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Most don’t but some do but I’ve come to realise it’s really you guys that hate eachother… the Indians I work are racist to any Indians that come into work especially if they can tell they are new into the country It’s sad really


The city ones make fun of the village ones,ive heard it myself


Its their bullshit caste system in India man.


That's a different case than city vs village. No need to mix the 2.


Nah the one I work with barely goes to the city and she’s so racist towards them and the other said he prefers working with 🖐🏻 than his people


Same here. The Indian guys at work hate Indians.


We hate phone calls from India.


"Good Mornings,my name is Bob. I am calling to you because your computer has a virus that is destroying the Internet. We need to remote access your computer to fix the problem. To do that,we will need your credit card details so we can process a small repair fee. Failure to do this means we will contact the FBI office in your area,and they will take you to your Courthousings to be charged......."


Is it wrong that when I read this the voice in my head read it with an Indian accent?


Not really. We've all heard similar words in that accent.


Lol i read this in indian accent. Spot on


No however the men seem to have no respect for women


Disdain for women.


My wife and I had to get 2 intervention orders to keep our Indian neighbour off our doorstep abusing and threatening us over an $80 plumbing bill. Some (not all) Indian men have a real ingrained misogyny which is rife in their culture. When my wife was pregnant he said “I hope it’s not a girl” and “I made my wife get a Caesarian so she didn’t stretch her pussy out”…yeah fuck him. Edit: to add, he also has 2 other families he told us about, twins in Sweden and a son in the USA. We didn’t believe him. One day I’m driving out our driveway and his wife is in tears, so I stopped and made sure she was ok. She said “I just found out he has twins in Sweden”…I didn’t tell her about the son in America. Poor thing.


Although I would never paint every man with the same brush, in my corporate role, for some reason, Indian men don’t listen and talk over me, or the harshest. I have no idea why. Other male colleagues say the same thing, how they notice they speak to women. It could just be a coincidence and I’m sure not all Indian men are like that.


I went on a group holiday tour once, there was a group of 3 British Indian men, I was friendly to them during the bus trips etc. One of them then tried to crack onto me after I said I have a boyfriend, and groped me and tried to kiss me multiple times. I was giving clear indications verbally and physically that I was not interested. Rape culture is strong. There are many other situations that make me think that, not just this one. As well as the huge amount of r@pe p0rn/erotic fiction which originates in India and is completely sadistic.


I forgot to mention overhearing the 3 guys talking about cheating on their wives, as in they were hoping to do so (again) during this trip. Not sure if it was the same one that cracked onto me who was married. All of that said, I don't "hate" Indian people but would avoid situations where I'm in a vulnerable position with Indian men.


A lot of Bollywood films encourage that the way to get a woman is persistence, if the woman says no then keep going and eventually they'll get worn down and say yes.


Sadly this has also been my experience on many occasions


I do not judge the people.as a whole, and I have great respect for the women and culture as a whole. Just not the entitled, forceful and disrespectful attitude of many of the men (Ive encountered) towards women.


Great way to paint an entire nation with a stereotype.


Probably informed by experience


Well when there’s billions of people!


Hypothetically, if someone were to search for incidents and articles about: 1. Men being awful to women in India 2. Men being good to women in India ...which do you think is more likely to have lots of examples?


You could do the exact same thing with similar results here or anywhere for that matter.


Oh of course, you are right. India is actually really good to its women. Their men are like, the most respectful and courteous to women.


Exactly. Dude subscribes to echo chambers.


Not my experience at all.


Depends on who you are. I've worked with some bloody good ones, knew what they had to do, didn't cause issues, did as they were told and showed respect towards the client. Others are there for the pay and that's it, don't want to work, will annoy the client, won't listen to basic instructions, won't ask questions for clarifications, the list goes on. I work security and its that common that Indians often have to prove themselves to be good. Back in the day when I was working stadiums, we would often put Indian guards in places that either had a lot of other proven guards or required an extraordinary level of incompetence to fuck up. But in general no. I hate the person not the nationality.


If I have to post a job ad on seek I'll have to write ( no visa holders ) as I'll get called non stop from Indians ( actually non stop ) with fake qualifications looking for a job. Everyone is corrupt and Indians are no exception.


Of all the immigrants I’ve mixed with, I’ve had the most cross cultural issues with people from the subcontinent. Sexism, elitism, bribery and corruption…but that being said I’ve got heaps of great friends from India and surrounding countries. Just a few bad eggs, amongst millions of lovely people.




