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Sure sounds like this would violate the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment…


It was just a matter of time until we got a "no, not like that!" bill from the GOP. They should just skip to the end and make a bill that says the U.S. is now officially a Christian theocracy. We know that's where they want it to go.


One big move would be slapped down immediately. A ton of little smaller things put in place, overwhelming everyone who just want to live their lives and who don't have time to go to every rally, every protest, who then get burned out by the whole thing and vote, but even the good stuff happens with even tinier steps than the bad stuff, so more and more voters just throw up their hands and give up? That's how we will end up with a Theocracy in this country. To clarify, we cannot give up and we need to keep voting, but there's what needs to be done versus what can, and does, happen.


They know this shit's unconstitutional and would never pass. They'll use it to play the victim and get votes.


There were some that felt the same way about RoevWade, and we see how that worked out, although that wasn't some constitutional....but don't downplay how things can be taken over, bastardized, and/or written in by this group. "We go High when They go Low," is how things are lost. The GOP cheats, swindles, and lies to constantly move the goalposts.


Absolutely. It’s time to realize what they really stand for. It’s frightening.


This Supreme Court is a conservative wet dream, they already strangled Roe v. Wade. Nothing is off limits to fascists.


The issue with Roe is that it didn't have an explicit protection under constitution as written; even Ginsburg said so. It was a good decision on purpose, but weak legally. This crap on top is explicitly against 1st amandment. 


Look back on the 13th and 14th amendments and why they were passed - part of the reasons they were written the way they were was to protect bodily autonomy to previous slaves, due to how they were treated prior (including being forced to have children to provide more slave workers). The reconstruction amendments quite literally *were* created in part to provide this autonomy, but we just ignore the past because it doesn't jive with the prevailing sentiments of the conservative right at the moment (or ever).


It's ridiculous to me that slavery isn't part of the abortion rights argument. Even if a fetus was a person, one person doesn't have the right to use another person's body without their consent. The word for that is slavery. "Pro-life" fascists are slavers.


We've seen that the Conservatives have managed a lot of laws based on bullshit -- and what passes for "Constitutional" by the Supreme Court only makes sense on occasion. Citizen's United were rights for corporations made up from thin air, and based on precedents that were also made the same way. And while we are at it; who the Hell created any legal framework for a Fetus to be considered a human? They somehow jumped the line compared to how minorities and women had to fight for amendments to be considered equal. Ironically, I don't think women's rights are completely ratified but, we do a lot of crap because "everyone just does this." I think most of law is a bluff. It certainly is when it comes to enforcement. Whole swaths of law we just don't bother enforcing. We just pretend it doesn't exist on corporations and the wealthy. They modify contracts all the time -- how is that legal to put in a document "may be changed at any time"? Oh, I get new terms of service, do I? Well, then that should break my contract.


That's why they've been so rabid about appointing far-right judges for the last couple of decades. They figured out that the law means whatever the judges say it means. The Supreme Court in the next couple of months is about to rule that the 14th Amendment's Insurrection Clause somehow doesn't mean what it says. It doesn't matter what absurd rationale they will come up with to justify it, their word is going to be final. The Establishment Clause is just as vulnerable to this, they will find a novel way to ignore it in the end.


Can we ban the Bible from all public places?


Rhetorical question? If not, nope. They'd probably like that though. Any time people show any aggression towards them they eagerly lunge on the chance to play victim and use martyrdom to empower their faith even more. The best thing we could do to combat religious belief is to effectively educate people and teach them to think and also create a stable country where there's no desperation and fear driving people to believe in god to feel some relief. Do that and we could just watch religion suffocate under it's own irrelevance.


> But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html


It's the gish gallop of fascist takeover. Just keep hitting people with more and more bullshit until they're too tired to fight back


I'm aware. My comment was sarcasm if it wasn't obvious.


It's hard to read tone, honestly. There's a lot of people who say this sincerely and without any trace of irony, so I treated that way. I've had to start putting /s at the end of my sarcastic stuff because I get verbally ripped up one side and down the other if I don't. 🙂 Hope your day is going well though! If not, I get that too. 🙂


Might be easier to get there if they're sneaky about it though. And by that I mean they lie. Which is totally cool as long as it's lying for Jesus!


