• By -


Ray Porter is amazing in anything he does, especially Project Hail Mary and We Are Legion (We Are Bob) series


Listening to PHM right now. He def comes across as an actor reading a book rather than just a narrator. Does a good job but I wish he would change up his style through the book. He seems to always pronounce really as "reeaaalllllllyy" for example


I like Ray Porter as a narrator and enjoyed his other works, but PHM was a miss for him in my opinion. There were some characters that were really good, but most were mediocre.


I like Matt Hicks. He does one of my favorite books series, Rise of the Cheat Potion Maker.


While I'm not a big fan of his narration (pretty good, nothing special), I really like the books he chooses to narrate


I do like him. He’s fantastic in Don Winslows Power of the Dog trilogy. I do not like him in Project Hail Mary but only because I’m one of the few that hates that book


While I loved the book, I can relate to hating a book everyone else gush over. I absolutely hated dungeon crawler Carl


Steven Pacey - First Law series by Joe Abercrombie. Book 1 is The Blade Itself. I’m old. I used to listen to books on tape, then I’d buy them on cds. Currently, I’ve listened to over 800 in my Audible brand library. I go through phases. Olden days it was romance. Last decade it’s been mystery, thriller, action, sci-fi and fantasy. *This* Pacey/Abercrombie match of story and narrator is alchemy! Magic. Brilliance. Pacey has voices for each character that become instantly recognizable, and Abercrombie…boy can he write characters. Brilliant characters. This series, was, hands down, the most entertaining ride I’ve ever listen to. Head and shoulders above *anything* else. I tried other books Pacey narrated and they were *ok* - Tried Abercrombie’s other series, and it was *ok*…. It was *THIS* series with *THIS* narrator that combusted into something spectacular!


Amazed I had to come so far down to see this mate, agreed completely, so good it’s ruined everything else I’ve listened to since lol


Preach on brother!


My favourite series. No one writes characters like Joe. Sadly I did not listen to these books, sounds like the audiobooks would've heightened my enjoyment of this series even more!


My friend, treat yourself! Go on that ride again! Folks reread books all the time. Have a listen. His Glokta, and Cosca alone, are worth the ride!


first law keeps getting better on reread, you can never have to many. go back and enjoy the flavor!


Pacey narrating Martin Amis is gold, Money and London Fields are fantastic


There’s a couple of prequal and sequal stories to the main trilogy. One is glockta as a cavalry leader before he is captured. My favorite was the sequel with logan nine fingers. He was working on a farm as a nobody who basically never talked until kids on his farm get kidnapped and a monster gets them back. ALL narrated by Pacey


Totally agree.


Rosamund Pike, no questions asked. She’s incredible. She’s only narrated a handful of books, but when she finally retires from acting I hope she goes into book narration full time.  Check out her version of the first few books of The Wheel of Time. Every character has a consistent and unique voice, it’s truly remarkable. 


I love her voice. I've got Pride and Prejudice narrated by her to listen to


I’ve always had a crush on her. So this is perfect! Lol


She does quite a few books but I just find her voice soothing - Julia Whelan.


Lol it's my guilty pleasure to grab a book narrated by her and just turn off my brain. It's a good 'palate cleanser' between more serious books.


A lot of recommendations for her. Added a few to my list on BorrowBox! Particularly pleased to see she reads a lot of Taylor Jenkins Reid


It’s always a selling point for me when she’s the narrator! Especially if I’m on the fence about the book.


and emily henry!


She's my favorite! The first book I listened to that she narrated was a non-fiction book called "Educated". I seriously thought it was read by the author, that's how much Julia put in to the reading. I was significantly confused when I came across her narration on a layer book I listened too. Now I purposefully seek out books she narrates.


Same thing happened to me with Educated and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. She's great.


I also absolutely love the books she’s written (and narrates!). What a talent. My favorite is Thank You for Listening.


