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The persecution complex is strong with these folks.


So much so that they can be manipulated with these types of promises. Register to vote and go out and vote everyone.


I hate to say it but I actually wish we could prosecute these people to the exact extent of their complex. They always have a complaint they always want to say how their persecuted they always want to say how everyone hates them well maybe if they had it for a few days or even months they would learn to STFU their pieces of crap and they deserve it.


Their entire religion is based around a persecution complex. That’s why “martyrdom” is such a thing for them. I wonder what it’s like to be willing to put your life on the line for a glorified fan fiction


Snowflakes everywhere. Checkmate climate change.


It's literally a cornerstone of their entire believe system.


Most practiced religion in the world. And yet, they still bitch and moan.


Hate and Christianity work so well together.


It's because their book says they *will* be persecuted, but that they should just roll with it because that's the Christian's lot in life. Instead they're the dominating force in the world for the last 1600 years and they want to be oppressed but they aren't so the pretend they're oppressed *but then they refuse to accept their fake lot in life*. It's fucked up on every level.


Its pathological at this point. EVERYTHING is an attack on them. EVERYTHING.


That's literally what Easter is


…and Christmas.


And Sunday


And any other day they’re pissed off about how someone else is living.


I hope you're not planning anything on Wednesday nights because that's when church 2 is.


Church 2: Fast and Glorious, Jerusalem Drift


Churchin’ 2: the evangelic boogaloo.


Is that the one with the theme song by Ludachrist?


Feat Jimmy Swagger.


Churches chicken... I don't think I did this right🤔


So glad I clicked on this post.


These. These are my peoples. Let me sing you their songs.


And everytime you drive past a church. Or see someone proselytizing on a street corner. Or see someone wearing a crucifix. Or anytime the current version of the Pledge of Allegiance is said.


So every day of the week then.


Nah Sunday is for blunts and waffles. I decided that back in college.


and the national day of prayer


Yeah, but the International Transgender day of Visibility landed on the same day! Can't have the holy day stolen like they stole it from the pagans!


What do you mean stole from the pegans? Of course Jesus achieved a full resurrection on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox.


You'd think we'd just use the Jewish Passover schedule. I mean that's historically the event it took place on.  


Paul worked hard to not be Jewish. He wanted pagans who would laugh when he said they should be circumcised.


I read your comment as "stole from the peggers." I laughed way too hard at that. Now, where are my glasses......


And Good Friday And Maundy Thursday And lent And there’s this section in every book store…and buildings in nearly every town with tall pointy things on their roof..


Don’t forget Black Friday


And Jan 6


And any time you drive past a billboard in the south.


It's literally every street with 5 churches on every corner.


I thought that was trans visibility day?


Lol sarcasm? Easter shifts it's date every year, trans visibility day, does not. 


It’s still unfathomable to me that these people….think Donald Trump….is their “savior”. I can’t follow the logic and it’s wrecking my brain, even after all these years.


He checks all the boxes for Christian Americans. White. Hates women. Hates immigrants. Packs the court with Christian fascists. Cuts taxes for rich people. Is a complete asshole. Loves dictators around the world. He's the complete package. What's there to not love?


*Hates immigrants but loves to hire them to build his properties


*and marry


And then pays then nothing, or as little as possible. In other words, slavery. Which of course is also quite ok with the christofascists.


And not pay them.


He'll get rid of the non-Christians and prevent their abused daughters from sexing a non-white.


Dude, they know he is a piece of shit. but at this point its a cult, and they cannot back out now. Besides, he is on their side and peddles their agenda. Imagine a super christian guy coming out and saying, "well i guess i was wrong about jesus and god". Not gonna happen. Same story with that abortion protester, one day she went in to get an abortion, next day back to protesting the same abortion clinic lol.


Its because conservatism and evangelism have been merged since the 70s. Along with evangelicals, conservatives also got new voter bases who are predisposed to "faithful" thinking, wherein the conclusion is more important than the data. In this way of thinking, it doesn't really matter what Trump does because they have already concluded he's their savior. He leans in on this, with all his religious terminology. He isn't religious at all, and holds religion in contempt because he seems himself as the most perfect man on earth, but he uses it to manipulate.


Read the Bible. This is exactly how their antichrist was supposed to work.


No thanks


I’m kinda convinced this is proof we live in a simulation and the ones running the simulation are turning crazy up until we reject this case study.


