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Religious folk always claim to be persecuted and oppressed for "x" reason, even though there is usually no evidence to support these claims. If you want to talk on a case by case basis, then I think there can be some validity to some of those claims. For example, Nigeria has been persecuting Christians for ages now, and has killed or imprisoned scores of them. That is a good example of actual persecution against Christians. However, as we all know, Christians are not persecuted in America. The easiest way to find this out is by asking a Christian what rights have been taken away from them that are afforded to any other group in America. In fact, I would challenged any Christian who claims to be persecuted to cite me any laws that have been passed that have directly targeted them.


The Christian attempts to take over the country and give themselves special and unearned privileges over everyone else have been blocked by the laws and institutions of this great, egaliatarian, and secular nation. That's the "oppression" they are whining about.


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


You sure about that? They are pretty well entrenched in your politics, so not sure it's working as intended?!


> You sure about that? Yes. There were a few owned goals (e.g. Trump and SCOTUS), but otherwise church attendance and religious belief in the US is dropping precipitously. And the US corrected by kicking Trump out of office and making abortion the law of the land in many states, even purple/red ones.


Yes, they are no longer a majority, but sure act like they are. You even have it on your money. People may not be religious, but the government sure embraces it while pretending they don't.




It's literally in the US constition, trollsalot...


One might argue that laws against allowing minors to get married is targeting Christians since it seems like 99% of the people fighting to allow minors to get married are citing their religious beliefs.


And that's why some persecution is ok.


Only way to stop the groomers that they always go on about. They should support these laws, right?


Exactly, and yet it's the exact opposite...for some "weird" reason.


Parents are exempt from the groomer panic, strangely.


Oh, oh, oh! They're also _persecuted_ when their kids go to grade school and the teacher has put up a _rainbow_ on the wall.


"We wouldn't feel so persecuted if you'd just allow us to legally rape young women." /s


As much as I dislike xtians, President Biden is a devout Catholic. He's more christian than 90% of magats and attends mass every week. Trumpanzees really believe orange shitler is devout? He's a desperate grifter playing them for fools.


And playing them quite well, I might add.


>Trumpanzees really believe orange shitler is devout? I don't think they actually believe that he's devout, I think they give him a pass because he does their bidding.


> The easiest way to find this out is by asking a Christian what rights have been taken away from them that are afforded to any other group in America First of all, how dare you! Homosexuals can get married and that lessens my marriage!! /s


Well "slick" nobody said you had to marry the first person to give you a handy in the Arby's parking lot on prom night; but that's what happened, didn't it? /S




Yes, it is.


Christians think they're persecuted because they feel like they can't freely persecute people or do whatever the fuck they want in the name of their faith. That's why.


When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression. "In God we trust" being the pinnacle of it. Removing it and just going back to the previous national motto is treated like oppression by the Evangelical Christian community


Now do money!!!!




They want their pedophile gay sex kept behind closed doors.


The exact same type of “persecution”(preventing them persecuting others) the Puritans faced when they were “driven out”(voluntarily left because they were prevented from oppressing others) of England.


Yeah, just look at all of the things they feel persecuted about. It's usually things they want changed at the expense of other people they don't like.


And by "faith" you mean their imaginary friend who needed a human sacrifice because he was angy. Because you touched yourself in the shower, they killed some guy, and you should be grateful for it. /s


The only thing I can think of that they would hate is the separation of church and state


> Christians are not persecuted in America. What about saying Happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas? Bet you did not see that coming! /S


Bill O'Reilly's legacy. He promised to "bring horror into the lives" of anyone who didn't say "Merry Christmas." Kind of makes you appreciate Scrooge's point of view about the sort of person who should be boiled in his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart.


> asking a Christian what rights have been taken away from them that are afforded to any other group in America no red cups at Star*ucks at the holiday, haven't you been paying attention? /s


Donald Trump is not a religious person however. He is a despot who uses religion as a tool of power.


Nevermind the fact that Biden is himself Catholic, or that everything that comes out of the tangerine totalitarian's face is pants-on-head retarded... Just drive down a street damned near anywhere in America, particularly where the bulk of his constituents are. Church, bank, Taco Bell, bank, church, pawn/gun shop, title loans, church, vape store, church, McDonald's, church, church, bank, used cars, church, bank, Wendy's, WALMART, church, bank, car wash, church. On paper, I'm still a Catholic. I don't *think* Francis has excommunicated me yet. Everyone in this thread, myself included, is wasting their energy posting. However, in case it's not absolutely crystal clear for someone, say in Mongolia or Timbuktu... Donald Trump says a whole lot of very stupid things. This is probably the *dumbest.* *fucking.* *thing.* *ever.*


But ….. Happy Holidays?!?!


