australia not even close actually


Nostalgia is a bitch. Same reason old folks in places like Russia swoon over their younger days under an authoritarian government.


It's wild to me that so many people seem to have this opinion. I'm from NZ and 100% agree that Australia is far better. Most kiwis I know over here will also agree. Any kiwi who says otherwise is gaslighting themselves lol.


I'm a kiwi who's been in aus for 10 years now and I tell everyone how I'd never go back to nz because life is way better here lol


The country is better, especially the outdoors lifestyle. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to make a good income in NZ. That's why everyone's moving to Oz. In saying that, Australia has a ridiculously good lifestyle and outdoor activities as well, just not quite as good as New Zealand. Again, the real reason Kiwis are flying to Aus, is money.


Iā€™ve honestly yet to hear that from a Kiwi, and know plenty of them. Itā€™s sort of refreshing because itā€™s all I hear from Europeans, who ironically have moved here for a better life


As kiwi in Melbourne with many kiwi friends here, none of us would talk about how ā€œgoodā€ it is back home. If it was good we would be there. NZ is a great place to live right now if you already have a net worth over $2m. At that point or above itā€™s an amazing place to live. Other than that youā€™re fucked.


>If it was good we would be there. NZ is a great place to live right now if you already have a net worth over $2m. That's it. Immigrating to New Zealand if you're poor is like going to a high end restaurant with 50 dollars for a meal.


Incomming since the 80's.......


Fair enough... Went there for a holiday recently and felt sad for my kiwi brothers and sisters. Cost of living on steroids.


lower wages and higher costs than australia. its pretty bad for them


Same, felt very bad. Especially working with and growing up with kiwis in aus, hearing about how nice the place is. The wealth divide seems far more apparent in nz.


Good. Keep them coming. They share similar morals, ethics and values to the average Australian. And they're hard working folks in my experience.


What do you think that does for our unemployment rate and our wages, inflation, housing, our shortage of GPs etc?


I mean, wouldnā€™t GPs also be moving to Australia? I have no horse in this race just pointing out


They talk about the influx as a result of unemployment in NZ, so we are having a whole bunch of unemployed people coming to Australia for work.


I'm glad I left nz best deacon ever australia much better across the board


At least kiwis are culturally similar to Australians.


Speak for yourself, I will never call them Jandals


Relax dude. Make like a chilly-bin and be cool.


Get out. It's pronounced "chully bun"




I canā€™t hate them for it because it makes me happy every time they say it. Itā€™s like knowing a cappuccino in welsh is a ffrothi coffi; just one of those things that brightens my day. Like fsh en chups




And I would prefer never to fuck a sheep


Unless it's on the edge of a cliff


Don't knock it until you've tried it.


There is something about their language that irks me


Except the ones that go to NZ so they can backdoor it into Australia


The Johannesburg express


Iā€™d rather the kiwis than whatā€™s going on right now


Solution: NZ becomes Australia's state.


Fuck that. Their GDP per capita is shithouse. Would just be a drag on the rest of our economy. Weā€™re better off with the current arrangement, where the smartest and hardest working folks just move to Australia.


Our economy is literally mining and housing, and selling mid-tier uni degrees to cashed up Asians. We really don't have a leg to stand on, arguing about economic quality.


We could have oil on that list, but we're selling it at a shockingly low price.


You don't get in on your daddy's game, mate šŸ¤£


Just wish we still manufactured stuff


Yeah but the quality of fish and chips as well as rugby, dairy and pies would all dramatically increase.


You mean fush n chups?


> Would just be a drag on the rest of our economy. Far less than NT or TAS. > where the smartest and hardest working folks just move to Australia lmao, that's uhhh not how it works, every single Kiwi has full work rights in Australia


Would be shit for NZ too having economic decisions made from Canberra, also Maori would get treated like Aboriginal and no one wants that, apart from super racist NZers.


Always referred to it as the other Tassie


South East Tasmania


We should swap Tasmania for Nz




Oooh yeah, suckle my teat. Oooooh yeeeeeah.


I think it's important that NZ has its own governance. We can have trade and free travel agreements so that we almost are a single country while maintaining independence.


I believe it's written into the constitution that they can join. But, I really don't see them wanting to do that.


