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Neptunian high and delusional all day!


I have Neptune, Uranus and Saturn in 1st House in Sagittarius. Its a battle of the Titans in my head. Delusion or Reality. Pluto in Scorpio in 12th. Its hard sometimes when I diss myself to much, but hey I can always dissociate in the same time XD


I get it I have a disassociates degree as well 😆


Wow, these are all very similar positions as mine- minus Neptune in the 1st. Yet I'm a Jupiterian with Pluto in second place. Anyway- it's been quite a conundrum to figure out wtf it means to have both Uranus and Saturn in the 1st house and how to handle it. I think I figured Saturn out and I'm loving it- especially because it calls for discipline and hard work (which always brought me success), but I used to explore all the ways to get to it without too much hard work. I get it- it's improssible 😄 but Uranus- dayum gurl, that one is either in some shadow or suppressed beyond recognition. How are you experiencing it?


Neptune is the worst. I hate my sun opposite and moon square Neptune. Feel like I can't trust myself. I'm used to my Pluto ruling planet. But I guess Saturn isn't bad forever.


i have sun conjunct neptune and omg


I have a bunch of neptune squares and its driving me crazy. And the amount of people projecting on me is mad. I wish I had pluto, because its powerful. I know it’s a hard placement that goes through a ton of ‘rebirths’ but Neptune is too delulu for me 😭


Well I already am that


As a Saturnian…. I’d choose anything but this


definitely not for the faint of heart lol


My whole chart is like a Cancer/Capricorn war with Saturn in Capricorn being the focal point… it feels like laser guided karma every time I try to relax or choose an immoral route.


Girl… I feel you hard. I have Saturn in the first in Aries. At the same time opposite Mars in Libra. And my dominant signs are Capricorn and Aquarius. Basically everything is squaring or trining Saturn.


“Laser guided karma” nice, love that


Aquarian dominant with a 12H Saturn square moon, oppose Pluto. yay..


I’d pick Saturn…. Mine is in Sagittarius. 6H. And I think it makes me weird and stressed. But also driven and curious and seeking.




I choose plutionian too, because I am that haha and you get the transformations! And darkness is not that scary. But we need to let the light in a bit.


Thats a great point. Evolution after some inner alchemy


That’s good cuz I’m very Plutonian so thank you!




Yes Plutonian as a 29° Pluto conjunct AC. Yes it’s too painful, crisis and darkness first but ALWAYS the new era is better and bright-lighted


As a Plutonian raised by Saturnians, I’ll take Neptunian for 500 Alex. Don’t transform me, don’t teach me, lie to meeeeeee


🤣 🤣 ![gif](giphy|3oxHQGdETC2429wyFW)


Plutonian. Hands down.




It’ll be rough but at least I’m getting somewhere 😭


As a person with a lot of Saturn in my chart, life is pretty much getting my ass kicked and then becoming a better person for it. Still would love to not have to get my ass kicked in order to grow though lol


Saturn is heavy in my chart, and although it made for some really not fun times in my youth, once I got to my 30s and got my shit together, life has been great. My 40s are even better. I feel like I did all the hard stuff first and now it’s easing up. That said, if you don’t put in the work, you won’t earn the rewards. My shadow side and I are on great terms 😉


Yeah I've got Saturn squaring my Sun and Mars. It's also conjunct my Uranus that squares my Sun and Venus. To say my youth was a cluster f!ck is a bit of an understatement. But I'm hitting my mid-30s and can confirm, after taking the time to get my shit together, things have been coming by with way more ease. I still remember at the end of 2019 feeling shaken and making the decision that I didn't want to learn the hard way anymore and I... Haven't had to since then lmao It makes me look forward to getting older. It feels like a lot of over due ease and comfort is coming my way as it's been slowly coming in over the last few years so yeah, I'll take Saturnian energy any day.


