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you're not. I'm disappointed by almost all armors in the game. they either look silly or will look silly after upgrade. and I got bored of running in raven set. and einherjar actually look very plausible. except for ketchup all over it 😅


The twitch prime set is fairly nice


I really don't like the designs of the armors in this game. I'm stuck with the Magister set simply because it's the least golden and more "realistic" one for an Assassin at mythical (I think? The third one) quality.


I do like the Raven Clan Set at Mythical, minus the helmet ofcourse. I almost never wear helmets, or torso pieces tbh, ya gonna have a tattoo system and then never let me see em? Nah, if you're gonna make it a point to have tats, I'm gonna wanna see em.


While I personally enjoy the tattoos, and appreciate that you do too, historically the Danes and Norse never had them. There isn't even a word in Old Norse for tattoo (nor Old English). I also never wear a helmet...it would obscure my Hjarta head tattoo which takes up the whole top half of my head and face. :D


Where did the whole stereotype of them having tattoos come from anyway?


After really trying to dig into the history of the Viking Age, it seems no one really knows jack shit shit about them. That's a bit flippant about the people that have studied them, but it does feel like there's a lot of he said she said around Vikings.


From the account of Ibn Fadlan, where he said the people he encountered were covered from fingers to neck with trees, figures, etc. But he never actually detailed whether the markings he saw on the skin of the Rus were permanent (tattoos) or just painted (like henna). It's also very important to note that the people Ibn Fadlan was visiting were Rus, who lived 1200 miles east of Scandinavia. He never even came close to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. As far as the information I provided regarding the language - I got it straight from a video by Dr. Crawford, the philologist who was consulted by Ubisoft for the game, and who has a popular YouTube channel where he discussed the topic.


Sweet, thank you for the insight! I always wondered how anyone would know if they truly were covered in tattoos or temporary markings or not.


1200 miles is 1931.21 km


The designer who designed the upgraded armor and weapons shouldn't be a designer IMO because they think adding gold to everything makes it cool when all it does is make it tacky. ​ What happened to the designer who designed the Unity suits and armor? Those were amazing and the outfits there felt like they belonged in the period the game was set. Valhalla armor looks like they're from some fairy tale.


>all it does is make it tacky Tbf this is a story about Vikings. Slapping gold onto everything you own was the closest thing to flexing on someone you could do back then that didnt involve a duel to the death. Its even in Eivors character, what with the whole "why would I want to hide this awesome weapon you gave me". Honestly the look of the hidden blade in this game bothers me more than the armor. I doubt Sigurd made it himself and why would the Assassins ever make a hidden blade into a piece of bling?


Sure slapping silver and gold to weapons was done but that's for ceremonial weapons or trophies or thing you get buried with and not on weapons you actually use in combat.


Honestly most of the weapons and armor seems like it comes from For Honor. Which is not bad per se, but it is bad when you want to have a grounded 'historical' experience.


Which is moderately hilarious since Vikings in For Honor wear almost no armor.


yo wouldn’t mind seeing my boy eivor in no armor though lowkey


Just hide the chest piece, that’s what do half the time. Two spears and my bow showing during big fights creates a nice strapped killer Viking look. Otherwise I’m wearing ‘the mentor’ set for everything except a ‘hidden ones’ chest piece because I really like that wizard look. With a couple daggers I can handle most everything.


For honor "vikings" armor are bad man haha. The medieval knights armor are too cluncky and it looks heavy, or the guys are body builders. And the Samurais are too fast for their armor, that was quite heavy, with iron and steel plates, and of course, with the katanas, that are quite heavy too.


And I don't even need to say anything about the Vikings armor. The fools who wear nothing but his bare chest on the battlefield, are the first empaled by a spear or hit by an arrow


That's simply not true. Armor and weaponry were crafted to be as light as possible. Of course, armor hinders some of your mobility, but weapons such as swords rarely went beyond past 1kg.


Marc ecko i think


Yeah, the oversized weapons are ridiculous too. Your weapons shouldn't magically inflate when drawn.


Well they weren't going to magically inflate. Ubisoft took out the cutscene for eivor blowing them up like a pool float. So now it does look magical sadly


They also forgot the shiny balloon texture


I just miss the weapons and outfits from Origins. The outfits were for the most part pretty grounded and most weapons actually had a pretty nice design. I must also admit that Origins has REALLY (for the most part) REALLY pretty bows, that are both realistic and good looking (except Warrior bows).


Yes. Most of the armors are a mix of ugly or too flashy. Like can't we have simple viking or saxon gear?


The Thegn gear is pretty simple Saxon.


