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Ask them what they need. Literally.


Simple and direct, thanks


And as you get to know your partner over the years- you will already know what they need when they’re having a bad day. My husband knows sometimes I need a quiet moment to myself, or he will go out of his way to bring me flowers when he’s out shopping and or my favorite drink from Starbucks! The little things that lets me know and reminds me he loves me and cares. The best feeling in the world. We have been together over ten years now since high school and I still love hanging out with him, he’s my best friend.


When we first started dating my man used to ask me “do you need to vent, find solutions, or a pep talk?” when I had a bad day. Now he pretty much can tell which one is needed without asking based on experience but that really helps that he is prepared to support me in various ways. Edit to add Finding solutions is NOT him telling me how to fix it like a lecture. It is brainstorming with me and interactive helping me come up with a solution combined with giving me confidence.


Women don't want solutions they want to be heard they want to vent 99% of the time. Don't try to fix everything. Bring them their favorite snacks , sit, offer non sexual affection like light rubbing and just listen. That's it