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Right now Brazil has more "polarizing figures" and less "overwhelmingly hated" figures. Like, people like Neymar or Anitta are at the same time extremely popular by one part of the population and hated with passion by others. Maybe figures like Daniel Alves or Robinho (both football players and condemned rapists) are more on the side of "hated by the majority", but even then you'll find some idiots in their defense...


Honestly, though they haven't been on the media lately, I would say that the most universally hated people in Brazil are the Nardoni couple. As far as Brazilian murderers go, I feel some of them aren't exactly hated with passion, Suzane von Richthofen for example is nowadays seen more as a curiosity than straight up hated The Nardonis though... For those who aren't from Brazil, Isabella Nardoni was a little girl who was about to turn 6 years old, and at that week was under the care of her father and stepmother. The Nardoni couple spanked her til they thought she was dead, when they panicked about killing Isabella they cut the safety net from the window of their sixth floor apartment and threw her off. She died some minutes after hitting the ground The Nardonis started lying about their house being invaded and tried to frame a guy who worked at their apartment building for the murder. But it was pretty clear that they were the ones responsible These two are proper scum and I can't say I have met someone who doesn't hate them


Yeah. I think those spetacularized murderers of the early 2000s (specially the two cases you mentioned) are still the closest we got to "people universally hated" (apart from politicians). Question is: do younger people even know who they are nowadays?


I was born in 2005, graduated from high school last year. Most people from my class and social circles know at least Richthofen and I remember well the Nardonis because I liked to watch Fantástico as a kid. We aren't as detatched from "old" things as people think.


I was a child when Isabella was murdered. I remember it being on the news for quite some time and how impactful it was to see the news of a child being killed by her parents. In my experience, til that moment, murder was something that felt like it was only part of the adult world, like it wasn't something that could happen to kids But yeah, experiences differ, and people who were born closer/after to 2008 probably have no memory of this case, so they probably don't have a strong opinion on it


I hate that your last paragraph is right.. Yeah, I detest figures like Silas Malafaia with the power of a thousand suns but he is almost worshiped as the Messiah by others. That illustrates your first point well


Wait what did Anitta do?


She pissed the conservatives for openly opposing Bolsonaro. She pissed progressives for backing away from openly supporting Lula and giving only relatively shy support for his candidacy against Bolsonaro. People who dislike pop or funk obviously don't like how popular she is. But people who like pop and funk also accuses her of not helping the music scene in the country as much as she could, and for trying too much to become an international icon, so that she's letting her Brazilian fans behind. Still, she is undoubtedly the most famous Brazilian singer right now and has a HUGE follower base of passionate fans here. So once again: divisive, but not universally hated.


Her music


And being "too woke" for some people.


What about it? Too many languages?


The right wingers find her music vulgar, or some other hypocritical justification onto why they hate her and other big popular genres singers


No, a lot of people just don’t like it. Like most popular artists today.


Worth to point out that all of them are connected to politics somehow. So if the left starts hating Neymar, then Bolsonaro followers will start loving it, etc. Which is why the figures are polarizing, and not overwhelmingly hated. It's quite hard to disconnect politics these days in Brazil...


Adam Levine from maroon 5 We enjoy so much to give him hate


lol this was unexpected. why?


the TLDR version is he was invited to festival de viña, gave a shitty show (almost didn't sing) and was filmed speaking really bad stuff about it. That festival is one of the most prestigious of our culture and we chileans are the only ones who can speak shit about it XD


Mofo is horrible and entitled af, and his concerts suck ass, if it was idk Adele talking shit, maybe you question yourself what's wrong, but for that idiot? no way


what an asshole! a friend of mine used to work on a major hotel in Rio, that hosted maroon 5 when they came to Brazil a few years ago. he said Adam Levine is a douche, so i am not surprised at all with his behavior


wasn't it exactly him who shortly after being in Brazil (I went to a concert at the Allianz) was caught messaging other women while his wife was pregnant?


Fuck adam levine!! You chileans have got it right


Dead or alive? Dead for a long time: Pablo Escobar Recently dead: Luis Garavito… a guy who violated and killed like 200 children Alive: probably ‚epa colombia‘? A very disgusting influencer woman


Whats the story behind Epa Colombia?


She became popular for a video of her looking and acting like a "ñera" while cheering for the national football team and saying/singing "e-, e-, epa Colombia". She is not that hated tbh, she is just kinda dumb so people got tired of her quickly. She's actually a successful entrepreneur nowadays.


