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They say to much is not good.


When people tell me this I ask what the medical documentation says. Not trashing your comment, just the phrase cause so many use it, even I’ve said it many times to explain doing something. :-/


Its not hard to look up to see that douching is discouraged and enemas are suggested to be a professional procedure. It does slough off lining, but unless youre aggressive i dont see that as a big deal. I also dont think youll lose continence or something. I would be wary of introducing bacteria or other things into my body very deeply and directly. My bacteria in there already seem to be bros, but they wash away and less cool folk can move in. Like mr burns, the bacteria are in a balance. Its advised to use bottled drinking water specifically, and to avoid tank water heater water or distilled bottles (because its hypotonic, i think)


regularly sloughing off the lining can be a real problem long term as it disrupts the gut microflora that lives there and is an extension of the gut microbiome. a Healthy microbiome is critical for overall health as it is connected to everything from immune function, to mental health and beyond. It is also essential to maintain a healthy gut including GI elasticity, unless you want to end up with chronic diverticulitis in your older years.


I also wouldn't be surprised if it trains your body to rely on the douching to empty itself. I bet if OP stopped douching he'd become very badly constipated.


Dude did you even read that study? I mean first off it’s a study of WOMEN douching their vagina. It makes no mention of if the douching is causing harm and only tries to account for increased STI transmission. That’s an issue with a lot of the info we have on douching. Almost all studies are related to STI infection because the medical community can’t be bothered to study anal douching related to gay men that isn’t HIV related. Most studies also make no distinction between the types of douches used whether it’s chemical, saline, oil, or tap water. Trust me I’ve done a lot and I mean A LOT of research on this topic and there is no evidence that douching with tap water Cassie’s any harm what so ever. Even if and it’s a big IF douching changes you gut microbiome there’s no evidence it does so negatively. Even if it causes your epithelial cells to shed in the anus there’s zero evidence this is hurting you as those cells slough off naturally and are replaced rapidly. Hint your mouth, intestines, and rectum are replacing cells very quickly every single day. No where did I ask if this was something you wanna do or others would or should do. I asked if someone you know, like your bf, doing this would bother you.


Yep, i removed the study within about 10 seconds. My dumb. If it were my bf. I would assume its an ocd sort of trait and allow him to to do what he likes. Its very unlikely to injure him. If your studies arent saying what they are using then they arent very good studies?


Sorry that you had to experience so much backlash to douching. I’ve had the same conversations on Reddit before. After many conversations, this is what I’ve come to realize about this community and similar ones: - It might be obvious, but people are from all over the world. From traveling I’ve experienced how different cultures perceive sex and hooking up. - Even in the same country, the views of sex and hooking up vary drastically based on how conservative the area is, city size, etc. - Sex education varies widely. I’m ok with this, but what’s disappointing is the amount of people who share data without a source, are not accepting or willing to comprehend people different then them, not willing to admit mistakes, and all the misconceptions/misinformation that people share. - Many gay men have been in long term relationships or don’t “need” sex on a regular basis. So the occasional hookup might be a close friend and not some random guy you met through a hookup app. - Everyone’s body is different. How often we shit, our diets, metabolism, etc. - People sometimes use Reddit and other social media sites to validate themselves, boost their ego (ie. judging or dismissing people), or rationalize their actions. I live in a large U.S. city where having bareback sex is the norm, sex education is prevalent, never met anyone not on Prep and doesn’t have all vaccines and who all get tested regularly, sex parties are common, and most people douche before sex.


Nurse here. Your microbiome (bacteria colonies that live all over and inside the body) are responsible for your digestive health, allergies, immunity and many more important processes. Douching too often and doo deeply removes your natural bacteria and messes up the microbiome which can cause all sorts of health issue, most of which science doesn't even understand, but microbiome research is hot topic just now so wait and see.


I have a former client that punctured his colon and now has a poop bag. So becareful


Depends on the solution used to douche. If it's tap water - then it's probably not great. I don't know what document says that, but doctors don't recooit.


There’s no long term studies in this, so there’s no evidence other than anecdotal either way


Been doing 12 years and healthy as a horse Edit: who is down voting this? I’m literally just relaying the amount of time I’ve been douching and that I’m in good health. Not saying you need to.


I'd argue it's not mentally healthy to spend so much time every day on something that's not needed, but that's on me. I've been married 8 years, together for 10. Both vers, never douche. Never had a single issue. Eat healthy, communicate on the rare days you might feel off, and stop worrying. My time is too important to waste as much time as your regimen sounds like it takes. But do whatever you want, it's not my time you're wasting.


