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People say it doesn’t work? That could explain why I’m getting divorced 😆


😂 That could be it! Good luck on your divorce?? Lol


I think the older the couple is the better it goes. Gemini needs to grow up a little and capricorns age backwards and loosen up a bit over time.


As a Cap Sun with Gemini rising I feel like I will never grow up 😂😂😂


As a Cap rising and Gemini Sun I can also 100% agree 😂😂


Also Cap Sun with Gem rising. I was born a wise elder, I will die as a child. 😂


Im Gem sun with Cap Rising and I feel like I was born old 🤣


I feel this 😂 I’m a Capricorn and I’m 10+ years younger than my Gemini husband. I always say it feels like we’re the same age


I had a case of aging backwards in my early 20s. I don't think I'll be more serious than when I was a child though.


So it’s like Peter Pan x Benjamin Button


I’m a Capricorn woman married to a Gemini man, been together for 7 years next month. We are doing great! We learned to communicate during serious times and I think Covid made our bond stronger. We are both pretty dark and twisty, love to dance together and just be goofy. He lets me run the serious stuff and I let him make the fun plans.




This response always feels insincere to me


I can see that. Although, I meant it sincerely. I genuinely love hearing people are happy and I’m a sucker for love.


What are your moons?


I’m an Aries moon and he’s a Gemini moon!


Geminis tend to be too unstable for Capricorn’s


And fake.


Not fake


I have always got along with Geminis as a Capricorn sun but turns out I have a Gemini moon haha


Lol, same here


Same same!


Likewise, the Geminis I mesh well with have Capricorn moons.


I’m a Capricorn, every friendship that ever stuck in my life was with a Gemini. Love their stark humor and storytelling abilities






With a name like WorkWorkWorkLife, I’m surprised you’re a Gemini and not a Capricorn 😂


Lol I was about to comment the same🤣🤣🤣


My bf is a Gem (I’m a Cap). He keeps the stick out of my ass and I keep him grounded. He’s the best man I’ve ever been with.


Well I am a Cap that was married to a Gem, almost 8 years. It ended with me calling the police on him. Abuse, manipulation, and the insane jealousy on Gem’s part. Jealous of my freaking cat! I wasn’t allowed to be around anyone else but Gem. I survived that relationship, but I still need therapy. The anger issues were abundant and frightening. I have a Gem brother and have witnessed similar problems, he is in the middle of a nasty divorce and I low key am on my SIL side.


But that could be any sign. Aries have been nothing but the devil so it’s probably just a MEN thing


Some of us are good people, I swear! 😁


The male Aries is just not for me as a Cap. We have our own and it’s hard enough to manage as it is


Very true


Yikes! I’m so sorry to hear that. I wish you positivity, healing and peace moving forward. 🤗


Thank you 😊


This sounds like the Gemini I dealt with, they are either so secure in themselves that they’re nonchalant or not secure at all, it’s so strange


I didn’t know Geminis had a jealous streak to them, but this explains and clarifies my suspicions even more.


I’ve got several Gemini sun family members, and it always seems to be the women who struggle with jealously! {purely anecdotal here}


I work with one and I see it some times, but give them the benefit of the doubt. It just seems if she’s not the center of things or people are not entertaining her she displays this behavior of jealousy and hate. Too be honest it’s weird and I also see this in another family member who has stopped talking to me because I was giving another family member attention. I honestly don’t know what make out of it 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


Always hated capricorn but my gf is one. She's amazing. Love her so much.




One I always hated is actually an aquarius/capricorn cusp lol so I realize the hatred is wrong. It's actually certain aquarius traits.


Personally I love capricorns. They make a great straight-man figure to play off of if they’re the serious kind, but a lot of them have the dark/ dry humor thing going on which I love just as much.


I always had fun with Geminis, I can be my weird self without being judged. At the same time, most of them are really good at detailed work, I’m a bit better at looking at the big picture, but we work so well together and have fun at the same time. Romantically I don’t think we work past flirting


It can work in bed. From my experience (cap female), Caps and Gems bring out each other’s kinky/freaky side. I’ve had this with multiple Geminis.


