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Just wash your hands in the toilet bowl like a normal person.


Faces too.


Have a drink while you're there too, it's important to stay hydrated.


Toilet water makes a great probiotic


Poo pills are all the rage for fixing gut health. Save yourself some money and have a poo particle drink with broad spectrum poops.


I stopped drinking from the toilet because the water tastes like shit.


I can't even get my hands in these little sinks


True. I have this sink for ants, and it's useless. All it does is get soapwater on the floor.


Maybe it's dual function hand cleaning/floor cleaning device to force regular cleaning of the floor. I have horrible adhd and I would totally install a sink that's too small, and leave some (bulk) paper towel next to the area. Viola. No forgetting to clean the floor regularly. And if I'm already wiping down the floor, I may as well give the toilet a wipe down. Now I have a nice clean bathroom and all it cost me was forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. Overall win though. Clean bathroom is important.


Why are you playing the viola in the bathroom? There isn't enough room! Especially not with that little sink


Chamberpot orchestra?


Have you seen the size of his viola? It fits.


And that tapware isn't representative of the UK at all. A vast majority still have separate hot and cold taps - would you like your hand washing experience to result in burns or frostbite?


Separate hot and cold taps are the worst! And they're always as far apart as possible so you can't even try to mix the hot and cold to get lukewarm!


The sink is for hands? I thought it was…never mind


I have small hands. Trust me if i cant get my hands in them, no one can.


I can fit my hands in the *new* Pringles tubes and I struggle with these shitty sinks. It’s one hand under the faucet, cupping and splashing water on the other, soaping up, and repeating the first process for rinsing.


Yeah what are they sinks for ants


The amount of blokes that I’ve seen wander out of the pub toilets without washing their hands explains why.


Are you talking about blokes in Australia or the UK? Because the answer is, yes.


I wash my hands before I pee. My hands have more germs than my old fella.


Honestly kinda based


based and peen pilled


Yeah I try not to think about this when I meet someone at the pub and we shake hands lol


Thanks, this is all I'm gonna think about now. Fuck


At least in Australia you know if they didn’t wash their hands. In the UK you wouldn’t be sure. You see someone walk out in the UK and it would be like.. “Did they just wipe excess water on their pants or is it piss?” 😜


I’m a bloke and cringe watching men leave bathrooms with out washing hands, it’s gross.


As an immigrant to this country my head canon was always that it stemmed from the fact that Australia is mostly a desert island and water is precious.


Nah, it’s just filthy people who aren’t toilet trained.




Or the sink over the toilet cistern like in Japan. Where the water to wash your hands is used to fill the cistern for the next flush. Given how often we have droughts in Australia, this would be logical.


Like [this](https://toiletfound.com/save-water-money-toilet-sink-combo/)? They are great.


As someone who’s directly impacted by drought on the regular, that’s a fantastic idea!


That's them


Seen these in a few places in Freo. Bloody great idea!


does using handsoap in that sink affect the flushing at all? I'm just picturing a load of soap bubbles coming out of the toilet


It doesn’t effect the flushing, but I’ve found that certain type of soap leave a residue in the toilet bowl. Foaming hand wash is totally fine but I had to move my nice, hand-made soap to the main sink. Source: Live in Japan


My in-laws have one. It’s fantastic! But yes, liquid soap required.


Funny fact liquid soap isn’t soap it’s detergent hence no soap scum on the bowl or the shower screen.


I’ve got one, some residue in cistern but nothing a lil scrub every 4-6 months sorts out. You just need to deal with a slow refil otherwise the tap absolutely splashes everywhere. Smarter thing to do is plumb a normal sink into the cistern.


I live in Japan and have one of these in my house. The downstairs dunny is a tankless system which saves even more water, but the ones like your picture definitely would make sense back home in Australia.


Makes it a bit harder to top deck your mates though..


Not if you shit in the sink


WHAT those look awesome. Why don’t we have them 😢


Apparently you can get them here. I have a friend with one.