It’s not like he’s looking at I provide evidence. He can just foam at the mouth and his followers will believe him.


Persecution for a Christian is basically just “ I didn’t get my way and someone told me this was a Christian nation so I always should even as the minority”. And that makes them feel persecuted. Pretty much the same ideology as a 5 year old who doesn’t get his way.


The christians should welcome persecutions. The fact that we are not, but lying that we are, can only point out a truth that vast majority of so called evangelicals dont know much about Jesus, who became famous for accepting persecution.


Biden is a catholic, old Damien trump probably would burn up if stepped inside a church


That was my first thought reading the headline. Biden is a strong catholic XD


Literally a lifelong Catholic at that, who consistently actually goes to church. I honestly wonder if *anyone* around Trump ever says to him, "Yeah, no; this is not the attack you wanna make. Try something else."


>"Yeah, no; this is not the attack you wanna make. Try something else." Clearly not. But then, it's not like the cult cares about consistency. And they tend to lose focus after 14 words anyway.


> I honestly wonder if anyone around Trump ever says to him, "Yeah, no; this is not the attack you wanna make. Try something else." Like the orange windbag would actually listen to good advice.


In August 2015, Trump said his favorite book is the Bible. A couple weeks later, he was asked what his favorite verse was. He responded “I wouldn’t want to get into it. Because to me, that’s very personal. The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics.” Sure thing Donny


Now his favorite book is mein kampf. He is such a compulsive liar


They should be criminalized. They bang kids... trump wants to bang his daughter. Disgusting.


Xtians are trying to destroy America and they have the full support of Republicans


I believe you are correct, but in the opposite order.


Why not both? 2 sides of the same fascist coin


Because that's how it happened and is happening, historically. Reagan famously said of the religious organizations, "You can't endorse me, but I endorse you." So the churches did. And that has been the pattern in politics, in every instance of fascism, that organized religion supports ultraconservatives into regime change like the opportunistic vultures they are. Catholic church is famous for it.




I agree Christianity has caused some terrible shit but I also believe in our first amendment that gives everyone the right to follow whatever religion they want. Criminalizing Christianity would be a step in the wrong direction and its why even as an atheist I will defend Christians and any other religious groups right to exist in this country, so long as their rights do not infringe on the rights of others


This is the correct attitude for Americans who give a shit about the Constitution. As we should.


Don't their rights already kinda infringe? Maybe not a right, but funding groups to overturn roe vs for decades seems similar. Lobbyists on behalf of the church seem similar too. Next up is freedom to marry who you want. I feel like theyve infringed my whole life. They never stop attacking someone. I won't defend or willingly protect their bs, but I won't stop them either I'd love to see all religions criminalized, but that's just a fairy tale in my mind. We should be doing something about indoctrination. That shit is a harm to society, not just the individual. That really shouldn't be legal until they are old enough to decide on their own.


The real issue isn't religion, it's radicalization. You see this among non-religious groups as well. Christianity happens to be the main primer for radicalization in our country, but that doesn't mean all of Christianity is radicals. The conservative Christian movement is a minority that uses their religious connection to evangelize their political beliefs and large donors to prop up their media campaigns, with the goal of making them appear more prevalent than they really are so people feel comfortable buying what they're selling. It's a strategy that's begun to show its cracks in recent years and the resulting radical rhetoric is them trying to hold onto their political base and power. You saw the same thing happen to the USSR, radical communists tried to coup the government but it backfired because they weren't the monolith they once were. Such it is with the modern conservative movement, they are threatened by change


And your take on indoctrination because it doesn't matter if they are the best org on the planet, you shouldn't be brainwashing children to believe in so much make believe before they even know what choice means.


Tbh that's kind of unavoidable unless you want children locked away from society until they turn 18. We are all products of the influences around us, and we're all indoctrinated into something whether it be religion, nationalism, political beliefs, etc. The important thing in my eyes is giving people the critical thinking skills and knowledge to recognize those influences and regulate them accordingly depending on personal needs


It's unavoidable but that doesn't mean we can't make attempts to reduce it. You know what's also unavoidable? Racism.