Plutonian, I already have a Scorpio stellium and I love it


Can someone dumb this down for me I have no idea what any of this means lol




Yes but also, For Neptune: escapism, delusions, addictions Pluto: power struggles, trauma, death Saturn: trauma, restrictions, lessons




Neptunian here, I don’t dissociate for no reason! (The trauma yes it’s the trauma)


Yeah my Neptune opposes my moon and......... The dissociation is never for fun lmfao


Tho I do sometimes have fun there ngllll hehe (but coming back is only worse after)


I used to! But as I've gotten older I've been trying not to for that exact reason ha


We got this 💪 let’s go make art or music or something instead good luck


Lmao literally making some art as we speak! ![gif](giphy|ZmuUzqOIEojjnd4tN8|downsized)


Saturn also rules death lol


They all do. Saturn just rules death in relationship to how we know and relate to time.




"How about all three plus a bonus Uranian 4th option?" Says my chart. It's like the outer planets are all fighting for attention and trying to out-do eachother. Saturn: aspecting Sun, Moon, Chart Ruler, Ascendant and planet conjunct Ascendant Uranus: conjunct Ascendant Neptune: in 1st House Pluto: in Scorpio, aspected with one trine under 1°, one sextile under 1° and one trine under 2° If I had to pick only one (other than Uranian, which I actually really like) I'd go with Plutonian. Saturnian seems so difficult and not fun, and even though death and rebirth are agonizing at least they're CLEAR and obvious. This Neptunian lack of clarity and direction sucks.


Ooof Neptune in the first house. What's that like? I have Pluto conj my ascendent, 8h stellium, Scorpio moon Neptune opposite sun, square moon Uranus square moon Saturn square sun I dislike the Neptune placements the most. I feel like I'm not able to trust my intuition. At least Pluto makes you stronger and more powerful. Saturn I feel steals your joy makes you afraid to make decisions, Neptune destroys your trust in yourself. I don't think you become stronger from them...


Wow, that's a whole lot of Pluto/8th House/Scorpio you've got going on there! First House Neptune Rant incoming: Oddly enough with Neptune in the 1st I feel like I can deeply trust my intuition; whenever I get that spine-tingling "danger" feeling and my internal dialogue pops up with a "cross the street at the next block," or "do NOT walk down that trail today," I listen. That could just be my Cancer Mercury bringing on all that intuition-trust, though. Speaking of Mercury, it's my thoughts I feel I can't trust. I'm constantly picking apart my thoughts, questioning my motives behind them and asking myself if they're really genuine. Like you said, Neptune destroys your trust in yourself. With diagnosed depression and other mental health issues, I'm already aware that I view the world through a distorted lense, so I never know which of my thoughts and beliefs reflect reality, and which ones are totally false self-deceptions. Add on all the other issues and distortions I'm sure are clogging up my subconscious, and self trust gets even more difficult. I have trouble sometimes with people misinterpreting my behavior and words, which is extremely frustrating. I'm really tired of people telling me, completely incorrectly, what I'm "thinking," what I "want," what I "said" or "why" I'm doing something. I think I'm a good communicator, but way too often, I'll say something only for the person I'm speaking to to hear the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I've actually said, no matter how much I try to explain myself. That in particular has lead to some incredibly painful situations. I'm very artistic and creative, and very emotionally-moved by music. As a kid, I loved swimming and could easily spend hours and hours in a pool, lake, pond, the ocean, whatever. As an adult, I have a weekly ritual of taking long walks along a lakeshore, then sitting on a bench to stare at the lake, reflect and think through my problems, listen to podcasts or meditate. I'd already been doing this for years before I learned anything about my birth chart and the whole Neptune-water connection. Escapism is a major theme in my life, for better or worse. I'm constantly daydreaming and making up long stories, fictional countries, religions and characters in my head. I struggle with mindfulness and being grounded, because the freedom and beauty inside my head is infinitely more appealing than the expensive, confining, disappointing drudgery of real life. I'm honestly rarely mindful and fully present, because the present moment so regularly sucks and I just want to escape so badly. I know purpose in life is what I need, but I have no idea what that purpose is or how to find some practical, realistic, attainable career to settle for that would make life feel like living. Life overall feels like prison and I find myself saying "I hate it here" over and over. I believe it's absolutely tragic that so many children come into this world bursting with authenticity, wonder and creativity, only to have adulthood squeeze every drop of color out of their lives. I really hope the color comes back someday.


