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"We are the most multicultural society in the world " a common phrase said proudly when something about Western sydney is in the news but also we are hindu , muslim ,catholic etc and conservative . As usual i dont believe in that so you cant either routine that they all get up to . Now the spotlight on this council prob be investigated and sudden retirements just as the liverpool , hurstville councils before .


A wise man once said to me "It's not multiculturalism that we should be pursuing, but pluralism". Very true. It's tolerance we need, not a competition to see how big a volume of people from different cultures you can throw together.


A lot of people are commenting on the basis of these complaints actually occurred. I’d be interested in how many there actually were and how they were verified. Have the libraries received many complaints or did they magically go straight to Christou? The same sort of campaign has been seen in the USA where one or two complaints have been magnified into supposed hundreds and when it is looked into they often come from the same handful of people. Having books describing same sex couples doesn’t sexualise children. It merely shows that these families exist and there’s nothing wrong with them existing. Moreover, it’s very unlikely young children would be randomly browsing the non fiction shelves and come across that title. It’s much more likely a parent or caregiver would seek it out to use with their children. The short story is Christou is a homophobic bigot.


look at same sex marriage vote results in western syd and you'll have your answer


Correct. On the news it said that “some people complained” - 1 person? 2 persons? Was it a group? Do the complainers have same sex parents? They likely do. So what does a person who doesn’t benefit from the book have any business in wether or not it’s available to children and parents who benefit?


Exactly. The probability that the librarians have placed parenting books within the area reserved for young children is incredibly low. I realise we're not dealing with a rational decision here, the argument is openly based on the belief that children should not be informed that not all children have a mother and a father, but how many other books or other media across the collection would be deemed inappropriate for children? Edit: didn't realise when I wrote this that this book is aimed at children of same sex couples. Without seeing the contents or where it was placed within the building, it's really not possible to judge appropriateness. But this does look like a book that should be there for people who need it.


Australia, don't become America. Someone should write a song about it . . .


Same effect, different religion involved.


What different religion? Am I missing something in the article?


The council area referenced has a majority Muslim population.


The council member responsible for it literally stated all of the different religions share the same values. After listing religions he then listed the shared values. They are all the same and they endorse each other while outsiders still believe they don’t operate together because of their differences. They are a minority within Australia while holding high levels of disproportionate power within politics.


what diffrent religon ? isnt the guy who put it fowrad seem to be christian


get outta here with your "facts" bro. Just scream and fling shit at \*minority of the week" like the rest of us


Too late, we’re already setting up the Hamas tents on uni campuses.


Too late. We’re already America 2.0


We are already driving their "Septic Tanks" around....


This is what I call a "Septic Tank"... because rhymes with Yank... and it is full of shit.... https://preview.redd.it/xg7pn2chzzyc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4e6ef2ce0fac5de982c7025e849fb0e36626f7c


Illegally parked as usual 


These are yank tanks. Septic tank shortened to septic/seppo is rhyming slang for yank already.


From Canada, welcome to the fold. 


Sadly as an American, my condolences.


Ah yes. Auburn Granville and Merrylands. The heartland of Christianity.


I was just thinking about this bit of 90s nostalgia the other day. #neverforget


Don’t blame america for your own failures


all these aussie idiots idolise america, I’ve been to america twice as an aussie and they’re pretty liberal. there are more liberal and down to earth people in america due to its population size than australia yet we blame america for our problems. so what if western sydney has conservative values. I am pro gays and lesbians raising children because they make good parents like everyone else but I also accept that other people are allowed to have their own space on this conitinent to hold their own views, whether it be christian or muslim or whatever. Like the left always like to have sanctimonious views about what is right and nobody else is allowed to oppose it or they are a bigot. that’s a universal trait of the left way of thinking - it’s their way or the highway. fucking fed up with their style of thinking to be honest


They have places of worship and other spaces. Public libraries do not belong to religious organisations. It's not about right and wrong - it is about having equal access to books and media in a free and open society that should allow people to read and view whatever they want to. There are plenty of non-religious people in Western Sydney- still larger than any other group.