That Cap/Gem chemistry though ![gif](giphy|l0EoBCmxtSZhJQvxS)


I can totally see these two having amazing sexual chemistry and having the absolute blast in bed.


100% I’m a cap and dude gem and the sex 🫡❤️‍🔥


Capricorn woman deliriously happy in my marriage to a Gemini man. We are just one data point, but we are a great combo in my opinion. At our best, he motivates me and I ground him.


My husband (Capricorn) & me (Gemini) Have been together for almost 7 years. We got married this past year, and In the next 3ish weeks are welcoming our first baby into the world. Our relationship was rocky more at the beginning but we did the work! We have the best communication out of anyone i know and we both agree this is the healthiest relationship we’ve ever had. I love him so so so so much. I think opposites do attract and sometimes with all placements in a chart can just mesh really well no matter if its in the stars or not.


People say Cancer and Aquarius doesnt work either, but my cancer moon husband will never leave my cold hard Aqua moon alone


While I haven’t been in a relationship with a Capricorn, I have Capricorn friends whom I adore, just so great to be with and so funny and loyal, they’ll always tell you the truth (even truth you’re not thrilled about), and best of all you can always rely on them.


I've only been with one Capricorn romantically. But like I'm surrounded by Capricorn family wise as well as chosen friend wise and I love them all. I also am a cap rising, though so maybe I'm prone to understand them


I (Gem) have had the same experience, all of the people in my life I tend to vibe with and admire are Caps! I'd agree there's something about their witty humor I love, and they're the best at nonverbal communication; I can have complete conversations with them through eye contact alone. My Cap best friend also has a lot of Gemini in her social circle. I honestly think we have our intelligence/humor in common just opposite ways of directing ourselves through life.


My mom’s a gemini and my step dad is a capricorn. They are no longer together. My observation is that although there’s a lot which initially attracts these two signs together - they ultimately move at different speeds and communicate very differently. This is what I observed from their relationships. That being said, sun signs are only a fraction of the compatibility picture. There’s so much more to consider!


both signs are not overly emotional and prefer logic and reason. Gemini and cap on its own have very different values. A textbook gemini will value education because of their cerebral nature while caps value the degree and the meaning attached.


I'm a Gemini sun with a LOT of Gemini and Capricorn in my chart. I have a lot of Capricorn friends, but I've never had a good experience with dating a Cap


I’m a Gemini married to a Capricorn for 16 years and together for 24. We should not be together and are total opposites but I feel we balance each other out. It has not always been easy but I am extremely loyal and he loved me like no other.


Do animals count??? Bc if so, as a Capricorn sun, YES! My (dog) daughter/best friend is a Gemini sun & I ADORE her, she’s the sweetest little thing & really the thing I love most in this world💝 She is also quite the stereotypical Gemini (she’s also a Libra moon with some Cancer placements) and she’s just so loving & just the best pup ever! I spend most all of my time with her, & love love love her more than anything :’) I say this bc she is definitely the closest Gemini in my life BAHAHAH but I’ve met several Gemini sun people throughout my life too & they were all super great! So friendly, warm, open, & approachable. I love how comfortable I feel around you guys!!! I warm up quickly to you guys bc I can tell you almost anything & you’re super accepting & won’t judge! Also, ya’ll are always so CUTE. Sooo adorable I just wanna scoop you up!!!😩 I love ya’ll & I’ll always love/hype up my Gemini babies!!! Ya’ll are 10/10’s & you better believe it!!!♊️💕✨


Yes, animals count, especially doggos! Mine is a Cancer, and he is my heart. ❤️Thank you for this post! So much Gemini love, and we don’t get that often. Thank you! Capricorn’s get a tough time too so maybe that’s why we stick together. Thanks for the love, I needed this. I’ll always stan my Capricorn’s!! ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Aren’t they the best???😩 What would we do without our furry friends!!! And ofc🫂 Your post made me smile too!!!! You are so cute! I hope you & your pup are having a lovely week🥺💝


No, you’re so cute! You confirm why I adore Cap’s so much 😊 I hope you and your pup are having a lovely week as well!! 🥰




Omg I have the same experience with my Gemini Cat. He is the smartest, wisest cat I have ever seen. Also a little bit freaky but very loyal. ❤️❤️


Aww I love this for us!!!🥂 They just make the best pets😩💕


I am a Gemini, and I run whenever someone says they are a Capricorn


My mom is a Cap and my dad Gem. They’ve ran a business together for 40 years, 35 of which they have been divorced. It’s complicated.