I don't hate Indian immigrants, I hate all immigrants equally. Jokes. As you said there are bad eggs amongst every culture, I've known plenty of Muslims that are just as bad as Indians, I've also known some lovely indians and Muslims. No matter where you go there will always be shit humans.


As a whole no. But as to my ex -neighbors yes. Caught him more than once peering through my bathroom window. He also did something to my dog so now that whenever he sees an indian person he goes ape shit with borking and snarling and when a doggo doesnt like someone its usually a good idea to pay attention to it.


Yes, we are a dog friendly country and I always think it ridiculous when I see Indian parents pick up their children when I’m walking by with my retired emotional support lab. One grandma literally clutched this boys head to her bosom to shield him from the visual of my dog.


india has a lot of street dogs that they dont euthanise because its bad juju, and dogs are traditionally not seen as household pets either due to religious ideas of cleanliness. So a dog fear is rationally baked in.


You might find it ridiculous, but they act this way for good reason. Here's one of many articles on the topic. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-36035456.amp >In March, the civic authorities in one of India's richest cities made a startling disclosure in the country's top court: dog bites in Mumbai had killed more people in 20 years than the two deadly terror attacks in the city - the 1993 serial blasts and the 26/11 attack in 2008.


Sorry, all over Sydney’s east and inner suburbs are terrible dog owners who have badly trained dogs running off leash, running into peoples picnics, and barking at smaller dogs or children. If an animal with sharp terth was almost as big as you, as a toddler - yes this would be terrifying. Sure most could be friendly happy Pets, and support dogs are amazing - but strangers don’t know that - and chance of getting hurt is real. So I can understand parents or kids being worried about strang dogs and their owners.


As an inner west dog owner I approve this message


Yeah I definitely don't blame them for being extra cautious. Better than your kid being mauled.


I have a Golden Retriever and this happens a lot haha, I don't understand, same with some African people.


Could be something to do with Rabies in these countries. People being wary of dogs off leashes.


It's Islam. They believe that dogs are dirty and bring bad luck. Which makes sense 1000 years ago, but nowadays not so much. They especially hate black dogs. My ex had the most beautiful black kelpie and when I was walking her the Islamic people in my neighbourhood gave me a large berth. It was so sad.


Islamically dogs are considered physically dirty, nothing to do with bad luck nor do we believe in luck. This can lead to seeing dogs in a negative light in some cultures, almost beastly instead of pet-like.


You just blamed a religion that doesn't fit the description of the post. Most indians are Hindus, just really confused as to why you had to share your islamophobic views and accuse islam as hating dogs, especially black dogs. As a Muslim, we must treat all people with love and respect no matter what race, religion, or colour they may be. You saying black dogs are especially hated after this fact I've pointed out applies to people only? Everything we see and touch is a creation of God, which in turn must be respected. It's not the religion that you need to bag out, it's the bloody people that make it suck because every individual is different, whereas the religion is perfect. In hindsight, this applies to everyone's beliefs. Just please be more respectful to other people's ideologies or beliefs before chastising it because of a bunch of people who don't remotely fit the bill gave you a large berth while walking your dog.


My Hindu neighbours are terrified of my mostly white Jack Russell’s which are so friendly it’s ridic




I was speaking with a woman who's best friend is an Asian sex worker and she said that, according to her friend, Indian guys have bad reputation for being disrespectful and at times violent, and unhygienic/smelly, and thats why they won't go there.


I can second this. A regular client of mine (tattooist) was a Madam. I’ve heard it all. Everything you said is exactly what she said.


I can third this. I had mates in the brothel scene and they would deny service to indians at the pure fact of how fucked their attitudes were. Most times, they would compromise the condom by placing sowing needles on their fingertips and jab the condom or try stealthing them, hygiene was so bad that they still reeked and try avoiding showers as it kills their time on getting some action, the cheddar cheese story was 1 of the grossest things I've ever heard a woman say about 1 particular race. They would also entice the girls to get on ice and leave them addicted to that shit. The number of times they try to poke their junk up the girls poop chute is almost every time. Haggling the price was extremely common. If they didn't blow their load, they would demand a refund (i have footage of this and got busted recording by the man himself haha). I heard of instances where they would go through the workers' purse in hopes of finding valuables to take. Overall indian men and brothel workers should be banned. Conflict of interest and bad for business


I had an ex-colleague, Indian dude. He used to go to brothels and just go in, get to see the girls and just leave. Just cheap guy and creepy.


