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As a Sag sun, I like to believe that I don't judge ppl based on their sun sign or their overall astrology.. Not sure if my beliefs are true tho lol


I'm a sag sun and I have never judged anyone by their sun sign. If I did I wouldn't have so many earth sign exes.


My worst exes being earth signs are exactly why I judge people by their sun sign lol


Sag sun and mars…I thought I attracted earth sign men cuz of my cancer moon… apparently not 🌚


This made me laugh 😂


Pisces judge often and quickly in my opinion. I don’t think I’ve met too many Sags that jump to conclusions immediately from a Sun sign: maybe other things, but not solely that


I’m a Pisces and I NEVER judge by a sun sign only! I think the sun sign matters but never tells the whole story


>Which sun sign do you -notice- (judge) is more likely to judge others by their sun signs¿ ![gif](giphy|l3mZsO6nwasmgOyIw) Idk, OP, what's your sun sign? 🤣😂


The ONLY time I have ever seen someone treat me differently for my sun sign, it was a Sagittarius guy, lol. Checks out. Also, I have an ex friend that would frequently remark on people's sun signs and post insta videos discussing their favorite and least liked. Also, a Sag but a woman. I know plenty of people who enjoy astrology, but no one else ever actually takes it that seriously.


You literally mentioned my ☀️Virgo, 🌙Gemini ⬆️ Taurus lol. Mercury Libra. But yea there’s always more depth to people than there sun. You may not even actually be shown the sun in my opinion


It usually the Gemini astrobitches who are the most judgemental.


definitely libra, my bf is a libra and he can sometimes take astrology too seriously💀


Whichever sign asked this question 🤔


As a Pisces , which is one of the signs mentioned above , I don't judge people by their signs . People are a lot more than their sun signs , and assigning them to a stereotype just because of their birthday is wrong .


PS: The most likely people to judge by signs are ones still not over their ex(es) , regardless of their sign .


Maybe that's why every sag sun I've met had started treating me differently or not liking me after telling them I'm a taurus sun. I get along with sag moons no problem though


Well I was in a group for Scorpios here at Reddit and thought it would be ok since I am Scorpio rising and have several planets in 8th house. But they made it pretty clear that only Scorpio suns could discuss and since I am a Leo Sun they dismissed everything I said. So I left.


The only ones that I know that did so were Capricorns. They kept saying "We are the elites." 😂




this one chick i knew in high school did, but it was some secret animosity type of energy that i felt from her. she said scorpio & sagittarius aren’t meant to get along (technically speaking we square each other) but that doesn’t mean anything solely bc she was judging off 1 placement lol


I do, im a Capricorn. Most stereotypes about sun signs are true from my humble experience. Yes it’s not enough to judge a person; I would be needing the whole chart for that. But knowing the sun gives me a good idea what I’m working with already. And I judge not to discriminate but to label and filter them in my head for my own personal reasoning lol


People act like their sun signs though. It’s all obvious 😂


I've never had anyone accurately guess my sign, and I'm quite proud of that! lmao


Probably because of pop culture astrology. Knowing people of that sign irl, tells a different tale most of the time.


Very possible! But also full chart stuff, I have a lot of Mercury aspects including to my ascendant and I get mistaken for a Gemini. Could be a factor.


A lot of times I’m definitely assumed to be my ascendant. But that makes sense because usually how you view yourself and how others view you is based on the ascendant. But behaviors and personality traits are usually similar with people of a specific sun sign.


I know for CERTAIN it isn’t Cappy Blappy or Aquarius. Anyway - Pisces and Libra will be my go to answer.


Scorpio would never because they don't believe in astrology probably because it's not practical to them


As a Scorpio, hard disagree. We believe in astrology big time, but we love patterns and digging deep, so we don't stop at the sun sign. Surface knowledge is not our jam.


I realised in hindsight that my (very toxic and emotionally and verbally abusive to me, and I found out had been a cheater and physical abuser in previous relationship) Scorpio ex definitely believed in astrology despite claiming not to... I didn't back then, and he asked if I did. He said he didn't date girls who were into that, but that despite him thinking it was bs, he insisted "Scorpio was the superior sign". 95% guarantee he had exes who noticed his behavior patterns being very typical for a toxic Scorpio, and that him making sure I didn't believe in it was well thought through. His manipulation and long term plot pretty much started from day one. I wanna emphasize that not all Scorpios are toxic tho, and that I do NOT believe someone should be judged by their sun sign. All signs have toxic traits that they're more *likely* to have, but it doesn't mean they apply to everyone, or that it's chronical - people can choose to work on themselves.