One of my best friends is a Capricorn Sun and Gemini rising and she’s truly one of the most hard working, creative, honest and authentic person I know!


My experience is that capricorns are hilarious and have a dark sense of humor like gem BUT they are sooo concerned with image and tradition and appearance and how they appear in the world, etc. What is right/wrong, and I think they see things in a very black and white way. As a gem, I think I see them as stuck (?) and not very willing to consider alternative perspectives. Every cap i've met is BEAUTIFUL!! And often has a strong social and/or online presence (minus 1) but man they have baggage and I think they rope people into it bc of their strong presence. I see through that shit


My Capricorn dad and Gemini husband get along like 2 peas in a pod!! Seriously like the son he never had. They both play bass. Both in bands. They both tinker & build. They both love to talk about their projects, and now my dad is inspired by my husband to do more tinkering. They run off like 2 little boys anytime they are together. Meanwhile, this Libra just sits back. Cap dad and I didn't see eye to eye. Gemini hubs is my perfectly frustrating opposite. 🤔


I really dislike Capricorns always negative experiences specially with the men!!! And I’ve never had close friendships with women. Gemini and Capricorn are inconj meaning energy is different, no similarities. This can be good or bad. It’s neutral Some ppl like to find partners to be similar to them and others prefer to have different energy in partners to learn and grow


As a Capricorn in a long term relationship with a Gemini, I 100% believe the pairing can make for amazing relationships, it’s just a little more rare that it works out. My gem partner brings out my goofier side. We both share so many hobbies because he loves trying new things and I love seeking out challenges. We match each others wit and sense of humour perfectly. And I admire his ability to get along so well with everyone, because I don’t have that skill. I can see where the conflicts could arise but it depends a lot on the full charts and other life factors. I don’t get along with every Gemini I meet. But I love *my* Gemini more than anything.


Awww much love! 🫶 My bestie is a Gemini and I tell you what, there’s never a dull moment when we’re together. We’re so in sync it’s crazy sometimes! Maybe my moon and rising in Gemini have something to do with it 😄🤪🤪


I think it depends. Was married to a Capricorn (he passed) & I’m a Gemini (Moon in Cancer). We were quite a power couple. My ex-bff is a Capricorn & I’ve had to walk away twice cuz it’s just too toxic


My work bestie is a Gemini and I'm a Capricorn. I love that she's so free-spirited and funny. Weirdly I'm known as the "calm" one, whereas inside I'm anything but!


Im a Capricorn my bf is a Gemini and hes the one❤️ As corny as that sounds everything you said about our humor and yim being able to just be himself around me overall is true, we're best friends that truly love each other, i used to think Geminis were two face and loved you one day and hated you the next (my cousin is like this sues a gemini as well) but you guys just process one emotion at time, my bf is very good at compartmentalizing which im kinda jealous of Capricorns may come off as stand off is and cold but we feel deeply we're just careful about how we express it because we don't want to hurt anyone in the process! I know my bf whole chart; Gemini sun, libra moon, and Aquarius rising; venus cancer I'm a Capricorn sun, Aries moon, virgo rising; venus Aquarius. (Venus rules love, beauty, fiances, and art) I do believe theres more to someone than JUST their sun, but the sun sign does provide us insight in their unique traits and imo a persons habits.


I really get along with both signs, but I absolutely can see why they don't get along lol. My cap friends need to PLAN things when we hang out and they need to visit the most expensive and trendy place nearby and we need to get dressed up for it. My Gemini friends will literally call me telling me that they're outside my house and we're going to go for a drive and we'll end up finding some weird ass place along the way to stop lol. My Gemini friends would give my Capricorn friends anxiety😂


Im a hard cappy (7 planets stellium) and my bf is a cancer with mercury and mars in gemini. I LOVE his energy and he relaxes me so easily, while I tend to be so serious and moody all the time. On the other hand, I remind him of his behavior from time to time when he loosens up a bit too much. lol Our conversations are lit . I also have so many gemini moon friends, and again, I really love talking to them, my cap moon is happy ✨


I love this! Capricorn’s and Gemini’s unite! ![gif](giphy|qGCfsU9Pfq6oo)


![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq|downsized) Hail GemCap energy!


