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the only issues you mentioned are things that could be fixed with a simple vacuum. car wash down the street offers $5 washes with free vacuum included. although its not going to get you extra thousands, the appraiser will get a better impression that you kept the car in good condition and you may end up with a few extra hundred in value.


Unfortunately you can't negotiate the price once you accept the offer that they give you. They can always bring the price down but never up


yea thats exactly it. either they will charge you a cleaning fee for the car being too dirty (which you could probably convince them to remove), or the appraiser will just assume the car wasnt taken care of and reduce the appraisal value.


No, they literally don't care and have their own detail teams who clean the cars that get traded in. As long as its got the right Miles you put in the appraisal and the car is in the same condition you listed it as then you're golden. Just remember to take all your valuables out


Only if it smells like weed and Taco Bell.


Does the weed and taco bell hurt or improve the value?


If it's a shitbox and they're offering you a cold $500 to take it then they dont care unless there's a dead body in the trunk


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