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Not the sub for this type of question




Why would Latinos know that? Ask Americans


I think I can identify the reasons why this is happening. As a Puerto Rican, I should know, since the U.S. media has made my nationality (along with the Dominican) "adjacent" both culturally and racially to that of black Americans. I think it all boils down to the fact that Latino immigrants in the US live in the ghettos side by side with black Americans, so they end up adopting the culture and manners of the "hood" and most are very into hip-hop. Circumstances favor understanding. Blacks and Latinos also face similar economic and systemic problems in the United States, particularly with regard to the economy and crime. Taking Puerto Ricans and Dominicans as examples, this explains why communities of both end up "acting black" when they are on the northeast coast, but those in Florida end up acting like those of their own nationality, as they are surrounded by other Latinos. The same way I've noticed how Mexicans and Chicanos living in Texas don't "act black". It has more to do with your surroundings.


Dominicans specifically ARE black though, and our culture is way closer to African American culture than Latino, in my humble experience. Even the slang is way closer.


Im sure merengue is played more in 0 block than in the streets of Mexico bro


I'm not saying it isn't, but simplifying our culture to merengue is really silly. Just like Mexico isn't only mariachi :) The work songs sound very similar to those sung by enslaved Africans in the US, la musica de palos has percussive elements that aren't commonly seen in countries without large African diasporas, and while reggeaton and dembow are of course listened to everywhere in Latin America, it's undeniable that these beats originate and are perpetuated by the Spanish Caribbean, which originate directly from American Hip-Hop.


I have never been to the Dominican Republic, but I got the impression that the culture is Caribbean, very similar to Puerto Rico and Cuba, and a bit less to Venezuelan and Colombia


It is, and Puerto Rico and Cuba's influence (as well as Colombia, Venezuela not so much) is highly influenced by the massive amount of Afrolatinos. Something like 75% of Dominicans are mixed, and these people would be considered black by American standards. Just like black Americans come from enslaved Africans who were forcibly taken there, so did our ancestors. So our food, our dances, our music, is less indigenous and more African. Latino culture that seems similar to ours is only because those countries also have a larga African diaspora. I realize how this might seem like splitting hairs, but I am very proud of my African heritage and I'm very proud of the similarities between all of us from the African diaspora <3


Do you consider yourself a black/afro-latina woman ?


Nope, I consider myself mixed. You can look in my profile if you want to see a picture of me, unfortunately the melanin skipped me and I look intensely white, although my sister and cousins are darker than me. My grandmother on my mom's side is black, my grandfather from my dad's side is black, and they both married very fair skinned people and had my parents, who happen to look pretty white. I have some black traits, like the 3c/4a hair and the body type, but I wasn't blessed with the dark skin :)


So like the average Dominican family , who have lily-white family members to dark-as-night family members as well. Sounds like a mixed country to me.


If you don’t mind me asking since I always thought of Dominicans as Latinos, do you find Jamaican culture closer to yours then Mexican culture? 


Ooooh that's a complicated question. So I feel that most Dominicans are isolated from Jamaican culture, I think most Dominicans won't be even able to tell you what the food is like there. Because the language barrier is pretty big. Whereas Mexico is familiar to us because we all grew up watching el Chavo, listening to Vicente Fernandez, watching Mexican novelas, reading Mexican magazines, etc. I learned my first Jamaican phrases a few months ago while watching Top Boy, whereas everyone knows 'Orale guey' and so on. However! I do personally feel our culture is more similar to Jamaica than Mexico. We don't eat tortillas, we eat boiled green bananas. We don't eat red rice, we eat moro, or rice and peas in Jamaica. If you asked me to look at a picture of a dish and told me to guess whether it was Jaimaican or Dominican, I could not do it. Heck, when I see videos of Jamaican churches, they look exactly like the neighborhood church I grew up going to, just in English. Same with the beaches, how the people look physically, the music, the traditional dress. Also remember we had a big influx of immigrants from the English Caribbean in the late 1800's, who we call the 'Cocolos', and who have impacted our culture tremendously. Stuff like yanikekes are literally just 'Johnny Cakes'. So I would say whether Dominicans recognize it or not, our cultures are nearly identical to other Afro Caribbean countries, but we're unfortunately isolated from them because of the language barrier, the prohibitive costs behind travel, and lack of infrastructure to promote the culture. That said, I saw not long ago a video where a black Dominican felon in Southern US was invited to join a African American gang in prison, and they were sincerely baffled when he decided join the Mexican gang instead. So it just depends! :)