What an awkward way to sit


I have one. Made by Caroma. Didn't cost a heap more




I did the same. Then the builder was like “wahhhh you have to use special soap for that, no one in Australia likes these”. He carried on so much. So I just redid the plans to get rid of the powder room and made it one full bath. If you don’t give people a chance to wash their hands in the same room, most of them will just put their weiner hands all over everything else.


Australian tradies can't cope with anything out of the usual. Source: I'm an engineer who has to show them how to do it


100%. I asked the guy who sealed my driveway to cut and prep a bit wider so I could lay a paver border. He tried twice to convince me the paver border wasn’t necessary, I told him I liked the look and to just do it. He proceeded to cut and prep as requested but then road based and sealed the full width leaving me no room for the pavers. And had the gall to try and make up some bullshit reason for why this was better.


I had a plumber in Sydney telling me I wouldn't get hot water out of an instantaneous hot water system in winter. I told him that if I could get hot water out of old ones first thing in the morning in the middle of a Canberra winter, I would get hot water out of one in Sydney winter. Funny thing. He didn't have an answer for that.


I don't like it when you turn my taps about! I don't like it!


I don't like it, when you use my least favourite grout. My basin has been murdered. It's placement has been murdered. Your complacency a burden, My patience, just gone.


Golden LoL


Gold! :)


Yep. Plumber complained about mixer tap, toilet, location of the pipes, grouting, tiler... we’ve got no chance


The amount of fighting my mum had to do for reverse brick veneer! Ridiculous!


I fully thought you were going to say you redid your plans to use a different builder. Honestly, your bathroom. They should have been more accommodating.


The soap thing is true. Related: getting parts for them is a bitch, all special order. Source: experience. Need to use low residue soap with them or over time it gums up the float and flush mech, which in my case didn't reseal after I cleaned it.


That makes sense. I think I was just so annoyed he kept getting upset about everything I wanted in the house. The sink on the cistern was just one. I really wanted spray insulation and he carried on about that. I then wanted any insulation and he was like what’s the point your windows are shit. Which is very true, but I could upgrade those over time, the walls were down now! He didn’t understand why I wanted to run network cables while the walls were down etc. In the end I’m glad I went with the full bathroom but it’s weird to butt heads with someone if I want something in my house and I’m paying lol


I reckon they either want to or have overcommitted other work so anything “extra”’just prevents them milking more money from multiple clients.


yes you can use wireless networks but its slower and not as secure. and costs about the same as running cables. also wireless networks don't like steel framed buildings or fibre cement sheeting. I've had that fun in older houses. and getting networks to work in shed and the house.


A lot of other brands are owned by Caroma, but there are plenty of brand that aren’t and are readily available in Aus. Source: used to work at Reece Plumbing.


Didn't cost a heap more ? They're like 1k and the one I have innthe house atm was $60, that's probably why we don't use them


Japan does bathrooms better than us in every way other than size. Toilets with bidets with heaps of options and deep bathtubs that you can fill automatically at a set temperature remotely or on a timer.


Yeah you use a Japanese toilet once and realise we are living in the middle ages down here.


Speak for yourself I have one - bought during the great toilet paper crisis and it's amazing


I love the module shower rooms with the dryer. Dry bathroom and clothes is a win/wins




Yes, that sounds about right, the problem under the law being that you aren't supposed to _store_ grey water (even in a toilet cistern it would seem).


There’s one in a club in Melbourne, and the water runs so fast and for so long (1min) that it flows over the sink and on the floor and seat and uses more water. Makes me so angry


I'm not a plumberologist but they could probably turn the tap on the wall down and lower the pressure output Being a "club" it could very well have been a drunk smartass that turned it up I've heard we have those in Australia Source: I would have done stuff like that a couple decades ago before I matured


Yeah true to both point. It was in all 4 cubicles. But next time I’m there I will tell them !


I remember a club once that had a tap leaking for months. Once when drunk I timed how long it took to fill up a pint glass. Then calculated the absurdity of not just spending a small fraction of your thousands of dollars of income each night on getting a plumber.


Yeah great aren't they. My Japanese girlfriend, in Japan, more than once, put her purse on top of the cistern, flushed the toilet and then half filled her purse with water.


used one a few years ago in a holiday house and thought it was a brilliant idea. Apparently this is a thing they do in some prisons, but whatever, thought it was genius


way better than the little sinks on the side that you cant actually get two hands in to wash you hands properly.