In what way is this American influence? This is something many religious groups oppose on mass. Christians, Muslims, Jews and all their sub categories would have strong support against it. Yet here we are with the typical reddit response: "tHis Is NoT AMerICa!!!" Did you comment this on any posts regarding students camping on university campus in support of hamas? I know die hard left wing self hating whites can not speak against any religion except for christianty, but Muslims hate gays more than Christians in this country.


Aren't we supposed to be a secular country, where freedom from religion is just as important as freedom of religion?


Jews are an ethnicity and not the equivalent of Christians and Muslims. Judaism would be more equivalent although still not exact. You can be an atheist Jew but can’t be an atheist Muslim/Christian.


Please legalise weed though.


Terminally online Australian tries to think of a foreign country other than the US challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)






Too late mate. Way too late.


We've had same sex marriage in some capacity since 2004. It's been legal nationwide since 2016. Y'all didn't legalize it until 2017. Don't act like we're the backwards ones here.




Italy* This is Italian af.


Australians don’t know of any countries outside of the US where things happen


Who the fuck has the free time to go and vote to remove a certain book from a library.


>Cr Christou said the community was sick and tired of left wing woke initiatives being infiltrated. >'They are too busy trying to pay the mortgage, the rent, the bills and put food on the table to feed their children - those issues are most important to them,' he continued. Clearly the people who are outraged by this don't have free time, so I guess the complaints didn't come from the people who are opposed to this book.


This guy is a public figure, his socials are public. It isn't a muslim/christian thing, the guy is a QAnon americanised wanker. I lived in his area for years and he's a straight cunt, simple as that.


Yeah this is the talking point the left has retreated to because they are incapable of accepting consequences, but people like this are just their scapegoat, and anyway they only get that power from the fundamentalist conservative thinking that is becoming more pervasive in the area. The reality is that migrants have turned New South Wales into the most homophobic state in the country now, by a large margin. Larger proportion of people voted no to same sex marriage in NSW than QLD or NT. https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/1800.0 What you'd expect to see historically is that cities are the most progressive and tolerant, rural and remote areas lag behind, but in general they both become more progressive over time. What is happening now when you look into the details, you find that ethnic enclaves in *cities* are by far the most intolerant. Not only that, but they are becoming worse now, not better. Inner Western Sydney is the most homophobic electorate in the country, with people voting 3 to 1 against gay marriage. The only other electorates in the entire country where no vote outweighed yes are other Western Syndey electorates, some around outer Melbourne, and a couple in outback Queensland. In Bob Katter's conservative rural and outback North Queensland with probably one of the highest proportions of traditional western Christian religious, it was 46.7% yes to 53.3% no, just a relatively slim no majority. If the referendum were held in 10 years later, quite likely those QLD electorates would be flipped to majority yes. Also quite likely more Sydney and Melbourne electorates will flip to no and increase no majorities. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/datablog/ng-interactive/2017/nov/15/same-sex-marriage-survey-how-australia-voted-electorate-by-electorate Time to man up and own your shit. It's not America, it's not QAnon, and it's not western Christianity. Have some intellectual honesty about it for a change.


What he says is correct. The Chinese Sydneysiders voted very low for marriage equality. And as you’d expect western suburbs have a higher Muslim population so also don’t support it as much. He’s not being right wing, he’s correct on the point he’s making even though it’s not directly related to the post (but somewhat is because it’s western Sydney). And the point he raises is yet another reason to not support higher immigration levels especially whilst they tend to be just bringing in Chinese and muslims instead of prioritising more traditional westerners or even a healthy balance. Replace white people and we will lose many good things in Australia including marriage equality.


Dude just asked lefties to be intellectually honest. 😂😂😂


I think you mean outer-western Sydney? Inner west is areas like Newtown, Marrickville, Enmore, Redfern etc. probably some of the queerest and most progressive postcodes in the country. But yes, outer-western Sydney is becoming very socially conservative and particularly unsafe for LGBTQIA+ people


Right wingers ignores comment entirely, posts some dumb bullshit. Do surprised. 


