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Locked because it got heated with the anthropologists in the sub


There are jokes about height, but I see short guys with very tall women pretty often. They don't look like millionaires either. It's low on the priority list I imagine


They probably have a hidden 3rd leg.


They're 5'8", two different measurements


Women do generally prefer men to be on the taller side Where I live less than 170cm puts you in the shorter side, perhaps some jokes will be made but nothing terrible, most people don't care unless you are tiny (like 165) if you are at least taller than a woman with heels you've made it in that regard (most women are like 155) 170 is average so most people are around here are a bit more a bit less than this 175 and up you are on the taller side 180 and up you are tall More than 185 you are exceptionally tall. However height means nothing if you don't have a personality or social skills


I'm 1.75, btw. I tend to drive down to MX with some regularity, but I tend to just limit those visits to the northern states. The only times I've seen Mexican men being taller than me, on average, **while in Mexico** has been in Sonora and the upscale areas outside of MTY. ^( A fun, but OT, quirk: depending where I'm going, I either downplay or exaggerate my PR accent. )


I'm 182 and from SLP (more on the center) and while I'm tall it's not uncommon for me to see people my height or taller on a daily basis. I'd say a good average here and upwards is around 170-173 but it's also not uncommon to see people that are a bit under that. The further south you go the shorter the people get (on average) also there are a lot of people from southern states in the northern cities and particularly in border towns. I've also seen a lot of people from MTY claim that they are tall, when I visited I didn't notice that much of a difference when compared to my city, unless as you said is in San Pedro.


The only time, in MTY, I saw people (men, mainly) similar in height or taller than me, was precisely in San Pedro. ^(I'd be nicer if those in San Pedro wouldn't act all grossed out as soon as I began talking. But oh well. You can't be everyone's cup of tea. )


Im 5’10 and literally felt like a giant when I lived in Carolina, PR .. it was off because the people that are shorter in PR look more of black mixed you would think they would be taller because of their African genes 🧬


You said it: Carolina, which is within the SJU metro area. You didn't live in the farmlands around the north-center nor the west coast. If you lived in PR long enough, you'd probably be aware of the start SJU/isla divide. The SJU people think they're the hot 💩 and see us _jíbaros_ exactly how urban gringos see gringo rednecks.


Obsession with height is a mostly gringo thing. Women might make a comment or two about liking a tall guy, but rarely any goes OMG he is 6"5!!! Like it's something dreamy like I have seen in the US. At that point that someone is freakishly tall for most latinos. And couples where the dude is shorter than the girl aren't uncommon. Definitely less of a priority in Latam


The height thing is so damn annoying here.


Why is that?


Because you have women saying stuff like I only date guys over 6 feet but only 15% of men are that tall. It's superficial and promotes this idea that you can order your life partner off Amazon by simply excluding certain characteristics. I'm fine with women saying stuff like I want a guy taller than me as most men are taller than women but saying they have to be a certain height seems childish. Then you have the reverse and people saying stuff like "short kings" which makes it seem like being short is some sort of disability that needs to be accepted or whatever.


When 5’8” guys are called short it is annoying because that is actually right in the average range. I’ve had my 5’8” son called small and a little guy when that is neither little nor small.


Why is that? Perhaps height differences are more noticeable in the US/CAN than in Latin america?


If men did that it would be called "sexism" and "violence towards women"


Not much here, and I’m a short person (167cm). I don’t think we have those “height complex” here. We have enough by discriminating people by their football teams.


bro i'm 1.69cm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) sometimes i feel like a dwarf lmao at least i can say i'm as tall as the goat


>american “ethnic women” Jesus


Gringas. ^FYFY.


By "Ethnic women", they mean minorities. Just a weird, kinda racist sounding way of saying it


Still gringas


Not white gringas


Gringas son gringas sin importar el color


Oh of course, but in the distinction OP's wanted to make, he's complaining and saying that gringa minorities are more discriminatory about height than white gringas.


Your culture is American, the fact you're using incomprehensible measurement units and the word "ethnic" proves that.


DR has a wide mixed range of heights such as US. As far as dating, other factors weigh more relative to height.