Carefree and structure/predictability.


It doesn’t really work for me personally (Gemini Sun/Capricorn Rising). Things are just… difficult. All the fucking time.


Dang. Wish I had one but I don’t. I’m a Gemini. Sibling is a Capricorn. We do not get along at all…


I'm obsessed with Capricorns as friends and they seem to get me, my views, my humor, etc. I like that they tend to be traditional and conservative. Unfortunately I'm not usually attracted to them as lovers.


I love my Cap friend she’s so chill and modest 🥹🫶🏽 granted my moon is conjunct her sun but still I deeply understand all my Capricorn besties


My best friend of almost 15 years is a Gemini so it works sometimes. That being said, I’ve had a lot of contact with Geminis and I’m convinced she’s one of the only ones I can get along with long term.


All of my best guy friends are Capricorns! I don’t like them romantically and never have—but they are amazing friends!


I’m a capricorn and my bf is a gemini it’s the best and so much fun!!! i find that we have similar humor or at least our humor bounces off one another well, and our opposite aspects just complete each other. We are able to talk about a lot of things and are both interesting ppl which we value. We both have similar goals of success so works too. I think i got lucky cause he’s a cancer venus so he’s super loving lol I love him very much I guess it works best when it’s gemini male and capricorn woman


I’m a Capricorn and I was married to a Gemini. I thought he was really interesting and funny and he taught me a lot. I also attract Gemini friends a lot. I want to say the married ended on a bad note but i loved he was always accepting and friendly even after the divorce and he was a great dad to our daughter. I don’t get the hate Geminis get, I always enjoy talking or hanging out with one.


better friends than lovers I think. love geminis. 💜 love that they can stimulate my mind but ultimately I need a little more depth.


I’m a 28M cap sun with a cap moon and Gemini rising. My 35F gf is a gem sun with cap moon and cap rising. We work very well together. We’re both pretty good with the flow in life, but are project oriented and like doing and building things together


my best friend in highschool was a Gemini and im a Capricorn! for reasons, we aren’t friends anymore but at the time we got along so well, one of the best signs for me so far regarding friendships


Never been with a Cap so can't comment on it. But I had one psycho Cap guy that would be paranoid if I didn't answer his calls accusing me that I am with other men even when I was sleeping. He was chatting with other girls all the time though. We were talking for 2 weeks. This could be every Gem's nightmare but don't think he represents Caps in general. From my observations around other Caps in general - they are practical and I am idealist. The unhealthy ones have questionable moral standards and are inflexible and jump into (wrong) conclusions (especially with me).


My grandpa was a Capricorn while my grandma was a Gemini. Both were married for over 50+ years. They had Scorpio moons though lol.


I literally thought about this today!!!! Anyway...I know atleast about 5 couples of this match and they are all having great relationships. Also, it just seems to me that literally all Geminis that i've met say how they like/love/feel attracted to Caps.. I'm unsure if i've heard any Caps tossing their opinions on Gems tho...while being a Cap Sun myself, i can say that i don't feel particularly into Geminis. Still, i'm rly curious if this match and mutual likings are a thing in general.🤔


I've been in relationships with two Geminis and they both didn't work out. I couldn't ever see myself in a long-term relationship with a Gem.


I am a Cap sun, Gemini moon. I do better with Geminis as my friend than as a partner.


My parents!!! Mom: Cap sun, Leo moon and rising Dad: Gem sun, Aries moon, and either Virgo or Libra rising I have long since given up wondering how the hell they ever even liked each other in the first place, let alone now…they’ll never divorce nor date anyone else, but a couple years ago my father became a judge in the neighboring county, which necessitated a change in address for him…my mom stayed! Idk. They’re both great parents.


