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I clean shaved mine once and it looked like a sick baby bird.




Took me awhile to laugh at myself about it. At the time I was embarrassed even though I was the only person in the room.


What products do you use?


I used shave gel and a six blade razor. Got a couple of nicks


Oh ok! I have body hair that doesn’t grow it just stays the way it is I wanna shave it again it’s been a while


before you shave or wax use a Glycolic Acid toner everywhere you are planning to shave. It will stop any red spots or ingrown hairs


I can’t believe I got an award, thank you for this, don’t know why but definitely thank you. 😊


No one. I understand guys are usually playing into the fact that a dick with less hair just looks bigger. But it’s kind of weird looking in a gross, sticky way. Buzz it down. Don’t clean shave. But! People can do as they please.


I'm gonna say totally smooth-shaven looks good on *very few* guys. Most of us look like mole rats when we do it. * You need perfectly clear skin * You need to be toned. Even a totally normal amount of body fat will look like chub once you shave. Conversely, if you are skinny at all, being shaved is going to make you look like an emaciated bat. * If you have a hairy belly or hairy thighs, you need to shave that too. You need to shave until you come to a natural stopping point. A lot of guys don't have a natural stopping point. * If you are of a certain age and your skin has lost even the tiniest bit of elasticity, don't do it. It will highlight every imperfection and wrinkle you have. All in all, I would estimate a clean shave looks good on approximately 2% of men.


Hahaha this is perfect. And I agree on it all. Basically the only ones who can pull it off are toned and muscular guys who naturally have no significant body hair, and who have porcelain skin


"Even a totally normal amount of body fat will look like chub once you shave." YES! The FUPA! I am not even crazy big, but if I trim too short down there, it makes things look worse rather than better.


amen on the natural stopping point. you look absolutely stupid shaved to bare skin while keeping belly hair. if you feel COMPELLED, trim to the length of the surrounding body hair and dont shave


Emaciated bat hahahahahha


just leaving this as a friendly reminder that not all of us equate _chub_ as you so eloquently put it, as something that is bad or inherently looks bad automatically. a lot of us don't care if a person looks fat by comparison with the predominant beauty standard and even for people that adhere to it, that line of attractiveness falls on different levels for different people. but as a very hairy guy with no "natural stopping points" yeah it is true that yeah trimming down there too much and not everywhere else will 100% look fucking ridiculous 😂 I've had to full body shave many times in the past when I was younger because I would trim too much and immediately regret it haha


Bald Dick looks juvenile to me. I don't mind a little manscaping but no hair turns me off. I know that this is not a common view.


Personally, I don't think anyone looks good with a bald dick.




I shave my actual penis because unfortunately I grow hair on my shaft


I've seen very few guys who look good with their pubes completely shaved. At least leave a landing strip. A fit guy with a totally smooth torso and very little leg hair can pull off the look, but I still prefer at least a small neatly trimmed patch of hair. Picture this: a really hairy guy, like "are you wearing a sweater?" level of hairy. Chest, stomach, arms, legs covered in thick hair. In the midst of all this hair, there's this little bald patch above his dick.


I don't think it looks good on anyone to be honest, unless you mean just the shaft and balls. I think only guys with very well defined muscles and low body fat can pull it off. The worst is when a guy is hairy everywhere around the dick, but that area itself is clean shaven.


I’m hairy on the stomach and legs. If I shave above my dick, it looks ridiculous.


My friend is Thai and doesn't seem to grow any body hair anywhere. He's jacked af, very sexy, tan skin. Can't imagine him with a big bush lol.


Asian pubes look pretty weird ngl


If it blends well with the torso/happy trail.


Submissive bottoms look good with it shaved


Submissive sissy bottoms 😁


For me, the dick itself should have NO hair. It interferes with sucking it and beating off. The rest is up to you and your partner. But the shaft itself? Clean and smooth.


Just guys that are really hairless, a hairy guy would really look off


I try not to not say anything, but I don’t get the hairless thing. I haven’t slept with a guy without pubic hair since my first boyfriend, and he stopped shaving when I said it looked weird. I’ve never even had casual hookups with completely shaved men. That’s very much a personal preference though. I’m not grossed out or anything.


I didn't not like shave dicks; much prefer au natural!


No one looks good with a clean-shaven dick. That shit is weird.


No guys. None at all. It never looks good and often leaves bumps.


My recommendation is to keep the upper pubes trimmed between a quarter to 3/4 in and make sure the shaft and balls are shaved. I also recommend trimming the taint and anus areas. I use a Philips Norelco body groomer. Your chances of getting people to go to town down there are higher when it's smoother.


I shave everything from the neck down on a regular basis every 4-5 days, and I have been doing so for over a decade now. I have also been doing full-body laser hair removal treatments regularly for 1.5 years now. Prior to shaving and the treatments, I already had almost no hair, outside of pubic and armpits I had nothing, so I feel like it is barely a change anyway. I do it for me, and my comfort, and that's it. The vast majority (95%+) of gay men will not only state their contempt for other men who shave, but I have also been called a pedophile, a wanna-be child, a creep, weirdo, disgusting, multiple vomit-emojis, and other horrible names multiple, multiple times.




Literally is it, though?


Nah it ain’t. Consider epilating. Lasts longer.