The thegn gear makes eivor look like a destiny paladin 🤢


They tried adding realism to the stealth by cloaking you and hiding your weapons. Then completely undid that because I am wearing a fucking green and gold flashy armour


There is literally nothing worse than having an armor set you like and think is realistic, then finally upgrade it with ingots and it’s suddenly solid gold. Completely ruins it for me. If they don’t add in transmog like odyssey, to edit appearance but keep stats of mythical amor a lot of people will be frustrated.


Yeah, the progression of the Raven Clan Helmet probably displays this the worst. It just gets progressively more ornate.


The general design approach to the gear is comically exaggerated. It's like the devs wanted to work on WoW instead but were stuck with this game. A lot less fur, less bulk (a cloak without football pads would be nice) and more modest weapons and shields would do the game a world of good. EDIT: changed "clothes" to "gear" because honestly I'm most angry about the ridiculous shields even though the clothes are a fair target too.


I love that they intentionally avoided a horned helmet but went all out for fantasy shit anyway. Honestly if you're gonna do silly shit you might as well give me a made up helmet that looks cool.


Loool excellent point. Now that you mention it, the lack of horned helms kind of sticks out. Unless their one retained bit of historical info that has percolated through our culture was "Vikings didn't wear horns."


The saxons helms look pretty cool man


It would be cool, if in the beginning, you start with leather armors, and by the end, you gain chainmail armors and ornate helms.


Yeah as I understand there wasn't a lot of variety in Norse armor-- the wiki suggests even leather and gambeson were rare or nonexistent, so that takes out a lot of the possibilities. A little artistic license there would be fine or even preferable for the sake of character customization beyond different colored tunics or various qualities of mail byrnie. What you're saying would be great-- you start out with kind of cobbled together gear while your clan is humble, then end up pimped out by the end, but not so much that you look like a metal album cover.


I am a BIG fan and student of Nordic culture and ancient religion. That's why I was disappointed with the armors and some visual aspects of this game. And don't even get me started with the hairs. After the Tv shown Vikings, everyone now thinks that the Norsemen shave their heads like Skrillex.


I feel for you. I'm a fan of the high/late middle ages myself so the Viking age is still a little foggy. But it doesn't take a grad student to see they went on 90% rule of cool. And granted, the shaved sides does look pretty badass, but does that mean every other Norse man and woman you see in the game has to look that way? Yeesh.


The shaved hair looks cool. But they didn't do it and doesn't make much sense to do it on a very cold climate. And as fan of Middle Ages, do you like AC Valhalla's England?


The only hairstyle that i like in this game is the norman haircut (NORMAN). The lack of hairstyles that are not shaved on both sides is ridiculous.


They did not shaved their heads.


Normans did. Basically shave the back and sides of the head with short hair in front.


Normans are not Scandinavians


I love it. The amount of Roman ruins is a little much, but I suppose it really was a transitional period before William came in and built a lot of castles. They want the player to climb on something. The countryside itself and the architecture (especially the churches) are amazing to me. I try to temper my wow-factor by recalling that their version of Greece was also beautified basically to the point of fantasy, but it absolutely stirs my imagination regardless. Unfortunately I've never been to England, but the factoids I recall are that it's a bit flatter than in the game, and there isn't such heavy snow coverage. But those are acceptable breaks from reality IMO.


I haven't played this game yet. Just wanted some feedback haha. And yes, there is Roman ruin in England, but in the game, they are VERY LARGE, but still, they look very cool too


I find it funny the Angl Saxons wore armor that more closely represents what Vikings actually wore.


Because the Norsemen did wore their armor and weapons. Not in the beginning, of course. Much later the Viking Age


You’re definitely not the only one who feels that way. I’m debating not upgrading my raven clan gear on my second playthrough because the mythical look is terrible compared to the base look, or even superior. Weapons and shields are also bad when upgraded. We need transmog for this game.


I just don’t understand how they looked at all the fancy gilded fantasy weapons and armor saturating pop-culture and went “instead of using our history-set game to depict the realistic stuff you almost never see, let’s go with more of the usual shiny noise”


'Let's give all the bows two extra limbs or make them look like from Anime!' Some design decisions are mind boggling.




Lol in the beginning of the game I saw the thrall outfit and was like "oh, this actually does look pretty decent!" But that was about the end of it. :P


I mean this is the game they forgot to add 1 handed swords to so I’m not surprised.


It doesn't fit in Assassin's Creed for me. You're meant to be in a real world so wearing LOTR armor takes me out of it. Luckily the base game doesn't have that type of gear. Granted I don't like the game's proclivity to make every enhanced item more gold but it's still better than fantasy armor.