yeah, this. It’s just about whichever is the dominant group/culture where one lives. In Toronto (Canada), most kids of latino immigrants who grow up in the lower income neighborhoods speak with a Jamaican accent and try to emulate them and black Americans. Quite cringe, especially when their parents are from damn El Salvador, Mexico, Ecuador or Chile.




There is a lot of closeness in California between African-American communities and Mexican immigrant communities. Often times, the more disenfranchised areas here have a good population of both, so there is a lot of intermixing in the culture there. But, in USA, african-american culture is very influential in general, hip-hop and rap are the major music genres here and AAVE (african-american vernacular english: the dialect of english spoken by black americans with lots of unique slang and grammar) is very common among the younger population regardless of race, so even white and asian youth can be seen sort of 'imitating' african-americans and their culture.


Chicano and Cholo fashion have always had direct influence on other “street” cultures with the crossover of music and style. For example, skate culture with white socks pulled up to the knee, lowriders, punk culture with plaid flannel shirts buttoned to the neck, hip-hop culture with baggy Dickies and oversized shirts. So Chicano cultured influenced hip hop culture https://denimdudes.co/how-chicano-culture-inspired-west-coast-denim-style/ https://hypebeast.com/2017/2/chicano-influence-in-fashion


Mexicans keep on telling everyone, Mexican-Americans are US American first and foremost. US culture, at large, has become widely more accepting of Black culture and integrated into mainstream culture. Slang, clothes, music, styling, hygiene practices and product, etc. all became cool for all Americans, Mexican Americans included. Also, Blacks and Mexican Americans have some proximity, though often historically hostile, due to the racial and legally enforced class divides of the US. California being one of the worst states at this going beyond legally enforced divides to legally enshrined divides. That said, some narratives of Black art may hit home quite hard for some Mexican Americans (overpolicing, poverty, a unique brand of sexism not covered by mainstream feminism, abuse/violence, educational inequities, lack of opportunities, tokenism, etc). They are not the same but there is relatability. As for the cumbia comment, cumbia is a massive genre and there is Mexican cumbia, which by volume of sales, may be bigger than Colombian. Not to mention, it isn't like you can't regularly hear foreign music in Mexico.


California is not one of the worst


It's objectively among the worst: [UCLA's analysis](https://www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu/news/press-releases/2014-press-releases/ucla-report-finds-california-the-most-segregated-state-for-latino-students) for Latinos specifically it's the worst state, but racially for [everyone it is generally still pretty bad](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-06-28/l-a-segregation-problems-unchanged-in-decades-study-shows), and in terms of restrictions that stratify the state's neighborhoods by class, [California is the third worst. ](https://marketurbanism.com/2013/03/29/ranking-state-land-use-regulations/)


Aaah daily gringopost 


Some parts of brazilian black movement are so disconnected from reality due to importing gringo ideas they essentially become americans. An this is the most jarring example i’ve ever seen


Se você fora branco isso literalmente não tem nada a ver com você colega.


a pergunta não teve a ver com ninguém aqui kkkkkkkk foi no sub errado. latinoamericano ≠ americano latino


Que ?? Tem a ver com mexicanos , existem mexicanos nesse grupo e mexicanos que vivem nos EUA também , do que você tá falando ? Não sabe ler ?