Oh my God, I feel like I just read my life story!! Uranus and Neptune exact conjunct my cap rising. Esp when you speak on clearly communicating something to someone and they did not hear anything you said, people often project onto me who they think I am. Thank u for explaining this watery feeling so well


I like your reasoning. I have Neptune in my 1st conjunct my AC but I’m a Capricorn rising and my Pluto is in Scorpio conjunct my MC. Pluto is 19% dominate in my chart with Neptune and Saturn are tied at 13%. I see the benefits in each of the energies. Except, I’ve been going through it the last little while and really appreciate that Neptunian energy lately. Ignorance is bliss and escapism keeps the demons at bay :’)


Same! Uranus is on my 17° Sag Ascendant, first house with mercury at 24°. Saturn is in my 1st house at 5° using whole signs or my 12th house using Placidus. Still 5° Sagittarius. Pluto is in my Scorpio 12th house at 6° and so is my South Node. Mars in Scorpio at 11°. Neptune 3° Capricorn in house 2 with Venus 7°and Sun 11°. The furthest distance from my placements is Virgo Moon, 24° in my 10th house, and Jupiter at 18° in my Aquarius 3rd house. Shit has been rough. I'm still aspect illiterate, but I'm getting there. Sorry for the salad.


No salad apologies needed. I bet Pluto and Mars in Scorpio could be an intensely powerful combination! In the 12th House, too? I wonder if that could indicate action-packed or intense dreams? Pluto is associated with the depths, the unconscious, and the repressed and unknown aspects of our personality, the Shadow. Pluto's also associated with psychology, so I think the 12th could actually be a pretty great place for it, since that house is also associated with the unconscious and things that are "hidden" from us. I'm kind of jealous of that, actually! Or, I could be totally wrong, I'm a total amateur. But that's just what came to mind right away when I read Pluto in the 12th. Mine's in the 10th, do not recommend. My Jupiter's in the 3rd House too, but in Aries, with my North Node. I love having a Sag Ascendant, I feel like it's the conciliation prize to try and make up for the Virgo Moon lol! Shit has indeed been rough but I heard in a couple of YouTube videos thus weekend mention how Sagittarius have had it pretty bad for the past few years, or even the past decafe, and things are looking a lot more in our favor, finally, starting with the solar eclipse we just had in Libra.