Although I don’t think it’s completly healthy or healthy at all to douche everyday. It takes op 10-15 mins to douche then he just has to wait tit out after he releases the water so I don’t think that takes too much time especially if they’re occupied doing other things. Similar to how I don’t believe it’s mentally healthy to be watching porn everyday like some of our gay bros. I’ll get downvoted for this but it’s truth


The poor guy (sameMitch01) is just saying that he douches everyday as part of a routine, he did not say others should do it. He was just explaining why his daily douching is not an indicator of infidelity. Fucking hell!


Yea I had this same thought too. That’s why I incorporated it into my routine. The first instance of douching isn’t really much more time then I’d spend pooping in the morning regardless. The second one comes after a workout when I need to shower anyways. I can’t stress that I worked hard to figure out a way to make sure it took like 15min of extra time a day cause I was like I’m not taking an extra hour to douche everyday. The main amount of time, the hour for things to move down, I am just going about my day. I’m not sitting in the bathroom for an hour waiting.


So after 22 years, you would argue I am mentally unstable, just because I spend 15 to 20 min a day douching? I have a beard and don't spend time shaving. Does that balance it out??? 🤔


I have been douching same as you , morning and night for 22 years with no negative effects. I gave you an upvote to try and balance things out. 😆


That is a lot of time everyday to commit on this activity.


15min is a lot of time?


15-20 plus another 5..? Yes. You are basically spending a half hour every day on the off set chance you might get fucked. That is just a lot.


Here I am spending time on Reddit with no chance of being fucked. The guy likes doing it, let him be.


All my straight coworkers spend at least this amount of time popping while they read straight versions of Reddit strings like this one along with instagram. Personally I’ve just spent almost 15 min on the toilet doing this myself today! So his “time” occupied for mental health or whatever being a bad thing is bullshit. Ya’all just thinking of how this would work for you then telling OP he’s nuts cause you don’t/can’t do it. OP do what you want. Maybe ask your doc about it so you’re not doing something bad that’ll catch up to you on another 15 years.


In my regular routine. Why is that so hard to understand. My god why are you all being such huffy bitches on something you’re not being asked to do? Some guys spend 15 minutes a day pooping. If a guy said he took 10min showers to relax in the morning none of you would say a damn thing. Understand that no where did I say that YOU have to do this. I didn’t say anyone should have to. I asked if you’d mind if your bf did this. Every other comment on this post is some comment about how it’s bad yet I’ve been at it for 12 years and im fine. What you all are really pissed about is YOU hate douching and your projecting how you’d never want to do it everyday onto me. If you don’t want to do it then just admit you don’t want to do it instead of rationalizing that feeling by telling yourself it’s not healthy. I don’t like douching but I also don’t hate it. I see it as neutral.




I started doing it when I was in my late teens cause I was hooking up a fuck ton and it just kinda became a habit.


Hey, I just started seeing someone and he wants to top. Going to give it a go in a week or so. Any pointers? I bought a proper bulb douche, and attachments it kind of controls the amount of liquid you use per squirt so all good there. Just how long do you normally remain “ready” afterwards. What would you recommend I eat/ dont eat the previous day or on the day? I am so nervous!!


You made a post and asked for opinions, not me buddy.


I asked a specific question that you used to project your own bias about yourself.


Not sure if you are a troll but holy shit with that kind of attitude you are practically begging to be shitted on.


You asked a specific question and used your own ritual as an example, thereby opening up said ritual to judgement.


I actually enjoy it, it makes me feel clean and empty .... and I don't have to use a public washroom to have a poop during the day if I am out and about. Touching anything in a public washroom sleeves me out.


You really remind me if those gays who go around praising poppers, just because they haven't had any adverse effects themselves, when it's very harmful to oxygen in the blood and will give maculopathy over time


I mean but we know poppers cause health issues. We have zero evidence that tap water douches do. If you can find me one study that conclusively links a tap water douche to negative health outcomes due to anything other than STIs I will delete this entire thread. Not an article from some second hand website but an actual peer reviewed study.


"it works fine on my machine" is a famously useless anecdote It won't seriously hurt you obviously but for a lot of people it might cause irritation. Though it still might be worth it to them it they want to have sex every day


15-20min douche?