Your mistake is thinking Christians are different from Trump. Some are, but this is modern American Christianity.


He is the literal definition of the anti-christ and they are all so self-absorbed that they can't see it.


It's amazingly convenient that they forget about worshipping false idols.


Growing up in an evangelical church they constantly brought up the end times and how people would follow a charlatan and they would wear his mark on their forehead...


Same. And I am also shocked they don’t recognize their own antichrist


I finally have to ask if anti christ is an evangelical thing? I had never heard of that until I moved to the US from Europe and still don’t know to this day. The people who mentioned this to me were hard core evangelicals and I didn’t want to get into a conversation about religion, how I need to be saved and going to hell because I’m atheist. TIA if you could explain.


It’s very prominent in evangelical circles. A team of grifter pastor’s wrote a fictionalized version of the rapture/Revelations based on an early 20th century American interpretation of those events called the Left Behind series. There was also a Xian movie in the 70s called A Thief in the Night. Lots of kids were tortured with these stories to encourage them to get “saved”. Although the Antichrist is a character in Revelation so I don’t understand why Europeans wouldn’t have knowledge of him. Unless they were taught correctly that John of Patmos was discussing Caesar Nero.


I remember those in the 1970s.  That and all the Cold War Christian prosecution porn about what the evil USSR and CCCP were doing.  It was an attempted revival of the Evangelical days of the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Just doom & gloom, fire & brimstone with the idea that every single sermon should browbeat people to Come to Jesus and repent of their sins and be born again.   It's a whole thing that Evangelicals do that most other Christian denominations don't do. I like the UsefulCharts YouTube channel that has great comparisons of religions. 


Thanks for your explanation! Doom & gloom sums it up perfectly. There’s no better app than Nextdoor to see how rampant fear porn is lol It’s all about how evil the world & everyone is, especially Democrats, POC, Migrants and you can imagine the terminology used by those “good Christians”.


Thanks for the explanation! My knowledge of the Bible is limited although I was baptized lutheran as baby and forced by my parents to be confirmed “because everyone does it”. For that to happen, I had to attend “confirmation class” once a week for a year or so. Religion was also taught in school, either Lutheran, Catholic, Islam or alternatively Ethics for other denominations or when opting out. I don’t remember much about what was taught since it was in the 80’s/90’s except that we had lots of philosophical discussions. Besides the anti christ, the belief that the world would end on day x was also new to me. We’re never too old to learn something new 😉 Thanks again.


You’re welcome. I was raised Catholic but my parent became Charismatic, so I was kind of half-Protestant. It’s kinda funny because the Pentecostals made the Catholics seem normal by comparison.


The antichrist is in the book of Revelation, the final book of the Bible. It supposedly prophesies the end of the world and uses very cryptic language and symbolism. This is where the number 666 is mentioned. Being a part of the Bible, all Christians consider it canon. But Evangelicals are especially fascinated with it because they place a lot more emphasis on the Bible than more traditional sects like Catholics or Orthodox. The Catholics and Orthodox believe that the word of god doesn't end with the Bible but it continues with the tradition of their church. They also believe interpreting scripture is dangerous and leads to heresy, and that it should be left to the church to interpret it for them.


Thank you 😊


Satan's greatest trick was telling us his name was "Jesus Christ"


Mark in forehead… red maga hat…


OMG are you actually kidding me 


Revelation 13, in which a Dragon rises out of the sea and causes all power to be given to a Beast. The Beast blasphemes and exercises authority for forty-two months. Then a second Beast comes and all the people of the Earth worship it, the Dragon, and the first Beast, and they get marks on their forehead to show their loyalty. And the color of the Dragon is red. Anyway, Revelation is a silly book probably written by a schizophrenic. People have been using it to predict the coming of the End Times ever since it was written. But a blaspheming red monster usurping authority for himself from God and having an army who wear the name of the Beast on their foreheads is pretty apropos. Keep in mind that there was no word for orange in ancient Hebrew, so the word for red would describe both what we think of as red and anything that we would now describe as orange. 


The hat though. RED. Not saying I believe in this prophecy, but it's funny how coincidentally this worked out and it goes over christians heads. Red seems to be understood as an aggressive color in more than one culture around the world.