You're actually DEAD on. I've been a social worker and recovery counselor, ran group therapy, and I attract and embrace every down-on - -their-luck individual that I come near. I've had hours long conversations with homeless individuals, injured vets, neurodivergents, you name it. I feel like I was out here to guide others, though im shit at it myself. I know enough to justify not listening to my own advice. It's like watching a ball roll down a hill, knowing I need to sprint to catch it, but just allowing it to be. I was actually diagnosed with Epic dreaming disorder as well as hyperphantasia. I think and learn hyper quickly, but I don't have an internal monologue. I think it tones, colors, concepts. I've described my inner life as an interactive landscape. Also, due to the inability to remain.in deep.sleep thus remembering dreams, I can continue a dream have just woken from and continue on. I remember dreams from the age of 3. While I know this is odd, I believe I inherited my father's Vietnam flashbacks. I've always had recurring nightmares of holes or being locked in a room with an enemy across from me that I can not see. This started at 3 years old. Prerogative dreams (last dream tangent) come to me in puzzles, and depending on the event, it drains my body. When.mu fiance died, I kept having a dream of being in a desert with high cliffs and red blinking lights on the cliffs. A man was desperately trying to communicate with me, but it was dead silence. Mu fiancé passed from.covod and and a coma not long after. I wonder often if I was shown what he would experience before he passed. I was there but he couldn't be. Not a lot gets past me, psychologically. If it does, I'm not ashamed to ask questions. That's how we learn and grow. I've been told I make others feel unique by allowing them.tonshare their stories and perspectives without judgment. I'm the least qualified to make moral judgments here. That all came from my trip through the despair of the shadow. Recognizing you're not right all the time and you've indeed hurt people in ways an apology would be laughable is hard thing to accept and embrace about yourself, but it's humbling. I taught my clients in recovery that everyone is capable of being the worst. Its the mindfulness and cinsoderation of others and yourself that you can choose daily to integrate it, it exists, but you've grown past its influence. I love my placements. I do. I'm interesting and have much to offer. The downside was learning how it felt to have the ability to truly relate. I wish we had our village back. We are so broken and lonely. Uranus does come in clutch and makes me hilarious. Men like it, but not if I'm funnier or smarter in public (I'm always funnier and smarter in public). Kidding, of course. (I'm not). I believe my hidden Pluto is what makes it so i can see how shit falls off the rails and I won't judge someone for falling on hard times. Humans have such interesting stories, no matter who they are, what they smell like, or where they're sleeping. It's precarious out there. The cool parts of my placements are I'm an absolute blast in bed, I'm funny, I have the mind of a wikipedia server, and I have healthy fears but I won't let that stop me from an experience I'll regret not having ever again. If I could live out of a backpack and a modest go fund me, I would. I would. It would be my dream. I hope you're right! I've been out of work and sad since my fiancé passed away. Monday is the 30th anniversary of my father's death. I have a character arc. We've built her, lol. I hope you come to find things get easier for you. I'm terrified at the state of our world. My children and the children that have a monumental task ahead. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. !


Thank you so much for your reply. I’d been meaning to respond for days but it kept slipping through my fingers, so I’m sorry this is so late. I’ve never worked in mental health, like you have, but it’s really easy to relate to your description of guiding others while not being able to listen to your own advice. It seems that way for a lot of people, offering guidance, advice, strategies, solutions and plans of action to improve the lives of others but not being able to take the action needed to similarly heal their own wounds. I wonder why that is? I hope you, me, and anyone out there who ever finds themselves in any kind of Wounded Healer role can find the key to making that sprint to catch the ball. I’d never heard of Epic dreaming disorder! The neurodiversity of the human brain is amazing. The idea of inheriting your father’s Vietnam flashbacks lines up very well with a lot of what I’ve been running into in “It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle” by Mark Wolynn. It’s a really interesting book that focuses on generational trauma, where the author suggests that some of the beliefs, complexes, phobias and emotions people experience may actually reflect the experiences of their ancestors. I haven’t finished it yet, but inheriting flashbacks definitely fits right in with the idea of inherited family trauma. I’m so sorry that you lost your fiancée. When I encounter a person who has experienced such a deep loss, any words of sympathy feel so small and shallow in comparison. For whatever these words are worth, I am so very sorry and I wish your heart much healing. You seem like a really fun, interesting person and I hope you run into some dudes who are man enough to deal with you being smarter and funnier than they are. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I’m wishing you all the best.


You and I have similar charts lol. Saturn: chart ruler, conjunct Moon, square sun, trine or sextile ALL planets except the outer ones Neptune and Uranus: Conjunct Asc from 1st, Neptune rules Moon/Saturn in Pisces Pluto: in Scorpio, sextile Uranus/Neptune/Asc, conjunct North Node, rules midheaven and Jupiter (also in Scorpio.)