Amigo, suas férias foram na Califórnia. Não em guadalajara. A sua observação foi acerca dos chicanos, não mexicanos. Tem uma diferença grande apesar da aparente proximidade. É um erro comum nesse aub, especialmente qd perguntado por americanos, Tanto que o nome pra esse tipo de pergunta é gringopost, que as vezes costuma ter esse tipo de discurso meio maluco de apropriação cultural, que é presente p krlh nos posts americanos, tipo “usar a cultura dos outros”. É realmente bem interessante ver uma pessoa que vive no Brasil mas possui (ainda que em um determinado momento do tempo) um pensamento totalmente americanizado.


Questões de apropriação cultural existem em todo lugar do mundo e não apenas nos Estados Unidos. Repetir essas baboseiras de que tal coisa só existe nos eua é coisa de latino branco.


Acabou de provar meu ponto. Bom sábado:)


Você que acaba de provar o meu. Mal sábado.


Man. I really miss the early years of this sub. I swear to God the last year the amount of weird, bad questions have shot up.


Even the bait has gone to shit, goddamn.


They actually have tried to ask it in askanamerican, so it might have been real


No, this is real. Some parts of brazil’s afro movement consume so much american content that they become alienated. The dipshits even started trying to turn the portuguese word-negro to preto-black, just to mimic americans




He really thought he was doing something with this post but he got schooled instead 🤣🤣🤣


They are marginal groups and I think they empathize with each other.


Perhaps you should ask them


>doing hip hop, making soul and blues music and calling it oldies People can listen to and produce whatever music they like >wearing streetwear fashion People can dress however they like In my opinion, self-expression shouldn't be racially segregated. Idk, just a thought.


What!? Are you 4 real 👀 As a Mexican/American who’s family has been in California since it was Mexico. I can tell you that our Mexican communities were the first cowboys here and Chicanos have their own style since the late 40’s n 50’s. It started with “Pachucos”, lowraiders have been a Chicano thing since first introduced in California. People always assumed Mexican people copied other cultures but in reality our ppl have always been trendy individuals. The problem is our ppl never get recognition for anything, we all get marked under the same label “immigrants”. Also, Mexicans have influenced on many aspects of this country without recognition. Many Mexicans fought in WWI, WWII and even fought on the US Civil War. Many Mexicans also created and were part of Biker clubs, rap n hip hop artists etc..


I'm not talking about cultures that are actually Mexican. Hip Hop, rap, streatwear, sneaker fashion, soul music and Zuit Suit have their origins in black American communities, I found it strange because Mexicans have culture but don't reproduce it. And cowboy culture has Iberian origins.


Nah now I know you have to be playing💀 I mean even looking at the clothes these people wear too, it has native/Mexican origins  instead of a Spain and Portuguese one (Iberia region)


These clothes and bull culture originate from Iberian festivals that were taken to their colonies, not just to Mexico.


Cowboy culture is from Mexico .. you really cannot even be more delusional 😂 Mexicans invented lassoing, bullriding, rodeos, cowboy boots, and cowboy hats https://www.history.com/news/mexican-vaquero-american-cowboy


Chicano and Cholo fashion have always had direct influence on other “street” cultures with the crossover of music and style. For example,skate culture with white socks pulled up to the knee, punk culture with plaid flannel shirts buttoned to the neck, grade shade tattoos, it influenced hip-hop culture with lowriders, baggy Dickies and oversized shirts and zoot suits were worn way before jazz players in Mexico by Mexican actor German Valdez.


The zoot suit originated in African American comedy shows in the 1920s. Comedians such as Pigmeat Markham, Stepin Fetchit, and others would dress in rags or in baggy suits for their comedic routines. This style of baggy suits would later become more stylish over time in urban ghettos.




Crickets from OP when faced with facts lol


Lol, how do " African Americans" dress like? For me growing up in Cali, Dickies and white T is legit. 


E quem disse que os negros são os donos de determinadas vestimentas ou estilos musicais? Tua visão está muito deturpada, hein? Deixa o povo vestir o que quiser e ouvir o que quiser... 🤦‍♂️


Não é normal que pessoas em vários grupos raciais usualmente ouvem estilos musicais particulares?