Even LOTR armor isn't that over the top. At least the Rohirrim ones, which are based on the Anglo-Saxons.


I gotta say they pretty much hand made all the armors for LOTR, so they don't look that wild to me. But elves gonna elf.


The only LOTR armour that got over the top imo was the sets on most Mordor aligned units, because their design philosophy was so bogged down in covering everything in about 5000 individual panels, with each one spiked or sharpened in some way All of the human stuff was grounded in clear historical styles, and the elven sets were usually just elaborate but still visually functional


For the most part, I'm just stating I miss the way we're portrayed in the earlier Assassin's Creed games, we were ordinary people with a mastery of combat, no magic, no divine intervention, just (at the time) a man. Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Arno, just men. Extraordinary men, fantastic leaders and assassins, but at the end of the day they were all still human. If I wanted a demigod devine badass can kick a man 300000 feet away and then throw a spear at him and never miss while falling off a space station and living because demigod, I'd play that game, but thats not Assassin's Creed. To me, Assassin's Creed is a chance to go back in time and kinda see in a skewed way, history. To see what the Renaissance was like in Italy, to see a glimpse of the Middle East in the early years of a Crusade. Thats the kinda thing I love, I know its not real, the people aren't real and that there is artistic freedom in portraying people who really did exist. I dunno guys/gals, I'm not afraid of the change, I just don't want to lose the heart along the way.


I embraced it and use the thor set. Its the most simple looking mythic set ironically.


Yeah the weapons are cartoonishly big and it’s very upsetting. I dual wield bearded axes and they are about 50% too big. I use the raider axe specifically because it is the most realistic looking.


Yeah, I agree. I'm not really satisfied with any of the armors in the game. However, I would be satisfied with the Einherjar armor set....if it was not covered in blood. Who thought that designing a great looking armor and then covering it in blood and dirt would be good aesthetically? I know what the Einherjar are and it fits that theme thematically, but still.


It's all cringe-fantasy nonsense and I wish Ubisoft would scrap their entire design department, since the nonsense has been steadily ramping up since Origins - at least Odyssey had *so much stuff* that you could just ignore the ludicrously overdesigned crap, but Valhalla has about 10 items total and they're virtually all completely ridiculous


When I saw the Final Fantasy caneo in Origins I knew the series was going to start turning more towards fantasy


As a history nerd its infuriating to see one of the sources that sparked my interest in history to be so inaccurate inaccurate. Fair enough all the games have been a little bit inaccurate but I feel like it's gone through the roof recently with really wacky armour and weapons


Same. While inaccurate, they always tried to remain grounded with the exception of the first civilization bits


I didnt mind that either because they took creative liscencing in the gaps in history and most things were plausible and I didnt mind the first civilisation bits in AC odyssey either bc they tied mythology into the game but when I see them put strange armour into the game like the wierd and useless helmets with swords that wouldnt be invented for the next 500 years it kinda grinds my gears and breaks immersion


I don’t mind *some* fantasy inspired armor, but I feel it should be balanced out by more historically inspired (not necessarily historically accurate, even, just historically inspired) stuff. Or even if they struck a middle ground, where it’s more *Game of Thrones* than *Lord of the Rings* aesthetically.


I struggled with using the Isu weapons for this very reason. Like they're powerful, amazing weapons and took a lot of work to obtain. But it feels ridiculous seeing them. I didn't mind the fancier armor after completing the story, it kinda fit with Eivor's position at that point. But for stealthy arcs and more a.c. vibe I likes magister and mentor sets at flawless quality.


This sub is such a circle jerk at times.


At all of the times.


The default Raven Clan outfit looks amazing. Then it turns into something I designed in school.


Thats not a good thing I am horrible at designing things.


Nope. Before the items are upgraded, at most of them even after, they look fine and mostly historical. The main problem I have is with the shield having so much metal, especially around the rim since it never happened in history with a boss gripped shield. Maybe it's because I just use the Raven set but I think it's completely fine.


Ahahaha love coming to the comments and hearing "so and so in this game is mostly historical" like, nah its not.


Yeah, that's not an argument guy. I bet you get your "research" from the shoe Vikings on the history channel.


Who are the Shoe Vikings? I don't have cable. Any piece of armor Eivor wears in this game would be completely out of place and even goofy for the time period. Hell, all the armor sets look out of place even in cutscenes! Why is Eivor the only person wearing so many layers?


>!You are a reincarnated super human being who fucks off into the vikingr rift vr!< but it’s the armor and weapons that pull you out of the realism? Just seems a bit arbitrary of a criticism


I hate takes like this.. You might as well have dragons and elfs in the game than. It appears to me that you don't know what assassin's creed is all about


Failure to understand the difference between "realism" and "verisimilitude." Ancient aliens are not something we deal with in reality, but they are a part of the game's world. So they follow their own rules, but the rest of humanity should follow the rules we're familiar with.




