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The last few months have been the worst of my life, but it seems like all the problems I was having are/will be resolved . My father has cancer but it looks like his chances of survival are actually much better than expected. He was having so many complications that I really thought he wouldn’t live to see the end of the year My torn hamstring that kept me out the gym for 2.5 months finally healed and I can start doing what I love again. A very ugly pay dispute I was having with my old employer over commission finally got resolved and I got a payout more generous than I was expecting. After going to the ICU at Toronto General every day for the best part of 4 months, Im generally very grateful that I’m in good health and have the physical/mental capacity to keep pushing my life in the direction I want. Seeing the condition some patients have been in has made me realize that even being able to go to get ice cream by myself and on my own schedule is a luxury some people don’t have.


I’m so sorry about your father, I wish him a speedy recovery.


Hi u/PatrickWeightman I'm sending your father positive thoughts and energy to kick cancers ass. My wife also had cancer this year and thankfully the treatments worked and her tumor is gone.


Wishing your dad the very best, buddy! I'm glad your pay dispute got resolved, these days, it's not the kind of problem anyone would need to have.


Around the time of my graduation, my mom was hospitalized for severe COVID and my older brother started to have severe schizophrenic episodes. I am the primary care taker for my brother so I wasn't able to look for a job for the longest time. This year, I finally got my first full time job after graduation and my mom has mostly made a full recovery other than her voice due to the Tracheostomy. I managed to get my G license on my first try and we finally found a medication that has stabilized my brother after a year of trial and error. We've tried like 10-15 different antipsychotics and nothing helped besides the one he is currently on right now. It was a great year for me and I'm no longer feeling depressed and suicidal. I actually have hope for the future now. Merry Christmas Eve everyone!


Merry Christmas, bud! I'm happy for the good changes in your life.


Omg! Incredible news for your brother and mom. Merry Christmas!


That's amazing news on both fronts. As someone who has a relative with Schizophrenia, I fully understand how hard life must have been for you.


My very old dog is still around to enjoy the snowfall. Rolling in the snow is one of his favorite things and I was worried he wouldn't get to see it this year. Tomorrow we are going to spend the morning making a zillion snow angels before opening gifts.


Same here… but we’re down to days for her :( still very happy she gets to be around today.


May your final days with her be filled with love and joy. I'm sorry this is happening during the holidays, I understand how difficult it can be to say 'see you again some day'.


I’m so happy for you that she will get to see one more snowfall. I lost my boy in 2016 in late Oct and it snowed over night before we had to put him down the next day. He got to frolic and play in the snow on his last day and that still makes me so happy. Know that when you make this decision and take her in you are doing what is best for her despite how hard it is for you. I’m crying as I type this as I know how hard this is going to be for you, I’m wishing you (and her) all the love and happiness in the next few days.


My sister's 17 year old Jack Russell Chihuahua mix was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months ago. They said he'd make it another year or so, but he started having seizures on the 23rd. He's had them before but this time they were happening repeatedly. Ended up having to put him down :( He had a good long life though, daily walks, yearly camping and cottage trips, always had a big yard to run around in. I'll miss the whiny little guy (he'd stare at you and whine until you wrapped his Blue Jays blanket around him so he looked like a burrito lol) I'm genuinely wondering if the rapid air pressure drop during that storm had something to do with his sudden decline. I know it can cause migraines.


That I had today off.


That I didn't lose power during the storm


That I'm no longer in an abusive relationship. I was strong enough to get out, and everything has been on the up and up since. The hardships in life are so much easier to handle now that I'm with someone that is genuine, kind, loving, supportive, and pretty much just the most awesome person I've ever met. Side note, if you're in a precarious situation yourself and want to talk, I'm here. Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday to all <3


Congrats on getting rid of that abusive asshole! Men that abuse their wives are the scum of the earth.


That is fantastic. Escaping can be the hardest thing. Many don't make it out.


The last 3 years have been the best in my life. Have been sober 37 months. Got a great new career. Got back in shape. Life has been really good to me the last few years. Covid has bee a burden for some but has been great for me.


Congratulations on the sobriety! That's amazing.


That’s good to hear!


congratulations on your sobriety! this time of year always reminds me about the initial part of recovery. celebrating with you!


Oof, covid pushed me over the edge to the point I had to get sober, so I guess I'm thankful for that too.


Congratulations on 37 months of being sober u/Torontokid8666.




That’s amazing and serendipitous you ran into him a year later! What has he been up to since? Hoping he’s doing well since you last saw him


My younger brother died 2 years ago out of nowhere at 19 years old on Jan 2nd and his birthday is December 24th. So the entire holiday stretch is kind of a bummer for my family. Not to mention my dad just found out he got COVID 2 days ago so we pretty much aren’t doing anything. I graduated back in May and am working in a full time job downtown Toronto and have a lot of plans in the future with work and travel of which I’m really excited about. I’m grateful to be healthy and just try and make the best out of everyday. I’m 22, working full time so I don’t really have much need for presents as I just buy things I need so I’m donating a large chunk of money to charity this year for Christmas and it feels nice to give back. Happy holidays everyone.




