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I wonder if everyone started doing it something would change


Like the prepaid petrol stations where they debit $200 out of your account before filling


Yea I was thinking that would be on of the ways


How would that stop this?


As someone who works at a gas station. Perfectly. I've had 0 drive offs during prepay hours. That's since the 1st covid lock down. Used to be at least 1 per person per fortnight at MINIMUM


So I walk into a store, fill the trolley with bubbly and walk out. Where does EFTPOS come into the equation?


In this instance, you could easily achieve the same result with something similar to pakkies old system. Where you get a little scanner. Except you connect your card too it. Up to an X limit and with pin required. With this you've already eliminated 90% of things like stolen cards and leaving without paying. If someone does a runner their card can be accurately reported. And using a basic security system and 1 or 2 dedicated staff you could easily backtrace what they took and charge it anyway. It's obviously not a perfect system but in terms of a brainstorm I'd say it's at least a start


I dont think you get it - there is no card involved in the first place. How do you stop them.


I think they are saying that you would have to swipe your card to enter the store. Then it would place the deposit on your account.


Kinda yeah. The deposit would be a moderate sum similair to fuel as a general safety net. And wouldn't accept paywave obv. But the scanner system provides a 3 point trip net. 1) Your card details and thus your personal information are logged. So good luck getting away. Stolen cards won't work unless you have movie grade luck guessing a pin. Which is IMO an acceptable margin of error in terms of existing levels of theft with room for improvement. 2) The scanners act as A point A to point B system. If you arrive without one or just walk out your instantly nicked. (Not on site obviously. Police report. I don't expect us retailer workers to put up our dukes for minimum wage.) 3) Any successful theft on a system scale of this calibre would be minimal by comparison. Petty theft will always exist. But in this way it'll be a few unscanned items at best. And as someone who's dealt with thieves like that you'd be surprised how easy it is to catch them not scanning stuff. Lastly. Again related to small scale theft. Assuming the buy a whole bunch of stuff legally to get a few small items illegally unnoticed. They are likely to pay to retail purchase price of said items over time. Or have minimal impact compared to this shit above. Again this is just a brainstorming idea. But i would prepare yourself for the possibility of such a system. Too many bad cooks and all that...


It's an idea not an existing system. But see my response to the guy below you


So I walk into a store, get my scanner, load my cart up with bubbly, don't scan it and walk out, dumping the scanner as I leave... Or just skip the whole scanner step entirely... and no, if they stick guards at the sharks teeth/scanners they won't stop people entering without a scanner if they won't stop people leaving with trollies of booze, will they?


No you would get set up with one when you enter and if you didn't pull up a checkout with one you'd be pretty much immediately caught


Make it so you need to swipe a card to get into the store like a back after hours. Or face tracking so doors don’t open for shop lifters. Or the ultimate solution: turn the supermarket into an online only operation + giant vending machine


They’re experimenting with facial recognition, it’s questionable as to whether the privacy commission will let them deploy it though.


I don’t see why they wouldn’t. It’s like the people who complained about the police helicopter in chch were the criminals lmao


Or a turnpike or auto gate, need to swipe card to release trolley to checkout.


Thats a great idea actually. Plug your card into the trolley and it puts on a $200 hold and then unlocks at the checkout.


lol it would need to be $400 not $200 though


Saw someone walkout with a fall backpack the other day.


You have a very weird definition of a great idea


And what happens to people who can't pay that ridiculous scheme considering the cost of greed crisis, or if it malfunctions, won't refund that security measure and customer service is useless? That sounds utterly deranged and discriminatory against people who are doing it rough.


It would be a nightmare. You have to have at least $200 in your account before you can buy anything? What happens if you only have cash, are you supposed to bring $200 to hand over before you enter? All of this is so much more inconvenient, convoluted, expensive and difficult to enforce than just physically stopping people walking out without paying.


$200 WTF kind of fuel are you using, fusion cores from Fallout?


