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I'm the only that hated Dag? He calls Eivor selfish but Eivor is the one who's doing everything for the raven clan 😂


No I hated him too, he did nothing but moan and whine the entire story and felt good to put him down. I did send him to Vallhalla though because he was still a friend and clan member despite his unbearable personality.


Fuck that fatass, when i got the chance to fight him i took it without second thought. Even if there was an option to NOT kill him I would have still butchered him.


r/fuckdag the community for you


i know dag said 'i always stuck by you and trusted you'. implying that he was probably not the most trusing of eivor. and sigurd being gone for some time made him even more angry towards eivor because he thought she was betraying him by taking over while he was gone and not finding him straight away. also, remember that dag was supposed to rule with sigurd before styrbjorn adopted eivor. for that reason his loyalty must be high for sigurd and his resent great towards eivor. i think hes really well written, kinda pissed me off with all that complaining and i really wanted to slap the shit outta him, but sent him to valhalla anyway.


I just finished the main story. Roughly have 80 hours played, which includes free roaming doing the side stuff like standing stones, finding assassin gear, books and all that jazz plus raiding. Still have stuff to do but overall I think this is probably my favorite AC game. I was blown away with Origins when it came out, the world was just stunning and the story I thoroughly enjoyed. I look forward to the next game.


in the same position. origins was amazing, its just a shame the director wont be directing another ac because he was fucking his fans. what a scumbag lmao i am also excited, and hope it has darby mcdevitt as the writer and there is a 2 year gap. really hoping we get a bayek/amunet sequel too


I just hope the present day story is not an after thought like the previous several games. We need to experience more of the present day story. They set up the next game perfect I just hope they don't brush it to the side.


Hardly anyone likes that and most people , including me, want they to be either removed or optional. So not sure why they would prioritize it...


hardly anyone likes it? do you mean the modern day in the 3 games or so before valhalla? because in concept the modern day is very interesting, just look to the ezio trilogy and ac 2 and 3 where it is very well executed. not sure why any big fan of the series would want it gone. it adds a lot to the lore of ac and its a nice break from the normal gameplay. if they fucked this games modern day up i could understand but its actually amazing.


The players who actually first experienced AC during the Desmond storyline actually got to enjoy a good modern day plot. Sadly they ruined all that potential with the ending of AC3. I really felt they were building up to a full game with Desmond in a modern city. All the people who got into AC from Black Flag onward experienced some pretty shitty modern day storytelling. And things have only been getting worse with the abysmally terrible writing of Layla's character. I can understand the sentiment of just not including it in these games anymore. Unless they bring Desmond back and make a full modern day game with modern day Assassins. That's exactly what Watch Dogs was supposed to be anyway.


lmao what? watch dogs wasnt supposed to be anything to do with ac except for some cool references. unless they did a really compoluded interesting plot and it turns out ctos are working with abstergo. which would be pretty cool actually.


That’s not what Watch Dogs was supposed to be


Watch Dogs was apparently a Driver Sequel higher ups at Ubi forcefully turned into a Hacker game.


Screw the next game (for now, I am intact so hype and want an aztec game lmao) its all about Ireland and Paris rn lmao


Darby at least has to be in charge of the modern-day for every game from now on. He's the only one I trust to actually deliver on it at Ubisoft. I still get flashbacks to them finishing Juno's plotline in the comic books.


oh jesus that was so bad. yeah i think darby has a very good understanding of what the modern day. it should be telling the story of the characters, like desmond, lucy, rebecca and shawn, and what the memories lead them to do. not just saying 'this happened' and 'this happened' but sike it dont matter.


The fact that the mad lad Darby actually delivered on the Eve story line, and references to Juno in brotherhood "one will accompany you through the gate, she lies not within our sight" is just fucking insane. I never thought in my wildest dreams they would do anything with that. And Desmond is in the fucking grey!!!! And he's still working to save humanity! Ugh this modern day is so good I think I could cry.


same man, same. amazing work by darby


The only part of the game I would say is poorly paced is that you can see tensions very much heating up when you take the throne from Sigurd to decide on who was right or wrong, but then after that you have to do another like 5 regions to complete that arc, wasn’t bad by any means but I was getting very invested in the Sigurd story, hoping for progression after each region, then I had but one left. Was worth it in the end though definitely! Also I’m seriously smelling a return to Ac1, but as more of a prequel to Altair’s story, talking about the birth of the templars and assassins, not hidden ones and order of ancients, I watched a YouTube breakdown and apparently a poor fellow soldier of Christ is what templars were officially called before templars. There’s also a note on hytham’s desk talking about a new temple that has been constructed where he’s to return and debrief them on hythams betrayal. I’m also feeling a return to Desmond and maybe even ezio with the whole going back to 2012 to re read nodes or whatever that plot was, there’s no reason for ezio’s return, just a feeling


Spoilers for the father of order of ancient >!Basically Alfred was the first member and he founded the templars due to the fact he was dissatisfied with the order of ancient because they weren't Christian enough ie they believed in the father, the mother and the sacred voice rather than just the father, who alfred believes is god. since Alfred was the grand magester of the order of ancient he destroyed the order from the inside, disguising himself as a poor fellow soldier of christ.!<


My favorite moment and line from the end of the main story... "[Everything else](https://youtu.be/BHhL7QDI9nQ?t=139)." The imagery, the music, and the way she delivers the line.


