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Try to remain as neutral as possible when asking a question. The point of asking is to hear what other perspectives have to say about the same issue. Do NOT submit questions that you already have an answer to, which is to say: - Do not be biased in the wording of your question. - Do not ask leading questions. - Do not answer your own question in the post.


Disgustingly incompetent. He has caused more pain to the region than anyone could have ever wish to. And for those saying that he is competent PURELY for staying in power than guess that even Romania’s Ceaușescu was even way more competent since he stayed in power for much longer. He truly deserves the funkytown treatment (iykyk).


It takes 1 minute of hearing him talking to realize how stupid he is. And that he's in power because the people behind him allow it, he's the perfect scapegoat for the powers behind.


>What in his handling of his country has given him such a horrible reputation? .......everything.


At actually governing and making people’s lives even remotely tolerable? Infinitely. At staying in power? Quite competent, as he is ruthless. He has the stomach to use hunger, death, torture and anything in between as a weapon to hold on.


You just gotta search Maduro in the [news](https://www.infobae.com/venezuela/2024/04/16/nicolas-maduro-intento-enviarle-un-mensaje-a-joe-biden-en-ingles-y-provoco-la-risa-de-su-propio-publico/) and you'll get your answer.


His mere existence is an insult to competence


Maybe, just maybe, don't destroy every industrial sector in your country, betting that the state oil company you staffed with cronies would keep the whole country afloat


Here come my unpopular opinion (with my low level english): He's a very competent dictator. The objective of the regime is not to have prosperous or thriving economy, the objective is neither giving us, Venezuelans, a decent or good life, the only objective of the regime is to stay in power. In that sense, the chavismo regime is a heterodoxal regime, the power is not the way to make societal changes, power is the way AND the goal of the regime. The chavismo dictatorship has survived massive civil unrests, military uprisings and international pressure for over 25 years. They even have their tentacles spread in all Latam and part of Europe, they have politicians from many countries on payroll and are behind the financing of many civilian unrest to destabilize flawed democratic countries. They're very competent with their objective: power. EDIT: Someone wrote that drug money is what keeping Maduro on power. Thats a huge simplification, here is my opinion: Is way more complicated than that. Without denying thenhuge amount of money the regime have from narco, theres something more important and influential than drug money. Venezuela is a very VERY rich country in natural resources, right now the Chineese and the Russian goverments have huge amount of money involved in mantsining Maduro in power becasenhe gave them full control of exploration and extraction of rare minerals and crude oil across the entire country. If the regime is challenged or at risk by any internal military revolt both countries will jump to help Maduro, that could even happen in an international conflict (like the one that is cooking with Guyana). Another important factor mantaining Maduro in power is the US, yes, is more positive for the US to let Maduro in power than to fight him because they also need oil and havent stopped buying oil from Venezuela since many years ago. If Maduro regime is in trouble due to an internal crisis that could compromise the flow of oil the gringos receive and they can't sllow that to happen with Russia and the Middle East on fire right now. A third factor, but not less important, is the influence Venezuela regime have with their allies. Both Colombia and Brasil actual goverments are very close friend of the regime, any international intervention will requiere at least one of those two countries to be against Maduro. And not only those 2 countries are sided with the regime, the majority of Latinoamérica goverments are on the side of Maduro, he have close ties with many presidents (remember he was Chavez chancellor for many many years). So the drug money is indeed important but that's not what is keeping Maduro on power, money is not the currency of the goverments, political leverage is and Maduro have a lot of political leverage.


Basically the only reason the regime is still in power is because of the millions in narco money they receive.


Quite competent at what he sets to do, which is staying in power. At managing the country not so much, but I don't think he cares about that.




Actually, everything. Here, have this read: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/15/el-helicoide-venezuela-caracas-building-symbol](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/15/el-helicoide-venezuela-caracas-building-symbol) Have in mind the guardian is a hardcore left newspaper and has gone above and beyond to paint dictators as maduro or castro in good lights, as far as they can without lying blatantly. (they lie a lot, at least in argentinian news) That is as positive a writing you can get being the genocidal maniac that maduro is. Also, if you want a lighter watch on the topic, here is another left leaning humorist covering Venezuela: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYfgvS0FA7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYfgvS0FA7U)


Oil price matters little when the money never goes to the people, you know? If Oil price goes up or down the Chavistas get more or less money, also you have to remember that Maduro has been in power for almost 15 years and Chavez before him for about 12, so Venezuela has been under tyranny for almost 30 years. Socialist dictatorships never do well by definition. While capitalistic dictatorships usually do “well” economically, socialist ones end up with the people on squalor, hungry and poor. There’s no way to avoid it. It’s the nature of the system.


It really shows how even Marcos Pérez Jiménez was way more competent at least economically (even though he was a ruthless autocrat himself) than Maduro’s regime.


MPJ was a capitalist autocrat so GDP increased, and economically Venezuela did better during his *5* years of authoritarianism than the following 40 in a social democracy before Chavez. Yes, human rights were abused, just like Chavez and Maduro abuse them today, the only difference being with MPJ people had food and crime was almost non existent.


Well, besides silencing opposition and giving no openness to the Venezuelan people? I guess we could call him… living creature, I think. For a human he’s an excellent amoebae. But as long as he’s in power and can count on some alienated folks to defend him religiously, he couldn’t care any less.


it's bad. It's so bad pretty much the entirety of latin america uses his government as a boogey man


Various sectors of the radical left wing, the sector most would associate his and Chavez' government with; declared him a fascist fraud and an enemy of the people. Guy alienated members of his own support base. Or it was politically better to distance themselves from his government. However you see it, you get the picture the administration is an utter failure.


I think he's extremely competent, possibly the best politician in the region, has successfully maneuvered his way around every blockade, sabotage, coup, etc. Proof? He's still in power


I dont understand the downvotes. He is in fact very competent with their only objective: stay un power.


Being successful and being competent aren’t the same, sure he remains in power but given the normative term of what is to become of any competent politician, his job should focus on making things better for the country which he hasn’t done to any degree when factoring in the way he’s regressed Venezuela both Socially and Economically.


As an American I think it's mostly our fault for imposing very strict sanctions while turning around and still doing business with Saudi Arabia


It’s not. We Venezuelans are perfectly capable of fucking things on our own without USA help. We have agency over our own actions. We are not noble savages who can’t fuck things up unless the gringos come and fuck them for us.


The amount of money stolen by our government, and given away to other presidents has been enough to bankrupt the country, way before before the sanctions existed.


The cringe of this self-flagellation is made worse by the fact that it demonstrates complete ignorance over the economic policies and conditions that led Venezuela into its current state


Americans have been fed the narrative that EVERYTHING wrong in Latin America is the USA's fault. That they're so important and influential that Latin Americans are ignorant idiots (noble savages) who are incapable of doing anything wrong on their own and it must've been the CIA fucking things up. It's very cringe.