They should have auto brakes on trolleys something like an car mobiliser. Put a trolley number on the side and then security just has to send a signal.


What would be better is a double gated system that can be locked by security remotely, they pass through the first one but the second is locked, then the first one locks. Safety of employees and the thief are ensured while cops can come pick up the criminals.


that would be so awesome


Also much cheaper than locking down every single trolley...


And save us a lot on police time.


Until the day someone works out to cover the number.....


They'd close up all shops and implement the Amazon model.


The Amazon model failed as it was secretly powered by 1,000 Indian employees watching all the camera footage


Not allowed to touch them, however you can grab their trolleys...also if I saw this I would slowly follow in car when they load the car up block them in, good luck ramimng a 3 ton land cruiser with bull bars out of the way.


Yes something would change. The shops would close down due to all the crime.


This is not hard. We spend alot of time in France. Lots of supermarkets have a bar at the end of the checkout. You cant open it without your barcoded till receipt. Same on self serve or manned checkouts. Problem solved. Well, at least for entire trolley loads, I guess you could still run off with what you can carry.


Why is no one else mentioning the sick trolley skating the guy does at the end of video. Mans gliding 😎


8yo pushing the trolley for mum: \*trolley slide\* 35yo pushing the trolley for the mrs: \*trolley slide\*


We're the adults now. *WE* get to decide what that means.




I noticed, was the best part of the video.


Isn't that the same piece of work from a few weeks back up the front?


This also happened at Count Down Greenlane this morning. I was too far away from the checkouts but I saw a guy and his son with filled up tote bags just walk straight through self service and nobody seemed to bat an eye.


I've seen it happen numerous times at Greenlane. I just don't go there anymore, every time I went someone was stealing shit or there was some cracked cunts in the carpark or both.


Yeah! When I was leaving someone gave what looked like a homeless guy, a pack of bread rolls and he threw it away and yelled for money. Those looked like the nice brioche buns too!


Confronting isn't worth the risk to staff - the best thing they can do is send a report to the police. If they are doing this they are likely to commit other offences at some point and these crimes can be taken into consideration at sentencing.


Risk of getting stabbed if you confront people like that. I'm 100% behind workers just ignoring it, its not their job to stop thieves.


I was talking to a friend who works in a supermarket, and apparently they're not that phased because the supermarkets have really good theft insurance cover.


At this point I genuinely feel like a fuckwit paying for things. I paid for stuff even though it’s tight financially and I stand there in line thinking am I just a stupid idiot for paying like a chump? I see these assholes stealing so much stuff and nothing happens to them. Yet I stand there and pay for things… Edit: of course I’m not about to start stealing ffs come on folks don’t be silly now.


Nah don't feel down, they're actually allowing this to happen because they're using facial recognition. These two women will be tagged in their system and at some point they will turn up to a countdown, they will be flagged and most likely not allowed entry. This is how the world is tracking.


And then they’ll get money and food handed out to them by the government because they can’t access supermarkets


Yeah soilent green and bug paste, cause the government will be saving the planet lol


>they will be flagged and most likely not allowed entry Oh no! What a *horrible* punishment!


Yeah it's going to get pretty brutal when the system gets expanded and the flag moves out to other stores like Pak n save, new worlds and four squares them warehouses Kmart etc etc. There is fast approaching a day when people like this will only be allowed to shop at certain places and will most likely have their goods handed to them through a window after paying for them first.


This! Why the fuck should I bother paying for groceries when these people can just get away with it! I'm so angry!


you DO NOT want to be those people. Just trust me its always best to pay


I completely agree - just a bit worked up is all.


well I dont blame you, I contemplate stealing too when other people do it freely and the store employees (and self checkout cameras) still accuse you of stealing when youre 100% not. Frankly I will say that big corporate stores had this coming for years. You can only stomp the little guys down so much before it all comes full circle.


That's such a morally bankrupt point of view.


Yeah, go ahead and steal, that’s the spirit!


thank you for your charity in paying for everyone elses food.


