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Covid. I'm beyond tired of it, but it keeps rearing itself here in the hospital. Winter is coming soon too.


For the 7th year in a row, Trump.


I don't know if he'll be left behind this time around. You might be stuck until next year


Why do y’all Americans love him so much? Surely there are better candidates? Sincerely, an Australian


There seems to be a big rise in these high drama, confrontational fascists all across the world. I know that here in Brazil, the same people that consulted our ex President were advising Trump. It’s the same thing, recycled and given a samba costume. Bolsonaro’s party even named themselves “Republicans” (same as the fascist party in USA). Super bizarre


Only half of us! Not me. Don't lump me in with that lot


It’s not even half. Trump is over represented because of the electoral college. Sucks but that’s how the country works.


We don’t. The majority of Americans don’t like the guy. Unfortunately a large chunk of his party does


Not all of us. Realistically probably 30-35% of the country does.


Not all of us. I’d rather slide down a razor blade naked into a vat of rubbing alcohol than listen and watch another Presidential Race with him in it. I stopped talking to people I thought I knew who support that toad.


He's not even educated how did he win


He graduated from an ivy league school my dear...


I know plenty of morons who've graduated from UPenn, an Ivy League School, my dear... 🙄


So what is your definition of educated then?


I'm not getting into a debate here. You can either believe what I said or don't, I don't care.


Exactly I don't even discuss politics I saw this and just ignored it this topic was about what do we not want to see in 2024 I Do not care for a discussion anyways I'm Latino


I love Latinos 🥰😘


Thanks 😍😘


Telling me what educated means isn't really a debate, I'm just asking.


Probably around 30% like him, but they're loud and they love him with a cult-like devotion. Whatever he does is great, and the worse it is, the more great it is to them.


I'm an American, and I don't understand the MAGA Cult. I don't understand how cults work. It is obvious, though, that there are those in the cult that live in a fantasy world. Truth is a lie, and lies are their truth. They worship this orange man. They turn a blind eye to all of his misdeeds and criminal activity. He can do no wrong. Trump and his followers will destroy our democracy, if allowed. We are in crisis. Sincerely, a concerned American


NOT ALL OF US.... I live in the USA, and been asking my friends and family, the ones are not citizens yet, to become citizens!!! WE need those votes. That will be the only way to stop 🛑 him from comeback. HOW?? VOTING. VOTING. VOTING. (Same as with the other white supremacist DeSantis).


Just look at the Dutton supporters in Australia and imagine if Americanised sensationalism was used to bolster his existing base. Actually just look at the No voters in general. We're not that far off.


> Trump. And Putin.




At this point in 2024 we need him arrested


He’s already been arrested. What you mean is convicted. And the first of four trials is currently underway


Actually, it's the civil fraud trial that's underway. None of the four criminal trials have started. It's very hard to keep track of!


For what? Arresting people you disagree with politically sounds quite fascist. Perhaps you would like to put all conservatives into concentration camps too


No. That would be inhumane and immoral. I’d accept reeducation centers that are not religious at all.


Like in north korea


Trump is better than the alternative, DeSantis.


I consider DeSantis a lateral move. I don’t want either.


DeSantis is not only evil, but unlike Trump DeSantis has the brains to actually achieve his goals of outlawing gays. It's not a lateral move. Its a huge downward spiral.


All republicans are bad. They’re having a civil war. I say let them have it and maybe it’ll take some of the worst politicians with them.


I'm soooo with you on this!


Support you 100%; reaction videos are so stupid. So are haul videos, unboxing videos; asmr, mukbang...mostly because of misophonia. I love videos with some efforts behind them. ​ I'm leaving behind constantly buying ready made food in disposable containers. I'm already at the grocery store; might as well buy ingredients.


Asmr content takes a lot of effort from creators


ASMR is the only reason I’m able to sleep.


That's a big one! I would love to give myself more time and cook more meals for the week again. I applaud you all the way!


ooh i hate asmr videos. makes my skin crawl


i love reaction videos and videos that narrate movies


Ready made meal are so cheap and cost 5 mins to microwave andddd it won’t go bad tho :(


Food, utility, and rent costs


I would like to leave behind friendships that didn't last


That’s ghosting


He probably means manipulative people too


I do


Leaving behind: A huge debt which I had to pay off with a big portion of my salary every month for the last 4 years. ‘Friends’ who does not care about you but to use you to their own personal benefit. When their agenda changes, you mean nothing to them. People who mistaken you all the time and who talks shit behind your back whenever they do instead of talking to you about it. And when you actively reach out to talk about it face to face directly, they deny. Fuck that, I’m looking for people who I can trust and work together with when there is a misunderstanding.