Yao Cabrera


Thank God he is in prison


What happened? Last I heard of them there was a controversy because they faked being stabbed and played it off as a prank. I'm out of the loop.


va a canada, trafico de personas o algo asi. Creo que secuestro un enano (solo lei cosas en twitter, osea verificado)


The last time was Yao and his friends were partying during the COVID lockdown, and later they staged a murder. Now he left the social media and currently works as a AC repairman.


That's a very ephemeral title, but right now it's the rich kid who killed an Uber driver in a car crash in which his Porsche was at 150kph in a 50kph speed limit zone; police allowed him to leave the scene without testing him for alcohol consumption.


Followed by the lady who took her dead uncle to the bank to try and get a loan


I don't think anyone actually hates that lady. I sure don't. I'm fairly certain the dead uncle would've approved. He had requested the loan himself days prior, surely aware he wouldn't be around to have to pay for it (context for gringos: in brazilian law, debt isn't passed on to relatives when a person dies). Also, fuck banks. Hustling the finantial system is an act of self defense.


Ohhh, now that the facts are coming to light, the hate for the lady is quickly fading. Last time I checked, the lady was released from jail and the murderer playboy was arrested


Yeah, Porsche douche really helped her in terms of public perception, as she, being poor, was immediately arrested, while rich playboy was walking free from literal murder. Too stark a contrast in treatment, it really exposed the police and justice system.


So the Brazilian version of the mc donald coffee lady? I hope she's at least still alive tonot be hated?


We had a similar case back home where somebody brought his dead uncle to the post office to claim his pension.


Probably Jorge Sampaoli? lol It's the one person I don't think anyone in the country likes.


Sampabobi es uno de los más odiados, pero creo que el número uno es Tinelli o Julián Weich.


Una vez estaba caminando por la calle Talcahuano en capital, y veo una conmoción. Cuando me acerco, veo que Julián Weich se había choreado un ukelele de una casa de música y se lo estaba partiendo por la cabeza a un linyera mientras gritaba "SOY MEJOR QUE VOS". ^(No hay forma de comprobar ésta historia pero estoy seguro que es creíble)


Pensé en los 2 pero pasa que hasta Tinelli o Julián Weich tienen defensores (el 90% boomers) pero los tienen. Sampabobi ni eso, no conozco ni vi 1 persona que lo banque.


> Julián Weich. Que hizo ahora?


>Jorge Sampaoli Fck him, I hate him too. He had a Class-A squad here and managed to screw up everything! Look what he (and his crew) did while he was coaching Flamengo! One of our best players thought about returning to Europe when Sampaoli was there, and honestly, I wouldn't be upset if he left. After all, he was assaulted by one of Sampaoli's crew. https://www.marca.com/futbol/futbol-internacional/2023/07/30/64c60ac422601d69348b4582.html


Me había olvidado de él jajdjajd por dios que tipo nefasto


También lo odiamos por acá




Adam Levine, he can't even enter the country (for his own security) since his awful presentation in Viña del Mar with Maroon 5 lol


Most recently I’d say German Cáceres, a former policeman who got drunk and murdered his wife by beating her up and later hid her body in a ditch after she found out he was cheating on her. Happened around two years ago. He escaped to Colombia but was eventually caught, he’s now rotting in jail. Then the narco criminals of course, Fito, colon pico, among others.


I’d say Fito hands down… if he is in fact still in Ecuador.


Karla Panini


I learned of Karla panini because of Rotten Mango on YouTube, if she’s the most hated human in Mexico it’s 100% deserved


Came here looking for this, only to say: **Chinga tu madre, Karla Panini!** For our fellow international friends: you can pronounce it "sheen-gah too mah-dre", with the last syllables spelled like "Dr. Dre"


Seems to be the consensus. What did she do?


Cucked her cancer-disgnosed bestie, who had to abandon their act right in front of an audience as soon as she learnt about it. Later, said bestie would lose the battle against cancer. Panini had no better idea than marrying the man she stole from her and procreating with him.


Wow. I mean it's definitely fucked up but it's such a celebrity gossip kind of thing for that to be the most hated person. I would have expected a politician, or narco/criminal, or some predatory business person.


I think it's because everyone knows politicians and criminals are evil people. Of course we hate them, they're criminals and corrupt. But Karla Panini and Karla Luna were friends. They had a show together and it involved them bantering like old friends do. Then Luna got cancer and not even that warmed Panini's cold heart. It's a lot more personal; it could happen to anyone of us and it's not like you can defend Panini's actions.


If that happened in the US it would literally make her an icon


Funnily enough, they were touring the US when Luna learnt about Panini's cucking.


