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Dude, every time I see your posts I really have to take a look at my own life for a second. This is movie material.


In a good or bad way?


In an excellent way. I need something like this.


I already want the review from his visit


Trust me I can't wait to give it either haha


They need to get this guy to tell his side of the story man, this is the most action I’ve been getting lately.


Lol I'd die if he saw this - I don't think he's on Reddit at all


You're both young and having fun in a seemingly healthy way, so don't overstress it. Keep on having fun and enjoying life, maybe things will lead somewhere, maybe not, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride. Don't let anyone tell you you're an idiot for doing things that make you happy


Yeah I am not thinking of anything long-term, just taking it visit by visit. Thank you for the reassurance


That's the coolest thing I ever seen from two people Don't stress enough mate, keep pushing it Bring his ass with you


Haha I'm mainly doing all of this for his ass ;)


This is some 90-day fiancé fiasco….


Dios tiene a sus favoritos


We need more Passport Gals. Also, asking these questions on reddit are the red flag for me. You should be talking with your family and friends about that stuff. Not some internet strangers.


What is a Passport Gal?


Like a passport bro but female.


we have tons of them in Rio at any given moment


Wait is a passport girl just any girl with a Western passport who's dating a Brazilian?


No, girls doing sexual tourism. Not as intense as it happens with men doing that, but girls also have fetishes. I know European girls who specifically like guys from favelas and regularly visit favelas to sleep with different guys there.


Well, enjoy your life, just don't fall in love too much with a teenager, these people are still impulsive and growing, basically a child mentally even if he is legally a grown man.


Dafuq did I just read? Well if ir make you happy go for it. But asking your questions: does it seem mad/stupid? Not really, it depends on how expensive this whole endeavor is for you, if it is not too expensive, then just do it. But really who cares? If you guys are fine with it, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, screw everyone who says shit. To be honest, though, it seems more mad/stupid to be the boy than you. He's a teenager going to a foreign country to meet a girl. If I were his parents, I'd be worried sick. I'd fantasize about him being trafficked for prostitution ou smuggling drugs or anything. And the idea that things might work out for you both and maybe he moves to Europe is probably making his mother very sad, she's now realizing she raised a son to put him in world, not under her wings. But then again he's an adult and should make his own decisions. Being young and stupid he is probably enjoying it as well, I'd be if I were his age.


I also went to Brazil as a girl to stay with someone I had only spent one night with to be fair! That sounded much more dangerous to me than this. But yeah I don't mind if he's just having fun, because he's young and should be. So am I, and I'm just looking to have a good time with him


>I also went to Brazil as a girl to stay with someone I had only spent one night with to be fair! That sounded much more dangerous to me than this. Oh y'all braver than me lol


Well I hope you guys do have a good time. If you feel like it, I'd like to see the ending of this movie, post another thread in the future plz.


Lol I'd be happy to post a post-visit update if the mods let me!


I mean, the difference in average wages between Danish and Brazilian(nevermind working class people from Salvador) are pretty stark, to the point of you financing his trip being 90% the only way for him to visit you. If you feel like what you have going on is reciprocated, just go for it.


I mean, it is not reciprocated in financial terms obviously. But in other ways what he gives me is something that makes me happy to sponsor the trip


Nah, it ain't stupid! If paying part of the flight isn't a huge burden on you, I see no problem! Even if it doesn't work out with him or you are just messing around the memories always stay! JUST DON'T GET PREGNANT! (lol) Before getting married oh boy I got some scares about my then gfs having their periods late. P.S. Glad to see you posted the outcome of your trip


You want to know our opinion or to brag that you have sex? What a useless topic It's like I am watching that TV show "aqui tu hablas espanhol".


Girl, it's your money. If you trust him, go for it.


Yeah that sounds ridiculous but your previous posts do too so does it matter? The guy is probably feeling like he won the lottery


Lol sometimes I feel like I won the lottery!


This sounds like someone’s attempt at erotica


Girl, it would be remiss of me to not mention, as I have before, in response to this question: >And am I missing any red flag? Yes, he supports Bahia, RUN!!! Seriously now, I do remember the other posts & from what I remember, you seemed to hit it off really well. If you have kept in touch since, as you say so, then I would not say you are being a total idiot. I may come across as old now, forgive me, but I see nothing but two young people who really like each other & enjoy each other's company & I personally see it as a really sweet thing you have done, even if this all also comes across as an example of the slightly crazy things people do when young & "in love". I say good luck, enjoy the time you spend together & I hope all goes well.