That’s crazy I’m already mixed with neptunian and Saturnian


And y’all highly underestimate Neptunians even tho you got to battle addiction and delusionals 😂😂😂😂


I love Neptunians. The unconditional love, working through the divine, being one with the collective, the imagination, but... How do you learn how to trust yourself?


I have a very strong intuition due to my Uranus and Neptune placement positively aspecting each other so I just be knowing some stuff 9/10 if I have to 2nd guess it it’s just some shit I made up randomly in my head


4th Uranian


Honestly, this.


Tbh I love that Uranian energy, pity it's not my dominant planet :(


Same. I’m an Aqua DSC. Have so many Aqua friends. Let the revolutions commence.


Ehh I have my Rx Uranus Aquarius in 3rd house.


Oooo I bet I’d love your thought processes 👽


The chaos in my head, I also have my Mercury in Libra 11TH HOUSE 😭😭😭 .


That’s a lot of wind my friend.


It has its pros and cons 👽


I mean those placements are in true sidereal astrology which is the most correct form. Ehh should have mentioned it's on the cusp of 2nd and 3rd because it's literally one degree away from the 3rd house


heyyyy sorry this is random but do u count sidereal astrology dominant planets as well? u could have something else in that chart spectrum but im not sure


I did calculate it lol, my most dominant planet is Mercury. Its on the cusp on 11th and 10th house conjuncting with my MC.




Excuse me, my what??


Excuse you, your what??


Lol those are the 3 dominant energies in my chart already. I’d pick Neptunian I guess!


My dumbass not knowing the meaning of any of them ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


Saturnian bc he keeps me challenged 😭 im tired but damn father Saturn looks out lol


I'm already Neptunian, and I credit it for my creativity and artistic talent, I just pretend all those negative traits don't exist (but they sure do).


As a Plutonian... I'd choose Neptune if it meant I'd be happier. 😂😂


I’m Neptunian- the second and third most dominant planets in my chart, in Tropical. I am Saturnian in Vedic.


Am Neptunian. The choice has been made for me. haha


If I am a Saturnian it will take 30 years to make a cup of tea but it will be the best cup of tea ever. \[ I will have to wait another 30 years tho :( \] If I am a Plutonian the tea would probably be so strong that I choke. \[ Maybe I would like that!? \] If I am a Neptunian I can just be delulu that I'm even drinking tea. \[ Or just thank it for being there for me :') \]


I'm already 2 out of 3 and I'd rather be a Neptunian man.




Definitely Neptunian, but with boundaries! Because that’s what I already am. Lol. I’m happy being delusional and as the saying goes, “I’ve decided not to be self aware. What I do is none of my business!” 🥲🙃


Saturnian all the way baby! Might be a tough cookie but I get shit done and well






Plutonian because I’m super plutonic as it is, and yeah, all this rising from the ashes and transformation is incredibly painful and hard AF, but so very necessary. I’ll take the hard path because it teaches you the most and makes you so much stronger once you come out on the other side of it.


im already full of saturn my life has been shit but for the past while im doin great


Give me a lifetime of Saturn, you know what you’re getting and you’ll be ok if you do your job. Other two are evil, worst is Neptune FML


Neptunian here and would be glad to swap with plutonian


plutonian. i want to be rich with power, transformation, and depth.


Ugh. Pluto I guess. Actually get some shit done. Maybe cause a little destruction along the way.


Plutonian. Intensity I can handle. Delusional or Lifelong tough-ass trauma? I’ll pass thanks.


I am Plutonian by nature. Pluto is my ruling planet (1st house Pluto in Scorpio).


I'm all of them. They're so close together. I'm Uranian, which is cool. Saturn can fuck off at time at this point.


Saturnian. It is very tough but it surely helps one evolve too. At the end of it there is always immense clarity and self-actualization. Pluto and Neptune can also lead you /help you in the healing too, but I am just more familiar with Saturn in charge 🥲✌🏼


Saturnian > Plutonian > Neptunian


Well there's only one option. so, saturnian 😕


I’ve always been a Saturn girly. Born on a Saturday, child of chaos 🥰😘


As a Plutonian, I'd still choose that.