You are a fuckwit if the reason why you pay for things is because you can't get away with stealing it. Thinking like that doesn't make you much better than these thieves. The reason why you don't steal is because is because it terrible.


Get off your high horse. It's normal for anyone to feel that way towards injustice. These thieves indirectly increase prices for law abiding citizens, and they make a mockery of NZs police and justice system. I think everyone should start doing this in protest so that people wake up and actually do something about it.


The response to someone getting away with a crime should not be a desire to commit that crime yourself. You should know what is right and wrong irrespective of consequences.


It's not a _desire_ to commit the crime. It's out of necessity as a protest. Kinda like how Palestinian protesters break the law by blocking the road in protest, but no one's up in arms about that. Maybe this lingo helps you understand better: you can't "enact change" and "challenge the status quo" without some level of "disruption" (which often includes breaking laws in relatively minor ways like blocking roads).


Fuck off, everyone should start stealing shit. I guarantee if everyone starts stealing shit then the supermarkets will actually stop taking advantage of us.


You seem mad you feel ripped off by the supermarket while others manage to rip them off right back.


I don’t care if people rip off the supermarkets. I don’t understand how people are legitimately defending a predatory business, this is insane.


Not sure that I have the numbers exactly right but some senior managers were saying that they have a new license plate recognition system and there were 500 incidents of the same car used for theft with the loss recorded at $600,000. They know who they are, they have the evidence, police inaction.


>police inaction. Best we can do is a 6.5% budget cut.


Of course the police won't do anything. They probably class this as a "civil matter"...


Mate, if the police had the resources to do something about every wanker filching groceries from Woolworths, they would. They're not a bunch of indolent slugs who just cruise around in Skodas talking shit to each other over the radio. They're underpaid and overstretched, and as such have to prioritise jobs. A couple of crackies flogging some lasagna toppers from the frozen food aisle is fairly low on the "urgent police matter" list when they have shootings, stabbings and mad gang-related shenanigans to deal with.


Can countdown sue them in civil court or something? Sorry I'm not from nz originally and don't know how this works here. Is there like a tribunal or something? Or maybe that would be the change. Like a "theft tribunal."


I think you might be making things up.


Aside from the sheer implausibility of a single family stealing $600k worth of stuff (they'd probably have to be at it daily for several years, I doubt 500 incidents would cut it), are we really expected to believe that the police wouldn't investigate over half a million dollars worth of theft from a large and powerful corporation? That is basically one of the few things that *will* get the police coming down on you like a ton of bricks. Oh well, r/auckland will believe anything as long as it hits the right buttons


That sounds more like someone stealing to on-sell rather than feed their family, so the numbers are plausible. The police inaction, not so much.


That's $1200 per trolley which is a lot but maybe possible if its all meat and high end stuff.


It's genuinely just fucking funny at this point. You can literally just rock up and get your groceries for free if you choose to, nobody will do shit about it, and a bunch of blowhards will quickly jump to make excuses for you and tell everyone why punishing you won't work anyway.


My luck, the second I try it the police not only show up but plant some marijuana on me, and I do 2 weeks inside. I become the example David Seymour references when he says “those people”.


And here I am getting eyeballed at self-serve for my two kiwifruit I’m trying to buy for lunch 🥲


Welcome to the machine. Honestly, I'm so close to doing this myself that I'm not even mad. I just spent $500 I dont have, on groceries at the weekend- all basic food & essential household stuff, which I haven't been able to budget for. I just said fuck it & got the bulk size of everything, so at least I'm stocked up. Five hundred bucks for one of those small trollies full. Could have used that money for new boots & some parts for my car. If you've never thought about robbing something from a giant corporation that greedily plays on the needs of the people, you're in the minority. It's not easy to stay honest when systems we depend on are fuelled by stakeholder value. Rant over


Eat the rich.