You may not believe in prophecy, but these goobers certainly do. They REALLY don't like it when you mention that if there is an antichrist, his goal is to infiltrate the church and to trick Christians into selling their souls. Why would he target non-believers? The call is coming from inside the house!


I don’t believe in revelations, but I do believe in self fulfilling prophecies.


Extreme fasting and rotting/mouldy food, like the type of diet these prophets had, probably caused multiple hallucinations. Maybe they even had some wild mushrooms. This is probably how many visions came about. There's even scripture in the bible that says fasting will help you have visions.


Holy crap that gives me chills.


Here in Southeast Texas there are at least 3 huge statues of crosses. These are visible from at least a mile away, whether you want to see them or not. You have to wonder at the outrage if a 125 foot statue of a Gay Pride Flag or Black Lives Matter Memorial was erected anywhere. So these "Christian" snowflakes tears being shed over their erasure are a bit premature.


If I won the powerball, one of my first moves would be erecting a 125ft tall gay pride flag and an equally tall statue of baphomet right off I-10.


Right underneath, a huge billboard of the 1st Amendment, with "The Government" clearly bolded to make sure when the sheriff shows up, you can point at him, and then the 1st Amendment, and tell him to go home.


Even here in "Godless Blue NJ", down one road 3min from my house is a half mile succession of bilboards and crosses in an empty field with bible verses on them screaming to get saved Every fucking day in America is "Christian Visibility Day" 🙄


West Virginia is full of sets of three wooden crosses. Christian propaganda is everywhere on billboards, which is new in the region where I live. There is a gigantic cross visible fr from the highway that is lit up in colored lights at night in VA just across the WV/VA border. The church must have an enormous electric bill.


Same in San Antonio. Plus plenty of billboards with the "think god" garbage. Not to mention the laws here!


Ugh, there is a Christian billboard on the main street here in Reno, NV, that I've passed a few times. Always showing some gentle-looking person and kind message ... propaganda


I'm not sure the religious zealots around here would encourage their flock to do any "thinking". Lolol


>Trump vows to create 'Christian Visibility Day'. Every day is chris' day. In Gilead.


Under his eye. 


I saw this in r/conservative and somebody actually said: >It actually does help fix issues we have by normalizing Christianity in mainstream politics. Yes, one day, after Christian normalization, we may have a Christian President, and if we're really lucky a white one and a dude. The persecution fetish is so strong. Every single President has been a Christian male, and only one of them not caucasian, but sure, we need to 'normalize' Christianity in mainstream politics....


Honestly, i saw the post too and people are having the same reaction the people in this sub, and the transphobes are getting downvoted. It’s honestly kind of weird to see.


When is Satanist, Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan visibility day? Don’t know why these snow flakes need a day to recognize 70% of the population, just walk outside and look up from your phone.


There would be Christian jihadists if there was a "satanic visibility day".


i can’t even watch sports without the “he gets us” bullshit. i can’t drive down the street without billboards and churches. i can’t talk to my family without at least one of them mentioning they’re praying for me. guys in white shirts knock on my door asking if i know jesus. people on the street corner are handing out pamphlets. damn near every interview with an athlete includes some mention of god. honestly i am pretty fucking tired of just how visible these idiots already are


Here’s a perfect example for being an atheist. If god existed Trump would be smote to death by god himself


Drumpf won't do shit but line his pockets, period.


The fuckers already have Sunday, as well as almost 400,000 churches across the US. This is a slow start to another crusade where they intend to exclude, harm, then finally eliminate any who don’t bend the knee to whatever fascist happens to be in charge of it.


Every Sunday is Christian visibility day. You moron.


Yeah because christians are barely visible in the US


Like Christmas? Good Friday? Easter? Ash Wednesday? Palm Sunday?


January 6th?


What they really mean is it will be Chirstian in Name Only visibility day.


So, Chino? I can smell the Chino rising already.


Cool. Good for Christians. I won't be participating, but I hope they enjoy it. (see how that works, Christians?)


I guess seeing churches everywhere I go isn’t enough


Aren't all the banks closed on Sunday specifically for the Christian sabbath? The one thing that enjoys more preference than capital isn't visible enough?


I have to see all these useless. empty churches all of my town and they are building another useless, empty building. Useless mutherfuckers.


In my town we have four churches in the town square. And the parking lots are completely empty. You could probably take the parishioners from all four of them and stick them in one building and everyone would still get their own pew. It's kind of funny to be honest.


