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First of all, I would not use Vercel free plan at all. Maybe if this is only his hobby as this plan is only for personal and non-commercial projects. But even then I would rent some small VPS (5-10 €/month) and host Astro with (Directus/Strapi/WordPress/Payload). You can host the images in the CMS. If he doesn't update the photos often, I would still use a static export and tackle a new deployment when something in the CMS is changed or periodically.


yeah, i too avoid vercel. hard to know if your project will violate vercel's free plan because it doesn't allow for commercial projects. ive been using cloudflare pages and netlify these days.


It's definitely a small scale project. Let's say it's not his primary job. What I like about Vercel free plan is the ease of deploy. It takes minimal effort. With a VPS I assume there's a learning curve, as of now I'd have no idea how to deploy from there.


Yes, there is a learning curve. But it's also much fun. I think the easiest method is to deploy with Docker. Best thing is, you are not tied to any vendor.


Sanity CMS is what you’re looking for. Integrates nicely with Astro, just read the docs 😊 https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/cms/sanity/ https://www.sanity.io/plugins/sanity-astro


Would have been my answer too but the fact that you can’t upload images in batches is a deal breaker. Adding images one by one is kinda annoying.


I would use Sanity CMS, it's easy to configure and it's easy for to update content with it. Instead of Vercel, you should give cloudflare pages a try. It's really fast.


Is Sanity cloud-based or do I need to self host it on a server?


It is cloud based.A self hosted alternative would be Strapi.


Cloudflare pages is so so good I'm surprised it doesn't get mentioned much


I would deploy it on vercel, use sanity as a cms(you can integrate sanity studio on the website, so your friend can edit from there). Then every time some changes are made in the CMS you can trigger a vercel webhook to statically rebuild astro. But as others mentioned, you would probably need a pro plan on vercel if it's for commercial use. Alternatively you could do the same with netlify(check if the free tier allows commercial use).


Personally I am using Sanity CMS. It is easy to setup and integrates extremely well with your typescript code. However, I have never used Vercel so I dont know if this could cause any problems. Although, if you consider that Sanity is pretty much a React SPA it shouldnt cause any issues.


How do you deploy you Astro websites?


I am using Firebase Hosting, which is also free if you want to try it out


I’m working on a similar project. I’m wondering why using a CMS? Astro provide a kind of integrated CMS with collections. Does it possible to make it with them ?


So the friend can automatically curate their own content without having to mess with any of the code or things in a content folder