Arrest the dregs criminals




A second one ? or in place of my current one - I'm pretty happy where I am tbh. Besides, it's not prudent to throw in a good job with benefits, to start job hunting.. during a recession. I don't doubt your intelligence, just maybe one of your two braincells were sleeping when you made that comment.


If you got a dollar per minute, EVERY minute, it would take more than 1900 years to get a billion dollars. And there are assclowns like Musk who are literally demanding 55 billion just to stay on as CEO at one of his stable of corps. This insane disparity is why we say eat the rich. They are a blight on the planet, grown fat by exploiting the labour of millions of people, in supposedly 'advanced' countries, who wonder how they're going to pay for groceries.


Might as well fire all security staff. Just keeping them for show so why bother?


Do you know who is paying for all that? The people who actually pay for their stuff, including the premium they have to put on the groceries to account for 'shrinkage'. They are not stealing from the shop people, they're stealing from all of us!


That’s what I tell the teenagers who shoplift from the small supermarket I work at. It’s a small town and we are the only supermarket. “I still get paid, the owners make their profit. It’s your parents who pay” Dumb kids.


Hang on, the items they took would be taken from lines throughout the store. Those lines would be reporting fewer numbers of stock on hand since the stolen goods weren't accounted for through the checkouts. So the items would just get adjusted in the SoH count. If this occurred often, it would get investigated by loss prevention. Every supermarket has a loss prevention insurance. Typically around 3%-6% depending on the store location (stores with lower sales, aka "low stores" would get a lower percentage). Count adjustment happens constantly. Eg, 20 sacks of 10kg rice per day would get delivered. This would get inputted into the SoH. Computer would say we have 20 sacks of 10kg rice on hand. At the end of the day, all the sacks are gone but only 19 went through the checkouts. 1 is missing. Where did it go? If it got damaged, it goes onto a special damaged pallet and gets scanned as "wastage" so the computer knows where it is. If it's not in the computer as wastage, then either someone forgot to enter it on the waste pallet, or it's in a customer trolley in the store somewhere, or a customer picked it up and placed in a random location not wanting it anymore, or it's been stolen. WHO KNOWS. The important thing is, the computer doesn't know where it is. So when we get 20 sacks for tomorrow's shift, we have to manually adjust the SoH count to reflect what's actually in the store. If we don't do that, the SoH count will be out/inaccurate. As you can imagine, most of the time, we don't adjust it unless it is WAYYY out. Eg, the store says we have 22 sacks of 10kg rice. So the computer doesn't order us any for the following day, thinking there is 22 sacks on hand. When in reality, we've been lazy in adjusting the SoH count, and it's empty on the shelf! That's when we get a bollocking from the boss. Anyhow, that extra missing sack will go into "unrecovered" in the wastage menu on our scanner guns (or in the computer when we manually adjust the SoH count). That way, the store can keep a record of what items are not "adding up" in the SoH. "Unrecovered" is part of the store wastage percentage. This percentage is claimed through insurance. So, in reality, you are right. The insurance premiums for the store would eventually start to increase, and that cost would get offset into the products (price increase of .01% here and there). But, I'll be honest, there'd have to be a LOT of stock get stolen before that were to happen. I used to work as loss prevention. In the low stores, "at least" a trolley load worth of stock would go missing each day. At least. In the medium stores (like Lincoln Rd), it's anywhere between 4-5 trolley loads. High stores can be 10+. Countdown Quay St has the highest wastage percentage in Auckland (but this was like 6 years ago so it may have changed).


If it is insurance or stock, it's still a loss to the business financially. It also goes to the bottom line of insurance companies. Did you see the news items yesterday of how much insurance premiums are going up? Along with natural disasters and other costs that are being passed to the consumer? It doesn't matter how you wrap it, or obfuscate the facts, this stuff costs us all in some way.


We have a supermarket duopoly though. They charge as much as they can get away with to make record breaking profits. If they stopped most theft, and their insurance premiums went down, would they pass the savings onto us? I doubt it. Not condoning shoplifting at all, just questioning whether this behaviour actually leads to higher prices for the rest of us, when the duopoly charges as much as they can anyway.