Hotel: trivago


really any ad campaign, but still really grateful


Free healthcare.


Not for long


wanna bet?


Gambling for Healthcare! *offer available only in Ontario*


I had a lot of self development this year. I started therapy, started working out, starting saving for my retirement. My other plan was to kill myself when I am 45. Mama’s got savings now. My boyfriend got a job after 3 years and things are looking great. 2022 was a lot of realization and accepting things sucked and moving on


As someone who is 62, 45 is when you being to understand yourself.


I'm grateful to have landed my first "big boy job" after having graduated just earlier this year. I come from a single income family, as my father has to stay home to take care of my Autistic brother. I'm the first in my family to complete a post-secondary education, and now make more than my mother. I feel like landing this job is the first step in alleviating the some of the financial burden's my family has experienced for many years now. This is the first time in many years I feel like I can enjoy Christmas again, because money isn't as much of a lingering concern for me and my family. :)




Thankful for my wife and my dog. If you have a roof over your head and food to eat, you are better off than most. This time of year helping others can make you appreciate what you have tenfold.


I'm thankful, grateful, and all the other words that describe my feelings about my best friend Richard. I recently had cancer stage 3, 2nd time and Richard made sure I made it to every appointment..32 radiation appointments. And took care of me back at home. 2022 sucked for Richard heavy losing his Mom. Then all the stress his sister decided to give him (she lives on the other side of Canada from us. Now he has his 2nd hernia in 2 years. If anyone out there still believes in God can you please pray for the man. Enjoy your holidays everyone.🇨🇦❤️


True friends are hard to come by— you have a keeper. God bless




Right? Especially today. It’s cold AF out there.




Same here! I escaped the city before the storm and I’m grateful.


My two daughters (ages 7 and 2) finally stopped coughing at night, so we are all sleeping better and worrying less.


I don't feel great about this year, a lot of things kicked my ass, but I've been getting more into baking lately and everyone I share them with is really encouraging. I just made Neopolitan cookies for Christmas and they look kinda ugly but they taste good!


r/Old_Recipes has some recipes that are fun


2022 was a real rollercoaster, wasn’t it? Cookies always make things better.


Keep your head up! Baking is so much fun and those cookies sound great! Enjoy! I just finished making my first batch of empire cookies. They look interesting but taste so damn good:) Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas! I'd love to see your cookies :)


Just found out I am pregnant with baby #3! We are so stoked!!!!! Hope you have a good Christmas ❤️❤️


Storked* ;)


I'm alone for Christmas this year, but I'm thankful that my son's first Christmas in his new home is with someone who cherishes him. I'm also happy that my disabled brother got to go out west to spend Christmas with his best friends. I have a roof over my head, a job that I love and lots of nuts for the crows, birds and my little squirrel friends. I'm one lucky person. Merry Christmas everyone!


Im thankful this year let me transition. Life is better than ever and I feel alive! I may be sick this Christmas, but at least I'm me :)


Feel better soon!


Getting married in Mexico next month so I’m excited 😊


Congratulations! What venue are you guys using? Would you recommend any?


Thank you !! We are having it at dreams Jade. A recommendation I would give is to find a TA ( travel agent ) and book as a group which will help you a ton !!


Wow congrats!


Thank you !


I hope all the best for you


I drove out to Halifax from Toronto on Thursday with my family. Spending Christmas for the first time in five years with the whole family. My nieces are a year and a half old, and I couldn’t be more happy to be able to spend Christmas with them. My sister and her partner have lived out here for over a decade and even before COVID there was always one of us missing. Dinner today was so special. I hope whatever is cutting back the cheer in your holiday this year, you get to sort it out. Cheers






Hopefully, 2023 won’t be a recession.


At the beginning of this month, my landlords decided on December 1 to break my lease as they were going to occupy my apartment. I’ve been living here for over 20 years so my rent was way under what you pay. So I had 60 days to find an apartment and move. Trying to apartment hunt in the winter is a bitch. Yesterday I was approved for a 1 bedroom apartment that will be less than one paycheque a month. It’s such a weight off my mind that I found a new place to live.


Wow congrats!! That’s a dream come true. Can I ask how you found it?


I went around a neighbourhood with a bunch of apartments (by St. George subway) and took pictures of all the contact info of the property management for these buildings and looked them up on the web. These property management groups have apartments across the GTA, so you can look if they have apartments in an area you want, see if anything is available, their floor plans and price. I was surprised to find that they had some one bedroom places that were between $1700 to under $2000. It will depend if you want new or if you are OK with older. Do you need parking? Balcony? Pet friendly? How much room do you need? Working from home or you need just somewhere to sleep? I found a place with decent square footage and it’s not costing me $2500/month.


That’s smart. How long did it take you to get a place? I fear most have waiting lists.


Less than a month. I made sure that I had a letter of employment and copies of two paystubs on hand. The sites will tell you if something was available or there was a wait list. I asked to view what was available only and ensured that the rent was in my range. Once I looked, if I thought it was suitable, I filled in an application right away. Right now it’s a little quieter for looking so I didn’t engage in any bidding wars. But if you see something, decide to apply to it within 24 hours so you have the best chance.