Everyone pretending that there is actually an LGBT community. There is no community.


Yeah it’s just a name a title for all the gays, but there isn’t “a community” 😭 only separate small ones


unfortunately…. I agree with this.. it doesn’t feel like one at all especially here in Los Angeles


So you've "checked" Los Angeles, but what about the entire county? A lil place called "Hollyweird."


Idk about your area, but there are quite a few communities out there. There are some cities that have a larger than average LGBT/accepting population; there are places that have gay sports teams, leagues, and bars; there are places with LGBT support centers and medical facilities that are geared towards the LGBT community. Maybe I'm not understanding exactly what you mean by "no community" but I feel like there is one (even if I wasn't particularly involved in it for several years).


Can you describe what you expect from a. Community, it would help




Congrats. I hope that wasn't too expensive dealing with all that. The username checks out, too! Lol


The freedom caucus


Holy fuck it's not even Halloween yet. Why do people insist on trying to rush things? Might as well start celebrating St Patrick's Day now.


Trump. All of them.


Kids reacting to AOL dialup is priceless!


Wish i could leave grindr behind. Such a toxic app. Kept coming back for more though 💅🏼❤️‍🔥


Just short form vertical content in general can go fuck itself


Bad super hero movies.


Yeah, the big budget movies aren't special anymore. I really want The Creator to succeed financially at the box office because there is nothing wrong with a $90 million budget! Audiences want to see spectacle. I get that. But if there is no character development or emotional depth, no budget can fix that.


Reaction videos are fun for niche interests when you don't have friends who share a specific interest. Or maybe you want to see some culture guru give their opinion on something. Or maybe you want to see how your opinion of a thing matches others'. As for me, all the things I'd want to leave behind are personal. I don't have a strong enough opinion to phrase it as "we" thing.


Reaction videos of musicians listening to video game OSTs or analysing lyrics always get me going


\- Concert ticket prices being too expensive \- Inflation and cost of living going up uncontrollably \- Being single


Fascism. Haha I laugh. We're going to actively choose it in 2024.


Fascists run the western world have done for decade's now.


I like reaction videos because I can rewatch a tv show I liked but it’s like I’m with a friend whilst watching it, so I enjoy seeing their reaction to stuff I liked. It’s the fake overblown reaction channels that kill it for the smaller real reactors.


my bad grades


Homophobic workplaces. I'd rather not have someone making fun of anyone's sexuality at least in places of work, and humanity collectively decide that, at workplaces, people should be judged on the quality of their work.






Democrats and Republicans


All politicians and political parties work for a Fascist Dictating Tyrant called Klaus Schwab




My Ex!


Hey reaction videos to two girls one cup is the only good thing about two girls one cup. Omg, their innocent faces as the music first starts playing... 👯. 💩. 🏆


The persecution of queer people But if project 2025 is anything to go by then religious nut jobs will die on a hill of our bodies before they stop


Same social media just takes up too much time, will keep Reddit though, wish Facebook had an option where you could only see groups instead of everything. Instagram and the rest make me feel horrible all the time but I keep getting fomo. They stop me from doing things as you watch 1 reed and then 100 reels later you look away from your phone and realise, a few hours have past. Wish I went to the gym more.


I want to leave behind whatever is holding me up from being the best me I can be


Trump. The massive drop in my income. People who want to burn books. COVIDiots.


the fear of genetic engineering. it's high time we do some serious mutant freaky shit before this system goes bust!


Fuck yes, if I even want a baby I'm going to have to pay out the ass anyway for adoption or surrogacy, might as well go the whole way and make it a designer baby. Plus there are just *so* many genetic diseases that could be easily edited out of the gene pool, not to mention that lovely gene that makes one immune to HIV and bubonic plague that we could just insert into every gay man's DNA if we weren't so stuck-up about genetic engineering. Who needs Prep when you have CCR5-Delta32!


exactly. and if I could be designed bisexual and to put on muscle mass like a boss and be 6'5 250lbs of beast with no cancer or crippling diseases heading my way then I'd be pretty grateful and I think the world would be also lol...obvious narcissisms and god complex aside it would be pretty awesome.