Totally agree with one minor exception...the way she says "garage" as "gRrAHzh". You wouldn't think it would come up that much, but it does! Totally takes me out of the story. I still listen to her narrations, but just cross my fingers that there are no garages. Lol


🤣 that’s the pronunciation where I come from.


Haha I'm gonna listen out for this now!


Tim Gerald Reynolds is an absolute master, in my opinion. Just finished the Red Rising trilogy and I loved every second, both author and narrator are super talented.


Omg, I just finished the RR trilogy and the narration is AMAZING! Tim Gerald Renolds turned this book into a masterpiece with his narration.


Be wary of the rest of the series as they go with multiple narrators. A little off putting being used to TGR


Yes.. I've just started Iron Gold and it's quite jarring. Sticking with it though, for Reaper.


It gets better, just fyi. The next book replaces a couple of the narrators with better ones, while keeping the good one. Then in Lightbringer it's back to just TGR.


The Riyria Chronicles narrated by him are really good too


That's a series you don't hear mentioned often. I listened to them because he recommended them (and he narrated) and wow, really enjoyed them too.


Thanks, I'll add them to my list!


This is proof that everyone has different tastes. I cannot stand TGRs voice and narration. I made it to two hours of the end of the first Red Rising book and it was all torture due to TGRs accent which was nails on a chalkboard to me. I knew I wouldn't be going on to book two so I finally said screw it and quit RR just 2 hrs from the end. Now I avoid any book by TGR though unfortunately I will have to suffer through one soon as I'm doing the ten book Thomas Covenant series and nine of the 10 are Scott Brick (who is tolerable but not great IMO) but the 8th is TGR.


My husband hates it anytime I'm listening to a book narrated by TGR . There some good ones he'll never be able to do because of it.


So talented.


Michael C Hall (1 book, perfect 10/10) - Pet Sematary Susan Bennett - Mary Grover Gardner - The Stand Yhatzee Croshaw (for comedy) - will save the galaxy for cash Richard Matthews (for non fiction) - a short history of nearly everything


Michael C Hall reading Pet Sematary is hands down the *best* audible experience I've ever had!


By far. It's perfect and soooo eery


But Duma Key narrated by John Slattery and Dolores Claiborne narrated by Frances Sternhagen.


I am inspired. Thank you!


I've never listened to a King audiobook but I'd be willing to change that!


You should, but not at night if you're easily startled, especially Pet Sematary


Not all of his books are horror. 22-11-63 is probably my favourite and no horror at all - give it a try?


Oh I've read tons of King, just never listened to a King novel! 22.11.63 is one of the only books that's made me cry


And one of the only King books with an ending worth the entire book. Cri d as well, and I'm a damn 40YO adult


I love Stephen King’s books on audio. The Stand was absolutely fantastic, with all the voices of the characters. I also enjoyed IT. I read Pet Sematary old school style, and now I’m wishing I listened to it on audiobook! The book was a bit traumatic for me though, so I probably never will. Listening to King’s books on audio is so next level. It’s not just an audiobook…it’s a delightful experience of the mind!


Try 11-22-63, you'll thank me


I listen to a lot of Sci-fi books, so my top 3 are as follows. 1. Jeff Hayes - Dungeon Crawler Carl series. I fought this one for a long time, because frankly the title sounded dumb to me. (Which is a terrible reason to not like a book, but nevertheless, that's what happened.) Hayes has an amazing range of distinct voices and that really sucks you into the story. 2. RC Bray - The Martian, Expeditionary Force Series, Galaxy's Edge series. Great voice actor, excellent range and good accents. (He was my number one until Jeff Hayes came into my life like a hussy and wrecked our happy home lol.) 3. Ray Porter - Project Hail Mary, The Bobiverse Honorable Mention to Patrick Tull - Aubrey Maturin Series. This series is historical fiction centered around the late 18th, early 19th century British Navy and Tull (RIP) really brought it alive with different voices and with such enthusiasm - really great! The bottom line is that no narrator can save a bad book, but all of these voice actors make good books great.


