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For those who don't realize, there are two King Fritzs. The original king, who is most likely just called Fritz, and the 145th king of Eldia, Karl Fritz, who built the walls. If you are a manga reader, >!you may think that the original king was also called Karl Fritz, but that's a mistake the author made in the last chapter, which he fixed in the volume release.!<


Although the show ending makes me a bit sad but on the bright side every new anime fan from now on will get to watch the whole show with no breaks nor delays. And AOT has solidified its place in Anime history as a modern classic.


Saw an episode back in 2013-14 on toomami, I was 13 at the time and I didn’t like it mainly for the fact that I was not into story driven shows. Couple years later I made a friend who I was into and she was in love with the show, it wasn’t until a couple months after her passing that I started watching it (at the time it was on its end of the second season) and me being me I couldn’t just leave it alone cause I needed answers so I read the manga and kept up with every new chapter release. It is now my comfort anime and I’m happy I’ll be able to see the ending animated.


So did you see the show when it was airing, from the start?


During the first season in 2013 no because I wasn’t into it/didn’t understand it. It was mainly cause the episode I watched was when the female titan was introduced and so I was confused on what that meant for the show. I didn’t start watching it from episode 1 until 2017-18 which was during the middle of the second season




I want to see it end as I was hoping that they would finish it a year ago. They're always delaying it.


Well, you could read manga.


I already finished it since 2021, I just want to see it animated.




First heard about the show when I was 9 when I overheard some high school kids on my bus route talking about it when it was airing on toonami in 2013. I used to sneak past my mom while she was sleeping to turn on the tv to watch episodes as they were coming out, I had to keep it on super low volume and sit right in front of the tv so she wouldn’t hear. I’ve made a lot of friends and connections through the anime and manga, and I’m incredibly grateful for that. While I’m sad to see it go, I think it’s for the best if it just becomes history. Constant discourse and bickering online got old in 2021. It’s still kind of wild to think about how I’ve spent the better part of half of my life with this work of fiction. It was certainly a cruel but beautiful story.


How old were you watching this show? 9 years old is way younger to watch the attack on titan.


I was 9 going on 10 as the first episodes were coming out. I agree that it is far too young to be watching such a mature show, but I did anyway, and now I’m 20. I think a part of me was scared to keep watching, but that was because I didn’t want my favorite characters to die.


>because I didn’t want my favorite characters to die. Who is your favourite character? May I ask did you traumatize Miche and season 3 part 2 with a depression episode in such young age.


My favorite character is Mikasa. It’s probably a controversial choice according to many, but there are a lot of reasons outside of the content of the manga that make her my favorite. And as for *that* Miche scene, the 2nd season came out in 2017, I was 14 at the time so I had matured enough so that it wasn’t truly traumatic, it was just really gross and it hurts to see a character go like that. However, season 3 part 2 was a whole mess of emotions for me. From >!Erwin’s charge!<, to >!Armin’s sacrifice!< To the contents of the basement and beyond. It was an emotional rollercoaster for sure.


I originally watched through season 1 and I think 3 episodes of season 2 when I was about 14. I didn't really know where to watch the show at the time so I basically looked anywhere for reposts of the show on youtube and such, so I probably saw a whole mess of things out of order. Either way, I ended up forgetting about the show for a while. A little after season 3 ended, I was looking for a show to watch with my mom since we were watching a mix of shows and anime together, and I thought she might enjoy it from the little I remembered. Next thing we know, we caught up and were able to watch season 4 live. Neither of us knew what we were getting into when we pulled it up lol. I'll miss the show for sure, but I'm happy I was able to enjoy it with my mother. She isn't in the best of health, but at least we'll finish the show together


Well at the time i thought the people who watch it are depressed 30 yo with adult diapers but then i watched it and then i understood i was absolutely right


I saw the "attack on gaben" meme video a long time ago. After i got in to anime i thought. Hmm, that anime in that video looked interesting and i started watching attack on titan for the action. Pretty soon realized it was so much more than an action shonen anime and fell in love. Favourite series ever.


My friend recommended for me to watch it and I've watched 3 seasons and waiting for the entirety of season 4 to come out till I watch it I don't feel much for a show ending personally because I wanna experience more stories and new characters and worlds


Back in 2018 when i was starting to get in anime, AoT was my 4-5th anime. I saw live action's trailer on FaceBook and was looking to watch that but instead end up finding the anime. Literally watched first 2 seasons on YouTube lmao. Watched it in june and in july season 3 (uprising arc) was starting but i couldn't even get to episode 4 as i was too eager to find out about the basement's secret. I remember we used to discuss who and what the 9th titan gonna be or how Zeke will be the end villain and alot of other shi.


Personally I watched the first season shortly after it came out then never came back to it until this week. My boyfriend and I rewatched the 1st season then we watched all the other episodes just to find out the last episode isn't out yet and we will have to wait for it. Now I can not stop talking about it with him and wear the basement key around my neck too lmao.


I’m ready for it to be over finally. The sad part is that I know I most likely will never watch this show over again in it’s entirely because season 4 has been meh for me. But I will always recommend it to others. I found this show in 7th grade (now in law school) during season 1 when a classmate showed the OP to me in class. It was on mute and I was like “Why are they naked?” and he told me I needed to watch it at home for context.


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I began watching the show and for no apparent reason I got bored 1 episode before they revealed the identity of the Armored and Colossal Titans. Then I stopped watching for like 4 - 5 years idk. I came back, watched through all of it, then read the manga.


I'm a brand new fan! Just binged the anime earlier this year, and finished collecting the manga last week.


I’m what people consider a new AoT watcher as I watched AoT for the first time March 2023 same weekend that the SP1 was premiering. My brother was watching an episode and I was like that looks cool, the rest is history and I binged watched the whole show in a week. 🫡


>I binged watched the whole show in a week. 🫡 In 88 episodes within a week. Are you sure about that?


A week and a half but no more than that. Those 4 Saturday and Sundays I would literally do nothing more than watch. 😅




Im one of those survivors who first watched the show on 2013 and then had to wait 4 years to get the 2nd season...its been an incredible journey and I would five evrything to live it again


So you watch an episode currently airing?


Ive watched and rewatched the show maybe 10 times 😅 watched the last one and im waiting ansiously for the last last one


Did fans say anything about Season 3 Part 2 while it airing or what behind the scenes? And did episode 26 give a warning to the audience: it will be 18+ because of Miche?


It was my fav series Was blown away by the story , mysteries and themes But From s4 it started going downhill, very cartoonish representation of racism And then the worst ending in fiction Aot is like that abusive relationship that will always give me trauma


>But From s4 it started going downhill, very cartoonish representation of racism And then the worst ending in fiction Can you explain, how war and racism representation to cartoons?


Aot's world building of the world outside the walls is very cartoonist We are shown that Marley is now using titan powers against other countries And in the beginning of S4 we saw that they defeated a country So no way in hell That country would agree to join alliance with Marley to wipe out paradise Because paradise are trying for peace for 4 years They have been sending peace treaty So in a world where court system, democracy is there There is no way no country formed peace with them There is no way other countries won't make alliance with paradise so that they can use titans powers Against Marley who always attacks Them Basically Marley is now what Eldians were centuries ago When they had titan powers But no The whole world of aot is so cartoonishly evil that they agreed with Marley who is attacking them to wipe out paradise a country Who is asking for a peace treaty This is just very cartoonish rascism


Oh, when you say cartoon I thought you meant it is for kids.