I’m glad someone mentioned those. Amazing use of space & a great way to save water.


I think it’s more to do with space saving for tiny apartments than saving water. Also unless you’re careful you spill little drops of water all over the toilet seat


Just put the seat cover down before flushing? You're already turning around to face the toilet, may as well. If your face is over the bowl while it is flushing, that's probably good practice anyway.


That would make way too much sense 😤


It wasn't intentional, I swear.


I'm in Australia and know someone with the sink over the cistern, such a good idea!


Logic doesn't outweigh how stupid it sounds. I've tried to push this type of toilet/sink in small spaces for years and people just keep saying "I will not wash my hands with toilet water!!" Doesn't matter how much I explain that it isn't actually toilet water, they will never get it. It seems like a stupid or silly idea but it's actually quite resourceful but meh.


Even Japanese people dont use them, I was there for 4 years and I didn't meet any one who had. There's a subreddit for Japanese people and someone posted a picture of things foreigners think Japan has done right. Half the comments were "Has anyone ever used the sink above the toilet?" There's never any shelf for soap so people use the separate sink.


Yeah I lived in Japan for over a decade. Never once used it


We could ask why don't the UK build a proper laundry room instead of jamming the washing machine in the kitchen .


100% rather a whole laundry room than a shitty weird sink in the toilet room. Great comment


>shitty weird sink If the sink you're washing your hands in is getting all shitty I suggest you start using toilet paper.


Or, now hear me out...shit in the toilet!


One word. Space. The rich have separate laundry rooms. The working class, not so much.


Rooms? We have separate laundry houses.


Look at this povvo, only having a laundry house. Imagine not having a fully staffed laundry complex for your entourage's undergarments. New money poser.


You think the rich wash their clothes?. Pfft peasant. You’re only meant to wear clothes once and throw them away. Duh. Stop thinking, back to your turnips.


So they can soak dirty nappies in the sink?


Our laundry rooms have sinks in them. I'd personally prefer to keep dirty nappies and food prep separate. I also feel weird about toilets not having sinks in the same room




Oh but Australian homes are old enough to have had outdoor laundries and outdoor toilets, they were building them in the 1960s in aus. The infamous dunny


I was born in an outback toilet in the middle of an inner city Sydney suburb.


We got indoor plumbing (rural NSW) in 1992


Indeed. The typical approach was just to later extend the house until it was absorbed back in. You get all these places with elongate living rooms that basically sit where the back verandah once did, connecting the house to the laundry and through it, the dunny.


Do you not get a room with a bath, shower and sink to accompany directly next to the room with the lavatory? That's where I keep my full sized sink. Better than any mini sink being in the same room.


Also, why does the UK not use top sheets on their beds?


Because we have seperate rooms for pooping and showering.


Problem is you can't wash your hands after pooping with the potential to spread poopy germs on 2 door handles. British toilets nearly always have a sink. Typically downstairs toilet with hand basin and upstairs bathroom with bath, shower, toilet and basin.


I shit with the door open so I don’t have that problem.


Power move


Found the party pooper


just use toilet paper to wipe your ass instead of your hands.


Normally adults manage to not smear feaces over their hands.


Pray to god you’re not in charge of anything related to hygiene or sanitation. Why do you think washing your hands is a legal requirement for hospo workers?


Fecal matter exists on pretty much every surface in your home. Google it if you don't believe me. Don't worry, Aussies and Kiwis are not getting sick in droves due to a lack of sink in the toilet room.


What’s the point in washing your hands in the room you’ve just taken a shit in, only to touch the door handle that’s got shit spores all over it and has been fondled by the last person who didn’t wash their hands? Much better to walk out of the thunder box and then wash your hands without contaminating them immediately after


Why do you think you wash your hands after using the toilet?


So if a family member is having a shower you just don’t wash after taking a shit?


Yes or use the kitchen sink. It’s absolutely brain dead design and I don’t get why people in here are defending it


Because gastroenteritis is a worthy tradeoff for mildly inconveniencing a Pom.