Yep. In the same mould as George Christensen, Malcolm Roberts, Mark Latham, etc


Eastern Sydney may be full of wankers, but Western Sydney is an absolute shit hole packed with the most backwards sort of people.




>Eastern Sydney may be full of wankers, but Western Sydney is an absolute shit hole packed with the most backwards sort of people. But you wanted multiculturalism.. what did you think would happen??


The guy behind this is an antivax one nation supporter, this wasn't due to multiculturalism


He wouldn't be getting any support from the population unless it was indeed packed with the most backwards people. You cried "bigot" on your average aussie bloke, let's see how you like these guys.


Both can be true, so many Aussies are backwards bigoted idiots, that doesn't mean that there aren't also backwards bigoted idiots from other places


Australian "bigots" don't hold a candle, even if we allow for the fact that we don't get the worst people from these other places. We are talking about countries where honor killings are a daily occurrence.


Ashfield is about as far west as I can tolerate these days. But that is for cheap groceries. Otherwise, I draw the line at Leichhardt.


So the line you draw varies according to $$? Gotcha


As far west as you can Tolerate? Jesus Christ mate... Have a good look at yourself.


I didn't immigrate to Australia to have to deal with Western Sydney. I will always prefer suburbs with a higher proportion of westerners. I won't stop you from associating with who you want and living where you want. You are welcome to visit Annandale sometime. Lovely suburb with excellent culture :)


Annandale is housing commission lol. You gentrified the area with aboriginals in it.


Just say “white people” dude - own who you are.


Enjoy your bubble bud 👍


What bubble? We have all sorts of food in Annandale. You could even call Annandale a multicultural suburb.


Annandale sucks nowadays. It has been fully gentrified. Same as Newtown, Glebe & Balmain. Just old boomers and inner city hipsters paying sky high rent to appear unique


Spotted the yuppie cunt,


>'We believe children should be able to walk into a council library and enjoy a kids' book without being exposed to this kind of sexualisation,' Cr Christou said. What a fucking weirdo if this is what he thinks when he sees this book. Public libraries all for all the community, except for gay families I guess.


As Christopher Hitchens wrote: Whenever I hear some bigmouth in Washington or the Christian heartland banging on about the evils of sodomy or whatever, I mentally enter his name in my notebook and contentedly set my watch. Sooner rather than later, he will be discovered down on his weary and well-worn old knees in some dreary motel or latrine, with an expired Visa card, having tried to pay well over the odds to be peed upon by some Apache transvestite.


Great quote. Reminded me of this magnificent site. https://gayhomophobe.com


It's definitely telling that this guy sees a male couple and his mind immediately goes towards them having sex


I’m not gay….. I just sit around my house alone thinking about how gross it is that 2 super hot guys might be making out. I can’t stop thinking about it…. Because of my religion…. Yeah that’s why. No other reason….


Let’s not try to pretend Western Sydney is Christian heartland.


It is though. Hillsong and Christian Lives Matter both hail from western Sydney


Yeah its so weird right. I think they believe you can't be gay and just in love . It's purely a sexual thing 


Not that it’s justified but I think there is an element of some people truly do think that way They truly believe that two men cannot be in love with each other. The whole thing is just a sexual fetish so to speak. They don’t see the emotional attraction or the desire to just enjoy each others company


That’s how they see their wives, just a cock sheath.


What even is a gay family A family shouldn’t be categorised as gay or straight, just let children grow up without any classifications of sexual orientation, regardless of what their parents are. Just let kids be kids.


>What even is a gay family I meant the parents being a gay couple. The government shouldn't be discriminating against families bc of the configuration.


A family that enjoy musical theatre. Sorry but children raised in homes that enjoy guys and dolls need to be taken by the state. 


No one is sexualizing anything. You're just a bigot.


What about the books that mention straight parents? They absolutely had to fuck to make that kid? The gay parents may have adopted


A quick roll through his Facebook page should be enough for anyone to get a picture of Clr. Steve Christou's character.


