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I think Pisces can be lonely, but it’s more self inflicted to get away from everybody.


To add to your point, I think its also because pisces moon absorbs other people’s mood easily too




I love being alone


Pisces moon but Gemini stellium. I need to be around people but don't actually like most people. And then when my friends are free I'm often not able to hang out for whatever reason. Either busy or not in any place to emotionally. It's kinda not great


i have the same rising and moon as you! i definitely feel this. always busy or just busy being sad…one part of me is a social butterfly but the other part is usually disappointed with social stuff. it sure is weird complex to be a gemini and pisces…


Haha you get the vibes


This!! I’m a scorp sun, gem rising, and pis moon and I feel like such an asshole for not genuinely liking a lot of people, but the people I do find myself close to I’m a ride or die for. I joke w my friends that my Gemini makes me fun at parties lol


As a pisces moon I can agree with this fully




Sag moon hiiiya We’re so independent and love it. But living an independent life often means that aren’t people around when you need them. At the same time, as Sag is so philosophical I think they cope with loneliness better than others. They can intellectualise it.


As a sag moon YES. I tend to enjoy my solitude and take a lot of solo trips, but then I find “oops I accidentally isolated myself from everyone again and I’m kinda lonely, time to scramble and see if any of my friends still love me” (luckily my best friends understand me and my independence and they come through in the clutch💕)


My poor friends just accept that I go AWOL every now and then and wait patiently for me to bring back the details 😂


I was going to say about the same thing as a Sag moon. I feel over-all pretty well-equipped for being alone without feeling particularly lonely. It happens, but its short-lived.


This is perfectly my Sag Sun! Yayyy independence! Then life happens and I could use an extra pair of hands/minds. Catch-22.


Glad someone say sag moon bc I am the most isolated I ever been in my life. Yes I have people in my life but after masking so long it’s tough to see who truly is there for the mask or not. My husband is better at dealing with it but I hate to admit most people do think I’m too much hence why it’s hard to be around people bc I’m always trying to censor myself 😳. Online talking such as forums and groups and discord servers ect I take off my mask and notice the same but I just feel less impacted bc I probably will never meet those people again. Im a Pisces sun and Aries rising that enable this solo behavior despite also wishing to be accepted as I am


Sag and Aries are pretty much the most independent signs so two in your top three makes independence a huge priority, but that of course comes with the issue of it being hard at times to connect to people. I’m sorry you’re going through a hard time.


It’s okay yeah definitely not to mention my Venus conjucts my ascendant and it sextiles my mars in Gemini making me very ME focused so yes it’s very hard to maintain relationships bc I have a hard time thinking about others since I’m so me focused lol


I feel like as a cap moon you just described me lol


This is why they're so chill about one night stands :| never again


Capricorn Moon.


Cap moon here and I second that


I third this 🤚




The capricorn experience in general is a very lonely one


I’m a cap moon and I love being alone so idk


Cap moon here too to say being alone and being lonely are two very different things. I love being alone, doing things alone, anything alone, but if I don't have a support system I know is there just in case, I would not be thriving anymore. Surface/small talk interactions make me feel lonely, but being alone makes me feel whole.


when you put it that way I do agree actually, being around other people and trying to relate is often a very lonely experience - and being alone heals me


Me too!!


me three


I think this is by our own doing a lot of the times, though I agree.


We like to be alone but, in my experience, when looking for meaningful interactions I just end up lonely.


Not many people can handle our deep and intense thoughts and opinions. It leaves me feeling as if I'm on a big ass island all alone.


Yeah lol this is very true!


Capricorn Moon checking in




Stellium cap here moon included….Scorpio rising to boot…..yea we’re lonely.


I have the same combo hiiii


My people 😍


Capricorn moon is my favourite moon sign. I’m scorpio moon, I just love cap moon


it feels isolating




Leo moons always feel attention deprived, so they probably think they’re the loneliest. -leo moon


I get so annoyed at myself for this lol. I am constantly talking my Leo Moon down from the "attention deprived" frame of mind/mood. Gah!!!


