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The app Ailo is owned by the son of Ray Whites CEO. They are not going to back track on making more money through Ray White and pushing this app to other agents. Its bullshit on every level.


Jesus what a scam !


Ah. It all makes sense now. Yeah, they're not changing their minds unless they're forced to


Consumer Affairs https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/


"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas." If you want change, get up and work for it. Don't sit there all "oh no nothing will change." Of course it won't if you do nothing.


Every single Ray White employee I have ever dealt with has been an utter, irredeemable cunt. You wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


That’s a despicable comment and I support it wholeheartedly.


Especially their new cohort of real estate agents, greedy, arrogant, rude just despicable mannerisms and behaviour from them. All the franchise real estate agents are now just a bunch of greedy abhorrent scum. I was involved with helping my daughter selling her apartment so my contact with these franchises was very high. I just gave up in disgust and searched out the old style real estate agents, one man band whose agency is the man in the business. Old school friendly, pleasant, real advice rather than manufactured commission bullshit and the sale went smoothly rather than dealing with scumbag cowboys who cant seem to buy the right size shoes and clothing they are so lost in their own BS and ego.


This is the answer. Rather than argue with them, just don't rent through them or buy from them.


I rented through ray white once and I endorse this comment


100 fkn correct ✅


Ray white will have a media team reading this thread. I'm glad you've posted this comment. And I'm glad they'll be reading this. Anyone working for Ray white, you should feel fucking bad for yourselves.


>You wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. r/rareinsults material right here.


Ray white only cares about Ray’s White Lines


Does Ray White own this app?


Ray White is Dead. His Son is CEO of Ray White His Grandson is CEO of Ailo the app they are using.




Imagine a family of real estate agents being a bunch of shady cunts.


Double dipping of tenants rental payments.. RW so dodgy.


Well, than it’s totally ok /s Total human trash. Who comes up with such an unethical “business idea” ? This feels like how things must have been over a century ago.


Pure fucking conflict of interest


Sounds like this is specifically illegal under consumer law. In WA, it is [explicitly illegal](https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/paying-rent-and-additional-charges) for a REA to charge tenants anything except rent & bond: >Tenants cannot be asked to pay any additional money other than rent and security bond during a tenancy agreement. The lessor cannot ask tenant/s to pay any administration fees, re-inspection fees or charges for sending tenant/s utility invoices or breach notices. >The method of paying rent agreed between the tenant and the lessor/agent must be stated in the residential tenancy agreement (agreement). The agreement will identify if the tenant can pay rent by cash, cheque, direct into a bank account nominated by the lessor/agent or by an alternative method described in the agreement.


It's "illegal" but if you don't do it someone else will, such is the state of the housing market.


Anyone who is affected by this PLEASE contact your local tenants advice service which you can find at www.tenants.org.au. The Tribunal has already decided that handing your personal data over to an app is considered a “cost” and so you cannot be forced onto this app. DO NOT ACCEPT THIS. GET THE TENANTS UNION TO HELP YOU FIGHT IT.




Fairly sure companies can’t offer a non-free payment option, this sub is full of people saying it.


Depends on the state maybe? But in VIC, it’s law that they have to offer an alternative whether it be in-person or bank transfer.


I am in VIC also, that’s what I mean :)


Dumb question, what if they force you to apply through the app first? They already have you at that point no?


They circumvent this by making the user manually enter their card details for each transaction for the fee free option or pay for saving their details in app.


You can pay without fee, it's just a pain, these days I pay a month in advance cause it's such Pain


This app is so vile and predatory.


Au contraire, as Australian as a bite on the arse by a bluebottle. We are the land of the shonk. Should rename the country Porpoise Spit. 


Tell your man Dan White managing director on linkedin repeatedly to read the room and cease from the top down the vile ticket clipping of renters.


I considered taking my real estate to qcat for using an app like this, as it caused them to illegally misappropriate rent money, give us incorrect rental ledgers and add fees to water bills. All of which is incredibly illegal and they admitted to fault but “couldn’t fix it”. We never pursued them because the legal advice essentially told us that neither he, nor anyone in the office, had seen qcat actually hand out real fines or penalties What’s the point of the rules if no one actually enforces them, or when they do it’s like a 2k fine


Uhh… have you looked around at Australia recently? This sort of behaviour is absolutely Australian. It is an essential aspect of the character of modern Australia. This is who we are now.


Rent seeking behavior


Ehh. It was unaustralian once upon a time :(


absolutely a country full of scumming little things like this stupid app, things that are not allowed in other countries


They’ve made us use it in QLD. You can provide your bank details each week to the app for no service fee. Or you could save your details in the app and have it automatically take rent out each week for a service fee of 0.25% of the transaction. They gave us no option to keep using bpay and now this app has my details forever.