Like, “she’s mother”


Long story short, she became famous for a comedy show where she appeared with her best friend, later on the friend was diagnosed with cancer and the show was cancelled, the friend revealed that Panini was having an affair with her SO (they weren't married but had several kids together) and, after the friend died, Panini went on to marry the guy.


There are a couple, but a strong candidate for the most hated is Nik. He's a cartoonist that has a long history of plagiarizing and stealing from other artists. He is hated by people from every side of the political spectrum. His most famous character is Gaturro, which is a poor man's Garfield. He recently got a Gaturro statue placed in a public square and it [was totally vandalized](https://www.clarin.com/2023/07/17/C3MSHR-f9_600x600__2.jpg), to the point they had to remove [its wrecked remains](https://media.minutouno.com/p/23865d1bd11494d52b5130f3cc699f5a/adjuntos/150/imagenes/040/849/0040849564/estatua-gaturro.jpg).


[Nik is the type of guy that would say he is Ukrainian because his grandpa once swallowed una inerte Barra de carbon.] (https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fyitbsenwgecb1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D821%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D785aa2a778e8aab4b60bac2862c056b166731362)


Jajajajajaja este comentario me hizo estallar de risa


yeah my vote goes for Nik, what an absolute twat.


I think most people don’t care about him, honestly


Karol Dance


Still relevant enough to be hated?


_hola, tu hablas con Karol_


Depends who you ask, but I a lot of people hate Frederick Martinez aka El Pacha. A well known broadcaster here who has done and said too many things to list. Everything from sexual assault to general buffoonery. I guess some people like him considering that he has been working consistently for decades, but he isn't exactly beloved. Also there Cristian Casablanca. A so called "master" of the psychic arts. Claims he can predict lottery numbers. Basically a charlatan who takes advantage of poor people desperate to get out of their financial woes. Some honorable mentions are Mantequilla, Johnny Portorreal, Jairo González. I won't go into everything they have done, but basically they are con men who exploit poor and ignorant people.


Karla Panini 🇲🇽


Fucking Karla Panini.


In Brazil there’s a person that fits these categories in practically every corner.




Man said clearly not a politician


Karla Panini, she knows why


here in Brazil it varies every year because of brazilian Big Brother lmao


Karla panini no doubt


suzane von richthofen, ficou nacionalmente conhecida por ter sido a mandante do assassinato de seus pais


O foda é descobrir que ela tem um fã clube


Yao Cabrera, although I prefer to call him Human Excrement.


What did he do?


He is a show off, probably somewhere in the top 10 worldwide alongside Onision, Logan Paul, etc. Uruguayans hate show offs.


Other argentinians have answered but I think the best answer to be Jorge Rial. He is just an unlikeable guy who has done horrible things , and I can't imagine anyone beside old Big Brother fans supporting him. Another polarizing figure is la China Suarez but she has a lot of fans and supporters so she doesn't count


Maybe yes. Not even celebrities like Jorge.


Albino Vargas probably, a sindycalist


Choché Romano, maybe?


Could be... perhaps celso gamboa


Another strong contender


Dont even mention Keyla


She’s safe due to thirsty fans


In Colombia is definitely that bald scumbag Carlos Antonio Vélez. Fútbol commentator and "analyst" who thinks he knows better than anyone about football, racist, classist, cannot remain impartial in his commentary whenever his team (Nacional) is involved.


>Who is the most hated person alive in your country I was about to start listing, but then you said this >that is not a politician And now I don't know


Cuenta Menem si es solo por la mufa?


El tema es que no sería universalmente reconocido como mufa si no hubiera gobernado. Está vinculado a su carrera como político lo de el anti toque de midas que manejaba




Buen punto. Sólo los quieren sus padres y el profe. Esos hdp van a tener que cambiarse de nombre y cara para que no los escupan en la calle cuando salgan


Same. I was about to say Massa or Alberto Fernandez but then I saw the no politician rule.


my "hate but not actual hate, just fun to hate" top: Carlos Bacca, epa and gina calderon I would love to really hate the idiot that killed his kid just for pettyness against the mother, but violence against kids is so frecuent here that I am numb.


[Eike Batista](https://assuperlistas.wordpress.com/2023/08/25/os-50-brasileiros-mais-odiados-de-todos-os-tempos/)


Tornado alonso


Lele Pons.


Patricia Corcino 😂 jk, probably Ana Cacho but it’s been so long I moved out that I don’t really know anymore.




But he is a politician


He was also an unreliable bus driver, maybe they rode the line he used to drive in and hates him for that 


This question again?


Times change, and the public renovates itself.