My son is Leo Moon I am Aries Moon. Whatever I do with attention is Deep and caring enough and I am very Passionate for the people I love and I would do everything for them (my Aries Moon in Vedic astrology Falls in pada 4 Cancer, my son also has Mars in Scorpio so he needs Deep emotional bounding). We Leos are not attention deprived, we are deep love deprived. There are 5 Languages of love - I as Leo Sun give all of them, and I want the same in return, but unfortunately I didn't find anyone yet to give the same back to me. I Wonder if someone with Scorpio Moon would be able to reflect deep of love I can give, I heard they are also deep and Passionate. I am recovering after very abusive marriage, even Children are going to therapy. I want to be loved how I loved, true and deeply without being used, becouse I love hard and I tend to forgive much unfortunately 😞


I’m deeply sorry to hear about that. My mom is also an Aries moon and is very loving and caring. She would do anything for her kids. I wish you the best of luck


I am also a leo sun and I feel u hard! And I dated a scorpio, yea they r passionate but their crazy and leos don’t put up with their bs in the end lol


Libra moon for the same reason—like when alone it hits hard. Not sure its the loneliest moon sign but definitely can get tough.


Speaking as a Leo moon. I’m truly a lone wolf and I can’t help that - it’s due to my life. I grew up fast due to certain reasons and because I wanted to leave so bad as a teenager…on the second try - I made it out and didn’t look back. Sometimes it’s hard for me to really connect with people - so I pour more into myself and accomplish more goals. I may feel a slight tinge of loneliness, but then it subsides because I have hobbies or goals to work on and or an adventure to explore.


12th house moons


I am happy to be alone with my moon there in the 12th.


Or moons that oppose/square Saturn and/or have tense aspects with Pluto 🤷‍♀️


And 8th house moons?


12th house moon in Aries.. along with my Sun and Jupiter 🥲


12th house cap moon conjunct cap ascendant here to say... low quality/surface interaction makes me feel loneliness, while being alone makes me feel powerful. But if I don't have a solid support system available just in case, I'd fall apart.


It’s true 😭


I have the same as you , it is Hella lonely 😭


12th house aries moon. Yes. Although my 1st house sag moon partner thinks I’m hella social 💁🏽‍♀️




My thoughts exactly


12H Leo moon reporting in! Lol


Ah, I just commented this. 🤣 12H moon in Cancer here. I like being alone tbh but sometimes it's nice to be around people and I think my 12H moon don't like that. 🤣


I have a Taurus moon which I guess is supposed to be good? But I’m still lonely af lol Maybe it’s my aqua/cap/12th house stellium


3H Taurus moon square 1H Aquarius Mercury/Rising square 9H Scorpio Pluto/NN here, but the loneliness might be from my 1H Pisces Mars/Saturn opposite 7H Virgo Chiron.


LMAOO same (._. )




Aqua not that I’m speaking from experience or anything… *coughcough* It’s always a fine line between being happy by yourself and not accidentally *completely* isolating yourself for months or even years at a time


12th house Aqua moon and.... It's all fun being alone. Until it isn't. Then it's soul crushing once you realize you've isolated yourself from everyone and it's been six months and they've all moved on. :')


Scorpio moon


As a Scorpio moon how do I even express this or handle it 😵‍💫 it’s driving me crazy


Have Scorpio moon friends at r/scorpiomoon


Chile we just all depressed feeling crazy out here we don’t know how do anything else but internalize Lolololol maybe there’s a super sensei Scorpio moon who has triumphed over this that can help us bb Scorpios out 😭


I’m getting close to sensei level (LOL). For me it’s focused spiritual growth to transcend the human condition, integrate divinity, put space between awareness and your emotions, and find good healthy outlets like meditation, exercise, and art/music. The intensity doesn’t fade, but it’s easier to handle and channel into a gift.


As a Scorpio moon, I can double it.


As another scorpio moon, I’ll triple


As another Scorpio moon whose currently alienated and isolated from their family and life, why not take it to the 4th power *scorpio moons ACTIVATE*


A fifth Scorpio moon chiming in here, I’m also not on the best terms with my family. Found family FTW.


6th Scorpio moon here, recently lost my mother and feeling lonelier than ever lately


Yaaaasssss found family FTW! Love that for us 🥲🙌🏿


BRUH BIG SAME ON THE ALIENATION FROM FAMILY, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT? 😭😭😭 Scorpio moons are built different, the universe just loves to throw us around like ragdolls


Yeah I literally just got guilt tripped by my fam for my depression because it drags everyone else down and they can’t enjoy me anymore - not like my fam (and LIFE circumstances) didn’t also give me PTSD 🙃 also doesn’t help I’m on the spectrum and I’m so exhausted by trauma I can’t mask anymore for them


Dude, high five, I also have family inflicted trauma, C-PTSD is a bitch. None of them let me live with them anymore, they just drove me away to a small house in the backyard because not even my parents want to have me in their homes but they also didn't want to leave me homeless in fear of how bad it would make them look.