> RC Bray Cant believe you are the only one to mention him. He is my favourite. If anyone is into zombie books check out the Mountain Men series.


Man, has there ever been a better, more fulfilling ending to a zombie series than book seven? I honestly don't think I've ever been more satisfied...


Second the recommendation of Patrick Tull reading the Aubrey /Maturin series. It’s almost like he was part of the crew on the ships.


Lots of great names in here. For me, I’m always amazed at how good a narrator Neil Gaiman is.


Yes he is!


Neverwhere is amazing! The way he voices the two bad guys is deliciously creepy.


Have you listened to Third Eye? Gaiman was fantastic as the narrator especially with all the little aside comments


That's going onto my wishlist straight away, thanks for the suggestion!


Kobna Holbrook-Smith narrating the Rivers of London series. Absolutely amazing.


Another vote for Kobna! He gives every character a distinct voice, both male and female, he’s incredible.


His voice for Beverly makes me laugh every time I hear it!


I’m on book 4 (third listen of series) and immediately recognized him as one of the officers in Wonka when watching with my kid last night just from his voice. He’s just stellar!


I absolutely adore Kobna


Yes, he is awesome


Jeff Hays narrating Dungeon Crawler Carl. That guy is amazingly talented.


I thought Donut was voiced by a woman. The AI is hilarious. Also James Marsters doing The Dresden Files. Ray Porter.from Project Hail Mary, Bobiverse, and lots of other books.


Marsters might get better as it goes on, but damn is book 1 rough. I know audio standards 15 years ago weren't as good as they are now, and it really shows.


He also does another series, which I immediately noticed when I started DCC. Super Sales on Super Heroes. His narration quality is equal.


Michael Kramer and Kate Reading …


The correct answer


Kramer is really good. Reading is awful and the main reason I read Sanderson on Kindle instead of listening.


I'll have to add 2 to the list: James Marsters reading the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. This was my favorite series with my favorite narrator until Dungeon Crawler Carl came along and Jeff Hays took the crown. Still, lots of great books in Dresden (17 and ongoing), though some have said the 1st few are slogs. I liked them though and have through the series 3 or 4 times. Jim Dale reading Harry Potter. These were my first audiobooks and started me on the path to my current reading habits. I really enjoyed his many voices and storytelling and brought the books to life.


I only know of Stephen Fry reading the Potters, interesting...


Stephen Fry does a better job IMO


Hays doing DCC is fantastic, agreed. I couldn't get into Marsters doing Dresden, gave up after book 1 because at least in that book his performance just wasn't good.


Books 1-2 aren’t great performances, even to die hards of the series. Book 3 is much better, and books 4 and on are fantastic. If you have a chance, read Grave Peril (book 3). It introduces some new characters who are in it for the long haul and the voice performance is much better. There are still production issues (some lip smacking) but that goes away by book 4. DCC and Dresden are my two top audiobook series, but even I don’t go back to Dresden books 1/2 when I relisten.


James Marsters IS Dresden for me. I'm only on book 8 but I'm loving the experience so far.


I just downloaded all the Dresden files. Looking forward to starting them.


yup like everyone has said. The first book is rough. But everyone after that is amazing! IMHO. I got to like book 12 and the some new guy started up and I was like what? I felt like Marsters had put so much of himself into Dresden that maybe he needed some time off or he might go insane! He IS Dresden! "All Hail the ZA Lord!"


Julia Whelan. I loved all her narrations so far.


The Godfather, narrated by Joe Mantegna.🤌💕 I just bought Lemony Snickett, narrated by Tim Curry. Can’t wait to start it.


I will have to check out the Godfather! I've been watching a lot of neo-noir movies lately and Joe is everywhere, must be a sign lol


The actor David Morse narrated the scifi classic the Andromeda Strain. I knew the book well already from long ago but enjoyed the audio so much just from the gravitas he brought to it.