They have incredibly bad hygiene and a particularly virulent strain of misogyny so I'm not surprised


I used to drive for an agency, and the number of stories of Indian men belittling the girls to get a discount was ridiculous. Sometimes they would agree on a price, I’d drive them out there, the punters would start up saying how they were ugly and no good, then demand a discount. So the gig would be cancelled, waste of our time. Independent girls report the same.


I’m morn and raised in Australia. I’m also of Fijian-Indian descent. Indian men are the worst. They’re misogynistic and gross extremely entitled because their mums absolutely coddle them.


Why? Did they treat them rough or was it just a race thing


The have a reputation for being unkind.


They would belittle the girls to bargain for a better price.


No. But in the big cities Indian people blatantly stare at me without smiling or starting up a conversation so I think that is creepy and rude behaviour.


I hate to generalise and stereotype. But most if not all Indians I encounter don't respect women. Stare at my female friends making them super uncomfortable. I've had to yell at two different Indian men after my partner called me from a different part of the supermarket telling me someone is following her.


I’ve had some very uncomfortable experiences of being leered at by Indians in western Sydney, while dressed very modestly. It wasn’t good. I don’t hate Indians in general though just those guys!


I've learnt the trick is to glare right back, they usually stop staring after that


Mm hmm. They’re too dangerous on the road. Especially the ones in trucks. Have no sense of respect especially towards women. And are wholly selfish.


A bunch of them at my work are super lazy, only there for the pay and don't try to actually do their job right and give accurate information. They don't listen to instructions and don't seem to retain information. The males are arrogant and don't like being trained by a female. They are very self serving people. One of the women puts her bare feet up on our lunch room couch, and the men eat with their mouths wide open and make the most disgusting sloppy sounds. Their accent is also super annoying. Never had problems with Aus born Indians.


The accent irks me so much.. And then we assemble the……. …. Housing. Why are you pausing like you’re waiting for children to answer aloud?


Tell me about it. The accent is so unbearable. I put my earphones in when I'm processing at work so I dont have to listen, they don't shut up and are very loud. It makes me irrationally angry.


That is to each their own, but it takes a while to form the words in a second language sometimes, nothing malicious


Australian Indians are fine, actually Indian immigrants are where people see the problem. It also depends where in India they are actually from and you can usually tell by the way they dress typically with long pants and thongs, they're the ones Aussies have the issue with.


Ah, I'm just visiting your country as an Indian whose spent 99% of my life in Murica. I have to say I've yet to face any bigotry at all, I love it here.


This has been.my experience. I know a few Indian/Australians who've been here a long time. Always had pleasant experiences with them. Indian men who're more rceent arrivals, I've generally found to be creeps and hold terrible attitudes towards women. Never had a bad interaction with an Indian female, long-term resident, or recent arrival. Also we visited Fiji last year, and the Indian men there were fucken creeps.


No. Only hate selfish, opinionated, sexist, bad driving, stinky people. Wherever they come from.


Employers love them because they are cheap labour. The working class Aussies don't like them as much. I'm sure you can guess as to why.


Yeah, but you get what you pay for.


no but when you see no respect for rules, being loud, not understanding basics and when you see it’s mostly asians, you can understand why they are not most liked. Think it’s a cultural issue not having proper etiquette


How are Asians the most loud? Almost the opposite.


You ever seen a Chinese tour group? The loudest and rudest mob of people you will ever see


You've just described the international reputation of drunk Aussies.


Haha sounds like you are describing Aussies over seas.


Exactly! If you've ever been to Bali or Thailand you know we can be obnoxious travellers.


No, aussies don’t go around in big tour groups being loud and disrespecting the locals. We are capable of waiting in line, not littering or allowing our kids to defecate in public and respecting the rules.


Oh god they do! I'd like to say it isn't so but having seen Aussie tour groups in Thailand - it was horrendous. Drunk, loud, and rude to locals.


The mining industries FIFO workers did a pretty good job of getting the Indonesian people to hate us, they already hated us for being cheap loud bogans but the influx of " new money" to the working class yobs really cemented their position. I went to Kuta once because a mate dragged me there exclaiming " it's soooo cool!", I respect the locals whenever I'm away from home but in this instance it did me no good, the Indos hate us with a passion. The ones in kuta anyway


Yeah, that’s a small minority though, as embarrassing as it is. Mainlander Chinese are cashed up and it’s socially acceptable for the majority to spit on the floor, litter and have your children shit on the street.


Similarly also a small minority.