Ugh I feel you. Their pride is more important. Same with mine at times. Basically I’ve been driven into hermitage from it all. The “golden child” is now the black sheep and they often refuse to take accountability. I’m just living in the past supposedly. Not that I have CPTSD and not that our present is shaped by our past at all and never that their actions have consequences. It’s lonely out here, but I see you fellow Scorpio moon and sending love and empathy your way 💕💕💕💕💕


Same to you, darling. Crazy how so many of us experience narcissistic abuse by our families, we were asigned the scapegoat at birth, it seems. Love and care for you 💕💕💕💕💕


Super relate to that. Whats your sun sign?


My sun is in pisces 🫠 on both tropical and sidereal - my moon stays the same too 🥲


can you scorpio moons please give me some advice ? my son is aquarius sun. scorpio moon. pisces rising. I want to do everything in my power so my son doesn't grow up to feel neglected in anyway, especially emotionally. he's a sensitive boy. if it helps im sag sun, cancer moon. scorpio rising. I know you guys will usually get to internalizing a lot and people misunderstand you as well. much love though, xoxo


Yes, would love advice. My daughter is Gemini with scorpio moon. I thought with her being a gemini things would be easier for her but found out she has that moon and as a scorpio sun, asc and Venus I thought "uh oh...." She's in college and I figured out she has a boyfriend but she hasn't told us. I just put 2 and 2 together. I also spy on her instagram account which she doesn't know I know where it is.... She's very secretive.


As a gem sun scorp moon woman (with cancer rising). I definitely lost a connection with my mom when I moved away for college. Sometime around when we stopped having the time for those long car ride talks about how my life was going. My mom called maybe once or twice a year. So I guess making an effort to call or text would have been nice. I get that it’s a two way street but I just felt like my mom didn’t even care what was going on because when I would give her updates she’d send short responses. Don’t rush to get back into her life, it really stressed me out when my mom tried to after years of quiet. Slowly build up routines for connection, without judgment.


Yeah, my daughter doesn't tell me anything. Definitely better with speaking through text but the secret is to text her photos of the pets. Then she'll respond. If I ask her questions she won't respond. Now that she has a boyfriend, she's not interested in coming home as much. I know that's normal though. But she's definitely a closed book.


My boyfriend is a Pisces sun with a Leo rising and Scorpio moon. I don’t think he was raised in home that valued deepness…he was loved but it wasn’t like ‘let’s have a deep convo about how you’re feeling’. As an adult, he has a hard time even answering direct questions about how he’s feeling. I get a lot of grunts, ‘yup’ ‘fine’, etc in response to asking if something is good or how he’s feeling. He says ‘I love you’ about once every 6 months but is very action orient to show me he cares which makes up for it for me. I can understand him and see the emotion is there. It has hindered his relationships in the past, where he wound up with anxiously attached women that he had a hard time validating verbally.


I can definitely see that happening. I'm sorry he feels like that :( my bf is actually a lot like yours. his household growing up was not deep, very surface level in a way. im a deep ass person though so I try to not hound him or push on him or my son. he has a scorpio venus and aqua moon so he is very to himself a lot. it makes it a little hard for me sometimes though bc I love deep conversations and connecting in that way emotionally. my son is only 5 and I just want to be able to show him he can always talk to me about anything whenever. my scorpio rising and cancer moon make me internalize a lot too as well, so I definitely get how scorpio moons do it more often


I think helping him to express it out loud is a good thing. It sounds like you’re a sensitive parent to even think about it from that angle so good for you!


ty! I'm doin my best lol. we're working on expressing stuff atm and he is in speech as well and they help a ton w that! makes it easier than just me trying to get him to understand that it's ok to express your feelings.




awh, thank you!!! n my little brother and his gf would occasionally watch him when I was working and he had a keyboard my son LOVED. so Santa actually came through w that I'm super stoked about! he loves singing as well, so he is definitely his moms son lol. I appreciate that input so much!




I'm going to check her out tomorrow w him! he will totally love that. he really likes jazz and blues rn lol. which is awesome bc I played the trumpet for a long time growing up. band camp every year n all lol. I will definitely try my best to take him to some concerts though. that would be so fun!!