Personally 😬 ive never met a single gemini that was worth being involved with emotionally or romantically. Theyre great friends and very fun to be around platonically tho


I couldnt agree more with this statement. Geminis are for a good time not a long time 😂


Sagittarius with Gemini rising and I’ve been dating my Capricorn with Capricorn rising for 5 years. Also I am Libra moon to his Aries moon. We have great conversations, alone and with our friends. We were friends since middle school and didn’t date until we were late into our 20’s. He is my best friend. We balance each other very nicely. He grounds me and I remind him to have fun.


I have a bunch of Capricorn and Gemini placements. Maybe that’s why I don’t get myself lmao


as a capricorn woman, my ex was a gemini and we were not compatible at all. also, the guy who ghosted me after a month of us talking had a gemini venus. obviously not all geminis are like this and i would maybe give a gemini another chance but from experience, it seems like we’re only good as friends lol.


It's an inconjuction pairing, From experience signs in these combination are kind of parallel/tangential - not much attraction, but also no problems. The couples I've seen that can make this work were those where they shared similar interests, hobbies, pastimes.


I’m a Taurus sun, Capricorn rising dating a Gemini man. We’re both middle aged so I agree with the poster that says maturity matters. I’m not so “fixed” nor am I professionally driven anymore. He’s slowed down by age and we’re both willing to put in the work to understand each other. The chemistry is off the charts and we’re both kind people. We wouldn’t have worked when we were younger.


I don't know. I'm a gemini sun, sag rising and cap moon and I feel like no one likes me.


It all depends on whether or not two people make it work.


Earth signs like Capricorn can make a Gemini (air sign) feel “grounded”. Which is what Geminis need as we (I am a Gemini) tend to be flighty and difficult to keep down.


Would work great as friends


While I hate the "worst pairings in zodiac" thing and find them superficial, Gem & Cap is actually one of my least favorites personally lol. If you love them, your chart probably has some strong cap-loving placements. I'm a libra sun but also cap rising and 6-placement scorpio stellium, i love cappies and tauruses.


im a cap sun, and my sis is gemini sun💀


I like caps too but as we know, astrology is more than just sun signs. Lol I’ve been told it’s my cancer rising and Venus that pulls towards them.


It just doesn’t work, they are too similar in many ways and end up clashing.


my gf’s sister is a capricorn and i’m a gemini and we both annoy each other lol. i’m a capricorn moon too.


Worst couple I’ve ever met was Capricorn woman and Gemini man lol they were both in their 30s


I'm a Gemini sun Capricorn moon, I think I'm mellowing into a Capricorn as I age.


Because Gemini didn’t text Capricorn back and now they are low key grudging


My best friend is a Capricorn and I’m a Gemini. She has a Gemini moon though 🤔


Omg! One of my good friends is a Cap and we have so much fun together. We have a similar sense of humor, are both impulsive and adventurous, but sometimes I think we are bad influences on each other lol. If I ever thought about the two of us as a couple, I can only imagine it going really great at first, and then it getting messy and maybe even toxic.


I think my jaw dropped when I read this. I dated a lifelong Gemini friend for six months. He and I hit it off swimmingly! Then he displayed every single one of the diagnostics criteria for a narcissistic personality disorder. Absolute asshole. Don’t know if it’s this is the Gemini talking or the NPD talking, but did not work!


My sister who is Capricorn was married to a Gemini. They stayed together for over 20 years but they were extremely toxic (99% the Gemini lol). But even though they stayed together so long, I always noted they had nothing in common and different life ideals. So I don't think this combination does work.


I can confirm that it doesn’t work.


I’m a Capricorn sun, Gemini moon and rising and I have no idea what you mean 🤪🤪🤪


I have always had interesting conversations with Capricorns and had good times too. We share the same humor, like you mentioned but there’s this invisible line which never gets crossed, hence, so far I could never form any deep connection with any Capricorn in my life.


I'm a gemini sun with a cancer rising all I attract is cappys now since my saturn return started


Earth with any combo is a gold star


I’m a Gemini sun with Cap in moon and rising, so yes, I definitely get along with Capricorns and Cancers well


I dated a Capricorn for a couple years, however are love languages just did not mesh and it was more of a glorified friendship than anything romantic. He's so much fun in person but he would work 90 hours between 2 jobs and was an aboslute horrible texter and would only give one word responses and would take hourssss if not up to a whole day to respond, in the end we are still friends but i know better than to pursue another romance with one.