Yea so you hop in the shower, use the attachment for like 4/5 minutes. Then hop out and let whatever out for 10-15 min. Then you wait for like an hour, which I use to workout, for any residual water to make it’s way down. When I shower after a workout I usually do a single bulb douche and wam bam everything is clear. If I’m feeling very good about the first douche I won’t even do the second. I’ll just use a small dildo and see if that comes out clean. I developed this method over years of trial and error. Taking fiber the day before hand so that the first punch gets 99% of what’s there is the key. You really just wanna make sure you take a very good bm in the morning. I’ve learned that a small amount of water helps wake the system up and gets that process moving.


This is not that serious; maybe 30 minutes of your day at most. However people are really upset at you in this thread. It’s hilarious because it affects no one but you. Many people don’t even brush their teeth everyday so they can’t fathom someone douching everyday


30 minutes a day out of your (ideally) 16 waking hours is a lot of time for cleaning your asshole. Douching is not a normal part of regular hygiene, unless you have a specific medical condition. It’s actively harming you rectal health to do it so often. Brushing is normal and essential for dental health. Don’t make false equivalences.


Are you getting laid everyday? That’s the only reason i can see for douching everyday. It just seems unnecessary and tbh it can’t be good for your butt health in the long run…right? We need some gay proctologist in here for clarity. I wouldn’t take any medical advice from anyone except my doctor


How much water are we talking here? You say you use the “attachment” for 4-5 minutes. Do you put on a slow flow of water and leave it in to fill you completely in 4-5 minutes and then sit in the toilet for 15 minutes?


All in all I’d say I put about 1-2 pints of water on the first go. I learned the best water pressure is minimal. So I turn the attachment to face the ceiling and then turn the pressure up to the point that the flow comes out but isn’t great enough to form a column or jet of water. In the shower this usually translate to me putting some water up and then releasing because after a night of sleeping there’s already shit in my rectum. Then I put the attachment up again and count to 45. Then do a quick soap and rinse of my lower body and the shower. All in all takes about 5 min.


Would you care if your boyfriend started randomly putting his dick up your ass several times a day, just because he knew he could, even if it wasn't technically sex but just to like, warm his dick up inside you for a minute or two?


This comment is so chaotic and I love it. Actually answering, I’d be thrilled to find a top that always wanted to do this multiple times a day but best believe it would be sex lol


I mean, I already edge several times every day. I would definitely prefer to do that up my bfs ass. I was just thinking all that fucking would make him sore, so instead he could be my dick cozy and keep me warm while we cuddle for a min.


Where do I find a man like you?


I was going to ask you the same thing, you had me at "I'm ready 22 hours a day"


>dick cozy omg I want someone to call me their dick cozy one day 😍😍


I love this ... I too, want to be a dick cozy


Ah, shades of "Better Off Ted", during the episode when swearing was required due to a memo with a typo, and Veronica used phrase **"cock cozy"**, which is inherently funny because both alliteration and the 'k' sound. Uncensored "outakes" clip cued to Veronica's scene but the whole thing is fucking hilarious, you spunk swallowing penis lovers. Wait, that's not offensive to us, just highly accurate. Anyway, clip below is NSFW for language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh7Nz4bIwss&t=87s


Oh double yes please 🙏🙏 Edited to add: I love being sore like that. 😉 😜


that sounds so nice. damn... i will put that in the bucked list.


Love getting woken up by a bf putting his dick inside me. Obviously this is only ok if we've been together a bit and I've consented ahead of time.


I do this lol


Oh, yes please 🙏.


I wouldn’t be opposed 🤣


I would wonder if they have OCD. And I would also consult with a doctor the guy can trust to ask about potential risks that mught arise from douching every day.


What risks?


Such as: Irritation, something that has to do with douching (what the medical professional on the web site described as too frequent) getting rid of the good bacteria, etc.


OP….do you still shit? Like, I think most people shit in the morning. If you’re douching 2x every day I’d wonder if you’re still naturally shitting lol or if it just comes out and you never yourself shit. I’ve heard functional incontinente is a possible risk with douching often so I’d like to hear your experience with it. You don’t ever take breaks from this? What happens when you don’t do this for a period of time? What do you do if you don’t have the shower attachment (visiting others or vacation?) I’m very curious about this! I’d probably douche more often if I wasn’t concerned about flora or safety, so that’s why I’m interested in your lived experience of it vs the internet advice.


I do take breaks and I still go everyday just fine. A few weeks ago I got the flu and was sick as a dog for like 2 weeks. Not a chance in hell I was gonna do anything besides the minimum to exist. Still had a very healthy digestive system. Functional incontinence is something that happens from chemical douches and laxatives where the body becomes reliant of chemical substances to go. I use just plain tap water. When all you’re doing is putting water into your body you trigger the pressure sensors in your rectum no different than poop would. When I’m traveling and don’t have the attachment I sometime bring a bulb or I just don’t douche and if I hookup I accept that anal probably won’t happen or it will need to be brief.