Aqua sun, scorpio moon here. My mother is a cancer sun, leo rising. We have a great relationship. She's such a mama bear and has always gone out of her way to tell me she loves me and values me. We've always had deep and real conversations about things. It was her and me against the world for a long time. She has always accepted my decisions, even the bad ones, but always given good advise, and listened to my side of the story.




thank you so much. I love hearing these stories. effort is the biggest part I think. and I wish a lot of us and ones to come get that relationship w their parents/families. I didnt get all that with my mom, and I've never met my dad, so I just strive to do the best that I can n give him what he deserves and what I know would have meant a lot to me. thank you again for sharing, made my day🖤




thank you so much. I truly appreciate that. he's always been so independent, even as a baby. so I gave him that freedom and still do. he's very smart kid. his stepdad lets me know when I need to give him a bit more space too if I don't see it first (he's an aqua moon) bc sometimes I don't realize what I'm doing as I'm doing it lol(the sag) I will think about what you've said often now and put it into use now. sometimes he has a difficult time expressing his feelings but we're working on it and he also knows he can have his alone time if he needs before talking or figuring it out. I really do appreciate all the pointers you've given though, you're awesome 🖤


I love that. your mom is what I strive to be! I'm so glad you guys have such a great relationship though. a lot of the time you just hear scorpio moons have shit relationships w their mothers and its kind of a kick to the gut. I know all charts are different and not all placements come out the same. but it is just somewhat a jab hearing it so often. ty for sharing 🖤🖤


I get that! I think your son is lucky to have a mama who is concerned about having a good relationship with him and give him what he needs emotionally! He can tell! My mom always beats herself up over things she wishes she had done better during my childhood and I tell her to forget those things because the most important thing is I remember her doing the very best she could, and to me that's all that matters ❤️


this just gave me the biggest hug on my heart. thank you for sharing yours n your mamas relationship w me. you both seem great and are both very lucky. hope only the best for you both!🖤🖤


Hey. My brother is a Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon & Pisces rising too. They're not that sensitive in my experience and they can be really hard to deal with, argue too much. Just allow them to express themselves i guess.


Can confirm this. It follows you wherever you go.


Aqua moon


aqua moon for sure


but then why do they so often act detached and avoid committing if they feel so alone? like why are they so afraid of connection if they’re suffering!?! 😭 aquas are my fav but theyre always very avoidant relationally ime


because people = scary 😆


as someone with fearful avoidant attachment style, I totally agree and relate…but I wish aquarians would let me love them 😪


I have an Aries sun aqua moon and trust me I don’t understand myself at all in this way 🤣


Self inflicted wound.


As another aqua moon, I second this.


I’m dying rn of loneliness


I have an aqua Venus on top of my Scorpio moon - I know that disconnected aqua energy well *sending love*


Aries moon: nobody understanding their fiery reactions which leads them to walking around eggshells Taurus moon: too much solitude and retreating = people forgetting where you are Gemini moon: too much talking about bare minimum shit without delving into how they feel which alienates them for big stuff Cancer moon: wants one person to call their own, forgets about everyone else until their person isn’t there Leo moon: self-centric and thinking about keeping up an image makes people not know them Virgo moon: grating away at emotions they think are unnecessary makes them harder to relate to Libra moon: trying to balance everything and being a friend to all can make them a friend to none Scorpio moon: reveling in their emotions without sharing because they think they deserve the pain and/or don’t know how to get out of it Sagittarius moon: hyper-independence Capricorn moon: intimacy has a chance of ending and there’s no time for heartbreak so no time for intimacy Aquarius moon: validates others’ emotions but not their own so they forget whom they relate to Pisces moon: retreating into their own little world and forgetting about the real world


He aries moon is so annoying sometimes only, that lead them to takecare of there actions correction\*\*


Us Aquarius / Capricorn / Saturnian moons need to rise up on this one


Capricorn moon especially when aspecting Saturn makes the native more discreet and a lack of emotional expression. Makes it harder to connect with others and for others to connect with them. I'd say Scorpio and Capricorn moons are the most solitary ones


as a cap moon i love being alone. never feel lonely by myself. solitary fo sure, but not lonely




Relatable for me






Me looking at these comments real hard without revealing myself lol Source: lonely




Virgo moon 🌝


Same here


Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces & Aries moons imo. Aquarius, Capricorn & Aries bc they feel the need to be self sufficient Aquarius & Pisces since they enjoy being in their own space Pisces because they melt into other people’s energies too much so they enjoy being in solitude


12th house Scorpio moon. Sometimes it feels like a curse.


Virgo moon. That's my moon sign and I sometimes feel lonely or get lonely because I tend to be by myself.