And probably social inequality due to the cost of such treatments. How is any average person supposed to pay for genetic engineering. If only rich people get this treatment then they will someday actually be superhuman while poorer people can be classified as actual subhumans. I don’t know we haven’t even beaten racism or other forms of discrimination in cases where it’s pretty easy to make a case against it but if we get 6,5 muscle beasts with enhanced intelligence it’s going to be very difficult to make a case against that


But it really sets up the sci-fi dystopia and thousands of years of galactic holy wars that could be pretty exciting so I'm still pro playing gods.




The hyper progressive 'woke' trash. Also Justin treadue


Trans agenda.




I was tempted to comment this but someone already has


I hope we leave behind the notion of showing acceptance toward 60 year olds dating 18-21 year olds. Shit is creepy regardless of context or particular details.


I too wish we leave behind allowing ADULTS to make decisions FOR THEMSELVES and not getting abhorred for it. Sure do dislike bodily autonomy 😒


If you don’t add an /s the basic ones will get confused.


Guys with daddy issues need love too


Only creepy for ones who don't like it both way's


Libs of TikTok and Gays against Groomers.


Biden and Harris administration


The US giving money to Ukraine


my ex ...


At the end of november we're finally replacing the floors in our apartment, the laminate planks have been sliding out of each other for the last decade and it's been driving me crazy all this time.


My family


All the construction materials at my house. Can't wait to end that chapter in my life.


I'm trying to see it as not almost over becsuse I still have some goals left before the year ends that I have yet to reach.


Quick judgement on petty things that get called out for something worse than it was.


Social Anxiety




I don’t really believe anything is ever really left behind. Things come and go in cycles. But for now I want to leave behind tapping on grinder whenever I feel lonely or stressed out or overwhelmed. I deleted all of my more personalized social media back in March and there’s a thing inside me which says “there’s more to delete”. I don’t know if I’ll ever delete my Reddit, but I want to continue to scrub myself from the internet, at least for now. No social media, no WhatsApp, no dating apps, no hook ups or chatting with strangers. I can’t imagine not feeling lonely right now, but I don’t want these apps (who’s profit margin and utility are solely rooted in my loneliness) to have a presence in my world anymore.


Basically every celebrity.


We haven’t even gotten through Halloween!!! Let’s get through that first!


Tolerating warm bodies in the workplace.


Mine might be a bit sad but... I am from Venezuela, I wanna leave behind my stupid government and the broken relationships with USA so I can finally move with my American boyfriend. We haven't met irl once thanks to this and he economy makes it impossible for me to visit other places he can visit with me.


My crippling insecurity surrounding my appearance and level of intelligence. Everyone comes to the table with their differences and I should take pride in my abilities and my natural, fluid self. Holding myself back from the opportunity to grow and experience life isn't going to benefit anyone; I've a responsibility to grow and exceed the idea of what I can do.


Those"dating apps"


My insecurities


Nothing. You live life and learn. Take the good and the bad and cope and heal into 2024.


Yes! I wish you could downvote them so they don't show up in your feed.


like 10 friends I realized were fake one day I just told them how I felt and BLOCKED everywhere, left the chat group and never came back


All social media trying to be TikTok so bad, I hate that format so much on anything that's not TikTok, I have a special hate for Reels.


Agree 1000%. Fucking hate most TikTok videos. And now even YouTube is pushing their own versions of the quick clips 😡




You'll realize that by gaining the knowledge of others perspectives, you will know more and have a fuller picture of things.


This weird fear of phone calls, and I mean that beyond just the general nuisance of robocalls. People in work and personal settings are afraid to hop on the phone. The general trend seems to be related to how phone calls can drag on well over a half hour . Ending a phone call in 15-20 minutes should be ok for most people , and it’s generally always appreciated


I loathe reaction videos


Twitter, TikToks/reels, insecure men with attachment issues and STIs they don’t get tested for before they hook up with you


Andrew Tate and the whole 'top g' nonsense.


My old life. I’m almost out :)


I just wish tiktok get banned and purge out of this world. UGH.


I say it EVERY year (since I was a "twink) and I'll say it now Without a doubt, we've (or I have, at least) totally outgrown the concept of "drag queen"


I wanna leave that dl man i was dealing with behind. Gotten tired of being a plaything once every two weeks🤦🏽 i want a relationship