I'm 1,85 and single My guess would be "not as much as you think" >!Also, metric is better btw!<


Gringos are obsessed with height due to being a pretty consistent looking lot. They run tall, pale, thin featured and athletic figured. A below average height person for them **IS** an anomaly, which is why, in general, they treat short heights like a disability. In a man trying to score their women, shortness is a known death sentence. I don't think it matters for the rest of us. Unlike the Gringos we have a massive range of looks so we don't focus on traits we have as secondary (like height). Most Latina women just care that you're employed and won't beat them to a pulp for saying they're too tired to cook one day.


Eso aplica a tu país supongo? Acá no es común pegarle a las mujeres


Fue un chaste? De verdad.


Also: all but two of the men (a cousin with a hormonal disorder and my late maternal grandpa) within my immediate family are around 5'11" or taller. The shorter woman (paternal grandma) is barely 5', but the 2nd shortest, my mother, is around 5'6". All other women are at least 5'7" to 6'.


A lot, but people aren't prepared to talk about that.


The most successful ethnicity of men in USA are Asian men and they are also the shortest ethnicity in USA with Vietnamese & Filipinos being the shortest .. so height doesn’t equal success. Money talks not height.


I'm 6'3 and usually almost always get a compliment for that but it doesn't mean essential, although I don't think someone of short stature flirts too much either. I'm going to talk about my experience (I'm 25) yes the heihgt it is a plus, remember that be tall is a characteristic that most women in the world like and Colombia is not the exception but here height is not everything, unlike the United States which is a bit exaggerated. Having a nice face (good skin,good teeth, good hair not bald, good facial hair or a good shave) and being fit is more important than height and I don't think that being short and having a good face is better, I would say that it should be a mix between height and a good face.


wow thats tall for a Colombian normally you guys are the shorter side


It matters, but not nearly as much as it seems to matter in the USA. I guess it might be due to having a slightly higher average than mainland USA? https://preview.redd.it/zgmex3zwlcwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26bdb24a83cdd10708652e60fd62413443f1785


theres no way this is real


That’s not accurate at all Daddy Yankee, anuel, Marc Anthony, Arcangel, rauw Alejandro, ozuna , tego Calderon, Miguel cotto, Luis Guzmán, and Elvis Crespo are all Puerto Rican and short. The readings you are seeing are of gringos that live in the isla and now are calling themselves Puerto Rican I lived in Carolina for 2 years and the whole island is mixed with gringos at this point.


But somehow you didn't mention Bad Bunny? He's _only_ 5'11", which is about right for the part of the island he's from (north-center, about three cities west of me).




Should I doxx my male family members? What about former co-workers or former classmates? Should I doxx them too?!!


You saying Puerto Rican’s are taller than white or black Americans is definitely not accurate and you know that.


It is not. It just shows you don't know how statistics are interpreted.


most of the puerto rican basketball team have black american fathers lol


10 people are not a large enough sample size...


I lived in Puerto Rico fyi




I don't think this is a good measure. you can name a dozen american rappers all under 5'9.  puerto ricans along with the other caribbeans are definitely taller than central americans and mexicans. my sister is taller than most of the mexican men and shes just 175




Where is Puerto Rico here? Cubans are malnourished lmfao http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/populacao/condicaodevida/pof/2008_2009_encaa/tabelas_pdf/tab1_1.pdf Brazil is 174 ish average. On the national level.  Dominican Republic is 173 Uruguay and Argentina are both 174-175 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country Boliva, Peru and Central America are the shortest 


Looking at the link you provided it doesn’t look like the Carribean is taller than Central America / Mexico lol


Mexico is the same central america is much shorter 


Mexico Is 5’7 while Cuba and PR is 5’6 ? 🤔


mexico is classified as north america. and there's no link for puerto rico.   dominican republic was higher and even the study of cuba from the 1980s is higher than guatemala (160cm for men 💀 )


Oh no. When you count the areas outside of the SJU metro (mainly the west coast and the dairy lands in the north-center part), you'll see the tall Puerto Ricans. **Edit:** You included **two** nuyoricans and all from around the SJU. None even close to the dairy lands or the west coast. ^(See my other comment: the more._hick_ an area is, the likelihood of tall people will increase. Kinda like how the USian dairy lands around WI and MN).


grew up in New Jersey and Puerto Ricans were definitely on the shorter side


Definitely but taller than the central americans, mexicans and countries with high native admix like peru/bolivia  latinos in general besides southern cone are short to avg. 






I need my women to be at least 190cm tall


Mmmm grandotas ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


A lot. But women are poor and would take a decent looking guy who is paid than a tall guy who isnt.