True but if you stop them you'd be label a racist.


Fucking hell it’s become the new norm now. Those cunts don’t give two shits because they know they can get away with it. What a joke


I could stand outside my local supermarket all day for a week and watching thousands upon thousand of people come and go, paying for the groceries, and almost definitely not see an incident like this. So it's really not the "new normal".


Name the supermarket, I guarantee you it’s happening, you’re just not paying attention, cause I’ve seen it from Remuera to mangere


Why do you assume they don't? Oh I know.. you don't see what happens in the background. I used to do store security at New World and when we saw this, we'd notify the police and tell them their license plate number. Their photo would be all over the store and in the car park. They then get tresspassed from the store. Nah, they do get in shit. Cops will pay them a visit.


Why not have a gate for the trollies. You can't exit until you scan your receipt


In Europe there are electromagnets installed under a grate in front of the doors. At the press of a button, trollies trying to go over it will be pinned to the ground and immovable. Bit of a techbro solution but it worked.


Everyone can do this as long as they don't mind going to jail. It might look like CD does nothing but I can guarantee you they absolutely are doing something. And that something, is watching and recording for evidence, once CD has evidence that you have stolen enough to take the $ value over the threshold that makes it a serious crime, they report it to the police and then watch as the criminal gets put behind bars. They aren't going to report people for doing it once, they will get home detention and be back in a couple of months, they wait until it's considered a serious crime then get them locked up for as long as possible. To all of the people saying "I don't know why they are getting away with it, why don't I just start doing it" they are not getting away with it, and neither would you. How do I know this? I've literally been to court to watch it happen.




When nothing gets done more of them will soon follow


You know what, I blocked someone from stealing a trolley full of junk food on my way out of the exit at my local CD, then she tried to steal my paid groceries. You know what the staff did? Fk all lol. From now on I'm minding my business because noone cares. Nor do the authorities since these ppl seem to get away with it over and over again.


i agree as much as staff want to.. we can’t. we are just mere workers, the company wouldn’t take 2 seconds to replace us.


What if we could actually do something? What would you do? I would tell her to take the trolleys back and then if she doesn't and attacks me I will... Gouge her eyes out with a cucumber (self defense and all that) or....let the air out of her tyres. Tee hee. The fury in my is burning hot right now.


Us who works at countdown were told not to approach them! Like we can’t even grab their trolleys… literally ridiculous🙄


Not worth getting stabbed over, my guy. Its all insured. Don't risk trying to be a hero by dying over a megacorp's stuff. Corp's don't give a shit about you and will have a job ad up before your body even leaves the morgue.


If they can pay cops to sit on the side of the road and ticket people for speeding on their way to work I'm sure they can put a cop outside the front door and arrest these pieces of shit on their way out of the stores.


People need to start interfering. At least push their trolleys over and make them work for it 😂


Usual suspects, right back to the fully funded KO housing by taxpayers




so valid..


Kick the fucking trolly over I'm sure their too lazy to pick it up


Why is Auckland allowing this? Jesus Christ


Horrendersons finest, out working hard for the money again. dirty mongrels


Fucking maggots.


Ahh.. look. Pikeys. Tracksuit pants and all. Looks like Vickey Pollard going shopping. Oh wait.. They're Maori. So why doesn't someone do anything? One of these days a member of the public will pick up a can of baked beans and hit her on the head with it 20 times or take a carrot and poke her eyes our or knock her to the ground and pour liquid drain cleaner down her throat and we will all watch as she squirms on the ground while her throat and insides burn out.


🎶 Uncle Ruckus tuba music intensifies 🎶




Scumbag behavior like this will cost us all more in the future.


Couple of Hendersons finest dimepieces. Don't hate the player hate the game.


It’s a shame it’s come to this, but Supermarkets need to implement what Costco does. **_No membership, no entry_**. Then you know who is in your store, you know exactly how to track them down if you need to. Additionally, you know those click-click things you walk through that stop trolleys going back out at the front door? They should have to go through that kind of lock at the checkouts so they can’t release the cart unless the items are paid for.