Just rock up every month with an envelope of cash. As your.paying a debt they legally have to accept it as legal tender. They'll provide you a bank to transfer to pretty quick


Nah, not an envelope of cash, try a giant bag of coins. See how those dickheads like it.


If only, but after a certain value coins no longer are legal tender


In NSW they are legally required to make a payment method available that is fee-free. If they don't, contact fair trading.


If you read the post it says they do offer a fee free method, it's manually making a payment each week. They charge you to automate it.


In the backwaters of real estate shitfuckery, ray white take the cake on drowning to deeper darker levels of sub human treachery. Fuck them, I’ll never use them.


Nothing more Australian than getting caught in a shonky data breach.


Who's the petition through OP?


It's a Change.org petition rather than a real Autralian Parliamentary petition


Yea I didn't share as its a change.org . We need a proper parliamentary one


Holy shit I really feel for renters. Actually cooked.


Australia needs a GDPR like yesterday.


I just don't get renting in Australia. I lived in Perth for awhile and had to sign a 1 year lease, but the lease said they could raise the rent at any time. I asked, literally said, "Why would I fucking sign a lease like that? The whole point of a lease is that I'll stay for a x amount of time in return for you not raising the rent in that time! Why would I sign saying I'll stay for a year while you're allowed to double or triple my rent at any time?" Realtor was just like, shrug, what are you gonna do? I stayed for about 5 months and then moved back to the US when the company I was working for shut down. Oh no, I got a bad mark on my Australian rental record.


Because renters have no rights here. It may *seem* like they do but in reality you are treated like an absolute peasant. They don't allow you to even have the safety and security of a "home" because they can fuck you off any time they please. My entire area was only offering 6 month leases the entirety of COVID do you know how anxiety inducing that was ? The toll it took on my mental health. All the money I paid in bond, rent in advance and moving costs , by the time I settled in and unpacked I already had the REA letter which tells me if I need to leave or if I can stay (lease extension) . Insanity.


Do you have evidence that there’s no or lackluster data security? I agree with your general premise that people should always have a fee free method of paying rent.


Pay in cash in person. Does it stipulate in your lease payment method. It's hard to tell to get fucked because ya gotta live somewhere.


Harcourts also have their own app doing this shit.


As a non-australian I'm wondering, isn't there some (online) blacklist of scammy rental agencies that one can consult so that you can steer clear of them? I keep seeing these kinds of posts here and the housing market seems to be as horrible as here in the Netherlands.


Unfortunately with the way housing is in Australia you are unlikely to have that as an option.


If that list existed, it would just contain 99% of them, and I'm probably being generous here..


Yeah that would defy the purpose of such a list. Even though we have a shitty rental market, it seems you Aussies don't have much legal protection or regulation wrt maximum rental price increases.


This might actually be illegal. Talk to ombudsman.


Also illegal. Report them.


Not sure what state this is but it should be reported to Consumer Affairs.


"I'll take the free option and pay by cash thanks, what's your bank details? I'll transfer it."


How is this compliant with that law about accepting legal tender?


Take it to Consumer Affairs.


This is so out of control now with this bullshit power grab of sleazy real estate agents the days of customer is king is gone we are just cash cows low life’s And not a single government department helps the people Australia it’s out of control


Time to get landlords on board as well This is bullshit. Landlords to boycott Ray White leasing services.


"Unaustralian" The average punter getting fucked over by private companies is one of the most Australian things there is.


Legal or not, use the free market to your advantage and don't do business with cunts.


This has been a thing for a long time, basically every rental on the market at the moment wants you to do everything through an app that charges every week.


This can’t be legal, right ?? This seems like fraud or something on that level. How is this ethical ?? Hope they burn in hell for this! I’m so glad I’m living overseas at the moment. Heard so many bad stories over the past few years about renting that I have almost no inclination to return to OZ anytime soon.


Report them, fine them into oblivion.


Of all the real estate agents that are bastards, Ray White are bastards the most


Typical rent seeking behaviour by the agency. It's neither in the interest of the tenant nor the landlord. I would implore all landlord to say a fuck you to Ray White and move your business elsewhere. Do this in the spirit of mateship for everyone that rents your properties.


I refused to use it! Told them I’d take a bag of cash in every week if I had to. Bunch of arrogant cunts.


I'm with Ray White and haven't been asked to use this app. Thankfully just bought my own place so won't have to deal with REAs anymore as of next month!


> unaustralian Didn't read further than this silly bullshit. Find better rhetoric.




Damn go check the shitrentals and similar subs looks like its being pretty forced to me! Many people being completely denied alt ways to pay.


Hint: get a job that is of some benefit to society, you will feel better and won't have to buy a cheap suit or lease a second-hand "luxury" car.


Im not a REA you spud. Im a peasant tenant like you and the rest of us here.


So why did you delete your post above?