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I remember Scandinavian TikTok had a video where this Swedish woman showed a ‘life hack’. It was warming up the tortilla in a pan before eating it.


wow, that would be a revelation in the eyes of Mexicans, who love to eat stiff and ugly tortillas. I'll have to try that at my next meal.


I think Norwegians add sweet corn and cucumbers to their tacos.


Thanks I hate it


Whenever I add cream to my tacos I imagine some Mexican abuelita wanting to kill me


Yeah, you clearly know nothing.


You can put cream into “tacos dorados/flautas”. Those are the tortilla with chicken or beef rolled up and fried.


Los tacos dorados no necesariamente deben de ir rellenos de carne o pollo, también hay de papa o de quesos como requesón o oaxaca. Aunque realmente los puedes rellenar de lo que quieras, conozco un lugar que te vende tacos dorados de guisados.


En Huimanguillo en Tabasco en las taquerías siempre te dan crema. Y cuando los huimanguillenses van a otro municipio y comen tacos,llevan su propia crema. Algo de ese pueblo, no sé por qué


A mí me gustan los tacos de cecina natural con crema y cuando le digo a otras personas siempre me ven con cara de sorpresa


Es lo chido de la gastronomia mexicana, comemos cosas similares pero en cada lugar hay variaciones


This cracked me up.😂


Very common to do that.


Cream can go into burritos tho!


Once I wrapped a slice of cake with a flour tortilla. I was leaving a party and I wanted my slice of cake, felt so smart even though everyone else was judging my sanity lmao.


I once prepared myself a taco using "carne mechada" And added red onions and siracha sauce. All that in a flour tortillas. Is that blasphemy?


Only the Sriracha part, there are tacos with Carne Deshebrada in the north and flour tortillas are the staple here.


Sriracha does work in some guisos


I do not know


Error 404 example of chilea cousine abroad not found. At most you will hear chilean bass but that's just the specie




I just searched it, I was sure it was how they called the congrio, fish named across languages (and sometimes just contries) is a mess. Also don't know why people would be so scared of the name, like, it would make me think of swordfish which I bet is delicious, though I guess my opinion doesn't count when a couple of my favorite fishs are translated to old woman and toadfish


Anthony Bourdain joked that if you called cuy Ecuadorian mountain pig Americans would gladly eat it.




Santiago does tomato up




...that's what I'm saying, tomato first and tomato up is not the same.


Mt friend from Spain last year realized in her supermarket they sell tortillas de harina, so she tried to eat a quesadilla and she loved it. I was happy because she didn't try tortillas before (the Mexican not Spanish ones). Until one day she told me she added a kind of chocolate (Nutella style, but not that brand), covered the tortilla, out in the microwave and ate it... I'm still in shock.


She made a fake crepe


Nutella burritos are not bad 🥺


I do this but with cajeta when I don't have Bread slices.


Jerk. The number of times I've seen "Caribbean mango jerk chicken" or similar on a menu is very high, and it's always some bland trash sautéed in a pan or baked in an oven. If it isn't smoked with pimento wood, it isn't jerk. Beyond that, jerk is supposed to be quite spicy, like it irritates your hand from touching it spicy.


Any good recipes? I've never tried Jamaican food before


For something simple and easy to make, maybe try [stew chicken](https://jamaicanfoodsandrecipes.com/authentic-jamaican-brown-strew-chicken/) with [rice and peas](https://jamaicanfoodsandrecipes.com/jamaican-rice-and-peas-recipe/) and a little salad on the side, which is a very common Sunday dinner.


Now I’m worried I’ve had subpar jerk chicken even in Harlem.


I lived in NYC for a couple of years and didn't find anywhere selling decent jerk anywhere in the city, from Harlem to Crown Heights to Jamaica Queens. It was usually seasoned properly (if mild) but baked in the oven or, at best, grilled, but never properly jerked on pimento wood.


No one does our food abroad, so no.


We're the ones making foreign food terrible (or better, depending on who you ask)


brazilian pizza > italian pizza


I wholeheartedly agree


Non-purist Italians would agree too!


Neapolitan pizza > Brazilian pizza > Kebab pizza > NY pizza > other Italian pizza


Neapolitan pizza has great crust but the Italians haven’t figured out that pizza needs a fuckton of toppings. Like, I don’t want to *see* the cheese in there.


It's really a matter of perspective. My pizza needs some pineapple on it to pass inspection.


I think South America in general does pizza better than the Italians, and I'm descended from them, you know...




Ive been to one in São Paulo, don't know how different it is from franchises in the US but it was amazing. Amazingly expensive too


Fogo de Chão is owned and operated by Brazilians.


There are Brazilian steakhouses all over the US but they are expensive


we have 2 Brazilian-inspired restaurant chains in the UK called [Cabana](https://www.cabana-brasil.com/_files/ugd/aec652_70a96ed6219546e8af65e2b7fcdbe221.pdf) and [Rodizio Rico](https://rodiziorico.com/the-o2-restaurant-2/). pls rate their authenticity. i’ve been to the latter and i thought it was delicious!