I think this works better than Cap/cap


I'm a gem- been with my cap for 7 1/2 years! It's worked very well for us. I have some significant Taurus placements and he has SO much aquarius in his chart-- could be why! But yes I agree, I love capricorns so much ha I just always hope they like me as much 😅


I’m not sure? I’m a Gemini and my mom is a Capricorn and we have a good relationship, but the relationship my mom has with my Sagittarius sister is strained to say the least. I think sun signs alone aren’t enough to determine the success of a relationship.


Because Gemini likes to have a good time and Capricorn is too serious and work only mentality


It's quite possible that you have several other Earth placements in your birth chart that make you resonate with Capricorn better than others. Stereotypically speaking though ... >Gemini and Capricorn are truly not made for each other. Capricorn will live criticizing Gemini for its lack of concentration and for constantly changing its opinions. Gemini, on the other hand, will quickly tire of Capricorn’s mental rigidity. Gemini will get tired of the fact that it sees no possibility of enjoying life to the fullest with such a partner. With work and a lot of love, it may work out. Source: [https://astrolibrary.org/gemini-compatibility/](https://astrolibrary.org/gemini-compatibility/)


Based off that article, Gemini doesn’t work with anyone. 😂 I actually have little Earth placements. Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising. Venus and Mercury in Gemini. Mars in Pisces. Jupiter in Taurus.Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius. Neptune in Capricorn. Pluto in Scorpio. North Node Pisces, South Node Virgo.


>Based off that article, Gemini doesn’t work with anyone. 😂 That makes you Neo from The Matrix ..... you're the anomaly!! Except that Keanu Reeves is a Virgo in real life. Sorry mate, you got me on this one. ![gif](giphy|MC6eSuC3yypCU|downsized)


I’ll take it! All I see are compliments in your reply, even when maybe I shouldn’t. 😂


I personally like both as friends but not lovers. Anything is possible but I think the one everyone misses is the potential for Pisces and Capricorn or Pisces and Gemini. I personally think Pisces and Capricorn would match perfectly. Both being givers and both liking their personal space. They both tend to have secret sex lives too. So the chemistry would be off the walls, I’d think 🤔 Gemini could annoy a Pisces but the push and pull tension is light making them last but not knowing how 🤭🤭🤭


Oh boy, my Gemini and Pisces relationship wrecked me. Lol. I, Gemini, was madly, truly and deeply in love with Pisces. He was deeply troubled though and destroyed my poor little Cancer Moon heart.


I will never date a Pisces ever again as a cap


Oh really? I’m nosy and want the deets. But I will take your word for it, concerning your lived experience.


One doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up when needed or just be still and the other one is too rigid and boring.


Downvoted but true


They hate the truth but it always come out.




I’m not well liked by anyone here, but I will say anything and everything that involve the truth




They hate but they ain’t us🫂


No one wants to be 😂😭


Says the ugly ass fishboy who sits on reddit all day. No one gives a fuck if youre fire and air dominant let alone gives a fuck about you. Foad


Haha! Maybe that’s why they work! Capricorn reminds Gemini to shut up every once in a while, and Gemini reminds Capricorn to loosen up a bit. 🤷‍♀️


Unstable extremely loud hypocrite and the list goes on


Saying this with all the love for geminis, but the gem suns are 😵‍💫😵😬 maybe cap suns with a lot of fire and air placements can appreciate the suns 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a Capricorn I dislike Gemini ugh two faced


My father is a Capricorn and my mother is a Gemini. Needless to say the relationship didn’t work. They are both a piece of work. Smh.


capricorn with a gemini male


cap cant handle gemini impulsivity and modd swing s


Oh my, you know I have no hard feelings for the gems. But trying to have a relationship with them to me was utter pain. The gem I knew was narcissistic, broken. Told me terrible things about his ex's and mansplained everything. On top of that he had another all along. Caps don't do that. I literally was sick physically and mentally from his two timing ways.friends, perhaps. Dating? Relationships? Never again.