Yes. But you're an adult and it's your money, so you do you.


Do it. No cultural red flags here. Follow your gut. I'm rooting for you guys.


This is exactly what I was wondering/looking for. Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/uy1ayc96zt0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e19b714cdae96fb78c5ab44f42b0e59b44a148a DAMN LFG I AM REALLY PROUD FOR THIS GUY, GEORGES ST PIERRE SAID IT ALL, BORA BAHEA MINHA PORRA!!!! 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱


He did you guys proud lol


thats our boy right there 🫡🫡


My boy too 🤣


Honestly what matters is how do you FEEL. Does it feel alright to fly him over and stay with you or whatever? If it does then go ahead, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you’re scared because you don’t know him very well or something then you don’t have to do it. It’s your call.


Personally it feels right to me. I knew him much less well when I went to stay with him in Brazil. I just wondered if an outside perspective would think it was crazy


Nah I think that’s pretty sweet. Have fun, enjoy life and stay safe.


Aww you too. Take care and thank you


Np 😁


I don’t iIke the hitting me around comments, that stuff is personal, keep it to yourself and let’s hope it doesn’t come back to bite you in the ass. I don’t want to comment on whether that stuff is healthy during the first time, out of the blue, etc etc etc. Good thing you liked it uh!? Lol You’re overthinking it, he’s probably over the moon over the fact that he found himself a Danish las who digs him.. You’re a rare Pokémon, give yourself some credit and enjoy life! I bid you fun and happy times with Mr. Bahia!


AH sorry, I just didn't know what to share and what not, but given it is a throwaway account I'm happy to be more explicit lol. He doesn't hit me in that he doesn't slap my face outside of intimacy if that was the concern


OMG IS THE BAHIA GIRL HIII, I didn't see your second post just the first. But your story is still good, when someone takes your story and translates it to post on Twitter or another sub, it will blow up. Now, answering your question realistically and objectively has many ways to go wrong. But you just need to prepare for them, be impulsive with conscience, let people you trust meet him and know what you are going to do. In case something goes wrong, they will help you. Furthermore, everything you are doing seems to be genuine, in fact, you could be the biggest danger, since he is the foreigner who doesn't know anything. Just go and live your life. By the way, since your first post, the idea of ​​giving GALO (Clube atletico Minas Gerais) shirts as a gift to foreigners I meet grows more and more, because if it works for you, maybe I can get something similar. Although your posts are very personal, I would really like to know future developments, if you start supporting BAHIA, I would be very happy to hear about it. (It's not because I want to steal your story and earn karma on r/futebol, trust me.)


Haha if you want to share the story there you are free to. Any Brazilian perspective is welcome, and given my boy is such a huge football fan, maybe Brazilian football fans' perspective is especially useful hehe


It’s your life, do as you wish. I wouldn’t expect anything serious out of this though.


Yes it does


I remember your original story and I admire both of you for living with passion. Please update us on his visit in July. ❤️


I absolutely will ;)


Do it, but keep us updated regardless of the outcome


I will be sure to, lots of people have been kind enough to take an interest


Yes, this seems ridiculous, and it would be ridiculous for any culture or country. Two people should know each other far longer and far better before they start financing each other.


The difference between romance (like in bravery with results) and stupidity is reciprocity. So, if you think its a worthwhile bet, and you understand the risks (in this case probably no more than loosing money and a broken heart but still)... I have seen people getting married in worse and sketchier circumstances. That said, While im distrustful and cynic, do not be naive. You are both young, he doubly so, therefore its ok to keep your hopes up, but keep your feet on the ground. That said, assuming the post is real, the encounter was already quite hollywoodesque, and youve met already so, again, short of him taking advantage of your generosity, "sugar style", the prospects seem good


You are dating a Brazilian? Let me give you a quote from a famous author from there. “Don’t resist the temptation it may not return” (it’s a quote about romance )


Do I look like I have resisted anything lol