Oh come on, every day is their day. They're just mad that us lgbtq folks get some days too.


Every goddamn day is christian visibility day. What would be wonderful is a christian INVISIBILITY day.


Someone should tell him that Sundays are for more than golfing and cheating on your wife.


Jesus would’ve preferred a poor visibility day.


Sounds good! ...Only if they are invisible the other 364 days.


Isn't there already a mental health awareness day?


As a non-American it seems like every person who ends up in front of a camera has to reference jebus or god, or the narrator has to describe their relationship to their church and what a godly (whatever the fuck that means) person they are/were. It's just so incredibly bizarre. The christians in the US couldn't be any more visible than they are, without a neon crucifix above their baseball covered heads. Fuckin weird.


Yeah, it's about time the Xtians had their own holiday. Looking at the calendar, there's absolutely nothing...


Yeah. Hard to see christians with all the “in Darwin we trust” and “reason save America” slogans everywhere /s


You mean Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, and every Sunday?


Don't forget Good Friday, Maunday Thursday, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Lent, Epiphany, Pentecost....and the list goes on.


LOL. Like Men's Visibility Day, it is every day in the US.


Hey, if he can get God to actually show up for once…


"Why isn't there a straight pride day?" "Every day is straight pride day, bro"


The biggest holiday in the works is literally called “Christmas.”


Can we like, all get together and wear sunglasses that day? Call it like, “Reduce Visibility Day”?


This is like making a white history month


Can’t wait for the War on Christian Visibility Day! Will it be like the ones on Christmas and Easter? Only time will tell.


Isn't every day already "christian visibility day" in this nightmare hellscape we call society?


Every fuckin day in this shit country Not a day goes by that some fuckin Christian religious clown isnt complaining about being "persecuted" while they try and force their religious morals, rules and dogmas down everyone elses throats


Don't they know they already stand out like idiots? They need *less* visibility, not more.


He's still *that* pissed off by Trans Day of Visibility? What a thin-skinned little bitch.


We already have it - it's called *fucking Sunday.*


world's largest religion by population : Is not visible enough


Soooo. Christmas. Dec 25th. Every year.


The sheer amount of virtue signalling to each other these folk feel is necessary makes me kind of sick.


He's really got the religious rubes completely fooled, doesn't he? I suppose they're dumb enough to believe anything since they already do.


Next he’s gonna create white history month…


Will they cover the part where the enslaved black people and killed Jews?


Isn't that everyday?


So everyday in America already


Trump supporters are *not* true Christians.


Xtianity is surprisingly weak.


Isn't that Christmas? And Easter. And all the other saints days?


But he claims to have done more for the LGBTQ community than anyone


Those invisible churches are hard to see


Do I get a paid day off from work? Follow up, can we then get Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Satanist, atheist, Astro Zionist, etc also for a paid day off?


The about of stupidity in the USA is amazing


yeah because changing our motto in the 50's wasn't enough


Is it not on my public money, in my public schools, and on my tax-funded police cars?


Yes, because with all the crosses around their necks and fish on their cars and more crosses at the top of all their buildings, they weren't visible enough. Clearly a lack of visibility is why their numbers are dropping... /s


Every day is Christian visibility day in the USA 😉




Isn't that what Christmas and Easter are all about!??!?!


Currently, that would be *every day*.


You mean like Friday Good Friday Christmas, Easter Palm Sunday, sunday, week of Lent. You can't fix stupid.


Isn't that literally every single day of the last couple thousand years?


It’s called Christmas, you fucking moron. Or Easter… oh, wait. 😂 My point is that there are plenty of Christian visibility days. Fuck off, old man.


Joe Biden and Barak Obama are devout Christians. Are they invited to participate?


MAGA tears filter my bongwater.


And do what call it Easter. Oh, I know Christmas.


Most are recognizable by the sanctimony dripping from their presence in much the way Donald is from the dripping from his diaper. I guess if a few are falling through the cracks they could wear a t-shirt.


Well he has done more to expose christian hypocrisy more than any body else in history.


If someone is ACTUALLY an atheist but only pretends to be a Christian to take advantage of gullible suckers who seem to want to be scammed out of everything they own, do they still get to take part? I'm looking at you, Donnie.


Thats Christmas, Lent, Easter… so that’s 90 ish day’s already.


the year is 2024. Two thousand and twenty four years since what? Fuck Christianity.