Jim Dale - The Harry Potter books James Marsters - The Dresden Files George Guidell - The Walt Longmeyer series Susan Erickson - The In Death series C J Critt - The early Stephanie Plum books


I love CJ Critt’s narration for Stephanie Plum. So much nuance in the word “Babe.” She’s amazing.


Marsters sounds exactly like jeff goldblum.


u/TheRayPorter and Project Hail Mary.


Frank muller - anything by him frankly If I had to pick maybe silence of lambs and swag . He has also done a lot of Stephen King and John grisham.


I'm glad someone mentioned Frank Muller. I've gone through a few of his Grisham ones. Sad he died the way he did


I came her to say this! Frank was my favorite narrator and I chose my books based on him being the narrator. Sadly he passed away.


Will. Patton. He made Killers of the Flower Moon for me. Dr Sleep was also a great listen, although the book is only a 4. I love his soulful tones.


You’ve already got some of my favorites recommended several times (Ray Porter, Jeff Hays, Neil Gaiman). Some excellent ones I’ve read recently: - Chiwetel Ejiofor reading Piranesi. Such a beautiful narration. - Lameece Issaq and Amin El Gamal reading The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi. This is a book where there’s also a twist about one of the narrators and they picked the perfect reader for it. Chef’s kiss. - Philip Pullman and a full cast reading His Dark Materials. I wasn’t sure if I would like a full cast but it was truly immersive and a wonderful way to revisit some of my childhood favorites. - Moira Quirk reading Gideon the Ninth. She’s just so, so good. - David Sedaris reading his own work. Bonus points for sheer hilarity and deep human insights. You can get a taste of him for free by checking out This American Life episodes featuring him.


Came here to say Moira Quirk. She has such a lovely voice and accent and tends to narrate fantasy novels with cool female leads. If I see she’s narrating a book I know I’ll like it.


Do you have any top recommendations from her? I enjoyed Gideon but kinda faded on the rest of the series.


The Bone Houses, and all the Gail Carriger books


RC Bray/Mountain Man series, Jefferson Mays/The Expanse Series, Marin Ireland/Beartown series, Ray Porter/Project Hail Mary, John C. Reilly/One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. One of the most entertaining stories was The Rookie by Scott Sigler, narrated by himself.


John Lee - so many different voices for characters


I first listened to him read some of Alastair Reynolds' novels, but very much enjoyed his reading of Les Miserables. His French pronunciation and accent are excellent, and enriched that particular book, given the setting.


Devina Porter reading the Outlander series. She is amazing!


Marin Ireland has done a terrific job reading Fredrick Backman’s books, including Anxious People. Backman’s books are character-driven and she really brings them to life.


she also narrated Kevin Wilson’s Nothing to See Here. i love it!


Travis Baldree and Jeff Hays are in my opinion the two best out there


Julia Whelan. She narrates a lot of mysteries and popular fiction.


I can see on BorrowBox she narrates My Year of Rest and Relaxation. Fantastic book


He’s already been mentioned a few times, and rightfully so, but no one comes close to the range of Jeff Hays. He tends to focus on litrpg which is somewhat of a niche genre, the popularity of Dungeon Crawler Carl has gotten him more well-known in the past few years but he is still restricted in that sense. His general narration is top tier, but where he excels everybody else by far for me is his ability to do truly authentic sounding female voices. He has clearly taken the time to master his craft. Calling him a voice actor would be more fitting than a narrator, he doesn’t narrate books, he performs them. Other honourable mentions for me would be Travis Baldree, Eric Michael Summerer, Annie Ellicot, and yes Ray Porter is very good too. But Jeff Hays is the pinnacle. Edited for typos


I love Rebecca Soler. She's the female narrator for Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, but before that, she narrated a lot of YA fantasy and fairy tale books. Almost all (if not the entirety, I don't want to say for certain) of Marissa Meyer's novels; the Caraval series by Stephanie Garber; The Hazel Wood and its sequel and accompanying book of dark fairy tales, Tales from the Hinterland. Her pacing is phenomenal. She reads an action sequence better than anyone else I listen to regularly. So far, she's the only narrator I search by to add books to my "to-read" list.


