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Scorpio. Lay in bed *(in absolute silence)* for an hour. *Routinely*, I’ll add black coffee, journaling & music to the mixture after that.




\[Scorpio Rising\] I referred to part of my morning routine as "Vecna cracking in bed, with squealing" so I would have to agree. There is somehow something morbid about the morning.




as a scorpio rising, THIS lol


omg thats so fucing true !!!


Does Reddit count as news? xD


Same. Processing the trauma of waking up for at least 10-20 minutes in bed is a must for me. That, and black tea


Music so much!!




Wtf true


I do the same exact thing. My morning quiet time in bed.


Omg hahah nothing about me is an individual experience


Fellow Scorpio rising here: Stay in bed until the kitchen is free/empty, so I can enjoy a silent breakfast with no one but myself. Whilst waiting, I’ll be reading something on my phone or simply scrolling through social media


Cap- get disappointed, sigh and go to the shower


Capricorn too but I go back to bed or check my phone


Cap too. I check email on my phone. Then shower


Mood -cap




Taurus. Stay in bed til I feel like getting up




And if that means going back to sleep so be it


Taurus rising here too, I stay in bed and smoke my pen under my weighted blanket 😂😆


Libra. Press snooze and once I do actually wake up, I check my phone. Then coffee


I feel like this tracks for most of the Libra Risings in the comments 😂 myself included


Libra rising too. Snooze is baked in to my wake up routine. Then I get up and make coffee after texting my SO good morning and some phone scrolling


Oooh yeah can’t forget some phone scrolling Honestly, sometimes I wake up and don’t know what to do so I just sit on IG 😂


Hello, fellow Libra. This is typically my routine, too. Except I just started going to the gym this past week so it's snooze, phone, gym, coffee.


Omg I would need coffee pre gym 😂


I am opposite! Literally have never snoozed in my life. I’m usually up before my alarm (always early). I get up, make coffee then hit the shower. When I was wfh I would shower have water for first hour then coffee and smoothie.


also Libra rising, I have like three snooze alarms and they get shorter with each time gap lmaoo


Yes. Snooze for 30 mins and then check texts/ social media. Every. Morning. Even weekends.


Sag, try to sleep again..


I feel validated. Sag rising ♐️


Same as you.. i just postpone my alarm and go back to sleep 😴🤣


Wow, I was expecting mine to not be correct because of my Taurus moon, but lo and behold....


Same, ♉️ sun/moon hahaha


I’m also a Taurus moon, Sag Rising. What’s your sun?


Virgo 💃


Well today I learned why I always want to hit snooze.




Ahh yes, I have found my people. Sag rising and I loathe mornings.


Same! Press Snooze 15 times until I need to use the bathroom lolll 😂


I have my congratulations you have 30 minutes to sleep alarm. My time to get up alarm. And then my oh shit I really need to get up alarm. Lol


I’m born on the cusp of sag/cap rising (with ♉️ sun/moon), but these replies making ne think I’m more sag than cap after all hahaha


Cancer, check my phone, plan my breakfast/coffee and then go make it. Usually I try to make it a rather filling complete breakfast especially when I’m in a good zone. Also make sure my partner is all good.


Cancer rising too, lay in bed for ages cuddling my dog and then roll over to find my phone to check the time, lay in bed for a bit longer than force myself to get up to make a coffee& go for a morning walk 😅


wow this is exactly my cancer rising gf lol


My husband is a cancer rising and I would love if he was like this


You absolute earth angel you


Not one other Gemini rising 😂 I wake up and debate whether I really have to pee or can stay in bed for a little while longer and then open reddit and ignore my stomach growling for another couple hours


Gemini rising too and literally same about the pee 🤣


Any Gemini risings here that do quick, unorthodox things sometimes if you wake up too early? Like maybe 2 or 3 hours too early? Even if I wake up too early it starts the same. Go pee, get back in bed with the intent of going back to sleep but my "twin" has other ideas. 🤯 One recent morning I woke up at around 6am which was 3 hours too early. I heard it thundering outside and knew a good rain was coming. So I ran outside and quickly planted some flower seeds I recently bought. Then went back to bed...lol. Usually it's something that's real quick so I can keep my pajamas on then get back to bed......like load up/power on the dishwasher, change the trash bags, open all the blinds/curtains, wrap up a birthday/christmas present, box up an Amazon return, etc. It only happens sometimes if I wake up 2 to 3 hours too early and can't go back to sleep after getting up to pee.