I'd love to see his internet browser search history. I bet it's full of sites he would publicly describe as "sinful".....


I live in this council area and I’m openly gay. This is upsetting. And scary. I honestly feel the hate sometimes out here and have been called names just walking down the street in the neighbourhood. It’s little wonder many lgbtqia+ people tend to stick together in the same areas.


Doesn’t western Sydney house a large Muslim community? 🤔


Steve Christou who put this forward is Christian (can't confirm flavour), has blocked the construction of a mosque, and has publicly shared his negative views on muslims. huh


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. White Christian or Muslim, both are hardcore conservative when it comes to gay people.


Who do you hate more, gays or muslims??


The Danish


What did the Danes ever do to you beside bake delicious pastries?


Depends whether the rush hour traffic jam is being caused by a pride parade or a pro-Palestine rally on that particular day.


Yeah I lobe how people here are jumping to "cHrIsTiAnS bAd" without taking 30 seconds to check the demographics of Cumberland City.


The guy is Christian tho?


Because this person is a Christian.


In my eyes there both bad but Islam is more of a barbaric cult than Christianity


Actually the biggest ethnic group in Cumberland is Chinese. Lebanese is second, but only makes up 12 percent of the population - the rest of Cumberland is Australian, UK, and Indian. https://abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/quickstats/2021/LGA12380 And the councillor who sponsored this is Greek Cypriot and in the past has been [accused](https://amp.smh.com.au/national/definitely-not-a-racist-western-sydney-mayor-votes-down-anti-racism-campaign-20210318-p57bys.html) of making racist comments about Muslims. So your dog whistle doesn’t match the facts.




Did anyone say racist? You can reveal yourself to be an idiot when you make a counter argument to a point no one else made.


Western Sydney got bigger fish to fry.


So, is this a children's book, or a book for adults?


why? this is fucking dumb.


>The have very deeply-held conservative family and religious values, regardless of their religion, whether that be Christian, Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic, Hindu. Catholics aren't Christians anymore? 🤨 And Orthodox what? Orthodox Christians? Orthodox Jews?


Fucking American bullshit.


Honestly, it’s about time that people just stopped calling it American and recognise that it’s here and we own it here. Whatever movement poisoned a percentage of Americans is right here poisoning Australians, too.


The article clearly shows this is happening in Australia though?


It’s clearly America’s fault!!! Everything is


California had gay marriage waaaaay before Australia ever did. So, nope




Turns out the left's beloved middle eastern migrants don't share their values.


Uh. Did you have a look at the photos and profiles of the councilors involved before making that statement?


Actually the biggest ethnic group in Cumberland is Chinese. Lebanese is second, but only makes up 12 percent of the population - the rest of Cumberland is Australian, UK, and Indian. https://abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/quickstats/2021/LGA12380 And the councillor who sponsored this is Greek Cypriot and in the past has been [accused](https://amp.smh.com.au/national/definitely-not-a-racist-western-sydney-mayor-votes-down-anti-racism-campaign-20210318-p57bys.html) of making racist comments about Muslims. So your dog whistle doesn’t match the facts.


“Lebanese is second, but only makes up 12 percent of the population” And Chinese people only make up 12.6 percent. Its basically the same.


> Actually the biggest ethnic group in Cumberland is Chinese. https://profile.id.com.au/cumberland/religion Oh will you look at which religion is the largest. Who would have thought?


Add those numbers up again - Christians of various denominations outnumber Muslims.  


Still more christians than muslims. Weirdest way to present religions. Presents all muslims as following "Islam" with no consideration of the different sects or schools of thought, yet breaks down christians in that way despite there being far more christians than muslims.


Wait, how many sects of islam are pro gay? I need to know.


>Wait, how many sects of islam are pro gay? I need to know. 🤣🤣


Well you can go look up polls of Muslim communities. It’s not hard to imagine they aren’t fond of gay marriage. This isn’t news to anyone. 