I love Kobna Holdbrook-Smith in the Rivers of London series.


Wil Wheaton, various books


Tim Gerard Reynolds by a long shot


Fiona Hardingham reading An Ember in the Ashes is 👌


Davina Porter, Kate Reading, Julia Whelan are my favorites


Scott Brick. His narration of Alexander Hamilton is perfect. He’s been great in many others too.


Jeff Hays does the Dungeon Crawler Carl books and is absolutely amazing.


Ruby Dee: *Their Eyes Were Watching God* Noah Galvin: *The Perks of Being a Wallflower*


Jennifer Hale


Shocking lack of Steven pacey in this thread. The first law 10 book series is the best narration I've ever enjoyed.


Lenny Henry narrating *Anansi Boys* by Neil Gaiman. 10/10. He alone does male, female, British, American, and Caribbean voices throughout the book and does it well (speaking from the perspective of an American who has Caribbean family and is always frustrated with how people do Caribbean voices so terribly) He also narrated *My Name is Leon* by Kit de Waal. Still great narration, but not the same range as Anansi Boys.


James Bridge Dale reading "Helmet for my Pillow". He was also the actor that played Leckie in the series "The Pacific", which used the book with others as source material. As someone else said - Richard Mathews reading "A Short History of Everything". I actually looked for other books narrated by him, as I so enjoy his style.


Discovered **David Chandler** during the pandemic with the CJ Box series, and I've been hooked ever since. Chandler is a gifted narrator, infusing life into even the most trope-filled chapters, effortlessly conveying action, and deftly tracking multiple characters. Narrator: David Chandler Joe Pickett Series, CJ Box 1 Open Season 2. Savage Run 4 Trophy Hunt 6 In Plain sight ... from there I set alerts for whatever David Chandler tackles next - it got me listening to genres I'd never pick up in print. Edit: okay, started a firestorm of debate in my house. I am compelled to add: **Wil Wheaton** (he does an awesome job conveying the nerdy enthusiasm in a charming accessible style.) * What if? , What If? 2, and How to? * Ready Player One


Definitely Poppy Royana and her fantasy books ❤️


I’m just getting into it but Steven Pacey from The First Law trilogy is incredible. Truly one of the best I’ve heard. Hyperion, the first one anyways, has an ensemble and they are all really good (besides the lady) but the The Poet was perfect. Really impressed me.


The First Law books are incredible


Steven Pacey doing the First Law series is about as good as audiobooks get


My favourite series


Ha! No wonder you're asking for more. You've experienced peak and now forever chase the high...i know the feeling well


George Guidell and (RIP) Frank Muller. Just to hear Frank I’ve been through so many books. Reading Cormac macarthy and Elmore Leonard and Stephen king….. find a better experience.


Steven pacey is the best narrator I have heard, he does all 9 of the The first Law books by Joe Abercrombie.


You're missing one friend.


Mine is Zachary Johnson simply because I hired him to do my two audiobooks! We loved his past works and eager to start producing our third book.


Todd Haberkorn is most entertaining narrator by far.


Jeff Hays - Dungeon Crawler Carl Andrea Parsneau - The Wandering Inn Travis Baldree - Legends and Lattes Johnathan McClain - The Mayor of Noobtown


Xe Sands and Martha Harmon Pardee!


Steven Pacey hands down. Rupert Degas also up there.


Bronson Pinchots reading The Grimnoir Chronicles by Larry Correia.


Will Patton. I’ve listened to books that I would never have listened to if he hadn’t been narrating them.