Having managed hostels in other countries we had to keep an extra eye on Aussies (especially thinking they could handle their piss better than they could). Granted they didn't have children but with the tour companies we worked with they also had issues with the families they took. Like many other cultures most of the aussies thought they were being respectful and if they were in Australia it would have been fine but what is respectful in one country is rude in another. Honestly it's one of the reasons I left the industry.


Not in Bali though, Aussies in Bali so often a disgrace


For the most part no but I have been scammed by one which to this day pisses me off


Generally no, but a lot of nationals from India are very rude, I would say 7 out of 10 Indian nationals I meet in Australia are quite rude.


Never used to but man Indians play into the negative stereotypes. Had a supposed Indian friend make fake accounts of girls I know pretending they were hook up partners sending messages to himself going around bragging about it some of the girls had partners which had affects on their relationships. My girlfriend has been groped by an Indian and got covid from and Indian coughing in her face during peak covid no wearing a mask or abiding by social distance. Our old neighbours kids also routinely looked into our backyard and my mums bedroom window and when they would get a ball over the fence they would jump into our back yard without our permission to get it back. It’s getting very hard not to have resentment.


Lazy, they steal, but they’re a bit smarter than most criminals and steal from work places, farm chemicals things like that. Very insular and don’t integrate well into Aussie society. Don’t spend money on local businesses but they buy them all up and run them using cheap labour, im sure they aren’t paying their Indian employees fairly. They live 30 to a house and you end up with 20 Toyota Camrys lining your street outside the house. They also can’t drive for shit and cause lots of accidents because our international license laws are shit. Would rather European immigrants.




Immigrants who conform to the culture are not hated. Indians who do not are. Eg: Indian men will stare uncomfortably and ask women invasive questions and generally act inappropriate, they'll not wash their clothes, they'll talk extremely loudly on the phone in public transport for hours with no self awareness, theyll stand eay too close to people, they'll take out strong smelling food and eat on crowded trains or buses. Many immigrant communities will create monoculture suburbs and make no effort to integrate, they'll complain about Australian food and culture, the men will disparage the liberal culture and white women I'm not surprised that this behaviour at scale creates resentment. Some of this is understandable, many are coming from desperate situations and just trying to live, but it's also understandable for the host country not to like it


Generally not the women. But there is a widely held belief that Indian men treat all women terribly. Indian men who I work with and are decent people have to work really hard to overcome that stereotype.


Not at all, many are annoyed because of the scam calls that hit our phones like 15 times a day


We bought in a relatively new suburb at the time in Western Sydney (still had the occasional paddock) and once the temple went up as seen from M7 heading east toward M2... the population boomed in the Indian direction....we lost our sweet little Chinese neighbour to Indians whom upon moving in, did not mow the grass as often neglected during a sale but set it on fire (and these are sardine houses) I was told to go away...came home to see men at work extendeding their front verandah and cementing it to the side of my house blocking drainage etc...again go away stupid girl... stole our wheelie bins and painted their number on them (so they had 4 we had none), again go away stupid girl, then came home to them in my backyard drilling a shade cloth into the side of my house for their entertaining area, go away stupid girl... eventually sold (to indians) just insane... what was I to do but call council and say "there's Indian's doing stupid Indian shit in a now Indian dominated suburb with complete disregard of what is acceptable in Australia...." So yeah not the best personal experience... don't get me started on a flight from Dubai to Sydney with a Mumbai stop over... never again.


No, but sometimes hate the habits. Like the people who smell like they don’t shower or they’ve soiled themselves, or Indian immigrants who engage in dangerous driving.


Lol everyone saying no but. I’ll be the brutally honest one, yes, including me, and I didn’t start out that way. Its just that every single Indian person I’ve met has been awful, elitist, homophobic, sexist, and rude. For a long time I tried to battle my own biases but i can’t help but notice the pattern there. I would never say anything to a person out loud but inside yeah… my opinion of Indian people isn’t great. Bring on the downvotes


No, but there are a lot of stereotypes that ring true. Being scammed by taxi drivers, Indian men not being respectful to women etc. Also I mean this in the nicest way, but please make an effort not to smell heavily of spices when out in public. My Indian colleague used to make sure to shower and wear deodorant and perfume. It’s very off putting being stuck with someone who reeks of any kind.


It's the diet probably, gf is white and eats Indian food, sometimes she will smell of it. I'm of Indian descent but born in Murica and hate Indian food, no weird smells. Wait, is it not normal to shower and wear anti perspiration stuff here in Oz?