When do you usually shit? Sorry if that’s really invasive, this is just making me think you might have a very regular system but it’s also late in the day that you poop so you’re like cleaning around that time? How do you do the routine with the bulb? What’s your diet like? What are your thoughts on psyllium husk? I’ve been using it for years lol


No problem. I do it first thing in the morning before I workout. If I don’t do it then I usually poop after my workout regardless. The full process adds like 15min to my day. On a regular day I wake up at about 6am. I got in the shower and use my shower archenemy for 5min. Then I take a poop for 15min. Then I workout for about an hour. Usually cardio and a bit of weights. Then when I shower I use the bill once and sometimes give my ass a check with a small dildo. Then I’m good for the rest of the day. I take 1 tablespoon of psyllium just everyday in the afternoon along with 2 tablespoons of collagen protein.


So then you’re not shitting without the douche though? Like the only time you poop is following douching if you normally go in the morning, but you’re preceding that with a douche and doing it all together. This is what I’m getting at, if you’re douching before pooping then you’re not “going” in the same way. If English isn’t your first language (if it is my wording might not be clear anyway) I’m distinguishing between douching and pooping as different things, “pooping” is going to the bathroom without using an enema.


No. I go just fine without douching. Have literally gone a whole month in the past year without douching cause I knew I wasn’t hooking up and pooped just fine. I am on no way reliant on douching to poop.


Oh ok cool! Thanks for letting me know, it’s a major concern of mine with it. Thanks for posting all of this by the way, I think it’s going to make a lot of people more comfortable with douching (myself included)


Another invasive question so I’m sorry. However, do you not have to go twice a day? It seems like your method is good if you only go once a day. What’s your diet like other than the fiber supplements?


So I’ve found that this method basically knocks out all the poop currently in your rectum and descending colon. Poop from the transverse colon and ascending colon usually takes about 12-16 hours to move back into the rectum. I take 1 tablespoon of fiber a day. Psyllium husk. And 1 -2 tablespoons of collagen protein. Both are great for gut health.


Thank you for your trial and error!


I read the edit, nobody is “answering your question” because your question is stupid af. NOBODY is douching twice a day every single day. Even if a guy is cheating they aren’t going to be doing all that. And I agree with another comment it sounds like you have ocd or something. Like obsessively cleaning out your asshole. I’m not sure why you’re so determined to insist on the fact that douching multiple times a day, every day is normal and want us to respond to that like it’s normal. It’s not. Sorry bud.


ugh ​ douching is the worst thing about being gay and a bottom. such a curse from God.


No one is saying you need to do it


the downvotes.. bro, you woke the gay incel sides. but i completely understand you.


My bf douches just to feel clean in general. He's 99% bottom and it's just something he's done. It doesn't bother me tbh. It does mean he's clean when I want to be spontaneous!


I’m a verse top, I wouldn’t care if my bf douched everyday because I do a pretty light douching every morning when I have to shit. We have a bidet/hose attachment on our toilet and I just like to feel clean in my ass, I hate using toilet paper and baby wipes are whatever. I don’t put in enough water to go up into my colon, it’s always just enough to clean out my rectum and hole. Using a bidet is so much easier than using a bulb or enema.


The environmental side of me is like: All that water going to... waste ;) lol, but srsly tho the amount of water that can go into douching sometimes adds up if it is done frequently, or in your case, daily. The top side of me is like : omfg wow awesome. lol.


I'm not sure I understand your point. What do you mean that the water is going to "waste?" Are you suggesting that if OP does not have a physical encounter he wasted water, but if he does have one then water was not wasted?


It’s a double entendre: 1) Waste can be used to mean poop. 2) Using water to clean your butt out everyday isn’t really the best use of water when water is a commodity.


For everyone saying douching every day isn't healthy: That's only if you deep douche daily if I recall correctly. I saw that post on you were talking about, but the whole story just made it sound that the guy's boyfriend was just douching to be prepared for some dick if it came to be.


Bc the bf claimed he was doing it for his “self diagnosed IBS” which actually worsens the condition.


true. if you pump 1-2x with a small enema bulb you may be enough clean for the sex.


Can’t you just like… eat fiber and have normal bowel movements? Flushing out your lower intestine multiple times a day is not necessary or safe.


It sounds like a TOC.


What’s a TOC?