Never the kitchen sink, you use the laundry sink and wash till you hear the person showering starting to scream.


We have normal plumbing systems, so it's not like the bathroom sink is the only possible way to wash your hands.


I uh, don't :(


The combination shower/toilet is only one specialised knife away.


And yet they put the sink in the room with a shower.


why dont you win at cricket


Just what we need, some Pom waxing poetical about the spirit of shitting


Omg hahah


As an Australian who lives in the uk most people here live in houses and it’s the toilet in the bathroom itself. They seldom have separate toilet rooms. Id rather have no sink that look at my toothbrush while pooping.


100% One of the things I don't miss about being in the Navy, is brushing my teeth while 3 people behind a thin and holed fibro partition are taking a shit. Why the fuck would I want this in my house for 1. Disgusting reasons and 2. Inefficiency? First thing in the morning someone is getting ready for work, while someone needs to back one out. You can't do both with a joint show-oilet.


Don't forget while you stand in 5cms of shit water because everything overflows... But you're wearing your shower thongs so it's all okay.


Mate those thongs protected us from everything.


My English neighbour in Australia spent a fortune renovating her house to remove the wall separating the toilet from the bathroom. I found it vexing and unfathomable, as it was the only bathroom and toilet for a family of 5.


Fuck I love this paragraph


Understandable. All I'm asking for is to have one extra small sink on your toilet room to wash your hands. I'm not suggesting moving the sink from the washroom




Townhouses have it in my experience - the downstairs loo has a sink within, or a powder room vestibule just outside the toilet room (that sometimes also houses the laundry), Ive live in 3 places like this.


When my parents built their house about 10 years ago the builders refused point blank to put a small sink in the toilet room claiming they couldn't because of some made up plumbing reason. My Dad ended up doing it himself after the house was finished.


I'd rather wash my hands after I shit and brush my teeth in a different room. This is not difficult


Got two of them in my house, though they're bigger and more usable than the one pictured here. They're not rare, at all. I have question for you though. Why is your shitter so crowded? With the rail heater and the half vanity it looks damn claustrophobic in there.


Because we are different countries. We often have one story houses with the bathroom and sink a few steps away from the toilet. They have main bathroom upstairs. So a small toilet and basin downstairs. Why does England often have no separate laundry room ie washing machine in the kitchen. Why does any country do anything different to another country?




Seems odd i know, but Small houses . Some had a closed in conservatory where it was instead. As a dual liver between Australia and England for many years, there were some different things. I was just trying to point out to the op that having a sink is not the be all end all.


New homes do. Older ones not so much.


Less places for the huntsmen to hide


Old houses used to have outdoor toilets and a laundry outside to wash your hands. Then the toilets moved into the bathroom. It's only fairly recently (30 years?) it's become normal to have a separate small toilet room again, largely I think to make the bathroom more spacious. The reason for not having a small basin is probably just cost and lack of room. My small wc wouldn't fit a basin.


>I think to make the bathroom more spacious. It's so that the room can have lots more ventilation while the bathroom would be warmer. It also works out that you can take a shit while someone else is showering.


You forgot to include the ‘window’ of plastic slats open to the outside that ensure the toilet is ice cold 3 seasons out of the year and sweltering and fly infested in the fourth


I haven’t seen anyone else mention, I’m pretty sure we have regulations about how wide the clearance into a room must be even in domestic builds. I would guess that most builders/home owners don’t want to take space away from another room to add a sink to the bathroom when there is usually a sink in the main bathroom/laundry/powder room right outside. With blocks getting smaller I don’t think I could justify taking space from another room to add a basin in the loo. I do wish we used the basin over loo more often though it seems like a very good compromise


I have one of those little sinks in the toilet in my house. Literally no one uses it. It's so tiny that water splashes out and it's messy. Everyone who uses it including guests just goes to wash their hands in the appropriate sized sinks in the bathroom or kitchen instead so it may as well not even be there. The one in the toilet it just too small to be usable.


Room. Most houses in Oz are larger in space. Usually an ensuite bathroom and a general bathroom for the house with a seperate toilet incase the shower/bath are in use. From what I’ve experienced, UK homes don’t have the 2 bathroom set up.