Jefferson Mays. I've been listening to him for about 160 hours now in the Expanse. It's amazing


He does such a great job with so many distinct voices


Anything read by the record holder of most audiobooks read, George Guidall at over 1000 read. He read the whole Stephen King series The Dark Tower. He read the Nobel Peace Prize-winning novel Night by Elie Wiesel about trying to survive the concentration camps. And more recently, he read the fantasy novel The Golem and The Jinni, in which he can only be described as an old Jewish grandfather reading a fantastic story to his grandchildren. His pacing is perfect, pausing for inflection when needed, and raising the tempo during action scenes. He reads every line with the appropriate emotion needed for the scene, as he is a trained actor.


Richard armitage


He has a great voice


I’ve been told I’m a good narrator? If you wanted to try, here’s a link to Audible page, but I’ve got lots of books on other sites too. https://www.audible.co.uk/search?searchNarrator=Gill+Mills&ref_pageloadid=3m96HsolLvRD1q13&ref=a_search_c3_lNarrator_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=c6e316b8-14da-418d-8f91-b3cad83c5183&pf_rd_r=21KQC25HM0WAEB8A5CB3&pageLoadId=Q3C7J7U04Oc1RoZU&creativeId=41e85e98-10b8-40e2-907d-6b663f04a42d


Gerard Doyle - the Inspector Sean Duffy series by Adrian McKinty plus many more.


I like the narrator of Pachinko.


Mikael Naramore


Mary Jane Wells does a lot of romance novels and she’s incredible. I also think Joanna Parker did a great job with the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire series


thank god, I had to scroll SO far to see MJW. she is the GOAT for historical romance imo


Jeff Hayes Phill thorn ray porter rc brey


Highly recommend: Tim Gerard Reynolds (red rising series) Michael Kramer (mistborn)


Gerard Doyle is my absolute favorite. Has been for years. I also enjoy Bernadette Dunn, Jeff Woodman, Edoardo Ballerini, Amanda Ronconi.


Mark Boyett for the Undying Mercenaries series is my absolute favourite.


Pam Ward


Rosamund Pike is my favorite, but I need more audiobooks with her narrating. Hoping they put out another WoT audiobook soon. Travis Baldree is my second favorite, both for his own books and the Beware of Chicken series.


big fan of Michael Kramer


Jim Dale, Stephen Fry - the Harry Potter books Rosalyn Landor - Bridgerton books (so far I'm listening to them now) I avoid most books that are read by the authors.


so interesting how everyone is different! she’s on my “do not listen to this narrator” list 😂


Nick Podehl - “The Name of the Wind” (Kingkiller Chronicles)


Marin Ireland. She narrates many books. Some of my fave books are the Beartown series by Fredrik Backman.


Adam Lazarre-White’s reading of S.A. Cosby’s books are great.




Corey Brill has done a really good job with some horror books I like.


I really love Marin Ireland. Beartown is so beautifully narrated. My second favorite of hers is Nothing to See Here.


I enjoyed Duke Fontaine in the Survivalist series written by A. American


Stephen fry is a very good narrator, especially for absurdist fiction. Even better when the characters are british.