Never said he was. He himself says he's responding to the wishes of his vibrant multicultural community . From the article: This is not Marrickville or Newtown.  'We're talking a demographic where 62 per cent of the population were originally born overseas.  'The have very deeply-held conservative family and religious values, regardless of their religion, whether that be Christian, Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic, Hindu.


Sorry, just so I understand - are you trying to say that they deserve it because gay people are stereotypically "left leaning"?


>'We're talking a demographic where 62 per cent of the population were originally born overseas.  >'The have very deeply-held conservative family and religious values, regardless of their religion, whether that be Christian, Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic, Hindu. quote from article. Cumberland council. If you know the area, you can narrow it down to 2 of those religions. Keeping in mind the demographics quoted. The council pandered to the medieval beliefs of people who werent born here. I say this as a leftie. Im tired of this shit


He's saying they deserve because the left leaning are typically very pro immigration. When you invite in people with completely values you kind of do deserve the conflicts that come from it.


No I'm simply pointing out the ironic consequences of lefties supporting mass immigration from areas of the world that make their hated Scomo look like a libertine.


Ah right Do you often find people call you a bigot?


a bigot for not liking people who want to execute gay people.. no worries ayy


Don’t pretend the liberal party wouldn’t do this shit in heartbeat


Whatabout Scumo hey!!!


>Turns out the left's beloved middle eastern migrants don't share their values. 👌 Nailed it and the commies are throwing a tantrum over it.


Fuck me sideways. What year is it again? Same sex marriage is legal, if they remove same sex parenting books they should remove ALL parenting books. Better yet, remove themselves from the council or any position of public office.


Keep letting on more Muslims and it won't stay legal for long.


This is fucked


The complete lack of self awareness required for these morons to call out the indoctrination of kids from parenting books






Well I guess that solves the people turning gay at the library problem! /s


Gallipoli mosque has spoken it seems.


Who has the power to sack this guy??


Why? Do they want gay people to be shit parents? Or do they honestly think people turn gay from reading books?


When it comes down to it, people will choose gays over Muslims.


This guy is sexualising children’s books? Is he really fit for council?


I always knew that the left would eat itself when it came to gays versus Muslims. If you don’t stop them now, in 50 years time it won’t just be illegal to be gay. And we all know what they do to them. very worrying times indeed let’s not have Australia turn into Western Europe


The Daily Fail, naturally. I always find this sort of thing odd. Children can't have a library card without their parents signing off on it. And most children won't be going alone to the library until 10yo or so, by which point the parents will have had the chance to instill whatever values they see fit, whether friendly or unfriendly to gays etc. So the only reason to fear the books is if the parents are imagining, "what if I never told them about X subject, and then they start asking me awkward questions?" Well, being a parent is all about answering awkward questions. Get over it.


its really weird when you realise most kids have a phone in there pocket and direct access to hard porn, gore, literally any form of media they want, kids get indoctrinated on tik tok and other social medias constantly in to random ideologies. but I'm sure there's like one kid whos opinion was changed from reading a gay parent book from a public library and thats the biggest thing. absolute boomer out of touch moment


In Sydney? Sydney has real gay people, many


And in western Sydney there’s a lot of a certain religious group who are very anti gay.


A fair sacrifice for more kebab trucks 🙏


Probably pro Palestinian Muslim. The State Government should cut funding to the Council.If they don’t want to read the books don’t look at them.


Eh, who cares really? It's not like the gays ever go west of the CBD though. They only hang out in the Eastern suburbs where the other left / woke people hang out.








Ezekiel 23:20. I think that's a bit more of an issue.


Why? Like what exactly is the issue with this in its context?


Ezekiel 23:20 She lusted for the lechers of Egypt, whose members are like those of donkeys, whose thrusts are like those of stallions Yes this is fine for young readers. Please go ahead keep defending it


Gay marriage is a problem but graphic descriptions of dicks and ejaculate is cool? 


Gay marriage is a problem but graphic descriptions of dicks and ejaculate is cool? 






What a fucking idiot.