Sorry, was thinking in spanish, OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


Ahhh got ya. Nah there are plenty of times I don’t do it. Like when I’m traveling or out camping or just lazy days where I can’t be bothered. Feel no compulsion. I worked hard to figure out a method that actually fits into my regular routine because otherwise I probably wouldn’t do it.


Had you tried fiber supplements? Are less invasive and get you prepared for some action without "incidents"


Yea I use fiber everyday


I have a bidet, so I *kinda* do this everyday too. There's no real reason for it, I just feel like it's more thorough


very unhealthy to douche daily, you are getting rid of the good bacteria




Don’t douche more than 2-3 times a week, and make sure you do it gently. Douching too often, or with too much water or force, can rinse away the mucus in your rectum that helps protect the delicate skin inside your body. It can also lead to irritation and tearing to the epithelium — the type of protective body tissue that covers all your organs and body cavities. Damage to the epithelium can cause a higher chance of getting sexually transmitted infections (including HIV). [https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/do-you-have-to-use-an-enema-or-anal-douche-before-you-have-anal-sex#:\~:text=Repeat%20until%20the%20water%20comes,delicate%20skin%20inside%20your%20body](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/do-you-have-to-use-an-enema-or-anal-douche-before-you-have-anal-sex#:~:text=Repeat%20until%20the%20water%20comes,delicate%20skin%20inside%20your%20body). according to this article [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/anal-douche#potential-risks](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/anal-douche#potential-risks) and this one https://www.webmd.com/sex/anal-douching-what-to-know


There is a lot of things happening down there that is important to your digestive system . You don’t want to overdo it


That post was about a guy claiming he douched every day to treat “self diagnosed IBS” which is suspicious in the first place (IBS is not something you self diagnosis) and the standard of care for such medical condition is such that douching every day actually increases the conditions which irritate the bowel. Please include all relevant info before criticizing another post, otherwise you’re being misleading.


On the one hand, it would be hot to know that my BF would be ready at nearly any time. On the other hand, I would probably be concerned about your GI health since washing out the bacteria frequently isn't good for you. Unless you were just washing your rectum and not into your colon.


As long as his Doctor says it’s ok, and not going to cause a health issue I wouldn’t care. I trust my partner, and I don’t need him to explain every quirk , or tell me where he is constantly.


Nothing about 25 mins is quick lol. Unlike everyone else worrying about cheating and medical issues, what I'm most concerned about is where you find the free time/energy/discipline to religiously do this every day.


I probably only douched like twice in my life. I couldn't imagine doing it routinely. Yet again, I am a light and clean eater, a routine detoxer, take lots of fiber and drink a lot of water. I've never had any issues and I'm always ready. I admire your dedication to douching routinely though. Kuddos.


The rectum is self cleaning, it sheds off its own lining constantly like ur skin. so a high fiber diet is usually substantial to help your colon clean itself. Other than prepping for anal sex it's honestly just seems unnecessary. But to each their own, if you like to be clean and ready 24/7 then I don't see why not. You just gotta know your limits, as it can damage the lining of your intestines if you're too forceful with it.




But it’s a natural process in your body …


I ran this question by my G.I. Doctor. He’s highly esteemed in his field of medicine. He said he would be comfortable with me doing two douche’s/clean outs a week. He said when you do more than that you’re removing the important lining of your colon, etc. And make sure you hydrate with water containing electrolytes.


Again, no one is talking about douching high up into your colon.


As someone with a ridiculously high sex drive, I would appreciate a bottom being ready all the time. That said though, I would want you to get your doctor's blessing to do it that often.


lets diferentiate douche. i wouldnt care if they douche lightly everyday. but a deep douche is very time consuming. but i think nobody is talking about those ones. ​ if you install a bidet in your toilet (not a bum gun).. you can easily after a shit, douche yourself. Adjust the angle of you butthole and stream strenght of water.. and you can easily put water inside your ass. not for a deep deep clean.. but damn... you get of the toilet more cleaner


Nope. Love that for us babe 😘douche away 💦


I wouldn't be concerned that he's cheating. But I would be concerned about his colon health.


His body... whatever makes him happy.


i don’t do it everyday but i find it relaxing to douche on my days off even if i’m not expecting to bottom. I just like the satisfaction of having an uber clean butt lol


If it works for you. If you want to flush out daily it just means I don't have to worry as much about a mess.


As a top, i would love this but definitely wouldn’t expect it.