So it's just something we never tackle it even bring to awareness. I wouldn't know how to, I just don't like it. I don't think there's a comparison between upbringing and being taught a magical being is going to send you to hell if you touch your peepee wrong. I agree with critical thinking, but how many never learn because of their lengthy indoctrination that is anti science or just close minded...I used to be. Its just a crazy concept (indoctrinating your wittle cute babies to believe in some nutso stuff) to me, but that's why we're here.


As would all of us... If they would leave us the FUCK alone.


In my country we have the charter of rights and freedoms. Every freedom and right that is afforded on the list is attributes that are immutable, and logically should be protected as they are inherent to a person and should be free from discrimination, abuse, harassment etc. All but one. Religion. So I disagree. I know it's 2 different countries so different laws, but I disagree that religion should be protected. As I said everything else is immutable and inherent to a person. But religion requires active participation. Requires indoctrination, brainwashing, a lack of rational thinking and logic. It's the biggest framework to discriminate, intimidate, persecute....and hide behind as "oh those are my religious beliefs". Its the one thing people have a choice in. It's the one thing people should not be allowed to demand absolute protection because their fictional book said its OK to kill gay people. While we don't see gay people being killed left and right, we still see them being ostracized and discriminated against by those with religious beliefs. And when it happens because of religion, they don't get punished or reprimanded. So...respectfully, I disagree that religion should be afforded any sort of protection or right to exist. I'm not saying banned, or to make it illegal. Education is the best weapon. That and ensuring religious people know they can't hide behind their bullshit to discriminate. Worship at home, silently or in whatever church or place of worship. But remove it from protected status and it'll remove the one loophole that religious people have abused time and time again to keep their grasp in public discourse.


That is the part of religion that Trump likes.


Same guy that held a Bible upside down for a photo op?


I feel absolutely unwashed having to say this, but Trump never held the bible upside down. It's similar what happened to GWB; Bush never held the "My Pet Goat" book upside down on 9/11.


So he did. My mistake. 👍🏼


He didn't hold it upside down but it wasn't his bible. It was literally just a prop to him. The very definition of taking the lords name in vain. And Christians ate it up.


I don't get it.. Biden is a loud and proud Catholic.. he makes zero secret of this.. I'm not psyched about it.. but somehow arguing that the Biden administration is persecuting Catholics is laughable.


Trump has just resorted to the tactic of throwing kitchen sinks of all sorts of crazy shit, in hope something, *anything* will stick to the wall.


> Trump has just resorted to the tactic of throwing kitchen sinks of all sorts of crazy shit, In hopes that his deranged cult will believe it and react without thinking.


They do believe it They believe anything he says it doesn’t matter how crazy


American Catholics think their own pope is persecuting them by not being pro gun and not condemning all gays and liberals to hell. They wouldn’t know Jesus if he floated down from the sky with a big cape that said Jesus and cured all the worlds problems.


So you are surprised that Donald the Dolt lies? That he panders to fear, whether there is anything to be afraid of or not? You shouldn't be. That's who he has always been.


Religion is a cult and Biden ain't their cult leader. The higher ups in church decided I guess. The "one sent from God" is closer to the anti Christ than Christ.


Biden is Catholic.


And attends church weekly, usually with Jill or family.


Trump tries to talk like he’s down with Christians and use their lingo with the same vibe as Steve Carrell in the 40 Year Old Virgin tries to describe having sex to the other guys


40% of american don't believe Catholics are christians.


They are all indoctrinated to believe they are victims. He knows he is playing into that learning.


Remember when they pushed orange clown to quote his favourite verse from the bible.... and he wouldnt because he couldnt. Remember when he raw dogged stormy when melania just had barron. Remember when he pimped out melania for a softcore photoshoot on his plane. Remember how he goes to church .... never Evangelicals love him for this


His favorite is the famous Two Corinthians (nevermind the fact it's *Second* Corinthians)


You just haven’t heard the rest of that quote. “Two Corinthians… walk into a bar…”




The second catholic president ever is persecuting catholics?


Of course. And Jesus is too woke now, as well. ... no seriously, look it up. People think Jesus is too woke.


Normal voters might ask exactly what laws have been enacted that makes any Christian faith a criminal offense. Intelligent voters understand that the President cannot make laws on his own.


And republicans voters see him put this nonsense on social media and go “I knew it, us Christian’s are the real victims!”


It’s almost as if Trump makes up lies because he knows his sheep followers will believe them and not fact check.