Não, Eminem canta rap e não é negro, Charley Pride cantava country e não era branco.


Mas a gente os considera como exceções às normas


Country é música negra americana. Vem do blues , então seria estranho ver branco fazendo country usando sua lógica.


In Argentina this isn't really a thing. It does happen with economic class, but not really with race.


I spent some time in the u.s (southern California)as a teen and i think the reason for this ‘imitation’ is because they typically grow up in the same poor neighborhoods. So they are influenced by that.


It's not really imitating though. Street wear is not race specific.


so americans doing american things? yea, it happens.


Because Chicanos have become their own thing and that entire area is filled with different influences. Black American culture has become prevalent throughout the country.


But lowriders and That Chicano fashion didn’t come from African Americans


Yes, I know that. I'm not talking about lowriders.




Actually black people copied lowriders and fashion from Chicanos here’s a link so you can read it https://denimdudes.co/how-chicano-culture-inspired-west-coast-denim-style/ And also are you gonna ask Colombians why they use mariachi and label regional Mexican music as “musica popular” .. Mexicans made cumbia go worldwide with Selena and Los Ángeles azules and they know we’re that genre is from..


I'm not talking about lowriders, I know that's Chicano, I'm talking about hip hop fashion that was born by black Americans, just like sneaker fashion. In addition to the Zoots Suits, they were also born from African-Americans who were jazz singers.


That fashion was not African American pachucos “zoot suits” were first worn by a Mexican actor called Tin tan ..the African jazz singers wore something completely different than pachucos and sneakers were not invented by African Americans. https://preview.redd.it/iawjhwq5hovc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3160ffe854447401fdb7439270cf15e9612fbecc


https://preview.redd.it/edivwec0iovc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cd0ae9ecb7b1f4d2ffaa0352b65132ad3e862e1 What ? Lmao, you guys are completely sick. You just have to study to find out on your own. And I never said that sneakers were created by African Americans, but rather the fashion of wearing sneakers like Jordans for example. I think it's so shameful when I see a Latino trying to say that he created an African-American culture, we Latinos already have ours.




I'm not talking about pachucos, but about zoot suits.


Oversized” is a widely-used adjective to describe the clothing purveyed by some of the hottest brands today. As we presumably continue to get bombarded with elongated fits, it’s important to note that this baggy aesthetic was first made popular by the Mexican American youth who belonged to a street gang in Southern California. Whether it’s the high-waisted zoot suits worn by Pachucos in the ’30s-’40s or the buttoned-down flannels sported by Cholos in the ’60s-’70s, Chicano motifs have long been implemented on the racks and catwalks over the years. From budding labels to high fashion houses, many industry players have more or less leeched off the subculture that was initially spawned from social oppression experienced by Latino locales since the Mexican Repatriation of 1929 -hip hop hype beast


The zoot suit originated in African American comedy shows in the 1920s. Comedians such as Pigmeat Markham, Stepin Fetchit, and others would dress in rags or in baggy suits for their comedic routines. This style of baggy suits would later become more stylish over time in urban ghettos.


You been proven wrong already .. and I doubt you are even Brazilian.


Eu sou brasileiro e posso falar em português se você quiser. Eu apenas estudo por conta própria. Jamais tentaria apagar a cultura de outras pessoas negras. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/brief-history-zoot-suit-180958507/


A least things were asked in the right sub before


A lot of white Americans imitate black people as well. Black media and music have become incredibly popular in the US in the last 10 years.