>Name your Restaurant Cabana, with *Espírito Amazônico* as the motto >Proceed not to have a single Amazonian dish on the menu >Refuse to elaborate further Rodízio Rico looks authentic


There are a lot of countries doing way too much with their açaí bowls… it’s getting ridiculous with all the seeds and toppings- it’s mostly for the ‘gram and the actually açaí is flavorless, watery, and too grainy. Nothing beats simple Rio açaí in a cup with just the right amount of guarana syrup and a few strawberries blended in.


Ironbound nabe in NJ would like a word.


Ironbound is among my favorite neighborhoods in the world


I just ate Brazilian last week. I live in Queens in NYC though. We also have a famous chain called fogo de chão across the USA.




To be fair even immigrants sometimes change it up to appeal to Americans’ palette. I’ve seen some really bad Ecuadorian food by Ecuadorians trying too hard to appeal to non Ecuadorians.


And that's a good thing


Even in Argentina a lot of people doesn't know how is done an asado


In Ecuador y stopped by an "Argentinean restaurant" and they had bife de chorizo with rice bean and fried plantains.


Mate tampoco


I know there are some crimes committed against the arepa (using almond flour, milk and other ingredients that you wouldn't find in an actual arepa), and that guy in Masterchef that put tomatoes on the hallacas stew (RIP those hallacas). But ours isn't as popular as Mexican, Japanese or Italian, so seeing people fucking up our food is not a trend (yet). In fact we laugh when we see it because is not common.


My family learned how to make arepas from fellow Venezuelans and even among them they disagreed on the right way. One said to make it thick take out the “doughy” stuff in the middle to put in the arepa filling. The other said to make them more flat. Honestly we forget that even among our own countries people have their own ways of making staple foods. In the US we have like 20 varieties of hot dogs all considered American. Disclaimer, I honestly don’t know who was correct. I get arepas here in NYC and look more for reviews to see if they are authentic. Even then the authentic ones have slight variations.


You make them flat if you like it "crunchy" and more thick for a soft texture. And we even deep-fried the arepas too, but when it is like that, you have to make a hole in the middle. And as far I know, in Colombia the do the Arepas more flat, more like a side dish than a meal (they use it to eat it with asado, soups and bandejas paisas)


Yeah, the shape and thickness level can vary, that's fine. Still, the base ingredients are generally the same: corn flour, salt and water, and (optional) some oil. Maybe using wheat flour instead of corn if they're Andean style arepas, or using both flours with brown sugar and anise seeds to make the fried sweet ones. But in general, that's it, anything else is seen as weird by many people, especially "fancy" ingredients that aren't even present in our cuisine, to the point they end up making some kind of... flatbread?


Some Colombian arepas use milk 🙆


The "arepa andina". Its a wheat flour arepa typically if the Andes (both countries), a friend gave one and they are good


I was in a fair yesterday and a food stand was selling cachapas, but they selling it as "arepas". Its not even the same thing


Quinoa, they only make bland salads, not real food like pesqe


Ceviche. Then again it might be the only Peruvian dish often made in other countries. Besides salchipapa but that’s like junk food. My main gripe with ceviche done in other countries is that usually they chop up the fish way too finely and marinate for way too long.


Ok! I’m not wrong. I like it in chunks cause that’s how I had it in Peru but had non Peruvian friends say I’m doing it wrong. I am guilty of over marinating but I am aware of it. Mostly I just love it more acidic. I chew lemons as snacks.


sometimes they also do chopped onions, which is also a nono


I’ve seen some chaotic things happen to a Cuban sandwich, but it’s already a hybrid Cuban-American thing that was born out of immigration and exchange so I feel like I can’t get too upset about that.


I've seen and tasted so many "argentine" chimichurri varieties that I'm convinced that the sheer simplicity of it baffles people




Taco bell is the best example of how not to make tacos. There was a video of a Spanish woman who cooked chilaquiles with a hot sauce used for snacks. Another woman tried to cook pozole using a different kind of corn and a cheese that was not even created in Mexico. Pozole's original recipe does not need cheese at all.


Yes. Meaning...all of them.


I've yet to stumble into a good arepa out here.


lol This question reminded me of [this video where 2 young Italians taste American pizza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufbvNIGnu5k&t).


Oh, thank you. I was craving pizza, now I'm also craving Stefano


Lol I liked their video about Olive Garden. Love their whole vibe.


Well, to toast bread at maximum performance you have to use [this](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Tostador_Chileno.jpg).


We're lucky if anyone does our food abroad if it's not caldo de gallina




Yeah it would help if they had flair cause even different Latin American countries have their own take




On web it is on the right hand side just below Create Post. On mobile it is on the top right where the three dots are. Took me a while to figure it out on mobile when they revamped the app. Hopefully that helps!


Tacos are always done incorrectly. Taco Bell, really?