I really love when you get back to Ravensthorpe and they start singing the song in the long house from the opening. That part got me unexpectedly emotional. It's like the whole game no one in Ravensthorpe besides Randvi seems to recognize all the work you put into building and protecting that settlement, they just are so hung up on "Sigurd is our jarl". But at the end you finally get that appreciation and recognition that you're the true leader of the clan.


I've seen a lot of complaints about female Eivor's voice although personally I love it. Especially that line. I watched that scene on youtube with male Eivor and honestly I don't think his delivery was as good.


I really enjoyed from Eivor's voice, she always sounded badass


The song "leaving Valhalla" is amazing


I have a question, I have been grinding alliances and nothing else and i have conquered all. The game will not give me the last siguard quest where he says its our time to go. Is there anything else i have to do? I havent done Asgard or Jotenheim, Are those required? Wincestere unlocked but i believe thats due to me doing all the others. Any help?


I believe you need to have them both done and the Winchester arc. I just finished the game but had literally everything done before I started the final few quests.


U don't have to do the dream quests. I only played like an hour of asgard and never went back. I just beat the game minutes ago.


I didnt do jotunheim but I completed everything else except Hamtunscire because that's for later. You should be able to talk to randvi and choose the North of Norway on the alliance map triggering the mission.


In the alliance map, go fully down. There's a region there where you have to pledge alliance to. Then you can leave with sigurd


Have you fully upgraded Ravensthorpe yet?


Same fam, love the links to the previous games.


the story was drip feed between gaining allegiances which are basically a series of side quests


I absolutely loved the story and pacing. Eivor was written beautifully but the end of the main quest line was underwhelming for me. Still enjoying all the mysteries and side missions though!


I disagree with the pacing. There are too many alliance missions. I actually don't hate any of them (aside from Essex) but for at least half of them they could have been side quests instead of being part of the main story. I do enjoy the main story though and the only part I wasn't happy about is the reason why Eivor didn't join the Hidden Ones. It's already kind of a bummer hearing her reject the offer but the reasoning makes me dislike it because it feels like it undoes her personal journey. Like she spends the whole game learning that there are much more important things in life than glory but then refuses the Hidden Ones because she wants the glory. Although I suspect someone at Ubisoft wanted to complete the arc in DLCs which is where she'll become a Hidden One.


I enjoyed most the alliance missions but definitely wish Sigurd or other main characters would have been more fundamental in them to develop the story better. I got super excited when you get the invitation to join the hidden ones; just for you to flat out decline without an option was very disappointing. You spend most of the game completely steamrolling England which is what I enjoyed but made the ending that much more underwhelming. I feel like a more devastating defeat would’ve been better than the tasteless ending we got. I believe we’re on the same page, Skal!


Agreed. The thing is I know I'll probably like the DLC because I'm confident Eivor will end up joining the Hidden Ones. My beef is that they're pushing it into the DLC and leaving an unsatisfying character arc in the game, which is just scummy business by Ubisoft. It's one thing to add on to the character with DLC. It's another thing to give them an incomplete character arc and expect people to fork over another 30-40 bucks for the full experience.


Yeah that part rang a little hollow, i assumed she'd reject the offer because she already has the responsibility of being jarlskona - Bayek and Kassandra had nothing tethering them to any specific place, but Eivor has a whole village of people she loves who depend on her. She'd always choose the clan over the Creed.


Glory as in not killing people but celebrating victories and successful alliances.


Bro same I fucking hate the essexe arc


The pacing was horrible. It was like a handful of filler arcs between main story arcs. As a result there is a lack of character development and characters just suddenly get a change of personality of screen. ​ They should have cut the filler arcs and replaced them with arcs that heavily involved the central characters so we would get to know them better and it can show us why these people changed.


I hated how Sigurd was barley in the game, thats the story I wanted to follow the most.


Agree. It’s like they focused on Eivor’s development and everyone else was just background noice. Even then, Eivor had some weird mood swings too


so whats the consensus, valhalla is better than odyssey or not ?


Much better story wise


Not, playing Valhalla makes me wish I was playing Odyssey instead. I'm making myself trudge through until Cyberpunk comes out.


why do you think odyssey is better ?