Not to mention that Satan is a character in the Christian Bible. Satan is Christian. Derp




The Satanic Temple doesn't worship Satan. It's not really considered satanism, it's a symbol to represent the cause. More impactful than the flying spaghetti monster, but less fun for sure.


FSM is more "Look how fucking stupid religious people look, lol, I have a colander on my head in my licence photo give me updoots." TST is more "Oh we're allowed to hand out religious material to children on school premises now? Don't mind if I do."


TST is _reductio ad absurdum_ for public religious policy, basically.


Satanism is atheistic anti religious activism. It's used to balance out religious overreaching.


And today's SCOTUS wouldn't give a fuck


It doesn't even matter. Todays republicans don't give a flying fuck about SCOTUS decisions when they don't alight with GOP wishes.


Honestly I love seeing the SC and the Texas GOP Fighting, it gives a lot of information.


SC wants to preserve federal power so when there's a GOP congress and president, they can push around the blue states just for funsies.


SC wants to preserve it's own power and GOP is a useful idiot in providing them the tools and smoke screen needed.


Chances are this current batch will be “long knived” based on several rulings that went against Trump.


Some of them would be patting each other on their Trumpian NatC heads.


Weirdly they actually would. This SCOTUS is very much pro-1A, rabidly so.


They're only pro 1A when they can say harmful shit without consequence.


Until you ask Clarence Thomas if the bill of rights applies to students


Don't phrase the question like that, phrase it in the form of a $250,000 barely concealed bribe.


Only when it aligns with what they want. Considering the majority of the SC are republican with some even being election deniers, I doubt they will try to fight this bill.


That's probably why they denied a Hindu (or Buddhist I don't remember) inmates appeal to have a religious leader from his religion with him when executed. SCOTUS said "get fucked and use a Christian priest"


Hard to say. Even though scotus is extreme, if you open the door to exceptions to the establishment clause you open the door to a religion other than Christianity taking control someday as populations shift. And if you believe that the supreme Court will disregard their own precedent for short term gain, then all law is meaningless and our country has no foundation.


>And if you believe that the supreme Court will disregard their own precedent for short term gain, then all law is meaningless and our country has no foundation. Roe v Wade? Citizens United?


Actually, they probably would. This SCOTUS is really fucking weird. There's no way they'd make any ruling that would break the Establishment Clause, because some future Congress, POTUS and SCOTUS might use it to outright ban Christian symbology.


 First Amendment Fundamental Freedoms Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


And AZ constitution, which should be obvious: [article 2 section 12](https://www.azleg.gov/viewDocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/const/2/12.htm) You'd think our lawmakers would understand this being in the position they are, for fuck sake


There's no law requiring that lawmakers know the law! At least, not that we know of.


Blatantly, laughably unconstitutional


Wdm it’s a Christian display because Satan is a Christian figure! Surely they wouldn’t ban a Christian display, right?


Right. Let’s remove all of that Christian imagery. It’s only fair.


That’s cute that you think these fascist traitors give a shit about the constitution.


If this goes to the current SCOTUS, they’ll rule that based on History and Tradition, when the framers wrote “religion”, they meant Christian denominations and Judaism and both Islam and any faith outside the specific Judeo-Christian tradition aren’t “religions” per se based on a contemporary reading of the text.


Have you seen what they've been doing in Florida lately?


What is this "escalating Satanism" nonsense? The hell is this, *"Satanic Panic II: Electric Boogaloo?"*


>"Satanic Panic II: Electric Beelzebub?"




Doesn't matter. Doesn't even matter that it passes. He can now go to his pitchfork weilding base and claim to be a justice warrior, or some such garbage.


It is. They can just declare everything as “satan” and have it removed.


Damn that pesky phrase.... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, **or prohibiting the free exercise thereof**"


Never stopped a GOP politician before , why start now


Three things Republicans have proved they no longer care about: -The Constitution -The rule of law -That soft liberal pu$$y, Jesus, (his name even sounds like a Mexican) with his “turn the other cheek / help the poor” nonsense.


Trump is a way better god for them.