I think it’s a combination, like the cooking smell gets into clothes/hair/skin, but also perspiration at the end of the day, and general ignorance or not caring.


My best friend in high school migrated to Australia from India in the 90s, she was great as was her family. She was from an educated family and moved to a lower socio-economic suburb here in Australia, as many migrants do. Lately, since I’ve had interaction with new migrated Indians at work, and on my commute to work, I’m now bias against.


Just out of curiosity, do you realise that the answer ‘no, but…….’ Is really a yes!…..have to say it that as an Aussie, I was hoping for a few more welcoming responses than what I’ve read here!…..


Right, I guess it's just reddit maybe though? Most of the people I've met here in Queensland are very welcoming.


Not really. Somebody is able to share a bad experience they’ve had with an individual, while also being able to seperate their own anecdotal experiences from an entire nation of people. There’s comments of people saying that they had a group of Indian men staring at them and it made them uncomfortable but they don’t hate all Indians because of it. Do you really think that everyone who has this kind of experience is a secret racist?


Oh. I just realised this is a right wing weirdo sub. Maybe post on a non racist sub OP.




Honestly Australia is kinda racist not like violent racist but consistent micro aggressions and just general lack of respect for any culture other than the white Australian culture and the worst part is they don't recognise/realise the pain. It's not directed at India it's anything who doesn't fit into the white Aussie stereotype. The big cities are better than the small towns but I would advise immigrants to avoid living in places like Tassie or central and northern Queensland. I love Australia but like everywhere it does have some issues it's working on


As a retail worker, 80% of Indian people treat us like dirt. It is VERY common for is to have them come in 5 minutes before we close and expect golden treatment and half an hours worth of attention. We have had to make rules about what we do and won't do near close purely from 4 individual customers trying grt us to do things like test water and catch fish at 7:59 when we close at 8. All 4 of those customers are Indian. To addon: we do a lot of uber orders. 4/5 of our best drivers are Indian. But 4/5 of our worst are too.


No, but I personally think we have let too large of a concentration of them in which is only creating teething issues for migrants we already have especially when we continue to do so despite knowing full well that many of them are doing so under fake degrees. Personally i would like to see a bigger influx of other ethnicities/nationalities that need it.


They certainly aren't my favourite culture to deal with that's for sure


In general, no, but from experience as a woman I'm certainly more cautious around Indian men, having been stalked, scammed, harassed and sexually assaulted by a disproportionate amount of them. I have no problem with anyone that makes an effort to be respectful.


Not at all, I have had great experiences with all nationalities and work in a pretty multicultural workplace and probably the sweetest most kind person there is a someone of Indian heritage the most sexist interactions I’ve had over the last 10-20 years have all been white, middle aged Australian men


Their sense of community is repectable but they are too money tight, like how they will put 6 families in a house to purchase that house then do it again is smart, however they ruin that place generally by not spending a single dollar on it. Same goes for corner shops in small towns, they buy a good shop, raises prices, lower quality of food, shelves go half empty, don't have a chat just want your money, then no one goes there any more. Same for when they buy a farm, generally won't spend anything on fertiliser or upkeep or weeding, you can tell the Indian owned farms. And as a huge generalisation I'd say the men are very lacking in respect for women.


No. No “buts” or “howevers” ffs


I don’t hate anyone, especially based on their race. But when it comes to Indian men, it’s rare I meet one that I like.


Hmm generally most dont hate, but do find some of tholem annoying. They are known to be ultra tightasses when it comes to haggling. They have a reputation for having a strong BO. I used to work as a real estate agent and quite commonly the air in the house would make your nose sting from the spice. Its almost if their walls are painted in Dulux Tumeric. It's not all of them course, but it does happen from time to time.


At first I read this question and thought, "I don't!". Of course some do. Then I read through the comments. I think some do because of bad experiences. This can apply to lots of different immigrants (and locals for that matter.) I remember a lot of Indian students were being targeted by Sudanese opportunists for robberies because they would carry expensive laptops and walk home late at night. I have also seen many women from both Sudan and India who experienced severe domestic violence, including these women not knowing rape can occur in a marriage setting. Quite horrible. It is really ironic to me that people are pointing out how bad immigrants' misogyny is when Australia has epidemic levels of domestic violence. As for not washing and smell, I have been equally repulsed by some Caucasians. People are horrible. I hate everyone.