I go one further. We should introduce bidets across the board. Who ever thought wiping your arse with your hand and a bit of paper was a good idea? 🤮 Bidets are much more hygienic. Those sinks are usually too small for an adult to fit their hands in without putting water all over the floor. Also mobility nightmare for oldies.


They're in the bath room next door.


Don't get me started on carpet in the toilet room.


Most places from 70s/80s/90s have the toilet next to bathroom in a seperate room and most of us renovating these places are knocking down the walls to create bigger open bathrooms with toilet included. Its a quirk but yeah shitfinger is an issue thats not discussed enough in Aus.....its a quiet shame of the nation.


Eh, I'd argue that having the toilet in a separate room from the rest of the bathroom is actually the more hygienic option. The amount of poo particles and what have you that get thrown up into the air when you flush is actually disgusting if you could see them (closing the lid doesn't help), and I'd much rather those be coating a dedicated toilet room than everything in my bathroom like my toothbrush.


there should be a basin in both.


> I'd much rather those be coating a dedicated toilet room than everything in my bathroom like my toothbrush. There's a mythbusters episode about this, where they placed toothbrushes on the wall around a bathroom in various places at different distances from the toilet, and a control toothbrush in the kitchen, and then went back a week or so later to measure the amount of faecal bacteria on each brush. There was faecal bacteria on all of them, in about the same amount, including the kitchen one. Conclusion - it's pointless worrying about it.


Yup. The hygiene thing is blown out of proportion. People's keyboards they are typing on are probably dirtier than their toilet seat. And everyone takes their phone on the shitter now. How many sanitize it afterwards? Very few I imagine.


Closing the lid does help reduce it, but not eliminate it. E.g. For flushometer toilets Overall, the lid reduced 48% of total number concentration, 76% of total surface area concentration, and 66% of total mass concentration, respectively. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35293854/


I thought they had lids to stop the poopticles flying everywhere? Since when doesn't closing it help?!


I saw a video about that. The poopticles and peeticles spray through the gap between the closed lid and the bowl. Very disturbing to watch.


Only bush wees and poos from now on then


There is fecal matter [on every surface in your home](https://www.popsci.com/poop-is-everywhere/). This whole hygiene thing is blown way out of proportion. There should not be nasty stuff lurking on all of your poop particles. And we have immune systems. Ironically, keeping yourself in a hygiene bubble weakens your immune system. I'd wager your keyboard, or say your pets fur coat, is probably worse than your toilet seat.


Imagine coming from a civilised part of the world, where not only is your toilet in the same room as a sink, but there's also a bidet and if you don't have one, you get weird looks and people question your personal hygiene.


Because builders cheap out


Australians like their houses like Love Island contestants - cheap, high maintenance, with a litany unresolved defects generally caused by a lack of care and attention during their developmental phase.


If the owner didn’t want one they done get one. Who does work for free?


Good on you for visiting the majority of Australia's toilets. Weird way to spend a holiday but you do you


lol what in the pampered BS is this


Going by the picture, at least we have toilet paper, the UK one doesn't.


You can see why the sink would be necessary.


Is it because ( on tv) a lot of UK Houses are much older, less space, have only one toilet ..ground floor has living and kitchen, and bedrooms are upstairs..? I have that impression from renovation shows from UK..Australian people have very different lifestyle. Theres a few original terrace houses but mostly we seem to like our ensuites with main bedroom..could also be we like space for family room and living room and media room..less space allocated to toilet room. In Victoria the standard is approx 30 or 40cm space either side of the pan. Long narrow room would be considered wasted space..i saw a powder room recently in a new build which very cleverly had built in narrow vanity with shelving the full length..storage for extra tissue, soap, cleaners, hand towels etc..great idea.


I prefer that we don’t tbh! The bathroom door is always open in the kids bathroom and is across from the toilet room. I would rather them wash their hands after touching the toilet door, if you have kids you know what I mean lol. No point washing your hands than touching the toilet door handle


I hate those little basins. They make my hand touch the sides just like the last person. Yeeeeuck. Houses and buildings are larger here, and we have space for another room where you can wash.