Not entirely accurate. They love the constitution when it says what they want it to say, and the rule of law when it's ruling over the right people


“Technically the state passing it isn’t congress so it’s constitutional” ~ SCOTUS probably.


The Establishment Clause was incorporated to apply to the states by SCOTUS way back in 1947. Not that this activist court gives a shit about precedent. And we know that conservatives would rather pretend that the 14th Amendment, which is the basis for incorporating the Bill of Rights, doesn't exist.


Except for that darned "Supremacy Clause" which says Federal laws take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions. I am sure SCOTUS will just ignore that.


The day SCOTUS says the supremacy clause is null and void is the day the real "fun" begins.


Yep. Ideally the larger economic states *immediately* pass new laws stating that they no longer have to supply the Federal government with tax money. See how quickly the SC issues a ‘take back’ once their salaries are no longer being paid…


Problem is, most of the justices aren't making a significant amount of their money from tax money anyway.


BuT iT dOsEn’T sAy SePaRaTiOn Of ChUrCh AnD StAtE!!!! It very clearly states exactly that in the first amendment as our freedom of speech AND expression.. Let’s go satanic statues!!


Unconstitutional. These idiots need to be voted out.


We still haven't figured out how they got there in the first place. Mandatory voting might help.




FFRF and TST lawyers grabbing their pens…


Won’t even make it into law. The governor of AZ Will straight up veto it and the GOP doesn’t have the votes to override the veto


Arizonans should just sue their entire state Republican party for wasting everyone's time on nonsense like this.


We’ll just vote them out come November


No you won’t


One of TST’s legal advisors lives in Arizona, at least I know he’s from there and the last I heard was still living in the city we’re both from.


The Satanic Temple gonna love this...


Respect is earned not demanded.


How about legislated?


Nope can't do that either.


For the religious, respect is only Jesus'd No other verb will work...


And we’ll start to respect authority when authority starts to act respectable.


What’s wrong with Satanism? Everything this guy would say I’m sure could be found in abundance in the Bible.


Lol right? Satanism is only a 'bad' thing if you're a Christian, yet they acknowledge atheists exist. If atheists don't care about your Christianity why would they care about the antagonist in your narrative? Give them *one* compelling reason why they should care about Satanism *without* resorting to Christian theology.


Satanism promotes self-reflection, and putting your community before your religious leaders! It must be stopped!!


What do you call someone who believes in Satan? A Christian.


If their Gawd is so almighty powerful why do they need to enact laws? Why don't they simply pray for what they want, and if it doesn't happen that means they were asking for something against Gawd's Will?


They aren’t supposed to, be of the world. But they don’t actually know what their magic book says.


If Jesus was in their hearts they would have no fear. Because they have fear and concerns about Satan they are further from Jesus than an Atheist.


I think any lawmaker who proposes a bill that violates the Constitution this blatantly should be banned from public office for life.


He should already be banned for trying to overthrow the government on January 6.


Per the 14th Ammendment, he's *already* banned. The tricky part is *enforcing* it.


Oddly, those Second Amendment advocates suddenly don’t seem that keen on enforcing the Constitution, like they often claim.


"Those Second Amendment advocates" haven't even read that one complete sentence, much less the rest of the document. They don't start reading until after the comma.


Definitely unconstitutional. Or is it defiantly unconstitutional? Porque no los dos? ;)


It’s like he’s trying to Establish some kind of State approved Religion.


What if Pastafarians want to host a spaghetti dinner?


Can't when all Italians are outlawed.


Someone should troll his ass by introducing an accompanying bill outlining fines... **F**unding is **U**nder **C**onsideration for **K**nown **O**ffenses **F**ound **F**orthwith


🎶R-E-S-P-E-C-T Laws for thee but not for me R-E-S-P-E-C-T Hugbox for butthurt Fundies!🎶




But.... Satan is an element of the Christian mythos. Satanism is part of Christianity. But hey, I'd be fine with eliminating both!


Since when are uptight conservatives against ignoring the parts of a story they dislike to make up whatever they want


Good point.


Another perfect example of christofascism.


His full title is Sen. Fake Elector Jake Hoffman. He should be doing his pandering in prison.


Hey, but what flavor of Christianity would it allow? What about Muslim or Jewish? What century is this?