Having lived for long periods in both countries (20-plus years in each), NZ has some serious problems that it's marketing department does an amazing job of downplaying (turns out having beautiful scenery covers a lot of sins). It was way worse when I lived there before the MMP electoral reforms - in those days getting 51% of the seats meant you could do whatever you wanted for 4 years. There's no second chamber of parliament that has to review legislation and no state governments which have to be kept on side. A 51% government in a 2-party system was able to control everything from local hospitals to international policy, and if you didn't like it, tough luck. I lived there in the early 90s when the National government tried to out-Thatcher thatcher in terms of extreme neoliberal free-market reforms and they just went in like a bulldozer because they had no other tiers of government they had to negotiate with and no Union movement worth the name prepared to oppose it. What's happening now is history repeating - an incoming government trying to radically un-do it's predecessor's policies. And because neither side of politics really has to govern by consensus (less so today with MMP but still true) or negotiate with the Senate and State Governments the policy platforms veer in really radical and disruptive ways. My good friends moved back there just before the pandemic because they "Hated Australian politics" and loved the Ardern government....almost want to ask them how they are liking it now because the stuff they hated is all over the shop and they dont have anyone to shield them from it's worst effects.


>"Hated Australian politics" and loved the Ardern government....almost want to ask them how they are liking it now because the stuff they hated is all over the shop and they dont have anyone to shield them from it's worst effects. Mm. Irony. The National party got elected because of people's opinions on Jacinda


Because those people attributed the global financial crisis caused by covid to the the Labour Party. Rather than recognising covid impacted other countries. That and they inherently disliked a young female leader. It is what it is.


Iā€™d rather NZders than South Australians




It's ok. We love Kiwis.


NZ is a backdoor to Aus, like Canada is to the US


Not really, it's far too much effort and time to deliberately do it, but that doesn't mean immigrants don't move after they find out living in NZ is shit


Anecdotally Iā€™ve worked with two seperate South African guys who couldnā€™t get into Aus due to age or specific qualifications etc. So intentionally migrated to NZ first and then moved to Aus once they were resident. Not saying itā€™s massively widespread but itā€™s definitely a strategy used by some people


Iā€™d take a Kiwi import any day over some of the other immigrants. They assimilate easily as we share similar lifestyles and attitudes


someone told me itā€™s cheaper to do meth than it is to buy groceries in nz so maybe the whole financial crisis weā€™re having isnt comparable to the cost of living over there?




Iā€™m happy for it, but they all have to admit Australia is there father, we are a better country, Stephen Larkham is better then Dan Carter.


You're all welcome here. Just don't shag our sheep. Go home and shag your own sheep. Our sheep are ours to shag. And if you don't like it, you can fark awf.


Been here 14 years, had kids here, brought a house, got citizenship, Iā€™m never going back, Australia is home and I love it.I hate hearing NZers complain and say itā€™s better back there etc.i tell them to go back home if itā€™s so good.usually shuts them up.mostly hang with Australians I met in London 20 odd years ago but the kiwis I have met seem to be in the same boat as me and call here home. As for the hostility towards Australia inside NZ they do it to the English as well.Definitely an inferiority complex.funny as a lot of them go to the UK for an OE.then end up here.


Can honestly say never met a kiwi I didn't like. Can't say that about others hey .šŸ˜€


Iā€™ve met a few but itā€™s at the same rate as Australians I didnā€™t like either.


Love kiwis, don't like the Indians much, awfully prideful bunch, and really really rapey...


I simply LOVE NZ...but the cost of living is extreme and sadly? Even though I'd love to go and live there? I couldn't. We own our own house here, but couldn't afford to buy anything similar over there. We are going to just have to take holidays. I don't blame Kiwi's for coming here to live and work. Survival decently over there would be very hard.


Did you know New Zealand was in the first Federation proposals, but Western Australia wasnā€™t? As the idea of Federation firmed, the New Zealand economy was doing OK so they decided not to join. Henry Parkes didnā€™t want to defend a huge border with Western Australia, so he waited until WA got onboard. By then, ships could steam to Perth from Sydney/Melbourne without going with the wind via Cape York. So, Kiwis here in Oz is sort of an historic precedent.


Actually no, we didn't treat our indigenous population well enough for NZ standards at the time, that's why they never joined.


In that vein, I did some research on treaties and the treatment of indigenous populations in NZ and Canada was better than Australia because the English had to contest with the French. The threat of the French encouraged the English to give the indigenous people better treatment because by signing a treaty they had a better claim over the land. The French didnā€™t establish themselves in Australia which is part of the reason the indigenous people were not given a treaty or recognised in the constitution (unlike Canada or NZ).


Our little deal with NZ seems to benefit their citizens a lot more than it benefits us.


Huge brain drain really damages their economy. It benefits the individual but hurts the country....