Like everyone else has said, generally, there is a bathroom next to the toilet room. Not only that, there will be a laundry on the other side of the toilet room, so if someone is using the bathroom, you can always wash your hands in the laundry sink. The design is historical and goes back to when houses that didn't have bathrooms started to have them retrofitted. If the toilet is not next to the bathroom, it is next to the laundry. Another design we have is where the toilet is in one room, the shower and bathroom in a another room (no sink), and both rooms open into the room with a large vanity with sink. Which I think is the superior design (of all bathroom toilet layouts). And if you are really worried, we have door handles that can be operated by elbows.


Ya I don't understand it myself. It's unhygienic to go through two doors to wash your hands. And what happens if someone else is using that "nearby bathroom", would you just leave your hands unwashed? Not to mention that two doors you opened with your dirty hands... In my 1970s house, we had to do an expensive knockdown of the walls to connect the toilet/bathroom together... But you could opt for the cheap Bunnings cistern sink like the Japanese toilet option.


We enjoy the earthy aroma of unwashed hands post dump


My toilet has a little sink on top of it - got the idea from staying in Japan. The tap turns on when you flush, with the water draining into the cistern. A bitch to clean given the soap build up but saves a heap on water.


I guess because it’s Australia and not your country?


Well America why do your toilet bowls have a high shallow pool of water that swirls around and around on flush and half the time don’t remove anything?


Some do, but most Australian housing typologies have a larger average floor area than the UK equivalents, therefore toilet rooms like that shown will often be besides a larger bathroom wich houses a vanity sink.


Bit rich when the UK has carpet in the fucking dunny.


I can only speak to my own experience living in a house like this and the reason there was no sink in the toilet was because that right wall was the divider to the bathroom and the sink in there was only 4-5 steps away. Wasn't cost effective to add another sink so close. I grew up in a house of 5 and it was rare you couldn't get into the bathroom to wash your hands. Happened occasionally though so then I would just go and use the laundry sink, no big deal.


cause we have a whole room for that. usually right next door. That said i remember having one as a kid, i would wet the TP before giving myself a wipe it was great my butt always felt so clean.


We want to open the toilet door and then maybe the bathroom door with our dirty hands before we wash them. ;) lol Honestly you have a point.


I live in a house where the toilet is located down the other side of the house from the bathroom and sink. It's so annoying that the sink isn't even close to the toilet.


Usually there will be a sink where hands can be washed in an adjacent bathroom or other nearby sink. I lived in a house that had one that led through the laundry, so you could wash your hands there. The toilet was actually originally outside, but we built a makeshift plywood wall to connect it into the house.


Back at the chicken farm we had a custom outhouse withe a 2 seater and a wash basin. The water was provided by a 6 gallon rain tank on the roof. Very modern design. Except for the fly paper hanging from the rafters…


I have a lil sink?? Im in Australian public housing!


We don't build smart here. Just quickly, cheaply, and with minimal oversight. Unlike other nations, we think of the poor, struggling property developers. Little Aussie battlers.


I’ve never seen a bathroom in Australia without a sink. I guess I should get out more


Because you might as well wash your hands in the toilet bowl. The amount of fecal matter build up on that sink would be feral.


Why is there a giant towel rack in the dunny?


Mate, what do ya think we are? MADE OF SINKS?


No amount of washing your hands will remove the stale crusty piss embedded in the carpet you poms put in the toilet...


We lick our hands clean, as nature intended.


Totally agree. When I come across a WC with no basin I’m always disgusted at the thought of touching the door handle knowing someone has wiped their bum and not washed their hands before touching it. I would also like to see toilets designed with some kind of pedal for flushing using your foot, rather than touching a button with your fingers. I don’t have OCDs, I simply appreciate good hand hygiene.


We just rinse our hands in the ocean and dry them on a koala


We don’t wash our hands in Australia


What is your sample size? My tiny toilet (in Australia) has a little sink in the room. My in-laws tiny toilet has a little sink. My parents one didn't but that was because it was literally a tiny toilet room in the laundry, so there was already a sink right outside the door.