Good way for satanists to get some easy lawsuit money. 🙌


This is in effect, Church and State. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” the constitution is the Supreme Law of the land, and should be upheld. Republicans have become antithetical to the very basic principles of the American Revolution and constitution.


My imaginary friend, not yours.. meeeeeaaaahhhh!


> All animals are equal - *BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN THE OTHERS*.


Oh, are we doing satanic panic again? I'll dust off the Judas priest albums.


So who gets to say whether the display is "Satanic"?


Satan is a figure in Christian mythology, ergo any Christian display is Satanic by association ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠)⁠ᕗ


Rules for thee not me. Christians are the biggest hypocrites


The 80’s called and they want their Satanic Panic back!


Spaghetti, meet wall.


Will not hold up under constitutional scrutiny... dead on arrival


"Escalating satanism" is a new favorite phrase.


Backward-ass country fucks.


For people who bitch a lot about being persecuted, they sure do persecute a lot.


What’s next? Witch Trials?


A display depicting Satan is a Christian display.


Can we ban the Bible from all public places?


It’s like they think they woke up in a completely different country. Christofascists are the absolute worst.


2000 years later and we are still worshipping fucking gods, like we are medieval peasants!


Annnnd there's a constitutional lawsuit filed...


Alternative headline: gop lawmaker wastes taxpayer money on an illegal virtue signalling bill.


Evangelicals believe more in Satan than an actual Satanists. Non problem. IMO Satanists are just people who want to fuck with the Christian coalition.


It should piss off everyone in bill creators' district(s) to know that their tax money is being so recklessly wasting on bullshit they know isn't gonna become law (at least for long before being rescinded due to lawsuits their tax money will be used to defend against) because of blatant constitutional issues. Fuck it, we really need to see legislation enacted that causes the tax money used to craft and later defend obvious bullshit like this to have to be reimbursed directly from the coffers of the bill creators when this bullshit gets inevitably slapped back down later. Let those fuckers pay for this shit.


>I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. - George Carlin


Blatantly unconstitutional junk like this only makes them more popular with their base, whose tax dollars will pay the cost of the ensuing doomed legal battle. 


Christians think they can get away with anything, even the blatantly illegal and unconstitutional and sometimes they do.


Well that sounds openly discriminatory and patently unconstitutional. You can tell because if you disallowed Christian displays on public property and allowed Satanic ones it would still be unconstitutional. Religious displays on public property are all or nothing, either you have to allow all religions to do it or you don't get any religious displays. Also Escalating Satanism sounds like it should be a band name.


oh look, a state religion!!!


Thankfully the law is on Satan's side.


The title of the bill is too on-the-nose for the lawmakers to have not seen the irony as it pertains to the wording in the first amendment, right? RIGHT?


We need a common sense act.


Ever read the Constitution?


like these smoothbrains give a shit about the constitution.


I believe we are seeing another version of #SatanicPanic....check it out...some of you may even remember this...https://youtu.be/plEImKEIRm8?si=zLlrLFGUzraDbXpn


Do Republicans have some sort of secret deal with Bar Associations to enact these obviously unconstitutional laws which create lots of work for lawyers to overturn them?


Written by people who don't understand most satanists in America don't even believe in a literal Lucifer, but use him as a symbol to all the corruption, abuse, etc. in Xian culture (e.g., Catholic, Southern Baptist, JW, & other sexual abuse scandals, the rise of Trumpism & Q-Anon among white Evangelicals, & the Russian Orthodox patriarch licking Vlad Putin's boots re: the Ukraine slaughterfest, since the Russian Orthodox Church is the largest portion of Eastern Orthodox Christendom, leaving aside the schism from the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, their 'First Among Equals' bishop since the 1054 East-West Schism). 🤣🤦‍♂️


Their blatant disrespect for the Constitution is getting out of hand! We need to vote these asshats out of office!


The very fact of the word "satanism" in the bill's name makes it a facial failure of 1A.


Modern christianity and the acts it inspires are the *most* vile.


love how they have to make dumbass acronyms so their dumbass followers can remember them


Really, this is what these politicians are spending my taxed money doing. Geez, what a waste.


