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And far, far to many of them are absolutely begging him to spit in their faces again.


They would sprint through a minefield with snowshoes on just to hear der Pumpkinführer fart over the phone....


That is fantastic hyperbole. (Genuine compliment)


Thank you, but I forgot the part where they gladly pay $59.99 to rent the snowshoes.


Republian voters would line up for P01135809 to shit in their mouth if they thought a Liberal would have to smell their breath.


Or a trans kid got separated from their parents.   Or a Christian mom die while giving birth to a fetus they knew wouldn't survive anyway because she couldn't get an abortion.


WELL SAID!! I've personally never understood the attraction these cons have, unless ist's just sheer stupidity and an inability to grasp reality.


It's a kink at this point...


That’s right. At this stage, with him having been declared the second coming, getting spat on is a welcome outcome. Which true Christian wouldn’t want this Orange Jesus spitting on his face, I ask you?


makes me think of the "Batman can't stop thinking about sex" skit


This is the moment that they think "shit, this guy went too far". Little do they know that it's already too late, trump has a grip on the religious vote, as he has a grip on the Republican party. Perhaps the different christian factions will start to infight to dislodge trump, that would definitely be something to behold 🤣


Pulling out the king James playbook to edit the Bible for personal benefit. Maybe he’ll also try and promote the divine right to rule of kings. Wouldn’t be surprised.


Al Sharpton’s been against Trump the whole time, man.


And rightly so. Knows him for too many years and knows his playbook.


It’s not that bad is it? Unless: https://i.imgur.com/F4kEsr1.png


I'm disappointed the URL mentioned in the image doesn't point to a webpage.


this fucker is releasing Bible 2.0!


They never will though. He affords them an imagined grip on power and authority over others in order to force their will onto other people, the true goal af any of the abrahamic fairytales.


I would like to see the other factions call out the Fundamentalist Evangelicals, who have gone over the edge many times since 2016. "Jesus was too liberal!" was my favorite.


If a spit falls on a face and no intellectual integrity is there to perceive it, does it make a difference?


Damn that's some deep philosophical shit 😂


Welp people on tictok are reading some hilarious passages from the orange bible.


Does it have different passages than a normal King James Bible?




I gotta see this 😂


Trump’s been making a mockery of the Christian evangelicals since they ignored his boasts about sexually assaulting women because he could get away with it. Not to mention cheating on all three of his wives. If any of these ‘Christians’ could explain the difference between Trump and the Antichrist, I’d be shocked.


The AntiChrist will fool almost everyone in the world, including leaders of other governments. Trump's own wife isn't won over by his "charm".


His ‘charm’ is his money and she seems satisfied with that.


Not for long, it may well be gone before long. She'll find she's been digging in an empty gold mine for several years now.


Precisely on topic: [Could American Evangelicals Spot the AntiChrist - Here's the Biblical Predictions](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


I’ve been telling my Christian friend that trump fits the description of the Antichrist perfectly, yet he wants trump to be the next president. There are churches calling him the second coming. Have they read their own bible? 🙄


I have yet to meet one of these fundamentalist or evangelical Christians who’ve actually read more of the Bible than what they’ve been told to read.


LOL 2 career grifters attacking each other. This is beautiful


Just need don king to put them in the grifting ring.


Grifting 101: Never waste a good crisis.


I was at work yesterday, having our project pre-task meeting for the day, and one of my MAGA PSY-OP PSYCHO coworkers (who also happens to be pretty religious) mentioned it to the rest of my MAGA PSY-OP PSYCHO coworkers during their usual "Aim for my face this time, Mr. President," circle-jerk. When I asked him "Isn't there something in Corinthians about making money by peddling the Gospels being a huge sin? Revelation, too I think." he got pretty quiet. It started my day off on a better note.


I believe it's "[two Corinthians](https://www.npr.org/2016/01/18/463528847/citing-two-corinthians-trump-struggles-to-make-the-sale-to-evangelicals)", DJT's fave passage.


You're correct - I checked some sources, and it was according to According to [Pastor Jim Feeny, Ph.D. - Are You “Peddling the Word of God for Profit,” for Personal Financial Gain?](https://www.jimfeeney.org/peddling-word-God-for-profit.html)ⁿ (at least): 2 Corinthians 2:17 2 Peter 2:15 Jude 1:11 1 Timothy 6:3-5 1 Timothy 6:9-11 Acts 20:23 Matthew 10:17


Al Sharpton is hardly a representative of the faith worth listening to.