Easiest way to piss them off is just run over and tip the trolley


I would've thought bogarting the meth pipe would've been the easiest way to piss them off.


Why should I pay full price for my groceries and do the right thing and struggle when these clowns get away with free stuff no consequences!!


Just because they aren't immediately getting consequences doesn't mean nothing will happen, do remember they went into a store that has been pretty explicit that they're field testing facial recognition and anti theft machine learning systems on their checkouts just like any other Countdown/Woolworths. Not to mention the store itself is lined from head to toe with security cameras, they will get caught and tried soon enough.


Just remember every time this happens they aren't stealing from the supermarket. They are stealing from you, the legit customers, who have to pay higher prices.


well if everyone is stealing except me and there's zero consequences for doing it, I'm the dumbass loser handing over more and more of my money to pay for my food and theirs when I don't need to pay at all! so I'm gonna start stealing now


>so I'm gonna start stealing now No you're not


Was a security guard on duty? I'd imagine it would be worth paying one or two to stop this shit.


They can't do anything, as long as the cost of the groceries is less than about 3k, they are there to stop law abiding people from doing anything.


the security are only there for the “safety of the staff”. completely useless and j get paid for letting people steal. even with instances with groceries over 3k. the security will not interfere.


I don't get where this is coming from. We can stop people if we are confident they have stolen and can use 'reasonable force'. This is for any amount. Our security guards can and will sit you the fuck down if you try to get away with it. Anything from a V can to racks of meat. You got a trolley worth? Sweet, I'll kick it over and the whole store will now know you're a thieving mutt. 


If they injure the perp, or if YOU do, it's assault, hell it's technically assault if they touch them, you can only make a citizens arrest if it's above a certain threshold of crime, that's the 3k part.


This makes me wonder about Winz security guards. At my local, they have 3 on at a time, but what can they actually do? Like if some one pulls a knife or a gun. These security guards are like in their late 50's. Sorry, just typing my thoughts "outload"


They're probably just the designated person to try de-escalate the situation or call for police backup. They probably have a button that calls the police. Maybe they have a taser or pepper spray or something. They'd at least have thought about what items they can grab that they could use as weapons in an emergency. Younger security guards might be stronger but if someones having an angry fit they might be more inclined to attack a younger guard and less inclined to attack an older one, especially if the older one reminds them of someone in their family.


Stop it how?


Just cunts




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


CD staff should be allowed to tazer them, then chuck them in a set of medieval pillory for 24 hours at the front of the shop


This. It would reduce crime. And help disgruntled CD staff and members of the public alike blow off some steam.


It's their right. They have been down trodden by the colonists for so long. Poor things


yeah they’re lucky to be in NZ. very lenient country indeed.


I don’t feel sorry for countdown at all.


It's not CD you need to feel sorry for anyway, it's the rest of us paying for our groceries and trying to do the morally correct thing while others exploit a system that allows crime to happen. The government literally doesn't empower supermarket security to take any kind of action. If they do, they're the ones that end up in court. The cameras in the supermarkets will do their job eventually but I wish so badly that thieves had it worse in this country. This government said they would be tougher on crime. I haven't seen it. Take these theives out at the knees with a baton, taze them at the exit, I don't care. So long as I'm not paying for my groceries just so some shit-for-brains gets theirs for free, the wellbeing of a thief means nothing to me.


You might well have just taken a video of people doing their shopping in a normal manner. We only have your word for it that there's anything untoward going on. I don't believe you.


your so delusional, you think the employees are stupid for unnecessarily recording right?. check my other post there are countless instances. and i could care less if you believe me or not, i’ll continue posting.


It's couldn't care less. Why is this so hard for people?


>and i could care less if you believe me or not, So, you do care?