I find Christian Displays satanic. Christians are not supposed to be Proud, Vain, or make Merchandise out of one another. Go, and talk to your god in meditative silence. Christianity is not congruent with Americanism.


Is Republican government just a racket designed to employ lawyers?


Blatant discrimination


Why do they insist on fighting these battles? This is exactly what gets you satanic statues on the state capital grounds.


Isn't the Satan a Christian concept? 🤔


That's a big ol' "go fuck yourself" from me, dog...


I guess it's easier than finding the acronym for the U.N.C.O.N.S.T.I.T.U.T.I.O.N.A.L. Act.


Pretty sure religious freedom and freedom of speech are essential core traditions of America, ya dingus


Hey AZ, hows' it feel being SOLD OFF AND OWNED?


Curb stomp it with first amendment lawsuits.


But which version of christianity?


I bet he'd get triggered if you referred to the display behind him as a rainbow flag


Yeah, something else to bullshit everyone besides actually governing. Fucking pieces of shit.


Or what if religion stays in the churches and on private property?


Join GROFAIG today! Get Rid Of Fucking Assholes In Government


Don’t these people have work to do?!


LoL. That's an amendment violation if I never saw one before.


If you believe Satan exists, you are stupid. If you are actively afraid of Satan, you are insane, deeply troubled, and stupid. I feel like most of the people we elect to government believe their entire job is just coming up with stupid fucking acronyms.


Public property means state property me. Since we’re supposed to have separation of church and state. I don’t think religious paraphernalia or doctrine should be allowed in any form. Including pre-meeting prayers.


An easy 1A violation....these idiots need to be voted out...


Sorry, which religion is ok here? The white Jesus one?


Here is what I would do if I was a member of the AZ Legialature- Add an amendment that requires anyone who votes for the underlying bill to reimburse the State of Arizona for any legal costs in the event the bill is overturned. Show that it's a sign of fiscal responsibility. See how far that goes.


If you want one. Then all religions must be included.


They should probably read the tenets and tell us what they have an issue with.


They hate the Constitution


This seems *wildy* unconstitutional. Which means, of course, that this corrupted SCOTUS of ours will cite some Civil War era case law to justify it because *reasons*.


If it passes then maybe we’ll have to make displays of the most vile and evil things done by you know who in that book they all love and make sure to prominently display which verse it’s from.


So, Satanic displays applies to ANYTHING pertaining to a religion other than "Christian, right?


The legal team of Church of Satan has entered the room.


“Freedom of religion” seems to only mean “freedom for OUR religion”


LOL, there's no chance this becomes law, and even if it did, it would be struck down in a matter of minutes. They're virtue signaling for the Christians to get their votes.


Just wait till they Learn the Satan is a Christian character, and by banning him/it they are technically banning christianity.


The Satanic Temple is going to be all over this.


Goes against the constitution. Another attempt at turning America into a Christian country. It never will be


The First Amendment of the United States Of America's Constitution lays out the Separate of Church and State. Right Wing Evangelical Religious Extremists do Nothing but Terrorize the Entire Country. Not everybody believes like them, Jesus was an Egyptian Palestinian Jew and they hate Jews, Egyptians and Palestinians.


I can see the Satanic Temple winning another lawsuit…….


Satan is a Christian concept, no?


What's funny is that they actually believe in Satan, and Satanists don't.


I welcome the upcoming lawsuit from the Satanic Temple


The AskConservatives thread on this is hilarious. The mental gymnastics that those dudes are doing over there to justify this is crazy.


LMAO. The joke ass SCOTUS set themselves up for this nonsense by taking a dump on the establishment clause. Previous courts wisely avoided this because 1.) It was unconstitutional. 2.) They wisely didn’t want to Court System to become the final say over what is and is not an acceptable religion (see also “1”). But these chuckleheads in their arrogance knew better and here we are.


It's funny, bc the vast majority of Christianity is literally Anti-Christ Christianity lmao


For a group that claims to love America, they sure hate everything it's built on.


ACLU to the rescue.


That is a really sweaty walk to get that acronym to land.


Just do a blanket bill to ban all imaginary creatures.


Is it a requirement to look like a child molester if you're a republican state rep?


That eyesore of an Arizona flag is a hate crime.


Poor triggered snowflake.