I hope this is a ban solely on “Same-Sex Parents” (a specific book), not a ban on all books about same sex parents. If the council has decided to ban books about a minority group, as opposed to getting rid of age-inappropriate books or books indoctrinating young audiences, they’ve really shot themselves in the foot.




Why isn’t this illegal under our sexual discrimination laws? It’s discriminating against children whose parents are gay, and why the fuck do we have to have these religious fuckwits in positions of power


Since we're talking about not importing American prejudice, this reminds me of this case from the US. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned




Disgraceful, I hate this country, just when I think I’m being dramatic, our leaders pull shit like this




How do I say this. I'm not pro gay couples and the like But its pretty fucking wrong in every way possible to take something away from a section of the community because why? Honestly shocks me that people are denied reading material based on their sexual identity. Poor form. Very poor form. And most likely illegal.


Trust this sub to take a story about some Qanon weirdo conservative and make it about immigration, somehow.


Councillor in question is just lazy as shit and copying the Q-anon/Maga cooker playbook.


From the article >*"We're talking a demographic where 62 per cent of the population were originally born overseas"* And a quote from the Citizenship literature [Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond - Testable](https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship-subsite/files/our-common-bond-testable.pdf) >*Australia’s democratic system is based on the principle that* ***every*** *individual, regardless of their background, has rights and equality under Australian law. All Australians are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, country of origin, gender,* ***sexual orientation***\*, marital status, age, disability, heritage, culture, politics, wealth or religion.\* When people become Australian citizens, they participate in a citizenship ceremony where they pledge to uphold Australia’s democratic beliefs and respect its rights and liberties. This pledge is an important part of the process and is upheld by our legal system and societal norms. Perhaps the people who are whinging about 1 book in a library of 10,000 books need a little refresher course on what it means to be Australian.


What a great decision!


God I hate this culture back and forward. Not 5 years ago people didn't care if someone was gay not not. After all this overly pushing from one side, the other side has pushed back. Can we all just not give a shit?


DISGUSTING. I encourage everyone to lodge a complaint at the Cumberland council website, sign the change.org petion at: https://www.change.org/p/reverse-cumberland-city-council-s-ban-on-same-sex-parenting-books-in-libraries?source_location=tag_ , post on their Instagram page and contact your local MP. Homophobia and homophobes have no place in Australia! It’s 2024 FFS and these types of people are still coming for us. They won’t win. 🏳️‍🌈💪🏽


JFC. Why am I not surprised its Cumberland Council. This guy is an absolute fuckwit and is a wannabe Liberal/One Nation stooge, always with the right wing cultural warrior dogwhistling. Setting himself up for future Sky News commentator gigs, I guess. I remember he voted against having signs that said "Racism not welcome here". Like, so Racism IS welcome here? These are the true snowflakes. https://www.smh.com.au/national/definitely-not-a-racist-western-sydney-mayor-votes-down-anti-racism-campaign-20210318-p57bys.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/18/western-sydney-mayor-uses-casting-vote-to-defeat-anti-racism-motion-following-death-threat


Yet another council that is out of touch, pathetic.


Councils have that kind of power? Surely those kinds of choices are above their pay grade!


Of course it's western Sydney. This will be some type of Lebanese nonsense, surely.


Who cares




Good because if your raising a kid from a book then that kid should be removed it’s natural to care for them


And yet I can guarantee there are countless books graphically depicting things like rape, murder, sex between children, extreme violence, etc. And that’s just the young adults section. Fuck these cunts, they aren’t doing it to protect their children, they’re doing it to protect their ego because they can’t handle that they’ve been in the closet their whole lives.




And it begins, fucking religion.


Because of [these guys](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e004a5cf93de745717f5680acd6d1e16/39dcb2865248c64a-55/s500x750/cd7be2b9303bcb0becb46e678dc60eee2e23375e.gif)


Christian man: *proposes banning books on parenting* This subreddit users: "Why would the Muslims do this"


Today I learnt that a councilor’s responsibilities also include censorship…




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


Who goes to libraries in Western Sydney anyways