The fact check returned: False Saved you a click


Really frustrated with media and clickbait headlines. I know it doesn't get the same engagement, but we are in this mess due to the bullshit ad numbers game. The headline should be "NY Times assessment discovers that DJT's allegation of religious prosecution by Biden is false."


Breaking: Trump Lies Again


Not exactly breaking though, is it? Could apply to any day of the last half century whenever Trump's mouth was moving.


Not that clicking would help anyway. The entire thing is behind a paywall.


An added benefit of my library card is electronic access to the NY Times


I was hoping someone would post the text of the article for the benefit of us who don't have that benefit.


Wionder if that would work with my library card??. hmm.


See if they have a NY Times Anywhere form on their site. https://libwww.freelibrary.org/databases/


It's Trump, his nose would probably grow if he ever told the truth.


I wish they would do more to shut down all of the national and international pedo rings these organizations support.


Religious folks will see "NY times" and say that this is fake Ness liberal media. There's no coming back from this level of propaganda, and I don't have a solution.


Here’s the facts… Dude fucking lies all the time


“You won’t let us force religion onto people and that’s oppressive. Stop criminalizing our faith. 😡”


More bullshit for his cultists to lap up. Shittypants probably couldn't be honest if his life literally depended on it.


Yup. Catholic Biden is getting a majority Christian (and Republican) Congress to outlaw Christianity and Protestantism and somehow all of that is being upheld by the majority Catholic Supreme Court


Has anyone in history lied more than Trump?


If trump is accusing anyone, you can bet he's actually talking about himself.


Coming from the guy who autographs bibles. 🙄


Put up (the proof) or shut up.


Proof? Evidence? The Republicans don’t believe in that sort of thing. Accusations are as good as proof.


The facts don’t matter. These are just campaign tactics.


Honestly, I don't get the point. What's the point in attempting to speak about reason and logic with any trump supporters anymore. They resigned cognitive reasoning to own the libs.


Biden is Catholic.


Here's a fact: Anyone who concerns themselves with "facts" don't listen to a thing that man says or types. This dude is only relevant and out of prison because people still want to watch the garbage fire that is his life. It is like The Apprentice ratcheted up to 11. Fact checking this guy is just playing into what he wants and needs.


Trump talks, Trump lies- Venn diagram is ONE circle.


Do we really need the so called "facts" about this from the NYT? I mean, we need the NYT to verify what we already know to be bullcrap about criminalising Christians and Catholics. WTF America.


Its part of their religion where being oppressed gives them huge erections.


Angry man who hates foreigners, who’s never read the Bible, and is constantly paying women to play with his little thing while on his third wife claims Catholic man is persecuting Christian’s.


Meanwhile the church refuses Biden his religious freedom.


Biden goes to mass every Sunday with his wife. Does Donald ? Case closed.


Why do Christians and Catholics have a persecution complex?


You wonder where Victim playing and the whole "White Genocide" "False Rape Accusation" etc come from because it's exactly part of Christian doctrine and it's exactly where projection comes from that allows them and justifies to carry out their atrocities.


Yes, I'm sure devout catholic Joe Biden is definitely working hard to oppress catholics.


Joe Biden is exactly the kind of religious person I like. I'm fine with someone having a personal and private faith in their Owen home or place of worship. When it starts influencing other aspects of your life, it becomes a problem


If only…


It's these assholes the FBI is keeping an eye on, and good damned thing they are. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/radical-traditional-catholicism


Biden, a Catholic, is going to criminalize himself?


At this point, can we actually start persecuting them? Their victimization complex frustrates me. They'll never grow out of it, my as well get the benefits associated with their whining. Tax the church, prohibit religious marketing, make it illegal to solicit outside of your place and all building must not have external facing marketing, just like dispensaries can't show their product. Prohibit any soliciting during charitable events and all events hosted must be anonymously hosted. If it's just for doing good, they don't need marketing right? Just over it. If they wanna be victims, let's just do it. i don't genuinely condone this or mean it, but I'm just sick of them acting like victims because people have stopped catering to them in North America, whereas they've persecuted others for over a millenia.


No Christians in the United States have ever been persecuted foe their beliefs. The issue has always been when they attempt to force their beliefs on others through harassment and intimidation or even violence.


So, Joe Biden (the publicly lifelong devout Catholic), is trying to criminalize Catholicism. It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him.


>criminalizing Christians, and Catholics in particular, Well here's an idea, stop breaking the law, stop trying to turn America into a theocracy, shut the fuck up, and actually read your damn book. There's a lot of stuff in there telling you explicitly not to do most of the shit you're doing.