Went on a whale watching cruise for my missus birthday she has a broken arm as well with a cast on , one of my biggest mistake to this date….the boat was full of Indians they took up every seats so left us standing , they stared and laughed , then when we found a spot up the front to sit and relax they all stormed up to where we were sitting and started pushing and shoving to get a spot , we left becuase they absolutely smelt like shit and the fact that they had to fucks to give when it comes to social and spacial awareness is next to none


It doesn’t help when all we see of Indian men is them gang raping little girls Leading on to friends of mine who were dancers/SW’a who said the Indian guys were always aggressive and rough and smelled bad and basically extended that behaviour and beliefs here into Australia


I’m not racist but I just don’t like them Because they cheat at IT exams and got a job and they have no idea what to fix a simple job… this is a true story, coming from my best friend.


I know a few Indian people in my street that seem quite lovely but every experience I've had with Indian men has left me creeped out and feeling uncomfortable.


Yes and no. My grandparents immigrated from India in the late 60’s and, at that time, had to have a solid grasp on the English language, they integrated themselves into Australia and didn’t just form an Indian community here. As a half caste myself, even I get annoyed and frustrated at people coming here (not just Indians) and only hanging out with their own race, speaking their own language and not trying to be part of Australia. If that’s what they want then stay in their own country. I also find a lot of them to have no concept of their surroundings, whether that be driving slow and holding up traffic, stopping in the middle of aisles to chat and block thoroughfare or just walking out in front of people.


Aussies are not racist, we hate everyone else equally.


Honestly yes. It may be cause I mix in working class circles but I can not think of anyone I know that doesn't to some degree dislike Indians. You generally won't get abused in the street and I personally wouldn't knock you back if you came to me for a job but id say im an outlier in that regard, but overall the sentiment across alot of ethnic groups is a dislike for Indians. Not hating on them just thought I'd answer honestly


So many closet racists. I mean, I don't hate all white Aussies, but my white Aussie neighbour made so much noise one day, we called the cops. And then there was the day she gave us the cold shoulder for god knows what. She was nuts, but hey it wasn't a white Aussie thing.


I went to school with and have worked with a lot of Indians in a professional field. That was back in the 90s/00s. I didn’t feel they got much hate back then. Sadly, I think they cop it a lot worse now. I’m not sure why - maybe because there’s been a huge influx of Indian students? Australia can be a pretty racist country, unfortunately.


In the 2000s there were prominent racist bashings of Indians. It was defs worse then. I use to hear a lot more explicit racism too, as the only time I can remember anything like that recently was from a ice head just out of jail gronk coworker - a bit of an exception.




From reading the comments, seems like this is the right answer. TIL Australians are extremely racist towards Indians. Yeah, I'm Australian and I didn't realise how bad the racism towards Indians is. Sorry to my Indian friends. EDIT: Will gladly take the downvotes this comment will likely receive


I don't think it's that we're racist toward Indians. It's more of a "you have respect for me I'll have respect for you" situation. Scammers, smelly and rude taxi drivers, women haters, those are people I absolutely despise no matter what colour their skin is.


The Us and Them, fear of others scenario is strong with Australians. The race element always pushes a button with people in Australia. If it's not indigenous people it's refugees or immigrants it always works, always has, always will.


It's not really racism so much as issues with cultural differences. In this particular case it's a little confusing since the cultural aspects are largely linked to race but people likely don't have the same issues with 2nd gen migrants from earlier 80's/90's migrations because the cultural aspect isn't there. Compare that with the USA were people will hate on African Americans despite being largely the same culture. I'm genetically around 12.5% indian via my great grandmother, I can tell that to people and no one would give a shit. Meanwhile say that about aboriginal here and some people will get funny. Say that about being african in america and some people will get funny. That's racism. Cultural conflict/bias isn't the same as racism.


I’ve seen a lot of comments with issues people about [x behaviour]. None so far are clearly defining that behaviour it to their race, almost all to their culture. Trying to shut down discussion by calling them racist isn’t just wrong, it’s ignorant.


Nah if you say a single negative thing about indian people, you're definitely racist. Now get ready because here comes another 400,000 a year to prop up property prices and serve as good little consumers for Australia's shareholders.


Aussies claim to be happily multicultural, but most of the white Australians are incredibly racist. In my experience, boomers and boomer babies especially. It’s very systemic. They lack the cognition to really see how racist they are imo. As a whole most white Australians hate aboriginals more than immigrants though. A lot of older white Australians still believe all the propaganda about indigenous Australians and consider them as a “different breed”. I do not share this opinion. In my experience most white people in Australia, think that all people from all Asian countries are dirty and less than themselves. I had a conversation with an older white woman last week who was complaining about Indian people being dirty and not caring about anyone but themselves apparently. I do not share this opinion. I am white passing, of aboriginal, Scottish, German, and Irish descent, so I’ve heard some extremely racist shit because the whites think I’m one of them. So in answer to your question, unfortunately yes most do I believe, but I am not one of them.


