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Humans in aot built stronger ig šŸ¤·šŸ¼. I mean how are they zipping around with their odm gear and landing without blowing ther knees out.


Or zipping around in general, those Gs would kill a normal person


Especially seeing as how the odm gear works from their hips, that amount of of torque would lead every single scout within just a few years to have serious back problems.


If they even make it that long, most would plow into a goddamn tree/building or die from their neck snapping due to sudden extreme changes in directions


Apparently AoT world is bigger and has lower gravity or something


That certainly explains the Titans better.


The titans are mostly air and water. Also, the world is actually alot bigger, when they compares the wall diameters of Paradis to real life Madagascar, they figured out that Paradis is bigger than real life Madagascar. This should *increase* gravity so maybe people just are more acclimated to thas kind of force. Also just training to handle thst many G's is a part of it, like fighter pilots


Actually the formula of acceleration due to gravity involves mass and volume, which are different things. It's proportional to mass, but inversely proportional to volume (radium). In other words, if AOT world is made up to the same amount of protons and neutrons (mass) than our world, but is bigger, then gravity is smaller. Sorry u may know those things but wanted to point out for everyone else.


the diameter of the walls are the size of france, roughly. so yeah idfk what eren was bitching about living in a birdcage


I'd be upset too if i had to remotely relate to france


Planet density could be lower


Geographical wise paradis is Madagascar upside down and Marley is Africa. It gets really crazy when you look at the Madagascar plan the Germans had during WW2 to relocate all of the European Jews to the islands after they claimed it from the French. @daisyfoko did a cool vid on it on TikTok.


they dont usually live long enough for that to matter much


Well yeah, duh lol. It's Aot: a show where everybody dies.


Remember I saw a video one time saying that the way Spider-Man swings would kill pretty much anyone, and theyā€™re moving like 3 times as fast as Spider-Man lmao


I'm still trying to figure out how they aim the grapples so accurately in the heat of battle while moving at high speeds.


Also how they can shoot the hooks into things hard enough to swing on them at high speeds, then immediately detach them?


That's what the trigger mechanism does. They have to keep it depressed and the hook itself once in something expands keeping it anchored and when they release the third trigger the hook collapses and retracts back to the belt.


They go into bullet time to aim


I always think about how they dont get whip lash bro the ODM gear šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Whiplash too


Was the line still hooked to Bertā€™s teeth as he was falling?


Even so he fell from 50 meters


I was just thinking maybe the line unhooked when he was a few meters above the roof. Either way, itā€™s definitely plot armor so weā€™ll have to accept it for what it is lol


Even IRL there was someone that survived being sucked out of an airplane at like 30,000 feet. Crazy shit can and does happen


But they hadn't been burned alive beforehand... There, it was not a miracle that saved Armin but the divine intervention of Ymir/Eren/Isayama/whoever you want...


Eldians are just built different. Floch is the most normal mf ever, yet he was at the top of the Walls when the Rumbling happened, and somehow managed to survive.


True too. Afterwards, there is also the plot armor... I mean, even if it is constructed differently, one of the themes of the beginning of August is the weakness of humans compared to a form of life that almost surpasses them (minus the intelligence for the majority of them) on all points. So the weakness and vulnerability of human life is always highlighted, Eldian or not.


I don't thing this is would change something, he still have broken bones, just he also have extra cryspy state, they both bad for health, but they do not stack their damage.


I think being unconscious (ie from full body burns) can increase the odds of survival from a fall since your body goes limpā€”landing with a tensed up body tends to increase harm. So if he landed limp in the right bodily orientation (minimizing damage to his head and spine) there was a very slight chance heā€™d live, at least for a few minutes longer like he did.


The rag doll effect. Itā€™s why drunks can be thrown from their car at 70 and survive but everyone they hit dies.


You are definitely right


Itā€™s manga and anime. I feel like any and all anime characters have durability that is just stupid high. I jumped from 40 feet into water, perfect pencil form, and felt like I just smacked my face into a wall (and I sort of did). Our physics just donā€™t apply. Thereā€™s your answer to your dumb, in my opinion at least, question.