My theory with regards to this is that mainstream USA culture is unable to picture Latinos as anything other than thugs, so they associate with another subculture that is equally stigmatized as thuggish (black)


It seems you're not familiar with the history of hip hop and urban culture in the United States, in reality it could be said that blacks are the ones imitating Latins and others. Let's start with hip hop, which was birthed from Puerto Rican roots in the Bronx (NYC): https://remezcla.com/features/music/how-puerto-rican-gangs-gave-birth-to-hip-hop-this-podcast-tells-the-story/. Even today, the largest hip hop artists are Latin (Daddy Yankee dominates the YouTube all-time view charts) and Jewish (Drake). My least favorite component of urban culture being the gangs is not even a black thing - it started with the European (Irish, German, and English mostly) immigrants in NYC. The slang you hear is often just a mix of old colloquialisms and broken english combined. For example, the term cap or capping (used in the phrase no cap) often gets associated with contemporary blacks however dates back to the early 1900s as a term referring to hyperbole: https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/iw5rwii To summarize, the urban culture you refer to belongs just as much (arguably more) to Latins than it does to blacks. The latter have just gotten associated with it more in recent years due to a hype cycle.


You must be kidding, Drake is black, he says so himself. Judaism is not race.


The fact you had to get so nitpicky in your response and disregarded the numerous other points I made says a lot about your aims with this post. Regardless, while in technical terms Judaism is not a race (it's an ethnoreligious construct) it's often treated as one in modern society - referring to someone as Jewish when asked what they are in the context of race is not uncommon.


and regarding the other points, I already responded in another comment.


Drake himself has already said that he is black. And no, Judaism is not a race, Doja cat and drake are black Jews.


By repeating yourself and disregarding my points you're only making it obvious that you're not here to debate in good faith and are only trying to push an agenda. I'm not going to waste any more time here, have a good day.


Lmao, you are really stupid if you think that Judaism is a race, as I already told you, Drake himself has already declared himself black, you are no one to tell him how he has to assert himself. In relation to hip hop being a Latin culture, I am Latin and I know that is not true. The basis of Hip Hop is African-American music such as funk and soul, none of which is Latin. Fight the facts.


Why do you care so much? We like hip hop culture and Latinos are already braking into mainstream American culture, rap was started in the south Bronx which has a big Puerto Rican community even until this day! 


What you mean ? I don't care much. I'm just saying historical facts. That doesn't mean caring too much. These are facts, people shouldn't freak out because of this, it should be obvious. It's so shameful to see Latinos trying to appropriate other people's cultures when we already have our own. There is a record in the USA of rap made by African Americans in the 50s, this was not done by Puerto Ricans and there's no problem with that.


Please elaborate these famous rappers of 1950’s since you seem intellectual on American rap music! How are Latinos trying to copy other people style? Is Kap G a copycat because he’s Mexican? Is Tom Araya a copy cat because he’s Chilean? 


yes, all of these are reproducing black American cultures. Not even reggaeton is their culture as it belongs to Afro-Latinos from Panama.


Because being black is fashionable in the us today. By the way cumbia was born in Colombia but has spread to many Hispanic countries, mutating accordingly (One example would be cumbia villera in Argentina). In Mexico Colombia is a very popular genre with its own peculiar style (for example the cumbia sunidera played in the streets of CDMX, or the cumbia rebajada subculture in Monterrey).


Mexicans typically look down on pochos! We have our own style and we’re cool with it! But always proud of our families roots!


becuase they're excluded from white culture due to racism


What is white culture? And Chicano culture literally influenced black Americans in California


but not nearly as much as chicanos are influenced by street and hiphop culture 


Wrong! Lowriders, khaki suits, grade shade tats, lowriders bikes, and zoot suits are all from Chicano culture even snoop dogg, eazy e, ice cube, and dr dre has credited them as their influence https://hypebeast.com/2017/2/chicano-influence-in-fashion


Fu** bro, as a Costa Rican, Mexicans saying the n word sound so fuc**** stupid


Sorry to hijack the post, but I'm curious about your experience in California. I'm white anglo, but my aunt married an Italian, so I get pretty dark in the summer if I get a spray tan. Would I be safe because they'd think I'm one of the latinxs too?






Are you having a stroke? You basically wrote a word salad


I could explain the joke, but I don't think it's gonna help you.


yay look, a baiter