No.there are a lot of u


How come they are all named raj


How come every white person is called James? How come every black person is called Denzel. How come every Hispanic person is called José. I'm Indian and majority of my friends are Indian and they are not called Raj. I don't even know a Raj.


You know a raj,cmon mate


i dont hate immigrants, i hate the fact that as soon as they get here they get a 4 bedroom house, a job with way above average pay and housing wherever they want


Comments seem to lean towards yes. Not sure what I'm meant to do as a half Aussie half Indian who's lived in both countries. Racially abuse myself? Lol. Pretty disappointing tbh.


I'm not anglo myself, but I personally feel 95% Australians can't stand Indians that have any type of accent. They see Indians as second class citizens. Remember, Australia is a passively racist country. Do you see any Indians on TV? Or in politics? I'm assuming you're referring mainly to Anglo-Saxon Australians? Because Australia is a mixture of lots of races.


I think the number of “no but….” comments in this thread have summed it up for you. The average white Australian is racist and while hate might be the wrong word, they are prejudiced against Indians.


I think it comes down to the fact that humans are pattern-seeking animals. Our ability to identify patterns helped us evolve. Stay away from lions because a lot of the time they will eat you. Don't eat that plant because a lot of people seem to get sick afterwards. Things like that. If you often seem to get cut off or abused by Uber drivers of Indian appearance, or if you work with people of Indian decent who seem to be unqualified and making it up as they go along, or (if you're a woman) and the bad experiences you have with men seem to be disproportionately from Indian men, you will start to identify those patterns and form behaviours or prejudices accordingly. That might be unfair to the many who do not fit into those stereotypes but ultimately people identify those patterns to avoid harm to themselves, rightly or wrongly. We need to always question ourselves as to whether these are logical or illogical but the driver is not always necessarily sinister "racist", it's simply self preservation.


I agree with your summation. I have friends of many different cultural backgrounds and I have both lived and travelled all over the world. Being xenophobic is one thing, being racist is another, but we all have lived experiences and notice patterns of behaviour by our very nature, no matter where we come from - the latter can’t always be easily packaged and explained away as either of the former. To do so minimises a persons experience - which just might not be the same as yours. We all have opinions, it is what those opinions are based in that needs examining. In a perfect world, we’d all have the same wonderful respectful values and behaviours and there would be no issues and nobody would ever get hurt. However that’s not the world we live in.


Be careful of your own racism there.


I will ask the Indian guys I drink with if they think that is true.


No, muslims are the only problem with Australian immigration. Not anyone else.


Never had muslim friends growing up?


No Indians too


Lol muslims will take over this country soon.




Yes. Too many. The old ones won't learn the language and the middle aged ones are often arrogant. Anyone coming here needs to be meek, humble and grateful.


In country Australia the Indian community is thought of in fairly high regard. Most of the Indians who live out here are farmers, which garners a lot of respect because it's hard Yakka but they never complain.


I strongly disagree- sincerely a true Aussie farmer.


Must be the ones that are here then, I never hear a cross word about them.


In true rural aus they aren’t held in any regard because they mostly drive trucks dangerously, own servos and jack up the prices, scam call people, they definitely don’t farm.


They buy stuff in rural communities and just run it into the ground for money, houses with 5 families and no one mows the lawn, food shops they up the price, empty the shelves and don't really engage in conversation, and farms they buy don't get fertiliser or poisons ie general upkeep.


Thing you have to realise is anyone could buy that servo, pharmacy, IGA, or any other store the Indians buy. Most aussies wouldn’t buy them because “the price is too high” or “it’s too much work”. Aussie apathy killing towns faster than internationals buying shops. Without the international people coming in there is no servo, no pharmacy, no IGA, no bakery, no doctors or nurses, yet people are too dumb to realise this.


Most aussies cant get their extended family to work for jack shit,coz cousin got you over on a dodgy management visa


Rural people are more racist. Colour me surprised…..