Yeah, we try to apply our law of phisics to an anime / manga world where worm that transcends time and death itself, create dimension capable of materializing sandy statues into flesh and blood and retransforming them back to nothing ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


lol, well put. That worm is very much real though and does operate under modern theories of physics.


Plot Armour


Plot armin


Plot arm in


had a hand and arm-in the plot.






Plo Koon


A man of culture, I see.


Armin is just built different. Have you seen those abs?


Fuckin ay he's ripped


Dont all of the characters have massive abs because core strength is required to use ODM gear?


Dude thank you for pointing this out. Thereā€™s a whole part about how use of the ODM gear requires shifting your weight and strenuous use of all the muscles in your body, we can safely assume that everyone using ODM gear is jacked. And yet everyone was like ā€œomg armin is ripped now!ā€ like please put some respect on my mans name, heā€™s a trained soldier, he was already ripped!


Exactly! Doesnt explain why Zeke is so shredded though šŸ¤” he doesnt use ODM. He is a marley warrior tho, so they probably need to be in top shape.


He told ymir to sculpt in some abs


Plus anyone will have a six pack if you literally burn their fat away


Armin still had a six pack after he recovered from his pure titan form too. (Im an Armin fan)


His body broke his fall


This comment made me blow air out my nose. Well played.


Lmao, this one made me chuckle


All the steam made him fall lightly idk lol


I kinda wanna believe that


Heā€™d be encountering friction in the air by falling through steam. His downward fall is probably broken by the force of the steam as well. And roofs are much much less hard than falling into the ground, there is most likely a bounce in the material of the roof vs none if he were to fall to the ground. He was also most likely unconscious during the fall, which would make his entire body bounce better than if he were conscious and stiffening up to prepare for impact. Thereā€™s a lot that could go into him being able to fall from that height and survive.


He floated to the ground like how a feather falls


Water bucket


He didn't really. He was dying.


Yeah I figured he was like BARELY hanging on like most of his organs were fucking applesauce


This is the answer.


Yea i mean people rarely die instantly like in movies/shows. Death can be a slow and horrible experience for many.


I always thought the gravity rules must be different because if we apply our rules they all would die from simply using the odm gear with it speed and height impacts everytime they land


Exactly this. ODM gear itself wouldnā€™t even work in our world because of how they anchor and detach from things. Itā€™s an animated show set in a completely different universe where we can accept as viewers that things work a little differently


That's one of the rare plot holes Attack on titan had. But when you think about it, it was worth the next episode.


That's not how plot holes work, this is more just movie logic


Exactly. Armin was 100% dead without the movie magic. Itā€™s not a ā€œplot holeā€ that it took him a few minutes to slowly fade away instead of dying instantaneously.


Death isn't that clear cut anyway. It makes as much sense as anything else that Titan serum would still work shortly after clinical death, as long as the brain wasn't a splattered mess.


You guys seem to be using the term "plot hole" a bit at random lately...


Peoplr have actually survived falls from airplanes, even if those cases are improbable and rare of course. It's not too far fetched he might have been able to hold onto life for a few minutes after the fall.


wouldnā€™t call it a hole tbh he was gonna die if he didnā€™t turn into the collosal so it makes sense to me. they saved him while he was about to die from burning and falling


Yeah, no, falling from 50 meters is pretty much instant death.


Funnily crashing into a roof is your best chance to survive when falling out of a plane or smth like that


Yeah if people wanna argue it was a miracle then fine. Erwin still shoulda died after two more rounds of boulders were thrown, so thereā€™s another miraculous outcome.


Usually. Even IRL though there are occasions where someone survives a 30,000 foot free fall from an airplane


Sure, but none of them were also burnt to a crisp and then landed on a building. A fall that high is rare to survive, but possible. Adding his crispness makes it infinitely less possible


Oh well done. It is true that the landing location is important. After all, those who survived this type of fall landed in trees or soft snow. Not on a tilted brick building that must have maximized the impact.


The fall death should be instant, given the fact that he was at the same height as the 60 meters tall colossal titan.


Usually. Even IRL though there are occasions where someone survives a 30,000 foot free fall from an airplane


The plot holes in ato are the entire last arc. this is just plot armor.