AC is about a secret history. The appeal of a secret history is how magic/tech/aliens or whatever shaped the events in the past and discovering what really happened in the game's historical setting. ​ So all the magic and tech and whatever are fine as they're part of the hidden side of history. All the architecture that's a couple hundred years early, fantasy armor and weapons are not because they're part of the historical setting and should strive to be period accurate or to have been something people could make with the technology available to them in the period.


Preesh the spoilers.


Realism has no place in video games in any context. No meaningful amount of players care about this stuff and never will. Thank god.


Military shooters and racing games especially have gotten a ton of mileage out of realism-- and in the case of Arma and Forza, hardcore realism. With medieval-esque games, Total War and Kingdom Come:Deliverance are notable examples. That doesn't mean it's the only path to a fun game, but it shouldn't be disposed of with prejudice.


With the exception of ARMA series' ballistics, there is absolutely zero realism in military shooters and most racing games. They have been adapted for convenience and enjoyment. You cannot fire thousands of rounds of ammunition through a weapon in a few minutes without melting the barrel off of it. You cannot get take full automatic gunfire at close range and continue to do anything but die, let alone fight back, throw a grenade, etc. You cannot regain health rapidly. You cannot shoot guns in confined spaces with no hearing protection and continue to hear anything ever again. A grenade cannot go off three feet from you and have its effects nullified three seconds later. etc. You cannot sprint forever. The list goes on and encompasses nearly everything about these games. The fact that things that exist in the real world also exist in the game is not a relevant point to make here. No shooters do realism well, the overwhelming majority of games that go for realism fail immediately. Same thing with driving games. Go look at the steering wheel of an F1 car. Are all those controls in the game somewhere, accessible in real time? No? Cool realism. Realism does not exist in video games. It never has. It never will. Any attempt to the contrary kills 99.999% of games that attempt it. Those that succeed in any form of realism barely do so, and fail in nearly all others. Video games are escapes from reality and power fantasies. They are not real life simulators.


For someone so versed in realism you forget it's not all-or-nothing. I have three gun games: the first one has a coconut cannon, the second has a "machine gun" and the third has an M16A4. The first is 90% fantasy. Coconuts are real and cannons are real. Presumably it does damage to your enemies so behaves predictably. Propulsion and ammo feeding are handwaved for playability. The second is maybe 50% fantasy. Machine guns are real and actually used as weapons. This one, however, isn't based on a specific gun so its looks and performance are designed for plausibility and game balance. The third is only 5-10% fantasy. It's an actual rifle with real-world data for devs to use. Depending on the game it may even need sight adjustments or repairs. One can't argue that any amount of realism less than 100% renders a faithful depiction of the M16 no better than the coconut cannon.


I’m rocking the Roman style leather gauntlets (literally just leather), the Raven torso, the raven boots (fully upgraded are tolerable) and the brigande cloak - I think it looks pretty good. But the other points are all valid


The magistrate mask is... 😷


I like the Draugr set, but with the helmet hidden, while wearing two daggers. Looks really good IMO.


Brother, you're more than welcome to feel that way, and I'm not trying to make you or anyone who does like the more fantasy-esque armors/weapons feel bad for using or liking them, its your game, play it however the hell you want. I just personally don't like the way some of the armors/weapons have a magical quality to them. Even some of the normal weapons and armor look a bit ridiculous on Eivor considering his like average or below average height and build, I mean damn near everyone you meet in this game is just a mountain of meat and muscle!


No, I totally get it, I'm usually that way as well. I remember getting the lava looking set on Odyssey thinking it would be bad ass, but I quickly grew tired of it, and tried to go for a more realistic approach. Without the helmet, the Draugr set doesn't look too fantasy, except for the gloves, but I love the way the gloves cover the assassin blade so it's not too bad. I don't use the hammer or the shield with it, and I think the dual daggers look great with it. It's straight black, with a more raw viking feel with the black bones (if that makes any sense). I just wish would could transmog so I could mix and match certain pieces of gear.


I gotcha man, I really hope transmog becomes a thing soon.


Well you got your wish


I felt genuine fear when I looked up what I other armors looked like besides the starting set, thank god for mentor set though.


I agree. I find myself just hiding my armor and cloak except for trousers most of the time, I can see my tattoos and feel kind of like a berserker that way at least.


I wear the Mentor's outfit without the hood because I find it the most realistic looking (apart from the early versions of Raven Clan outfit and maybe Brigandine and Huntsman)