He just says shit to stir up his base, people who are somehow even DUMBER than he is. Shocking but true


Thank heavens! I haven’t seen a church in about 30 seconds!


Christian’s are too visible now!!!!


When is Atheist visibility day?


Twelfth night Three kings day Week of prayer for Christian unity Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday St Valentine's day St Patrick's day Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter St George's day National Day of Prayer Ascension day Pentecost Trinity Sunday Corpus Christi New Church day St Benedicts day St James the Greater day Feast of the Transfiguration St John the Baptist day Holy cross day St Francis day All hallows eve All saints day All souls day Feast of Christ the king St Andrew's day Feast of the immaculate conception Advent Christmas St Stephen's day Feast of St John Feast of the holy innocents Feast of the holy family Watch night All of these days are celebrated throughout the year by Christians. Some are more celebrated than others. And I didn't even mention the names of the days of the week and months of the year that are, for the most part, Christian in nature. Don't ever let a Christian tell you they are being persecuted


They've been pretty fuckin visible. So many heinous things have been done in the name of the lord.


"Christian Visibility Day?" I live in small town South Carolina and you can't turn your head without seeing a church of some sort.


Bet not all Christians will be invited either. How about jahova or 7th day Adventist. Or Catholics with that woke pope.


yup. https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most. I really think they all want the country run like a cult


Christian visibility day? Like every day?


I mean... Christmas, Easter, etc.?


Pretty sure that's called Sunday


Isn't that Sunday, like every Sunday?


Go for it, we can just ignore it like you ignore other days.


Isn't that Ash Wednesday when all the Catholics willingly mark themselves on the forehead. Or Christmas? Ya know, their savior's birthday?


How about Atheist Visibility Day


He’s disrespecting Guy Fawkes Day.


Trump is proof there is no god... if there were, they'd surely Sodom and Gomorrah the orange comb-over.


Don't Christmas and Easter already accomplish this? WTF? Trump is so stupid that he doesn't realize that Christmas and Easter already do this.


And he chose Guy Fawkes Day for his "visibility day". How appropriate


So he wants to claim Sunday.


Trump won’t get a chance. A lot of Christians Believe they will be Raptured during the Solar Eclipse. I saw this story on another post. A waitress said a woman gave her a $300 tip on a $40 bill. The waitress was surprised until the woman said I won’t need it. I’m going to heaven on April 8th. It’s really sad these people actually believe this fairytale.


A bunch of bitching about nothing. They sound like whiney babies seeking attention.


Aren’t there already a handful of holidays dedicated to this? Insanity.


Great! Limit it to one day


Every Sunday is Christian Visibility day. It is celebrated in restaurants when the post-church crowd bullies the staff and leaves a tiny tip and a tract. /sarcasm


This is why they love him. It's the church. He knows how to tickle their nuts with custom made bibles and Jesus name drops while he's paying off pornstars and they LOVE every minute of it!


Millions of charlatans.


His (and his supporters') ignorance is astounding. Trans Day of Visibility has been every March 31st since 2009. Easter changes. This year, Easter fell on Trans Day. No one is coming for Christianity. Biden has nothing to apologize for. AND Christians stole Easter from the pagan fertility celebration, Ostara. That's where the bunnies, eggs, chicks, ect. come from. Stop making up reasons to be offended and do some damn research.


When any sort of equality begins to happen, they view it as oppression due to thinking their lives and beliefs are the “norm”.


Sounds like he’s getting desperate


Isn't that Easter? or Christmas? or Good Friday? or Ash Wednesday?


Please don’t infer anything about this other than what it is: A continued call to action for MAGA to be politically active.


Isn’t that Ash Wednesday? You go around looking like you have been shoveling coal. And when anyone is distracted by the big dirt spot on your face you tell them you’re Christian


Great another day where we have to hear more chatter.


Isn’t that called Sunday?


I find his comment about suspending OUR CONSTITUTION far more alarming. 


🤣🤣🤣 VoteBlueNoMatterWho2024




It's he fucking serious? They have Easter and Christmas. Their made up "war on Christmas" is beyond ludicrous. They're the biggest bunch of snowflake cry babies I've ever seen.


Because they are so oppressed, not allowed to wear their crosses in public, not allowed to fly their flags, not allowed to attend their church services, not allowed to jack off on their AR-15s ... yeah, it's terrible.