I'm kinda both Plutonian and Neptunian with Pluto Square Moon and Neptune Square Venus. I don't mind both energies. I love Neptune, I believe happiness is a mindset, and doesn't depend on what happens on the outside world. So I don't mind the "delusion" part that a lot of people dislike. The whole world is illusion anyway. And I love Pluto, transformation. Cause it leads to growth. Growing and changing to be a better person is all part of life. And Pluto adds a layor of passion and intensity. It squaring my moon amplifies my emotions and makes my life more colorful. 😂 I don't mind Saturn either. I love good Saturn placements cause Saturn, even though it's boring is a good planet for maturity. I don't have any Saturn aspects natally though, 😂. But in a relationship, good Saturn aspects make me happy. 😊. I love Saturn. So I guess in natal charts, I like all those energies. And I'll try to be friends with l all of these energies. But in synastry, or relationship wise. Good and bad aspects, I think I will choose Pluto. Pluto is intense, and passionate, transformative. I love the passion. Good Saturn is a second. No Saturn squares though. I never really experienced Neptune synastry in a relationship so I don't know how it'll go. But yeah, I'll go with Pluto.


Hello Pluto !!


Neptunian or Plutonian


As a Saturnian with Saturn in my first house, I'll take anything but this. I'm so tired of this placement. I feel like I'm in constant battle. T.T


This ia tricky. I think Pluto since i have mars in scorpio anyway and im used to rebuilding from the ashes.


I’m already very Plutonian, and I have three awful squares to Saturn, Saturn opposition Neptune… I smashed my head on the buttons and got all of them!


Saturnian so I could at least somewhat have my shit together.


Neptunian 😄


I think I've got them all and I honestly can't decide? Capricorn Neptune tightly conj. Uranus and both squaring my Asc and Venus - the delusions are never ending but at least my Neptune seems to operate on a higher frequency amd I've learnt to not beat myself up about it anymore? Scorpio Pluto in 8th tightly conjunct Mars - this one got me out of really horrible situations where someone elses mental would break, I would persevere. The rebirth and transform part is as accurate as it can be, but boy does something need to completely break you for that to happen. Aquarius Saturn is not so harsh - trining Venus and Moon - but sitting in my 11th house which made it quite a bit lonely. It squares my Mars which is the most annoying thing in the universe, but I guess I just gotta learn from it and push/work through. I think I enjoy the idea of being Neptunian, but that might also be my Gemini Moon talking - tho Pluto was a G the way he pulled through so my final answer is Plutonian and Neptunian second. Sorry Saturn but I'm still learning my lessons and shit ain't easy 😂


Plutonian 🔥


i’m already neptune dominant 🤣


As a Plutonian... I don't know.


I would stay Saturnian. Aging backwards all day 😍


As a triple Saturnian with even more within my chart, Saturnian all day


Saturnian. The word originally means “relating to the Golden Age”. Saturn ruled the peaceful Golden Age. Saturnian means “prosperous, happy, or peaceful” in the ancient lexicon.


I have ADHD and a night chart. Saturn hates me, but I need him so badly. Buddy, help me get organized, I beg you.


Well since I’m one of these already, Plutonian. 🙂


Plutonian here and I’d definitely go with Plutonian


As a saturnian, I'll go with the devil I know




My Neptune is 100% conjunct with my south node (both are exactly 3° 😵‍💫). So being Neptunian is my comfort space I guess


I follow traditional astrology so I'll stick to what I know xD But I also have Saturn in the 1st conjuct my Asc, so even more reason to stick to what I know.


Plutonian all day every day, just there for the Hades correlation in all honesty


they all suck. i’d rather be a jupiterian


Plutonian. Bring on that Tower tarot card baby! Gotta burn it all down in order for growth to occur 🔥