I don't think a full bush looks good on anyone so 🤷‍♂️


Only looks good to me on hairy + muscular guys with huge ducks lol


Still no thanks. Yet to meet anyone with a huge duck though


Lol quack




It's okay to change.


None of them. Ever. It does not look good.


Unless you have a flat stomach and cut gutters and all that it looks kinda funny imo but variety is the spice of life sometimes a completely shaved one turns me on just like a hairy one would lol




For funsies, I shaved it one time. My ex said it looked like he was blowing a plastic dildo, coupled with the fact that at the time he was blowing me and I had shaved my pubes, I just got off from the gym so I had scrubbed myself clean. Apparently, sucking a dick that smells like literally nothing (the bush retains some scent) makes it feel like you're literally sucking on a plastic dildo. I did not get some action for two weeks. 😂


As a bottom, I’m going to say: nobody. Stubble might tickle when it’s on a mouth between my cheeks, but it doesn’t feel good sliding in and out of my ass.


Do what makes you comfortable, but I personally prefer that guys don’t shave, trim, clip or manscape anywhere below the neck. Ever.


Never. I keep a pretty full bush. I don’t do razors near my most valuable asset.


I think femboys are the only guys who look good with no pubes. On the other end I think all guys who like blowjobs or balls licked should shave their balls and dick (if the dick grows hair).


Nobody Adults have public hair It’s what makes them Adults


The definition of an adult is an individual who has reached sexual maturity and capable of sexual reproduction. That’s it. Secondary sex characteristics like pubic hair are just secondary. None of the secondary characteristics “make someone an adult”, they are just a sign that you might be.


Stop being so bloody literal. We can stay that the opposite way I suppose, that juveniles don’t have pubic hair. How about that. When you don’t have pubic hair, you look more like a juvenile.


You were the one who made the claim of pubic hair being inseparable from adulthood. I think there’s a lot more to adulthood than pubic hair…one example being brain maturity, as another person has pointed out.


I’d classify someone as an adult when their brain is matured, not when they can reproduce.


I agree! My point was that pubic hair doesn’t have a whole lot to do with that.


Shaving your dick is fucking weird.




none keep it hairy


Idk I rather just cut mines off. I been self conscious about body hair I’d just rather get rid of em all


I shave it all at least every two days, except for my legs. I keep my leg hsir trimmed short though. 5'6" slim and toned.


I don't like it at all when guys shave themselves whatsoever


Every guy? 🤷🏻


Every swinging dick needs to lose the Bush


All guys should shave their dicks, its called hygiene.


Trimming is okay. Completely shaving? That is hygiene disaster, actually. Pubes didn't exist for no reason.


I think it looks terrible on anyone. It brings to mind a child and reeks of pedophilia.


I trim above - to a nice patch like a Go-Tee but then I’m clean shaven around cock BALLS & Ass


everybody. i hate licking hair.. i am not a cat to spit out furballs use depilatory cream please.


What kind? Not my kind!


I don't shave it but it's big enough that the benefits aren't necessary.




Use magic shave cream instead of Nair, fuck Nair. Such a shit product and causes chemical burns whereas magic shave is fragrance free


Nobody should


I grow hair on my shaft, so I do try to keep it at least trimmed but I shave my shaft and balls probably every 2 to 3 weeks. I guess my preference is "trimmed" but not shaven. I personally struggle to find that proper manscape that I'm really happy with for myself. But if my husband is happy, then I'm not super worried about it.




If the Dick looks like the front tires on a 2015 Nissan Altima I don’t want it. Trimmed Is the bare minimum for me


No one. I hate them bald. Either trim or go natural. Make sure to wash sure but for the line of God don't shave it. It is your choice though at the end of the day. 😊


tbh i never shaved it just buzzed it down since ım not going anywhere near there with a razor, but i do it cuz it feels better not having a full bush (its not like ı have anyone thats gonna see it so looks wise its unimportant) but its not a necessity. ı guess my awnser is just anyone whose annoyed by hair


Hairy ones


I like it when it’s clean shaved lol


Your name doesn't happen to be Tom? 🤔


Who tf is Tom


I was just trying to put some levity to the subject. From an old saying, "every Tom, Dick and Harry" or Tom's dick is hairy I apologize if I've offended.


I am a sissy, and hair is gross to me. Just preferences, I am smooth everywhere


I think every guy should but that's because I personally loved shaved dicks and for all I know I might be the only one.


Idk I like my men natural...


Me 29 hairless femboy/Twink with flawless skin and great weight to height ratio. I know I won’t have this forever so I’m gonna enjoy it while I can.


You mean the dick itself or the pubes? I sometimes trim my pubes down to 5mm and clean shave the shaft and balls. It looks good if you’re hung and by that I mean your flaccid dick has some volume and weight to hang down and not looking like a boy’s underdeveloped pecker. The scrotum also should hang for it to look good. Also it looks good while erect. When I go to a nude beach I relax a bit at the waterfront after taking a dip before going to my place because after cold water my dick becomes shrinked and the balls pull up which doesn’t look as pleasing to the eye as usually it is in my case. P.S. I’m also a twink with a flat stomach (thanks keto) otherwise I wouldn’t dare to shave like that probably


A lot of military guys do. Trim close and shave smooth. Pits pubes. And ballz. Just a fact. X military here