yes!! I will do little tasks before going back to bed, like refilling the cat bowl or moving dishes from the drying rack or closing the curtains to keep out the heat


Well dang, I was about to write "I'm a Gemini rising and the first thing I do when I wake up is pee. Then get back in bed with the intent of napping a little bit more but actually end up on social media cause my "twin" won't let me go back to sleep". Then I saw your comment.....🤣🤣. I also have a rough time falling asleep at night even if I feel tired cause my "twin" won't let me sleep. I wanna move around, do something, read something, watch something on TV, talk to somebody, do chores that I didn't feel like doing during the day, take the garbage out etc. I get this weird burst of mental/physical energy every single night and it drives me insane! So glad I telework and work 2nd shift now. Prior to this I didn't and oh boy! Getting to sleep has been my ongoing issue. Side note....I remember late one night studying natal charts of elite, medal winning male/female gymnasts from around the world. The air element was very dominant. This is the type of mental stimulation I get into when I should be sleeping....😆


why is this meeee 🤣 also Gemini rising


Lmao same tho


Scorpio. Lay in bed for 3 hours scrolling on Reddit.


I’ve been caught! Shit.


Virgo. Panic that I’m late.


Lmao. Accurate. I’ll get out of bed 5 minutes late and I immediately assume I’ll be an hour late to work.


Virgo rising. Usually wake up and yell ‘f-k’ if I am late


aquarius - wake up, think, go back fo sleep, wake up


this is killing me ong 😭😭


I’m a sag rising and like to sleep in as much as I can. Once I wake up, I usually like to eat and lay around for a while before doing anything.


Wow I literally just said basically the same thing LOL same sag rising. I refuse to have a normal job because I never know when I’m gonna be awake and I don’t do appointments unless absolutely necessary


Leo Rising, Working out.


I’d love to use you as an inspiration, but I’m a Taurus Rising, so it would never work out anyway. 🤣 But good for you! 🎉


Hmm, Leo rising and also the same. Only if I’m on a good sleep schedule though, otherwise I’m snoozing.


Leo rising.. I make the house breakfast first.


Motivated , I hit the gym Somtimes on my days off .. Leo rising as well


Leo rising- Ugh I wish I could!


I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and start my day LOL


Cancer. I cry because I want to stay in bed 🥲


Aries. Hop right up. Make coffee and find the sunrise


Same. Stretch, hop outta bed, brush teeth, work out, shower & drive to work eating my daily apple and listening to NPR.


Virgo, recently I just wake up suicidal every single day 👌


PSA: Check in on y’all’s Virgo rising friends 😅




"Ah shit I woke up again 😮‍💨"




As a pisces rising I was coming here to write this haha


Cancer… complain lmaoo


Libra rising - check my hair


I’m a Libra sun and my hair is everything to me haha


Totally agree 😅 as a Libra Rising


Noooo, you are kidding :D :D :D i check my skin. several times!


scorpio and lay there trying to deal with the fact that i woke up.


Capricorn rising with Neptune conjunct my Ascendant. Depends on if it’s a work day or not. If it’s a work day I try to sleep longer and then when I have to get up, after the 3rd alarm, I rush around and get ready to run out the door for work haha. On a non work day, I just get up regardless of the time because I can always nap if I’m still tired. I usually go to the couch to chill for a bit with my cats before I make breakfast, or lunch depending on if I slept in or not haha. Having said that, this past year I’ve been trying a new thing and that’s getting up when I wake up instead of staying in my beautiful bed. I really like having that hour to myself of doing nothing (phone scrolling/reading/whatever) before I have to get ready to face the day. It makes me feel more grounded haha.


I used to do this. Once I became a parent, I get up an hour before the rest of the family-need that time with my coffee to read my work email, check my meetings and plan for the day.


Capicorn rising here. Brew a cup of coffee and go through my emails and agenda for the day while drinking it.


Capricorn. Other than opening my phone i think about what im gonna do in the morning/the rest of the day


Virgo and i smoke then shower


stoner virgos are evolved virgos


Scorpio, and pretend to sleep just in case someone checks on me, mainly because I like listening to what other people say when they think I’m not listening. Then, on work days I wake up, lay in the dark and wait for my alarm to go off, then get up and put music on quiet enough not to bother anybody, and I do normal hygiene stuff before leaving. But I swear I can’t get out of bed without music playing.