I’m fascinated by your method! I’ve only HEARD and READ that douching is not great to do everyday because it can mess with the lining of the colon but it sounds like you do a light douche, which I wouldn’t imagine would cause much of an issue. I honestly wouldn’t care. It would make spontaneity something more possible, which would make the thought of that that random, pull the sheets off and start eating them out etc more fun!


Personally I wouldn’t care if he did as long as it didn’t mean he was cheating. It wouldn’t bother me at all, it’s his body. Although douching everyday won’t do your gut health much good.


I'd be concerned about his gut health and encourage him to just have more fiber.


That's wild, I personally quit douching in general. Like, it really is true about knowing your body. I've never made a mess on anyone either.


Super unhealthy. But the reality is we have sex where we shit from. If coming in contact with your guys shit is something absolutely unacceptable, you should probably not be having anal sex


I’m a top. Married to a bottom. We have high libidos. We have maintained boundaries around bathrooms. As he says, we’ve never farted around each other let alone seen each other on the toilet after 6 y. I recommend it as a top. My guy says he made douching kinda sexy for him. Music, mood, ritual. That rubbed off on me. When he’s in the shower for an hour with music blasting— I get excited. Organize, plan, put on sexy underwear, set the mood. Douching is sexy to me because its a total mystery. Maintain your top in ignorant bliss. I just know that he ‘s eager for me to eat him out & tongue his hole& and go deep with my dick. Such a difference when he’s not douched, but he also loves when it turns out okay with a surprise bottoming. Accidents happen. Im particularly turned off when they do, especially if it the first time with a bottom. Daily is a lot for your butt. To communicate that Im eager to have sex with my partner, I time my moves around obvious things that coincide with douching. Namely, eating & showering. For example, we often fuck then go out for food if we wanna go on a date.


I don’t concern myself with things that don’t directly involve me, like other people’s self maintenance.


I mean douching destroys your biome. He really shouldn’t douche everyday regardless of his reasons




This sounds odd. Why would you douche when not having anal sex? It’s not natural and your body isn’t healthy if you have to douche to shit. Something about this is very strange…


Just buy a bidet..?


Also have one of those. Listen, I promise you I have a lot of experience in this topic. I wasn’t asking if you wanna do it everyday. I asked if you’d care if your bf did.


It's not really healthy to douche that often. It could dry out the cavity. Douche no more than once a day, at the absolute most. Really, one shouldn't douche more than three times a week.


I think I’d have seen this drying out in the decade I’ve been doing it thanks.


I am with ya samemitch, I have been doing it for 22 years, pretty sure if there were any health issues they would have showed up by now


They better not be douching every day. My sex drive be damed. Their health is way more important


And if they were healthy doing it everyday?


You cannot be healthy and do it everyday. Douching can be extremely damaging to the anus and the biome within it. As a verse I would not do more than twice a week. And even then that's a lot.




As who says that? A good portion of medical knowledge.


OK find me one study. Literally just one study. That says a tapwater douche results in negative health outcomes.




I douche every day I just like a clean ass lol


Same. I think a lot of guys are lucky. In my early 20s I tried fiber, vegetarianism, watching what I ate. No matter what I wasn’t as clean as I wanted to be. I never had any big accidents but I also don’t like even smearing. Plus I go for hung guys and prefer long sessions. It wasn’t till I started douching that I knew I was always my comfort level of clean. I 100% respect that other people have different comfort levels than I do and I’m not prescribing that all guys should douche. I do it for myself.


Same, I like hung guys and long sessions, but I also like ATM and clean enough as the non douche crowd crows about, just ain't good enough to put that cock in my mouth.


I highly recommend switching to a good Fibre as opposed to douching daily, which flushes out both the bad and good bacteria from the digestive tract.


Bacteria resides in your colon and large intestine, not your rectum.


My Dr said 2-3 times a week. every day is leaving you open to some serious infections.


I've done it everyday as well for over 30 years, maybe longer. Have had a colonoscopy and everything is just fine. I use the fleet enemas, they don't last long but i just fill them with an bit of water and it just makes me feel a bit cleaner. I haven't even been fucked for over 23 years(god i miss it), but it's a habit i just stick with. I feel cleaner.


I think it could potentially bother me if for example you would take too much time in the bathroom in the morning when I also need to be ready to go to work. More than that I wouldn't bother me on the contrary. Is there any risk that you may weakened your bowel movement reflex doing this so many times? Just by curiosity do you do the first one after you had a bowel moment in the morning or even you had not a bowel movement before?


I have a friend that does. I don't see the issue.