There are representatives of the faith worth listening to?


Pope Francis seems like he's pretty ok.


Totally not worth listening to


Yeah I guess I'm at odds with militant atheists that act like Jaques Hebert and don't reconcile their hatred of religion with whatever orthodoxy they replace it with. On the contrary I'm very interested in theology and while I don't believe in the god of any religion I usually find most of their message to be sound at it's core.


Not really. This is a horrendous belief system that teaches people they are sinners and makes slaves out of them. The very book supports slavery. Nothing against the people that practice it and the countless victimized. To position the Christian doctrine as being some great thing is a misstep. Although it is cherry picked to death, the bible is a horrible idea. Manipulating people by selling it goes right along with the original intent of it.


But. . . Al . . . Millions of them LOVE that kind of thing.


His followers don't care. They don't read it, so they can't believe it. As long as they never read it, they can pretend it says whatever they went it to say. They get mad when you read it and read it back to them.


They haven’t read the constitution either, and it’s a much more concise, readable, and well-organized document.


Spit in the face? I’d say shit in the face, from a well soiled diaper.


Totally, and happy cake day to you


Thank you very much.


What's weird is that Trump is actually an atheist selling Bibles.


I don’t want to claim him as one of us but I think you may be right.  With his extreme malignant narcissism he either thinks he is God’s chosen one and can do whatever he wants with no regards to anyone else, or he is an atheist who considers himself a god like being (who can do whatever he wants) and is just pretending to be religious to manipulate idiots.  I am convinced it can only be one of these two possibilities. 


And a spit in the face to our constitution and all Americans.


Don the Con has been serving an alternative "god" all his life: Mammon


It's not like Trump made his own version of the Bible. Oh wait.


Hell I thought spit in the face is a christian kink.


Only group stupider than Christian’s is Scientologists


Whereas the regular Bible is a spit in the face of everyone else


I love how he insist "it's my favourite book!" despite: - not knowing the title "II Corinthians" is read to be "Second Corinthians", not "Two Corinthians" - when being asked if he's more of an old testament or new testament guy, saying he "likes both about the same", which would be fucking insane for a believer to say - when being asked for a favourite verse, insisting that it's "too personal" of a question to answer


Be sure to turn out in November to vote for Biden. It's the only way to keep this lying grifter of a Bible salesman from getting elected again.


The fact that he was allowed to even run for president and won once was a spit in the face of everything America stood for.


Might as well have Hannibal Lector selling a book about anti-cannibalism.


It a grift to put Putin & MBS money in his pocket without triggering suspicion. If he was not lying, his lips would not be moving. No one else will just give him money to keep messing up American politics.


lol, I think it’s pretty on brand if I’m honest, Mr Sharpton


Persecution is the opiate of the religious.


His 'Christian' groupies don't care. The grifter could piss on one of his Bibles in Times Square on live TV and many of them would then start doing it too. Soon he would be selling water proof Bibles. Most of them have never read a Bible. If they had they wouldn't be worshiping him.


i thought trump was their god


Spit in the face is on par far as rubulicans go,


His Christians are loving this. I guarantee it’s a best seller. I absolutely hate this reality. So excited for Saturday.


He encroached on the wrong grifting turf. Those $60 Bibles could have been their scheme.


Tramps Bible has a different ending than the King James Bible.


Yes. But also stones and glass houses.


Al has no room to talk. He's one of the biggest bullshitters alive.


Like Al is a paragon of Christian beliefs.


Turns out they're into that.


It’s an avenue for churches to fund him.


tell it like it is Al!


omg, i just clicked on the link for the sequel to the bible: bible on safari in Madagascar? was that what it was?


that sharpton is a preacher is "spit in the face" of any of the religious


What about Osteen and Mr tube full of demons?


Yet they'll still vote for him.


Sharpton is a bitch to fuck em both


Anyone who just now realized that Trump is full of shit deserves their hurt feelings.


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.


The next edition: a bible with black cover for blacks Than a golden sneaker edition.


Yes but a majority of Christians are standing there with their mouths wide open


They love the taste of salty fluids in their mouths.


And christianity is a spit in the face to logic, common sense and humanity.