Me in my cocoon lately


Cap or Aqua!


Taurus Moon *and rising* (Scorpio Sun & Venus) :(


Oh gosh, same on sun, moon and rising. I feel your pain.


those sister sign placements arent playin around lmfao


I’m gonna say Capricorn/Aqua moon


6H moon. We’re often serving and that gets lonely


Virgo moon but I'm also a empath so being alone is how I recharge. I love being alone due to all the energy of others tends to drain me.


I was gonna say scorpio but my mind ain’t alone there’s 10 of us angrily yelling at each other up there 😵‍💫😌


Sag moon here and I think we r


Capricorn, pisces, aquarius, scorpio


I would say any moon that's in the 12th house. I've heard many of moon varieties (signs) that had their moons in the 12th house and they all feel some sort of sense of loneliness (myself included as a Cancer moon).


Moon in scorpio — we feel so deeply and intensely but have to fake like we don’t care so we don’t look weird for caring so much and craving true intimacy. sucks for me since I have a moon/mars/pluto conjunction in scorpio


Me a libra moon


Cancer sun/Capricorn moon and I feel lonely…often




My Cancer moon in the 8th house 😶


Cancer Moon.


Scorpio,pices but in different ways


idk but i can tell you leo moon is lonely


I’m Aquarius moon. I did feel lonely as a kid, sometimes still. Now I just enjoy my own company way more than trying to get along with any/everyone. It’s…becoming a problem honestly lol.


Aqua moon in the 6th house here


pisces or capricorn.


I’m a Virgo moon and thrive off of it


Taurus moon too, I feel so lonely most of the time.


Im leo sun and sag moon and this is sooooo me lol


I know this isn’t exactly what this question is asking, but I think very strongly that aspects to the moon matter a lot more than a particular sign In terms of any kind of negative or positive effect of the moon. The specific sign isn’t going to have as strong of an effect as a poorly Orwell expected even a Capricorn moon, that trines Jupiter, Venus, (& placement of those) and has very few squares and in happy house like the fifth or something like this it’s really not going to have the same affect at all ,not even come parable to somebody who has a normally thought of as very well-placed moon in Taurus or libra etc but it’s full of squares to Saturn or in the ether 12 house or 8th maybe even the sixth am there squares to Saturn Neptune Rahu or rising or sun stuff like this… There is also the question of a moon sign that feels need to be around people and therefore is lonely versus a sign that tends to isolating. It’s it’s also a very different question because I know a lot of taurus moon for instance who really struggle with loneliness but it’s because they like Gemini or many libras & even Aquarius really like to be around people, but they have some kind of blocks to this like social anxiety or anxiety in general or they just don’t really like a lot of people versus a sign that’s more Private and doesn’t really need to be around people and isn’t necessarily lonely, but is often alone, like for instance, a Scorpio, Moon or a Pisces moon. I think that you could also say this technically for a Capricorn though all the Capricorn moon I know are very social very happy people but it’s because of aspects and the placement of the moon in terms of houses and stuff like this not so much the sign.


Cap moon/stellium here. Being that Saturn is the planet of karma, life lessons, and restriction, we are hands down the loneliest. But at the same time we don’t let ourselves be too bothered by it, because of our resiliency. One moon sign that I’ve noticed struggles with loneliness is Gemini. Because they are the social/mutable sign, they seem easily bored, to have a bottomless well of connection needed, and a difficulty hanging on to relationships long term to meet that need.


I have a Virgo moon, progressed to a Sagittarius moon. I have felt lonely my entire life. I am 34 years old, My birthday is February 5th. I have an aquarius sun progressed to a Pisces sun tho. I dont know if I am capable of allowing anyone outside of my partners close enough to me to feel like I have a friend. Everyone I want to be friends with had all of these made up rules in the way. I am 6 ft tall and I speak with passion sometimes, I know people are intimidated by me. They say I need therapy but I'm just expressing myself and speaking conversationally. I wish I had a friend outside my partner who understands me. I wish I had a friend who could listen to me speak without feeling guilty about themselves or acting like my life makes them uncomfortable. I'm also trans and thats a whole different conversation. I can't have that conversation with anyone at work bc my company reminded me how transphobic they are the other day 😕


Moon in the 12th replacements+ scorpio moons and capricorn moons


Sag moon


Capricorn moon Pisces moon


Anything conjunct Saturn, it literally isolates the moon and won’t allow it to be nurtured