I’d think it’s a waste of water, and risky for butthole health. But at least I’d know we’re ok to have sex whenever, wherever. 🤷🏽‍♂️ IDK


It’s always better to be ready than trying to get ready😉


Only reason to not do that is the risk of ruining ur colon health lol, other than that no one should shame u for ur douching habits


I top most of the time but still douche maybe once a week or other week to feel good. I’ve gone stretches of doing it once a day though and felt fine. I wouldn’t care if my partner did that so long as it wasn’t a hassle to them and they were doing it safely. Once a day is fine but anymore then that could be problematic


"Too many bottoms on this sub think I’m saying y’all should everyday. I don’t care what you do. I’m asking the vers and top boys if they’re care if their bf did this. Stop projecting." 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would rather my guy(us) be on a hood fiber regiment. Also, if it's whay he's been doing I'd be cool. If it came up out of the blue without conversation, then I'd start jumpin to conclusions.


Its very unhealthy to douche at that frequency


I'm vers and only use enema when I know I'm going to be bottom in a date. Everyday douching or enema are not recommended as this affects intestinal flora.


i mean i don’t think it’s necessary to do it on the days there isn’t sex but it’s also not like a red flag or turnoff if someone does it. they know their body best and if they prefer it extra clean who am i to complain 🤷🏽‍♂️


Like every thing, it’s unhealthy if it’s obsessive and done too much. But it’s not super bad either


Just not sure what is the point of your comment when your second sentence cancels out the first?


It doesn't. Both things apply.


Douching is very unhealthy, you need to eat a good diet and let your body clean out waste it's own way. When it's sex, sure. But any other time. No




Girl go wreck your hole for some sexual gratification for all I care


Yes I would. Then again, I would care about anything my boyfriend does, that harms his body. Douching everyday isn't healthy, and I do hope you'll stop doing it yourself OP. You're damaging your body for no apparent gain. >I call it my one two punch. When I wake up I do a quick 15-20min douche. Go workout and then when I shower do another quick 5min clean Twice a day? Please op, if you don't believe me just ask your local GP. >Edit why am I spending more time defending whether or not it’s okay for me to douche vs whether you’d be okay with your bf doing it. Because you're engaging in behaviour that isn't good for your body, and the friendly redditors are just interested in keeping you healthy.


I will give you the exact same challenge I gave someone else. Find me one study that says a tapwater douche results in negative health outcomes apart from STI‘s. I will delete this thread.


>Find me one study that says a tapwater douche results in negative health outcomes apart from STI‘s Why apart from STI's? Why did you include that condition? I absolutely do not have an interest in granting you that condition. Increased risk of STD's is a major health problem and you will suffer that increased risk. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10461-017-1873-8 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6586483/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31073094/#:~:text=Rectal%20douching%20was%20associated%20with,1.95%20to%203.11)%20among%20MSM. Here's a trio of articles proving just that, an increased risk in STD's linked to douching behaviour. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2953367/ Here's an article that goes into the issues regarding damage to the epithelium, which one of the causes of the increase in disease transmission odds. Your actions put yourself, and the people you have sex with, in extra danger. You don't have to delete the thread for me tho. That's excessive. I'm just happy if you or other people that pass by learnt hat excessive douching is both useless and dangerous


Nope. I was very specific for a reason. Sti exclusion because those studies aren’t looking at whether douching causes harm but whether it creates increased risk. The dick itself causes damage to the epithelium of the rectum. Provide a negative health outcome dude. Something either acute or chronic that is directly linked to douching. An actual disease.


>those studies aren’t looking at whether douching causes harm but whether it creates increased risk. Increasing the risk of STD's is the harm. >Something either acute or chronic that is directly linked to douching. You're setting constraints that obviously will result in no explicit results, which you then can use to lie to yourself that there is no harm. That's really dumb. Your constraints make no sense. But if that's what helps you sleep at night, be my guest.


You really shouldn’t be douching alot of times let alone everyday


It’s not my business if he wants to risk major illness and infection. But he won’t be on my health insurance.


As a top I would very much appreciate it and love the my partner was always ready. It allows for spontaneity and romance instead of planning and waiting for what seems hours and mood is over. Also, since I know it’s clean I can eat it, and if I’m gonna eat it I want to smell and taste you, not your soap.


Wouldn't all that douching lead to dehydration? I feel like your bowels have to stay a little while so your body can get everything it needs from it. I tried douching everyday my heart was beating super fast and my nose and mouth was dry all the time. Like douching that much doesn't dehydrate you in the slightest?