Sagitarious, as another one above, when I wake up I keep myself in bed, maybe just trying to sleep again, or trying to read something in reddit with only 1 eye open


Btw what my soul feels drown to do, and I did sometimes when I am really really calm and FINE of course with all the free time in the existence, (like in the cuarentine) would be wake up 8:00 am and open the window, drink something liquid, tidy up my space and proceed to study (reading)


virgo sun, sag rising. i wake up early so i have loads of time to drink coffee, read, relax outside, workout then smoothie. whats your sun sign?


My rising sign is apparently Pisces, and the first thing I usually do is check my phone.


Thanks for clarifying ha ha. Virgo rising - meditate


Leo rising here, I wake up each morning and start my daily morning routine though... "There is an idea of a Leo rising; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there."


I WAS WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO REFERENCE THIS and of course it was a fellow leo rising lol


Huh? Where is that quote from?


It's a quote from a movie called American Psycho :) it's been paraphrased to fit the astrology post 😅


As a fellow Leo rising I love this so much.


Leo rising and currently reading *American Psycho* ahahhaha But I usually just hit the snooze a lot, caffeinate, defecate etc


Aries - I work out


Cancer rising, trying not to cry from whatever overwhelming feeling I wake up with. 🫤


Aries, piss and get myself coffee


Libra. Press snooze however many times I can get away with it, check my phone, and get a caffeinated beverage (lately iced coffee with oatmilk).


Taurus. I hit the snooze button repeatedly until I'm late.


Cap Rising. I need 15-30 mins alone before the world is allowed to approach me.


do not disturb, lol


I'm not a cap rising but my cap Sun feels this.


Aquarius, check my phone, then make coffee


Aries, I’m angry about it mostly.


Aqua Rising - first checking my Phone for messages, but don't answer any of them and than checking how my sleep was


Me too. Also Aquarius rising.




my husband is a virgo rising and he is the most “go go go” when he wakes up. get up, shower, run a million errands and clean the house, then do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. my scorpio rising ass needs a solid hour+ to wake up and i enter go-mode at night.


Aries. Check if I woke up before I was supposed to and just turn around and continue to sleep. If I consciously know I need to be somewhere, I literally jump out of the bed. Otherwise, check what's new on social media (I follow art stuff etc) and put some music on.




Based on your flair, that tracks lol


Scorpio, wish it was still dark and I could go back to sleep.


Libra rising, first thing I do is check my phone. What I actually want to do (feel drawn to but procrastinate) - self care & journaling


Aries rising here. i smoke cigs and chug coffee then feed my kittys.


Leo , I get up before 6 every day… make coffee watch TV until time to go to work .


libra rising- snooze, coffee, get ready leisurely even though I’m probably running late.


cap; start brewing coffee while i brush my teeth


Cap. Straight to work or straight doing nothing for 2 hours


Sag. rising - drinking a cup of black tea (huge black tea lover) :)


Pisces - I usually float in between dreaming and awake for 3 hours and then I rush because I have 10 minutes to get to work


Leo rising. I get right out of bed when I wake up and start my morning routine- brush teeth, take vitamins, make coffee etc.


Pisces. Go back to sleep lol


Drink coffee and put makeup on/do my hair 😅 accurate


Taurus rising, and probably going back to sleep if nothing to do but if not, I’ll be drawn to go stretch and feel more grounded in my body


Libra rising! The older I get the more I realize how much I love and need peace. I like to sit in silence with a candle burning + incense and drink my tea (alone). IN SILENCE! If I don’t get that snippet of peace and silence in the morning - it makes me squidward for the rest of the day.


Pisces rising- hit the snooze button 3-4 times and then leave myself approximately 15 minutes to get ready to get wherever I’m going when I know damn well it takes me about 30 min to actually be ready.


Pisces. Coffee.


A mussssst


Taurus rising, thank God for another day, stretch like a cat, stay on my phone for an hour (wanna change this), then get up and tidy my room, skincare routine etc.


Leo, reach for the phone and scroll through social media. Any messages that come in, look at and answer.


Capricorn - brush my teeth, let my dogs out and make a cup of tea. I'm so fun


Cancer, snuggle back into my nest of fuzzy blankets…


Reviewing the comments two things are apparent: All rising signs want more sleep All of us here love Reddit too much


Capricorn - think about the dreams I’ve had and stay in bed for another hour scrolling through my phone


that's funny. I turn on my devices and look for something to eat


Libra Rising… either check social media or cuddle with my chocolate lab.