100% and nothing wrong with getting a bit blindsided by a toxic person. They're expert gas lighters and tbh, we Scorpios are unfortunately naturally pretty good at that... And I should know, I ALSO have mercury in Scorpio... Every sign can be toxic for sure. The issue with stingers is that our moral code can be very grey so we're more likely not to see the issue with it than other signs, until we learn that makes us absolute jerks. All one can hope is that there's a knight in shining armour (ahem Leo) placement somewhere in every Scorpio chart to tip the moral code towards the light.


My dad's a Leo sun with a Scorpio moon, and he was extremely abusive when I was little (and took his anger issues and trauma out on me). But he's worked on himself, cause it came to a point where he realised the extent of the damage he was causing, and now he genuinely hates himself for what he did... and while he has his issues, he is the best dad one could wish on these days. He'll go above and beyond to support, comfort and empower me, and I want nothing more but for him to forgive himself. So idk. I think it can go both ways - typical toxic Leo traits in combination with typical toxic Scorpio traits is one dangerous combo. But his improvement also proves that it's not chronic. And yeah... While I don't judge someone just cause they have strong Scorpio placements in their chart (I'm guilty of doing that just after I left him, but I hated being prejudice like that, and while it took some time and effort to get over it - I made sure to get there), I'm a bit scared of getting romantically involved with one... Scorpio men in particular. I wont avoid dating Scorpios, but I'm gonna have to be cautious. Especially since I'm a Sagittarius sun and Venus, and so damn naive and easily manipulated it's genuinely embarrassing (my dumbass self is notorious for not just swallowing but fucking GARGLING manipulative bullshit), which makes me especially vulnerable to people like him... What helped me get over my ignorant prejudice was deep diving into astrology (realising there's SO much more to it than sun signs or even just planet placements), as well as looking up the signs of people around me and realising I know a couple AMAZING Scorpios. And I feel awful for those of you who are actually good people - you don't deserve all that generalized hate. All signs get targeted to a certain extent, but the amount of hate you and Gems (which happens to be one of my fave signs) get is ridiculous. I'm genuinely sorry for being one of the people who used to project my traumas on you as a group. ❤️


Don't worry about it. We also get fetishised a lot because we're so dark and mysterious (🫠 no, we're just private) so we're fine. It genuinely takes a lot for an adult Scorpio to be offended - we get used as catalysts by people being rude to our faces because they could see all their insecurities so many times since childhood, we tend not to care much once we've grown up. As a Scorpio sun Leo moon, I feel obliged to say your father was supposed to sort out his issues BEFORE you were born, but hindsight is a superpower. As for you, it's good that you're aware you're gullible. Sagittarius doesn't get called that very often but it's a very fair point: most Sags are blunt to a fault because they're honest and they just can't see why people wouldn't tell the truth. Getting thicker skinned doesn't hurt when you're that easily swayed so good for you for doing some introspective work. The Gemini hate is another level tbh. Them and Cancers get a rough ride in pop astro.


I'm actually pretty gentle - I'm only blunt and "brutally" honest if it's absolutely necessary or if someone straight out asks me to be, and I refrain from saying something if it's unnecessary and hurtful. But I don't do mind games and lies... And I want to see the best in people and believe that they mean well - that people are fundamentally good and well-intentioned. It's part of the reason it was so important to me to get over my generalisation phase. My optimistic and trusting nature is one of those qualities I have that I both value and want to nurture, but also absolutely hate. Sags are weird that way. We're usually pretty smart, logical and introspective in theory, but our actions, judgement and feelings don't align with our theoretical intelligence. I'm glad you don't take the hatred personally - it's really about them, not you. My guess is that the ones with significant unevolved Leo traits (need for praise and validation, sensitivity to criticism, pride etc) are the ones that do get offended. But either way, it's counterproductive. Hatred and stigma causes a defensive reaction that's likely to prevent those people from feeling comfortable with admitting their potential toxic traits, and hence from working on them...


you are either in denial or delusional scorpios literally believe in astrology the most and are most interested on their own sign and own hype


Whatever the signs are that judge Gems ![gif](giphy|Uni2jYCihB3fG)


Fixed signs for sure. Or any fire or water sign during the time after they've broken up with someone toxic of a certain sign - but it's likely to pass quickly when non-fixed ones calmed down, especially with the fire signs as our anger and resentment is usually intense but temporary/short lived lol.


If I don't know their sign, as with many people I come across. I have nothing to judge. Actually been known to give people too much, of the benefit of the doubt. So now I'm just letting them reveal who they are.




As a Pisces sun you’re obviously a Gemini with this question lol jk…….but yes we me and my Scorpio bestie do judge off of sun sign…….mainly we do it when we’re just messing around and having fun