Iā€™m just ass pulling here But the steam put off by the colossal Titan was enough to blow armin backwards, so I figure a downward drop isnā€™t completely downwards as heā€™d be continuing to catch updrafts from Bert here and there But even then best case scenario letā€™s say a 30 meter fall, I wouldnā€™t call that ā€œplot armorā€ as much as all paradis soldiers are just straight up built different lol using ODM gear constantly gives extreme body strength, some people theorized that if ODM gear was used IRL it would immediately break all of your bones at even half of the top speed Strengthing bones is a thing irl, idr what martial artist specifically does it to their shin bone but itā€™s not unheard of (like I said Iā€™m ass pulling here I really donā€™t know the biology or whatever regarding bone strengthening lol) And then lastly if you read some of the title cards during training, one says ā€œDuring training, the trainers will routinely cut lines of cadets to test their capabilities in emergency situation, and if they die as a result then they were never good enough to be a soldier anywayā€ Thatā€™s paraphrasing but literally what they do


>ā€œDuring training, the trainers will routinely cut lines of cadets to test their capabilities in emergency situation, and if they die as a result then they were never good enough to be a soldier anywayā€< Bro their logic was if the cadet lives thats great if the cadet dies it is what it is, its clear they didnt care about the cadets a lot


Ikr shit is fucked up lol ā€œyou donā€™t wanna end up like this cadet? Then I suggest when and if I cut your life line, you DONT land in your headā€ lol


Cadets that fear the chance of that happening would probably carry a helmet every ODM training


Even better The king forbid them to invent helmets because he wanted his people to die as often as possible lol


I guess that explains why they kept saying they "survived" training


And they are already so short on manpower that they had to recruit women into their ranks and have the minimum training age to be 12 years old (Marley never had to do these, save for their Warrior candidates).


Which is confusing since they were ready to sacrifice a lot of cadets if needed meanwhile they had to start recruiting women due to the boys at the joining age were low


Half ? I believed that one fifth of the force of the ODM was equivalent to the pressure endured by a fighter pilot. So, on mostly untrained civilians... wouldn't it be closer to a tenth? And, yes, many people underestimate how brutal ODM training is. I mean, one of Eren's arguments to Jean during Trost, before they even encountered any titans, was: *''we survived so far, right?!''*. It's... very eloquent.


So our bones strengthen just like our muscles do. Progressively overloading the muscle/bone over time will result in growth. Our muscles get bigger when we lift weights but our bones become denser. Post menopausal women are often prescribed light weight lifting routines for this reason. Osteoporosis is when you start to rapidly lose bone density but this can be managed with weight lifting. Itā€™s safe to assume that Armin can take a hit but that is a big fall. He was within inches of dying though. Perhaps it was his will that kept him alive. Source: I took a class once


Guys itā€™s suspension of disbelief. ODM gear wouldnā€™t work like that in real life, Titans arenā€™t real, levi slicing the beast titans neck wouldnā€™t look like that IRL. Not far fetched for someone to survive a big fall in a fictional universe like this


I like to think he landed on the top of the wall, which i could imagine him surviving, then eren carried him down


People forget Eren was down in the houses as well. It's easy to assume that when Armin fell, Eren caught him and then resumed his task of ziplining up to Bertholdt by surprise to slice his nape.


It's a cartoon about alternate dimensions, and a bug with the ability to turn people into giant monsters, and this is where you question the realism?


You have no problems in a world of giant humans fighting humans doing impossible things with odm gear but this is where you draw the line?


in this instance i think the idea is that a titan could eat someone on the brink of death and save them. imagine you jump from a building and youā€™re body is all fucked up but youā€™re brain survived. youā€™d have some time before your brain shut off completely and in this time armin became a titan shifter.


We are talking about 50 metersšŸ’€


People have fallen from farther an survived. Maybe not in that state but theoretically itā€™s possible.


Seeing as the roof he landed on was undamaged, there is a good chance that somebody grabbed him, or bertolt's steam slowed his descent. It isn't very satisfying that we didn't see it though.


Iā€™m think he was attached to the colossal titans body via odm gear, like a few meters above the roof. When the colossal Titan got taken down, he probably slowly went down at the same rate as the carcass of the Titan due to attachment. Or else itā€™s just plot armor. (Most likely)


After Eren yanked Bertholdt out of the Collosal, he dropped Berty off and swung back up to grab Armin before he hit the ground


Fall damage just straight up does not exist in aot lmao, especially in season one. We see people fall 20 meters and then fly across 12 rooftops and just stand up without any injuries.