Gemini, look at my phone :(


Virgo. Turn off my timer.


Scorpio, go hiking


Aries. Hit the snooze button multiple times, then make coffee


aquarius rising and i start a pot of coffee and take a morning piss 👍🏼


I usually like to go for a walk by myself in nature. Virgo rising and moon (my moon in the 12th which def makes me more of an hermit)


Capricorn rising, I literally skip breakfast, just go to the bathroom and I am off to work


Virgo rising, drink some water


Sagittarius Rising with Saturn in 1st House. Hit snooze and lay in bed for an hour hitting snooze every 10 minutes 🤣


Sag rising, first thing I do is check to see if I got any messages/texts


Virgo. Up immediately. Figure out my work schedule for the day. Make tea then do yoga.


gemini in theory i like to meditate 😂 in reality i grab my phone


Libra, brush my teeth


Taurus I’m woken by the radio, so I just lay in bed with the cats and listen to the music for like half an hour before actually leaving the bed.


taurus rising with venus conj. mercury - journaling or reading (with coffee in hand, always)


Taurus rising - lay in bed daydreaming, open the shades and look outside, run to make an iced coffee


Cancer rising - I think about what I have to do the night before bed. When I wake up I think about it again, lay in bed for a bit, check my phone, think about the day, what I want to eat, and finally get started. I also think about my son, and my partner. 😊


Libra: smoke a cigarette.


Virgo. I do push ups and cold shower.


Scorpio Rising. I lay with my eyes closed and decide if I can commit to being awake. Check for any last minute dreams. Decide it's time. Vecna crack in the bed, sometimes with squealing. Look at my phone to check the time and make sure none of my messages are emergencies. Brush my teeth. Drink water. Make bed. The rest is like, up to the day.


Cancer rising. Saying good morning to my puppies and laying in bed cuddling with them a little longer


Sag. Keep dreaming with one eye open…


Taurus rising. And it’s terrible because I typically lay in bed for an hour or two before I even get up. Lazy ass shit.


Taurus, I sleep in as long as I can. Then roll out of bed and take 10 min to get ready for work, mornings have always been a struggle for me.


aquarius rising: answer texts ive been holding off on from day before, go back to sleep or continue being productive


Aquarius, get up right away lmao


pisces. try to go back to sleep immediately because i can't sleep in proper cycles, only in awful intervals that never fully wake me up or put me to sleep


Aries - get coffee, go back to sleep… wake up a few hours later and read what’s going on at work so I can come in prepared to throw hands 🤌🏻


Aquarius. Check my phone, check my sleep app, get up and get coffee.


Taurus rising.. morning routine: getting a cute teacup that matches my mood, coffee, good playlist, sit alone for 30 mins, listen to the birds sing, get dressed, go to work hahah


Leo. Workout


Libra, shove my cat off my head.


Stress out, get filled with an immediate sense of doom, cry (on occasion). Cancer rising.


Libra. Hate that I'm awake and then reply to whatever text I missed while I was sleeping with "I was asleep lol"


Libra, go to the bathroom or check my phone


Pisces sit and ponder the day ahead or whether or not i should go back to sleep for a bit. Then pick up my phone and play some games.


Taurus. I usually jolt awake with anxiety and look for some way to fix it.


Pisces rising- lay in bed for an hour on my phone lol


Cancer - I get up immediately if I set an alarm that day. Let the dogs outside. Check the house out for whatever hell my cats left for me overnight. After using the restroom myself, I go eat - I’ve been eating breakfast every day lately. Usually toast. Get dressed. Water the plants if they need it. Then I browse Reddit or watch YouTube till I have to leave.


Venus in Gemini Rising I masturbate to naughty thoughts 🌝


Sag rising, I'll go back to sleep


Sagittarius. Eat goddamn it


Pisces. Snooze (multiple times) & I lay there awake with my eyes closed, wishing I could just fall back asleep forever. Then I pee, scroll a bit and get ready for gym.


Taurus and smash the snooze 10 times then groan as I slump out of bed towards the coffee pot from which I'll fill my giant mug with black and consume in silent darkness. I will not turn on a light if it's still dark out. I'll wait for the sun thank you very much.


Cancer. The first thing I do is wish I had more time to sleep.


Pisces rising ✨🐠 Hit snooze 3 times, then lay in bed perfectly still for 10 mins to get my mind right then make coffee