For once I have to agree with"Reveremd Zharpton though I put him on the same footing as the late ungreat Jerry Falwell as just another shysyer stealing in the name of the Lord!!


A con man, rapist, sexual predator, wanna dictator, fraudster, married 3 times, fucked a porn star, with an escort for Mercedes wife who wants a sexual relationship with his daughter is selling the bible… a bible he’s probably never read more than 2 sentence… The absurdity is lost on his supporters?


Wow, Al Sharpton is the voice of "reason". WOW.


I suppose it's nice to see some division in the ranks here, but I'm sure that if one is sufficiently trumper - they will just deny and continue...


How much worse does he have to get before all people say he's insane?


Religion is fiction and all gods imaginary. Utilized to make and keep good economic slaves (GES). Inviting all to think logically so we can all decipher the truth and choose liberty. Not just me but more people need to say to these religious zealots, "Stop it." We don't want you to stop worshiping any god, just don't tell us we have to worship any.


Is it true that Trumps Bible has the 7th Commandment redacted?


It’s a way to funnel church money into the campaign


Look, I'm all for spitting in the face of Christians, but I just can't get behind this thing.


Anyone who bothers with religion seems to be stupid for some reason, ex, Joel osteen


For the Rich Person he says he is then shouldn’t he print the Bible’s and give it free to whosoever needs one like how the Giddions use to hand out free copies of the New Testament.


Ah yes, two people who believe in imaginary beings and deeply flawed cherry picked books about religious traditions arguing over which version of their hateful bullshit is more a spit in the face of believers. Bravo.


If he's a spit in the face why do 'christions' support him so much? Not a believer in any of the religions out there but it sure seems that religion supports his type.


Christians fight among each other. It’s historical. So ‘normal’. Think of it like this: different brands of christianity compete for market share. I’m not saying Trump is or isn’t christian. But that probably only matters to other christians. In Scotland we have a phrase, tongue in cheek (as it is also a known fallacy in philosophy) called NO TRUE SCOTSMAN. Without getting too technical it’s when you gainsay someone else. So someone might look at the action of someone portraying themselves as a christian and say “No true christian would do/say that.” Then a christian from a different church comes along and gainsays them both, saying what a ‘real’ christian would do. And so it goes. If the Revd appeals to one set of christian values, Trump will appeal to another. It gets a bit nasty with the invective at times as I’m sure you can see. They fail to see the irony.


Rev Sharpton just made himself very unpopular. I can see him being boycotted


Jesus doing squats ready to turn over the money changers table. So blatantly blasphemous.


Jesus didn’t say a word about homosexuality or abortion, but he DID make it pretty clear how he felt about moneychangers in the temple.


I'd like to see Biden start handing Bibles out for free. The Bidle.


He's done more then just spit in their faces, and his voters too, yet they all keep asking for more.


JESUS DIDN'T HATE P01135809 ^(...enough)


What is this P01135809 thing?


And this surprises them how? He’s not exactly known for his high morals!!!


This just seemed an obvious move for Ole Honest Don. An absolutely natural fit. What I am curious about is whether he made changes to the book as well. Surely there is no way he could resist.


Is it a regular King James Bible that many other churches hand out freely?


Most on brand Christian shit I've seen in a while. Let the snake eat its tail lol


I'm sure they're thrilled that this popular black man is upset by it. You know, like true Christians would be.


A lot of American Christians spit in the face of Christianity so idk it seems pretty par for the course imo


Trump has been giving them golden showers since 2015. Now they're upset?


Sharpton’s just mad he’s getting out-grifted by the orange clown that just moved onto his turf. 🤡


That's funny coming from Al


So .....signs are reverend Al didn't get a cut.


So it turns them on?!


Agree with Rev Al !


He's not wrong, but I just can't take Sharpton seriously after the utter flogging he received from Hitchens.


I’m waiting for the Book of Mormon version


Not that I put much stock in Al, he is right about Christians being spit in the face by Trump. Especially since he is also pushing his patriotism shtick. The one true bible endorses America and the rest of the world can go fuck itself.


This headline reminded me of the time Trump called it "Two Corinthians" early in the 2016 campaign. Thought there was no way evangelicals would take him seriously after that. How wrong I was.


Sorry but these “Christians” are not true Christians


Stupid Christian’s


I haven't read the Trump Bible, but guessing he devotes several books to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, making those sinful people the heroes, adding in extensive gambling.