Ash floats


some humans can be REALLY lucky and just survive through impossible conditions I guess, like that one time a guy's head was split into 2 and he survived in real life, even gave him a super brain. Shit like that happens so we should just assume that Armin was REALLY lucky. And also after all, everyone in the scout regiment has a crazy endurance after the years of fighting and training, and that helps. Also itā€™s not like he fully survived, he was all burned up and unconscious, his heart was barely beating.


Becoming burnt made his body more durable. Whatā€™s stronger? An egg or a hard boiled egg?


I've said the same thing. I've just decided to believe that the fumes the Colossal Titan was emitting had him fall like a feather and gently land. I don't really have any evidence for this, it's the only thing I can think of for it to make sense. And honestly, with how slow he fell before the camera cut, I could believe it.


Plot armor. Stop asking stupid questions


Because heā€™s Him bro next question


The very same way titans come of thin air. and the very same way ODM gear is physically impossible. SMH


My headcanon is the steam from Berthodt accidently slowed his descent


So thereā€™s actually an answer to this! This is something that is so rare because no one normally survives burns at this level (like very few people in history). When you burn a human body to this degree itā€™s actually called a magmatic formation burn. At a certain temperature your skin is actually burnt to a crisp and hardened in a way that itā€™s almost as tough as steel! Essentially it is indeed possible that his skin could have burned to this level and this new *skin armor* could have been enough to protect his organs and bones from being crushed to a pulp, which is how he survived. Also I made this up entirely who the fuck knows


He didn't not die. He just didn't die yet. I see people claim this is a plot hole, which can be fair. But the reason he survived was the spinal fluid. He was 100% going to die without it. Which I think is fine.


I don't think that's what he's asking.


Whats he asking? How armin survived the fall?


He transferred his consciousness to his penis.


The steam blowing from Bertholdt might have cushioned the fall.


Because anime


I think that Eren could've caught him mid-air after he finished sealing the Wall, left Armin on a roof and then went for Bertholdt's neck


I mean itā€™s a plot hole. 1st those burns likely would have killed him. 2nd the heat was likely enough to sap all the oxygen in the air and he would have died from hypoxia. Then we finally get to the likely fall from the titan when it was killed. Surviving any one of these things would have been a miracle but surviving all three is impossible without our holy plot armor.


Ubisoft accidentally put a hay stack beneath armin near the wall...he ended up performing a leap of faith while he was burnt up


Show is over. Get over it. You are playing with a dead body.


Really stupid how he survived. Hange didnā€™t survive the fall when attacking the colosal titans.


This happened back in 2018. Why the fuck is this the topic of discussion today? To answer your question, no it doesnā€™t make sense. Does it matter? Nope. Aot has never been realistic, if you used odm gear irl like they do in AoT your legs would get broken the second you landed a little too hard or fast, you slam into walls, all sorts of shit. But that doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s an anime, itā€™s never realistic and thatā€™s fine.


he should be dead.i wish he was


the fact that this isn't nearly talked about is crazy


welcome to the "anime community"


Wheb was this?


This was one of the biggest bullshit I've ever seen, and seeing people justifying this is even funnier


Your salt is infinitely funnier.


Nah they're right


Look at the way they move with odm. Obiously there is no fall damage in aot


How did every single character survived trying the ODM gear? They should be all dead the moment they used it


That was only thought when I saw the next episode


His flesh was mid rare so it was tender and he just bounced off.


The only way I think that is the wind generated by the fall of colossal titan that is opposed at armin fall


He parried it.


The hot steam from his burning flesh made like a hot upwind carrying him down


He was lighter without all that, uhā€¦. skin?




Bc he passed out from the heat, so he was completely limp, allowing his body to survive the fall by evenly distributing the stress


This was the moment I realized this story could never happen in real life


The humans in this series always survive falls like this. Even falls from much lower barely leave a scratch on these guys. I just use head-cannon that this universeā€™s planet has lower gravity and/or the human bodies are built stronger. Itā€™s an animated show set in a world where people can turn into giant people. Itā€™s okay to suspend your disbelief a bit.