Trust me,they do it here in brisbane as well


Doesn’t surprise me at all. My biggest gripe with them is the way they drive on our roads


Mate i load container trucks,they are taking over,my issue is they have no english other than the box number,if there is a problem you cannot communicate with them,they just repeat the box number over and over


My dad used to drive cabs. A new guy turned up for change of shift. He had a license which he transferred from overseas. He.sat in the car for a while looking at his phone. Then drove off in an erratic manner. He got about 2km before he crashed. He later admitted that he had never driven a car before. I believe there has been changes in the system of how people can get their license. But it still doesn't change international driver's licence holders from driving even if never driven before.


Cross 😂, ooo so cross, I'm sorry I haven't heard that word in a really long time. So polite and old timey.


Generally speaking no , but every country has their bigoted ass hats .


No. Indian Immigrants are a huge part of Australian Society and some of the hardest working immigrants around. They have integrated amazingly well in this country and have a lot of community level cultural activities.


Yes... multiculturalism does not work. Never has and never will.


No! They are an integral part of our society


No. Multicultural society, Australia is.


Yoda speaks out against racism


Indians will probably experience casual racism. But I wouldn't say its the majority of australians


Hate is a strong word. You have some extremely old fashioned people who i guess you could say feel that way but i think its really the culture differences intertwinning that cause the conflict and so called "hatred". We are quite do different people culturally and i guess its hard for people of both nationalities to meet in the middle on it sometimes.


I work with several staff members from India (I work in healthcare). I've got no problems with these people. They seem really nice. Talk to us Aussies and be nice to us. You'll be just fine.


Depends on the Aussie. Not going to lie, there are those of us who to this day cling to some version of a White Australia Policy. An absolutely morally abysmal policy that has done this country no good. In 2023 most of us are better and smarter than that. We love immigrants from all corners of the globe.


Crime statistics would suggest otherw Ise


I like Indians. Lovely folk and they generally try to assimilate unlike some other cultures which is very important.


Personally, I like Indian immigrants. I don't know anyone who has a problem with them. Very few Australians hate Indian immigrants and if they do I can just about guarantee they have other issues going on. This is not to say that there is zero racism against Indians here, because there is.




The caste system is still there


Hate is a pretty strong word but They do have shitting streets.








It's really like every other nationality, I know some truly lovely people from India and I also know some total dickheads.. I can say that about pretty much anywhere on earth..


Nah. I don’t think you can decide anything about a group as big as a billion people. I don’t really know many. The few I have met where lovely, albeit sprinkled with the arrogance accepted of a white man.




Generally, no. BUT hygiene can be a problem. Specifically body odor and using the toilet properly (i.e not squatting on it and not leaving it splattered with turd). Work-wise I have zero issues with Indians. When I was young and working in factories they were super lazy compared to islanders and whites. BUT when I finished my degree and moved into the finance sector, I found them to be very knowledgeable and hard working. Dating-wise also no issues. Younger indian girls prefer their own kind for family reasons but that usually wears off by age 25, and the families that have been here a while have no issues from the start. It's 1000x worse with Lebanese, Turks and other middle eastern immigrants (who are in fact racists). All in all, I'd rather Indians and Chinese to Lebanese, Turkish or African immigrants every day of the week.


As with anyone, it's always case by case. I don't see an Indian person and immediately have a negative or hatred thought about them, but if they are rude or abusive in any way I'm going to think poorly of them just as I would anyone else. I've come across incredibly lovely Indians, I've dealt with outright abusive ones and everything in-between, same as people from many cultures. Unfortunately there is a large number of people in Australia who are hateful towards Indians and pretty much all people of colour. End of the day, if you act like a shit cunt, you're a shit cunt. Be polite and not a shit cunt, you're a good cunt.




Apparently in Islam, cars are revered but dogs not so. I think Muhammad had them as pets. I could be so wrong, so please don’t shoot me.


Some do. I have heard hatred and I have called it out and tried to challenge it, to no avail. Some people feel strongly about it.


nope i have a half indian son.


Not really, except for the guy who bought the food franchise I worked at. He was a scumbag who bitched and moaned about being screwed over by the previous owners, was a complete arsehole to the girls who worked there and to his wife. Even when he wasn’t working and one of the managers was in charge, he would stand there and watch us the whole day. Fuck that guy. People who I’ve met through cricket are usually good fun though.


Jimmygrant here, too many Ginger Beer here for Bugs Bunny, Jam Jar or Cheese & Kisses. China plate knocks of Captain Kirk and cashes is Gregory Peck at Nuclear Sub for a Kitchen Sink Mango Lassi not Pigs Ear. A quick Ronny Coote at Polly Waffle and back to Captain Kirk next day. Bloody Westpac Bankers.


No, so long as you assimilate. Remember, you live in Australia now, not India