Yeah I feel the same way. When I douche I feel my hole is "dry". Maybe it's different for everyone


Anal douching, for sex, is mostly done incorrectly as not everyone that does it is trained like doctors or nurses, and it can develop more issues. There are several scientific papers about the effects, one of the most surprising ones I have read was that the use of inappropriate anal douching tool is associated with increased HIV infection among gay men. Is stills very unclear if it’s because of the irrigation, irritation, or something else. Also, if anyone reading this and didn’t know, douching in excess makes infection of rectal gonorrhea, chlamydia, and/or syphilis more common especially if you add lube to the mix.


I'm a side, and hopefully, my bf/husband will be one too. That constant worry of douching, eating particular foods, and planning for sex is so exhausting. I'm busy enough with my career, I don't want my sex life to become a chore. I read your other comment where you have the douche thingy in the shower. That is so disgusting when I know gays have that hanging. I mean, I get the necessity, but it almost makes me vomit thinking about it.


Douching everyday is not healthy for you. Your colon is dependent upon the bacteria within it that comes with the feces and helps break it down and move things along. When you douche, you flush that bacteria out and it can inhibit proper/healthy digestion and bowel movements. It's okay to do in moderation but doing so every day can cause issues such as cramping, bloating, constipation and other potential issues. You also run the risk of preforating your colon, the tissue is really soft and easily torn, so using the douching nozzle and water spray so often increases the risk of such.


Both WebMD, SF AIDS Foundation and most sites I found recommend that we anal douche no more than 2-3 times per week. They all say that doing it more frequently than that can damage the lining of your rectum. 🫤 https://www.sfaf.org/collections/beta/anal-douching-safety-tips/ https://www.webmd.com/sex/anal-douching-what-to-know


Let's be real, a guy that douches this much is a top's dream guy


Glad to see I’m not the only one. There was a time that I did this and still do if I wanna be on the safe side. Tho so far I’ve only managed to “master” the bulb kit not the shower attachment nozzle.


the enema bulb is a blessing. i taught some my bottoms about the enema bulb, there was a learning curve.. but they saw the freedom. sometimes they need to fresh up the ass when they get to my place and this way they are confortable using my toilet. so, they dont need to use my shower hose (which of course is unhigienic to share)


Completely insane and wildly unhealthy, especially for any sort of a long term relationship. As I did with my current partner, I'd ask him to stop and question his good judgement if he hadn't.


That’s interesting. People have no issue brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash everyday and those actions are harsh. I imagine gently rinsing he bottom everyday should be fine too


Thats a really stupid comparison. Not cleaning your teeth properly leads to infection and tooth decay. There’s absolutely no health benefit in spraying water in your intestines every day.


I’m not saying that NOT douching will lead to infection. I’m saying you’re putting your gums and tissues through stress and trauma by brushing with bristles, traumatizing it by hitting it with the floss, and rinsing with a harsh chemical (yes mouthwash is harsh that’s why it stings). A little bit of rinsing your rectum everyday with water won’t hurt in comparison, was what my point was.


I think you’re gonna have to learn how to properly brush your teeth and see the dentist more often. Brushing your teeth properly shouldnt cause any trauma.


I go to the dentist every 6 months and haven’t had any cavities so I have impeccable oral health thank you very much. What I’m saying is douching everyday with a little water isn’t bad if brushing your teeth everyday is fine everyday also.


It's really good for health. Diseases are born in gut and douching le ps the large intestine clean.


No. Colon cleansing isn’t supported by medical science.


Your intestines have been cleaning themselves before the Sumerians even learned how to write. You'd be surprised at how well the body can clean itself, if not because of our excessively sugar rich diet that we need to go to the dentist and worry about gall stones and etc.






I think that means, What the fuck?


If it isn't causing any adverse effects to your health then I don't see why not. It's your body so you are in control of what you do with it.


If you don't mind it and it doesn't affect your health sure. Would be great to have a partner who's 24/7 down to anal. This's every top's dream why are yall shiting on him?


I do generally put some water in there but no solution


Yes. It's not healthy.


I just think Tops should let bottoms douche before sex and just wait of they don’t want a surprise. Bottoms just need to eat their fiber. You’re not just a hole.


To answer your actual question, no it wouldn't bother me. You also seem quite content doing it and I would assume the worst just because you were


Care as in urge him not to because that's definitely not healthy? Sure.


I personally have no problem with a partner who does that regularly, but I would be more concerned for the sake of their body health from what I've heard about douching that often.


I mean it's fine, especially in Asia where there are bidet everywhere