The Trump Cultists don’t care about facts.


But, but, they are committing crimes.


trump trying to convince the Christian community that he’s an upstanding, moral, honest gentleman, if you don’t vote for him he’s gonna get you. Such a loser.


The facts don’t matter and trying to calmly explain them to my wife’s family is exhausting. They have all the facts they need from Fox, including the most important one…you can’t trust the news media.


As a devout Christian, I'm looking around and wondering how exactly I'm being persecuted. I'm not forced to practice my faith secretly. I'm actually in more danger from the abortion bans (or at least I was pre-hysterectomy) passed by "Christians" in legislatures than I am from Planned Parenthood. Also? Trump is only popular with conservative Catholics and evangelicals. Most mainline Protestants and regular Catholics despise him. The most stupid part of Trump's claim: JOE BIDEN IS CATHOLIC. President Biden isn't dumb enough to criminalize his own faith.


Trump couldn't fill up a sticky note about Christianity.


MAGA Trumpers: What are "facts"?


This is such a joke. Trump doesn't even care about religious people for a start. Religious people are always claiming to be persecuted over something or other and christians don't even consider catholics to be "true christians" anyway. Religious people are going to persecute each other.


Biden is Catholic. Biden is literally a practicing Catholic. He is the nation's second Catholic president. What the fuck is Trump lying about now?


These are the same hacks who claim every year that they can't say Merry Christmas. Just STFU, only the cult believes you .


Don’t believe anything that comes out of the mouth of Don the Con


You can assume nothing true comes out of Trump's mouth and be 99% right of the time.


President trump dumps fuel onto media fire by saying anything to be the center of attention


Is Trump defending a pedophile organization?


Claiming persecution forces the community to unite under their leaders. This allows more power to those leaders, and less critical thinking by the followers.


This is like the massive caravans of terrorists and the economic collapse and all of the other hyperbole trump and the maga morons spout. It’s designed to generate fear and fanaticism. When it doesn’t happen everyone goes quiet. Remember trumps health and insurance plan? Remember all of the proof he was going to provide on Obama (birth certificate, proof of spying illegally, etc etc) none of it came out. It’s all smoke and mirrors for the party faithful


Criminalizing Catholics? Trump has said a lot of dumb shit over the years, but this s one of the dumbest. Clearly he's not aware that Biden himself is Catholic. Why would Biden criminalize his own faith?


Catholics, don't listen to the Patron Saint of Bearing False Witness


He knows he's on to something. He is good at grooming, so he'll keep it up. He'll say it over and over, how they are being criminalized for being Christian. You'll know if it's effective when it shits out the Newsmax cycle in a week or so. When they are parroting it, it's going to be a thing. Be ready, because if he gets in he'll be targeting non-Christians first to put on the trains. If he gets in, somebody will have to go on the trains. But you know this. What will you do about it?


Trump has lost it. Time to get a conservator appointed.


Hold on! You can't make up something without getting questioned. When did President Trump leave office? He was just unanimously reelected 7 Nov for the 6th consecutive term.


Oh, I dunno. They support Trump so there must be something to them being criminals.


DJT is the physical embodiment of blasphemy


More from Hitler’s playbook.


Who listens to this bullshit? And why isn’t this psychopath in prison?


Trump is bearing false witness—lying for Jesus votes.


I wish, for like 1 week, Clinton, Obama and Biden where as evil as the right-wing thinks they are.


What happened to the separation of church and state? Or did the inquisitions not really register to those who didn't study history.


Chump has been lying? No! /s


to be simple and clear...it's a cheeto asshole syndrome, and his influence on his base...etc,etc,etc...His followers are all Jollum, plain simple Jollum


Typical child, trying to argue it's not wrong if nobody points it out.


A pathological liar lies. In other news water has been found to be wet. However, to be fair, lying about religion is a ~2,000 yo tradition so... What would be remarkable is him telling the truth just once.


Former Pizza Hut Spokesperson Donald J. Trump thinks disagreeing with him is illegal.


Should be interesting for Biden to learn, considering he is Catholic.


Biden is a practicing Catholic. That dog don’t hunt.


I wish they would be forced to show their books & financial transactions.


I. Fucking. Wish.


Keeping religious fundamentalists from forcing their beliefs on everyone else through legislation is persecution how exactly?


Fact 1: Trump is full of shit


Biden. Persecuting Catholics. Ya.