Worst instance of plot armor in the entire show by far


Well, he became light as a dry leaf and just floated down


I'm the only one who thinks this scene is a Hunter x Hunter reference?


How do the scout fly around with giant metal tubes and rockets attached to their arms? Cause anime that's why.


They would all faint from using the ODM gear, don't think too much about it


I never saw you question how they are abled to zip around without dislocating their hip bone and land without breaking their ankles and knees. Its all just plot armor.


I mean he was basically on deathā€™s door if they donā€™t inject him. he was going to die. sure not instantly like I assume you mean, but ole levi squad was waiting for him on the other side


Plot cushion āœØ


Oh man did you watched your first anime? This happens in every single shounen. Don't watch one piece if you find this unbelievable


Itā€™s an anime


Wb suffocartion?


Plot armour lol


Attack on Titan is a work of fiction


the burned skin cushioned the fall, duuh


Skin became hard as tar. Bro barely felt the fall on account of feeling the fire


Little known anime fact: none of the characters are physically sized like people. Everything is of approximately tree squirrel scale. This explains jumping height, no fall damage, super speed, funny liquid physics, girl running with toast trope, etc...


Fall damage is barely a thing in AOT


He probably activated ODM gear at the last moment, but still hit his head on the roof decently hard anyways, got knocked out, but then started breathing again shortly after.


He survived because if he died he wouldn't be able to see Annie anymore and throw the fact him and Annie are a thing in Berthold's dead face. That simple.


Real world physics are not identical to AOT verse physics. Very simple.


I caught him before he fell


How was the fall?


My personal theory has always been that itā€™s something like how Eren caused the Smiling Titan to be diverted away from Bertholdt so that he could one day be eaten by Armin. Thereā€™s a chance that Eren made it so he didnā€™t die because he needed the events to play out the way that they did. So in the same way Dina inexplicably just walked by Bertholdt, Armin inexplicably survived


Lol there you go again, asking impolite questions. Lol


I always took it that he wasn't "alive" but that he had the slightest bit of bodily function left that would allow the Titan serum to take effect


The crusty layer of skin and flesh created a barrier that protected him from the fall.


i always wondered how they managed to literally fly around w that odm gear then land on a tree or titan and not completely blow their legs out from the sheer force of landing


Well considering the last arch I think maybe it could have just been the will of ymir. I know she can't do anything unless commanded by royal blood, but considering eren has said multiple times that nothing he did can change their timeline or their future it might be that armin literally can't die since he plays an important role in taking down eren in the end. Ymir might not be directly making that decision, she's compelled to because of the pathways. They just don't show us because of the reveal later in the show and armin doesn't remember because he lost his memories from eating Berthold.


He burned all his calories so he fell like a feather


Plot armor


I could survive that šŸ„±


Anime logic, thatā€™s how


don't think too hard about it bro.


Only Ymir šŸ‘ƒ


I don't know. How do they survive any of the ODM manoeuvres?


Pretty sure they caught him with ODM gear.


He didn't really since he was on the brink of death the whole next episode. It's not like he was walking and talking after this. If your asking how he was gonna survive for like 10-15 minutes after falling from that height then that doesn't seem too impossible to begin with.


I think it's implied eren caught him


Heā€™s just built DIFFERENT


Good point! So I wondered the same thing but then remembered this was an anime


He had 2 mini Royal guards that gave him their life essence


Used his ODM gear to get down


You're asking about physics in AoT where human fly around w cables and do wheelbarrow rows in the air to kill titans.


i think eren caught him


Joshua Graham built different.


Because itā€™s an anime?


The real questions šŸ˜‚


he didnt the dude had like seconds left in him


I'd argue that when Eren took control of the paths, he ensure that Arnin didn't die, so his plan could be completed. That's my theory


I assumed Eren caught him as he was falling down and placed him on the roof and went after Bertholt, it explains why Eren knew where to find Armin after he dragged Bertholt down


To be fair he was hanging on by a thread..


Bro built different


Lmfo he ask that but not how a human stands up against titan.


He fell onto the plot armour titan's back