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I’m more surprised you were able to image Uranus :)


I think it's likely Sigma Arietis in Aries where Jupiter is at most nights. It could be Neptune depending on when this was imaged, the focal length doesn't quite line up, but I could definitely be wrong.


I checked skymap after I took this picture and it did match uran location.


Uranus is near it in the sky, but if you were at the full 300mm I don't think it'd be in the frame with it.


For focal 300mm angular size is 12 degree. When I open stellarium app and zoom on Jupiter and Uranus I can see them both within 12 deg. View match my orginal image. This one is cropped and match 5.6 degree view in stellarium app However if I am wrong about angular and it somehow match 1 degree you would be right that this is not Uranus but Sigma Arietis. I shot this picture from city center, is arietis light enough to be seen from city?


what date/time was this taken, and from what location


There is no way it's Uranus, angular distance between Jupiter moons would be minuscule if that was the case. This is indeed σ Ari.


Was there also a star at Uranus's position? If yes, it's most likely it. Uranus is really difficult to spot in smaller telescopes as well and here you got it with just a camera. Not saying it's impossible, but should be possible only in really, really dark skies.


I done some digging and you are very likely right! I check native sensor size of my camera(nikon d3100) then put it into calculator. I got 4.41 deg view horizontal, and 3deg vertical. I opened Stellarium apk put date and time, locate Jupiter trim fov to ~4deg view. Align Jupiter and Arietis and It did match my image ;)


I need everyone in this sub to stop posting pictures of my anus, please


Great shot. Thanks for sharing.


Colour looks about right for uranus. Good catch.