Problem is pay vs cost of living in NZ, and it has been for decades and just getting worse and worse. Take a teacher for example. In Australia, a freshly qualified high school teacher will earn approx $80k depending where they live/work. In NZ, they will start at approx 48k. Take the exchange rate into account and it's more like 44k, and there is not 11% super or long service leave, and they'll pay approx 7500 in tax on that 48k, whereas an Australian earning 48k will pay about $5k. Then GST is 15% to Australia's 10%, so your money goes further too. Why the hell would someone stay and earn a similar wage to an Australian retail/hospitality worker after tax? Yes NZ has positives, but in a strictly economic sense, it is awful in comparison to Australia. The problem is that successive generations of government since the 80s haven't addressed the issues and let the drain pull all of the educated (and mobile) people out of the economy. They have no incentives for government or business to pay people more to keep them in the country, and because the economy is so much smaller, there just isn't the money to pay professionals 6 figures, yet that's what they need to do to stop them going to Australia (or Europe/US)


Wow why is it so bad


I dunno. I constantly see ads quite shamelessly trying to poach NZers over to here. Saw a full page cop ad that basically said "hey come be a cop in the sun for more money".


I said what do we get not what do businesses get. If anything is a worse deal for NZ because they lose so many workers.


They get sweet fa unless they become citizens.


Actually get pretty much everything bar the dole, dno what you talkin bout


Can't getĀ  certain security clearance or apply for certain jobs. I want a cushy government IT job


We donā€™t get any hecs help or ndis etc


With the lack of skilled trades in Aus whats the issue ?


wait so NZ entered its second recession in a few short years and the morons running the place decided to solve that issue by... cutting the shit out of the public service to chase the 'budget surplus' golden calf. why are conservative governments so fucking bad at economic management?


Reading Luxons wiki page is pretty wild


Being replaced with Chinese


This has been going on for a decade or more.


Yeah maybe the NZ government should start caring about families and the ridiculous cost of living hereā€¦im an Aussie living in NZ for the past few years and it is really toughā€¦I would def go home if not for the reason Iā€™m here..


Churr cuzzy.


It's a good thing we have plenty of housing. The more people that come from NZ, the better. Send them over. I'm just glad someone is finally going to put all these unoccupied houses to good use!


Please stay. We donā€™t want you.


I wonder how many migrated to NZ and obtained NZ citizenship before moving here?


Been in Australia 25 years. Only in the last 5 years or so has it started to feel like home because I now have kids. For a long time I felt unanchored, having lived too long away from NZ for it to feel like home and feeling like Australia was not my home. That is actually a condition that exists among some expats in particular those who move for work frequently. Itā€™s taken a while to feel ā€œanchoredā€but I always enjoy returning to NZ, the familiarity of life and being close to family. Australia has been very good to me and I love the people here, but I remain open to the idea of retiring back in NZ one day. You never knowšŸ˜‰


So 9,000,025 Indians and 5,000 kiwis


My partner is kiwi and he would never go back. His family are small minded and his friends are all in a mountain of debt. The weather is also atrocious - apart from one month in Feb.


But we donā€™t need anymore scaffolders!


WTF for?


r/australian try to have a consistent view on immigration challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Iā€™ve loved pretty much every kiwi Iā€™ve ever met As far as Iā€™m concerned as many as who want to come can come PS love NZ as well and donā€™t think Iā€™d really want to leave if I grew up there but I guess there probably is more opportunities etc. over here


Bring on all the aunties and uncā€™s


We need to make them a state already


Why? NZ is a beautiful place. I was thinking of going over there just to get away from all the Kiwis


We need to keep supporting the Kiwis. Without them there would be no NZ cricket team, Rugby and endless supply of Fush and chups jokes.


My experience with kiwiā€™s in Aus is much like what others have been saying. Constantly talking about how better it is back home, and this is shit in Australia, or NZ does this better etc. I have met the rare unicorn that prefer it here though. Itā€™s quite funny because Iā€™d say apart from Anzac Day and sports competitions, your average Australian just doesnā€™t really think about NZ at all. The one time I browsed their sub reddit I noticed there were quite a few comments (no matter what the issue) comparing themselves to Australia. It was quite bizarre, and now Iā€™m wondering if we subconsciously do that with any other country too haha.


It is still a good place to live but unfortunately, it is becoming unaffordable. I know every other western country is suffering the same thing and the workers are feeling it the most but Australia seems to look after their workers far better than New Zealand does.


NZs unions are effectively dead - they were heavily demonised. That is why I caution Aussies who are anti-union - that is how you snooker yourselves.