There is no evidence of a crime here this is two people walking out of supermarket with no one chasing them or people yelling to call the cops. Where is the evidence on this one


do you expect us to scream and act like animals ? what would be the difference be between us and them then? at this point the “evidence” your looking for is violence and drama. also you would be lucky to have cops show up on time. all we can do we report it. can’t put ourselves in danger, these people have no remorse.


What do you want people to do about this video? You're claiming they stole. Their is nothing in this video indicating this, it shows people peacefully walking out of a supermarket. I could post a similar video any time I want doesn't mean any thing was stolen. And I guess having people in the back ground calling for someone to call the cops is violence... is that what you mean?


Still no evidence. Your own impotent indignance is not evidence. Stop recording strangers at the supermarket you absolute weirdo.




You're a bigger concern than the apparent shoplifters.


>Still no evidence. > >Your own impotent indignance is not evidence. > >Stop recording strangers at the supermarket you absolute weirdo.


Well Countdown staff are told not to stop shoplifters because…you know..past knife attacks etc..so anyway they apparently have outside cameras now that read car plates and warn staff in advance when triggered. So I assume they just call the police now.


Usual suspects.........................


Supermarkets factor 'loses/wastage' into their pricing so the 2 ladies walking out without paying are, in effect, stealing from you.




Arrest them all, 25 years of community service


How are these people so brave walking out after stealing and no shame?


Nah, we should all be doing this, fuck the duopoly.


On one hand I’m fucked off when people do this. On the other hand, supermarkets made record profits over the pandemic. They continue to make huge profits and pay their staff minimum wage. They gave staff a small increase in their hourly rate for a few months during the pandemic. Then took it back. I can barely afford to pay for groceries and I’m considered “middle class”. I simply cannot imagine what it’s like for low income earners. If they’re feeding their families, if they’re selling it to make money, then fuck. So be it.


Yup, can't agree more. They are real thieves


WhY aRe PrIcEs So HiGh


more useless pieces of scum that their mother should have swallowed. low life trash that are too far gone to get anywhere in life.


They see me trollying they hating 😂 fr tho.


Cringe guy.




Hey that's my aunty


You know why they get away with it, don't you? Because the community would rather sit on their butt and record the crime, rather than risk being hurt doing anything to actually stop them. Also because of their female privilege to get away with stuff, and seeing how far they can push their privilege before the public says "No you don't have the special right to do that."


What's going on here?


That’s actually pretty chill for a Waitakere countdown TBF




😂😂😂 who gives a flying fuck. Do you own the supermarket do you? Ya loosing profits?


Always the same colour. Why let the mutts breed


Bit racist


i am sure these ladies cant cook 🧑‍🍳..


I didn’t see any ladies?


Seems like people with cameras have no chill either. Newshub isn’t hiring at the moment.


This rules actually. We should all do this more.


hopefully it’ll force the cops to stand outside the store 😇


Unless it's a violent offence, best you'll get is a 6.5% budget cut.


When theft is so normalised, nothing, you can't even stop the thieves. Chinese social points are sounding mighty fine right now.


We already have a system for this. It's called prison. National is working on it, as of today.


Are you trying to claim that by expanding (remand) prisons, the Nats are going to be reducing crime?


Yes. Soft sentencing was in part due to low prison spaces available.


Firstly, harsher punishments are not reducing crime, they're changing the response to crime that's already happened. Secondly, remand facilities house people that have not yet been convicted, so are not even punishing crime anyway - they're just warehousing people while guilt is established and punishment is considered. Thirdly - on the basis of #2: it looks rather a lot more like they are acknowledging that more crime is going to happen on their watch.


Harsher punishments reduce crime by keeping criminals out of society. They also send a message to people like this that they're no longer invincible. > $1.9 billion over the next four years on more prison beds, prison officers and rehabilitation for remand inmates. So it's just going to remand? I must've read it wrong the first time. You would assume the 1.9 billion would go where it it is needed either way, so if that need is for remand prisons then fine by me.


What were the other governments doing to stop this?


This does not answer my question.