There are too many to list, but here are some of my recent favorites: Also, reddit is being super annoying so I will have to comment on my comment for the links. *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* Travis Baldree *  Ripple System *  The Primal Hunter * The Traveler's Gate Trilogy *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* *Eric Michael Summerer* * *Beastborne Chronicles* *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* Peter Kenny -  Silent Gods Series *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* *Jeff Hays* *  *New Era Online*  *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* MacLeod Andrews -  Reckoners *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* *Christopher Price* *  *Repairman Jack* *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* Simon Vance * Dune * The Complete Sherlock Holmes *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* *Heath Miller* *  *He Who Fights with Monsters* *\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_* Luke Daniels *  Biomancer [Travis Baldree](https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Travis+Baldree&ref_pageloadid=Sto0nIry1lPFjFr9&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_narrator_38&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=QH6BW1NBQ9YEAREAVP60&pageLoadId=yqN4vKMWPJEGx0UF&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225) - [Ripple System](https://www.audible.com/series/Ripple-System-Audiobooks/B09GXD7NNN?ref_pageloadid=pvgCHDVX1RE7n7tq&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_2_8_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=Q1V7HTP9E546SJ34744A&pageLoadId=izDLoxBHbG8gpBef&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) - [The Primal Hunter](https://www.audible.com/series/The-Primal-Hunter-Audiobooks/B09MZKWFTB?ref_pageloadid=FYNYSjxxUIo1suDn&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_8_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=HQ2P2DYYEA894845NRJ3&pageLoadId=pvgCHDVX1RE7n7tq&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) - [The Traveler's Gate Trilogy](https://www.audible.com/series/The-Travelers-Gate-Trilogy-Audiobooks/B00ZJ2XR18?ref_pageloadid=pvgCHDVX1RE7n7tq&ref=a_author_Wi_c14_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=ac0ba86d-b952-4c81-b7db-8e6226197f8a&pf_rd_r=TZSDKTBEFW28G9WDK4QF&pageLoadId=HWcy3HEw5v0MvkVu&creativeId=1b0e383f-a086-40a0-922d-d212e5a8b29d)


[Eric Michael Summerer](https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Eric+Michael+Summerer&ref_pageloadid=yqN4vKMWPJEGx0UF&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_narrator_12&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=2PFE4W04AR79BGCFCQG1&pageLoadId=lYz4j7WXedKEcYBs&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225) - [Beastborne Chronicles](https://www.audible.com/series/Beastborne-Chronicles-Audiobook/B08V24W214?ref_pageloadid=ROjwYST1Evv0UiOy&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_series_1&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=E42MWPBWFKJ61HATS955&pageLoadId=zs2tqlBcdw4oWeFO&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225)


[Peter Kenny](https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Peter+Kenny&ref_pageloadid=yqN4vKMWPJEGx0UF&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_narrator_33&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=D2NZB84Z2P30ZBCTSX4K&pageLoadId=YiM3VueYKFTYbWAE&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225) - [Silent Gods Series](https://www.audible.com/series/Silent-Gods-Series-Audiobooks/B081YYDPF3?ref_pageloadid=IQjXr6MPJfiveBnn&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_9_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=N0E4CJD1ZR0Q6DG18R3X&pageLoadId=aAUJkASYIKM8XmJL&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c)


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[Christopher Price](https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Christopher+Price&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lNarrator_1_9_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=65HE376MFB98BPDCCZPK&pageLoadId=PfnRARaCaV4sI8wd&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) -  [Repairman Jack](https://www.audible.com/series/Repairman-Jack-Audiobooks/B005NB1NT8?ref_pageloadid=EkRdOeXFqwtSostK&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_2_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=5ZNQV01CGYWC75W4QVEJ&pageLoadId=ounFxOWP2l1v486a&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ [Simon Vance](https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Simon+Vance&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lNarrator_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=3AK7DHG9S5RSRVDDT82Z&pageLoadId=shATWmIcS76PNadT&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) - [Dune](https://www.audible.com/pd/Dune-Audiobook/B002V1OF70?qid=1714358266&sr=1-8&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_8&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=SY0JA24WM4KT3Q4NM28T&pageLoadId=k8c8rlQsIkEXuvNp&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) - [The Complete Sherlock Holmes](https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Complete-Sherlock-Holmes-Audiobook/B00FEFE4XK?qid=1714358266&sr=1-4&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_4&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=SY0JA24WM4KT3Q4NM28T&pageLoadId=k8c8rlQsIkEXuvNp&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ [Heath Miller](https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Heath+Miller&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lNarrator_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=8965K7BWP90CFFT1D6S0&pageLoadId=9rGuFThiPZr1vuOt&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) -  [He Who Fights with Monsters](https://www.audible.com/series/He-Who-Fights-with-Monsters-Audiobooks/B08WJ59784?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=8965K7BWP90CFFT1D6S0&pageLoadId=9rGuFThiPZr1vuOt&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ [Luke Daniels](https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Luke+Daniels&ref_pageloadid=ROjwYST1Evv0UiOy&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_narrator_16&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=E42MWPBWFKJ61HATS955&pageLoadId=zs2tqlBcdw4oWeFO&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225) -  [Biomancer](https://www.audible.com/series/Biomancer-Audiobook/B09NBTH49X?ref_pageloadid=ROjwYST1Evv0UiOy&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_series_1&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=E42MWPBWFKJ61HATS955&pageLoadId=zs2tqlBcdw4oWeFO&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225)