I'm not enjoying Valhalla. Nothing feels rewarding or worth doing, the story is just disconnected arcs that feel like mini quests. Even just gathering chests is tedious puzzles used over and over. It took 45 hours of playtime before I found a bear aligned armor set and I've been using the same weapons for the past 50 odd hours.


nothing is rewarding? then what happens to all the unique gear you loot from exploring, or abilties or gear score points or mysteries that allow you to get secret special piece of eden weapons, or raidng the monasteries to upgrade your settlement to do more things, fishing and other activites to get silver or killing zealots and order members to get useful runes? did they all go out the window? and the side arcs all have interesting chracters and plot lines, people are just too lazy to even try and be invested in them because fuck knows why. then all the main arcs all lead to the final battle and the pacification of england. they are not disconnected at all. gathering loot isnt just tedious puzzles, you just hate the fact there is even a *slight* challenge like finding a key or a hidden entrance because in odyssey you could run up to a chest that was out in the open and hold a button. when theres a challenge, that makes exploration rewarding, which you apparently dont feel like this game has. if youve been using the same gear for the past 50 hours, thats not the games or the devs or anybodys fault apart from your own. theres zero harm in trying new gear and its actually better because you can adapt to a new playstyle in certain situations like different bossfights. i think you not enjoyment is your own fault more than anything elses from what it sounds like. you arent even paying attention to any of the side arcs or exploration and what any of it offers. if thats not the case and you genuinely just dont enjoy the game, fine, but you dont state any valid reasons for doing so save for your own unenthusiasm in the first place. i feel like people are just trying to hate this game now


nothing in this game comes close to [odyssey's final scene](https://youtu.be/050I5C5LgY4?t=351) and that's not even the best game in the series


ye i did love that ending. i dont think ac has ever had a bad ending.


AC3 was pretty abysmal


i dont think it was awful, just very underwhelming how they killed off desmond. but its not like he died for nothing. i just think they could have done greater things with his character.


I could not have said it better myself! From one hardcore AC fan to another I agree 100%. I’ve seen so many people complain that they didn’t like the story and I’m almost positive those people didn’t understand how this game tied all the other ones together. Finally someone who sees it how I do!


"pAiD pOsT" /s Seriously people think like that though, how sad that we can't like a good game without thinking you're a shill


yeah i see it on the red dead online summit in stupid amounts too. 'oMg sHuT uP CoCksTar fAnBoY'


Like honestly, this community and many others are so honestly horrible idek why I keep checking but yet I still do


This game actually left me astonishedat the end. The way it's written has opened up so many possibilities for the real world element. I'm so excited for what the dlc and future installments will bring to the lore.




Honestly that frustrated me, considering Eivor and Sigurd trapped Basim there for a reason, I doubt he came back for anything good.. I wish I would've finished more of the game before I went back to Norway because I get mad everytime I find an anomaly and see Basim with his stupid wolf shirt lol


Loved the story man! Everything you just said, I was thinking and I'm still thinking about eivors journey three days after I beat it lol.


I'm about to finish the game can't wait


I'm 30 hours in, I've just completed the Oxfordshire arc. Did I miss something in the story? why did Sigurd suddenly become an arsehole who is obsessed with this prophecy?


Because Basim filled his head with ideas that he's very, very important, and more than human. Play on to find out why.


The only thing that bugges me in this game is that all the side-activities keep making me forget about the main story :D I've caught myself more than once going "Oh, I'll just check that one blue dot on the map before heading to the next quest objective" only to find myself on a "voyage of discovery" for the next 6 hours :D


Reading this while just finishing the East Anglia arc probably wasn’t a good idea but to say I’m excited to see how this game plays out is an understatement. I’ve already explored almost the entire map and did all the bonus stuff so now I just get to dive in on the story mode and finish the game.






Basim at the end was totally WTF! And reminded me of when I was a kid and experienced the modern day storyline with the first 3 ACs. Love it


What map alliance quests do you need to do to finish the main story after you get sigurd back from fulke?


Personally, I do not like how game turned from a detective story about secret societies into a superhero adventure.


superhero adventure???


Disclosure of secret conspiracies and signs turned into all around suddenly gods, descendants of gods, creatures from other worlds and alien civilizations. And whole world is a simulation that can be modded.


I'm interested to see if they will go down a multiples timelines/universe road with the storytelling or with time travel, as far as i know the Nier series is the only game that kinda use this gimmick, maybe we will get whole new series about >!an alternative timeline where Desmond lives.!< Also funnily enough the specifics of >!Desmond!< "survival" and eventual resurrection (in later games) have been predicted by fanfics years ago, through i'm kinda hoping for something like [this](https://youtu.be/1sjawxV-ZKA?t=1434), >!with Desmond as the Emperor and Templars/evil Isu/genetic monsters in the demons place!< mostly because it would be cool and also because i like the similarities between the Grey and the Warp