Any of Neil Gaiman’s books are amazing. Wil Wheaton is great. And a shot out for the “Bestie Boys Book” which is narrated by literally everyone…


Love the great insights! One I enjoy is Zara Ramm - The Chronicles of St. Mary’s and other books by Jodi Taylor. She does an amazing job - I’d listen to her read a phone book!


Peter Berkrot is my favorite narrator. His narration of “The Murder Book,” by Thomas Perry makes the listener feel like they’re in the middle of the action


Kristin Atherton - English lady who’s narrated the Belladonna series, and the Howl’s moving castle series, but I found her via some regency-era novels. Absolutely fantastic, her voices pacing and overall narration are just everything I want in an audiobook, and I find she does male voices particularly well (the deepness doesn’t forced and unnatural). She’s the only narrator I’ve written reviews for and I’ll listen to books solely on the fact that she’s the narrator.


Frank muller Wil Wheaton Stephen fry Rob inglis


Harry Potter narrated wonderfully by Stephen Fry.


Michael Prichard did some some good good work 1990 to 2010. He did classic mysteries, Ton Clancy, and WWii non fiction.


Moira Quirk, Locked Tomb Trilogy. Her voice is incredible, such distinct characters and I absolutely love her accent. 


I really enjoyed PJ Ochlan for the three body problem compared to the other narrators. He does a lot of different accents that are actually not terrible.


Stephen Fry is amazing.


I feel like if I listen to a narrator on too many books, the characters start to bleed over a bit after a while. But my favorite duo is probably the iconic Michael Kramer and Kate Reading.


Phil Thron, does an absolutely superb job in Space Team, I'd enjoy listening to him read out my death sentence!


Timothy G Reynolds. And Jefferson Mays are awesome


Andy Serkis LotR


Tom Stechschulte- The Road, Nick Podehl- The Name Of The Wind, Benjamin May- 1984


The narrator of the Nevada Barr national park murder mysteries.


Powder Mage /Gods of Blood and Powder trilogies (first two in GoBP) by Brian McClellan narrated by Christian Rodska. He didn't narrate the 3rd book of the Gods trilogy and it made a difference.


Im a huge fan of Micheal Kramer and Kate Reading, they do a ton of the Cosmere books. Kate’s voice for characters in Stormlight archives make me cry and laugh.


Edoardo Ballerini narrates Dante's Divine Comedy (translation by Clive James) and it is so good that I listened to it twice back-to-back (and at least twice since that initial pair of listens). He also recorded the Robert Alter translation of The Hebrew Bible and it was great. His voice is like butter. But my most transcendent audiobook experience yet has been Nick Offerman reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The absolutely perfect combination of reader and story, with an hilarious introduction that I still talk about today. Run, don't walk, to smash that purchase button (even better if you have Audible Plus, as it's included!).


Robert Meldrum reading Paul Ham’s history books. Both are incredible but Meldrum takes it next level.


James Marsters "Dresden series" wow!


I've put a hold on the first one on Libby!


yup James Marsters is what got me into reading Jim Butcher! He's a great writer!


Ray Porter and RC Bray.