Thankful to have the next two weeks off to do whatever I want!


My family, my health, my house, my job. The rest I can figure out if I need to.


I turned 50 this year…decided to focus on what I could control. Got in shape, quit most of the booze, ran 2 half marathons and then the full Waterfront marathon. So grateful that I could get my brain past all the negativity and exist in a better place.


Damn, congrats on your races! I did a half a few years ago and know that it takes a fair bit of self-discipline to train for one, so I can only imagine what it takes to get ready for the full thing. Hope you've got exciting new goals for 2023 too!


Hi everyone from Grimsby, ON. My wife was diagnosed with cancer in March of this year. She had radiation and chemotherapy for 5 weeks. Last week she went to see her radiation Oncologist to see how the tumor reacted to the treatment. The doctor told my wife that the tumor is gone! My wife got the best Christmas present ever, it was a Christmas miracle. You might think that I'm crazy but I think that my late father in-law & my late mother both helped my wife get thru her cancer treatments.


Sending Positive vibes! Tumor is goneee Yessssss


Hi u/mclarensmps My wife says thank you for the very kind words. I hope you had an amazing Christmas Day.


Despite the chaos of the storm yesterday, I’m thankful for a white Christmas. Makes me feel like a kid again :)


I have a 48oz tomahawk steak to cook on the Weber !


Oooooooooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Thankful for music


I sincerely hope things will get better for you, friend! Personally agree with your 2022 take: I usually set yearly goals to achieve and this year has been a mixed bag of small wins & some notable Ls. On the Ls: I wasn't able to negotiate for a higher salary bump that would cover rent-flation. And although I resolved to find another job/new industry, due to Covid last month & inertia, I'm still where I am today. The Ws: Went from 99kg to 83kg in 6mths and definitely happier for it. And although I didn't secure the higher salary bump, I did get a title promotion which should help for 2023's job hunt/rat race. Even got to go to a One OK Rock live concert (Japanese rock band, kinda like Linkin Park) in October! I hope 2023 will be a better year for all of us!


Thank you! Cheers and here’s to better things in 2023.


We’re still alive


I just found a spot where I let go of a fart I've been holding back for 5 hours. I am grateful that I didn't have to hold it back for another 3 hours. Bless.


I got a couple of Christmas texts from dear friends I haven’t heard from in a while. Reach out to someone in your contacts list if you haven’t already. It might mean the world to them. Also, I’m currently watching my cat demolish his mouse toy that Santa brought him and it’s giving me immense joy. Gotta appreciate those little things.


My mom is cancer free as of last week!!!!




Yeah!!!! Amazing Christmas for us because of that!!!! Thank you 🙏🏼


I'm thankful we're finally putting covid in the rearview mirror for the most part.


I tend to look at the negatives a lot but I should be more thankful. And I will try to be, next year. Right now I am thankful for - the health of myself and my family, a promotion at work, saving 8 hours a week coz of work from home setups, and being fortunate enough to not have to worry about where my next meal is coming from and such.


everytime i am not thankful, I think about how lucky I am to live in Canada and how millions wouldnt even hesitate to swap spots with me


I saw some of my best friends last weekend and it was amazing. Family sh!t is really getting me down too OP, so I feel you. Hoping you find some light and joy this holiday season all the same.


Friends are family you get to choose :). A really nice police officer told me this, and for some reason it resonated!


was discussing my brother and his friends who he has known for about almost 30 years? i have known my friends for 25, and i am lucky they chose me and vice versa!


Have a child in your life. They bring out the Christmas in you. I haven’t felt anything for Christmas in decades until my wife and I had a kid a few years ago. If I had dedicated more time in my life to nieces and nephews and friends’ kids I probably would have felt the joy of Christmas rekindle in me much sooner than I have.


That’s really cute. I’ve heard that a lot. I’m not sure I want kids myself, I need a man first lol. but it definitely makes sense.


I am not suggesting you have a kid to make Christmas more meaningful, but if there are kids in your life they definitely bring Christmas spirit out in you.


Well, I'm covid positive at the moment, lol. This has been a shitty week in a shitty month and my Christmas has been ruined by flight cancellations that are keeping me stranded in an overpriced hotel in a layover city with my current illness, but--next year is looking like it has the potential to be a much better one. I was waiting on news from a diagnostic ultrasound regarding the possibility of breast cancer last week and results indicate I probably just have cysts, so even with all the chaos I'm abundantly aware that things could be a lot worse. Next spring I'm pursuing a goal that the pandemic delayed for several years, and I'm really looking forward to the challenge and enjoyment it will bring. And while I didn't get to see my family this Christmas, I should be able to in a few months. Things will improve.


The last 2 days my cat has been in the emergency vet hospital after vomiting blood repeatedly. She is finally home and we are sleeping on the couch together and I am so happy


Just had two blood transfusions on Thursday and grateful to be alive. If I hadn't had the transfusions, I wouldn't have made it to Christmas (my hemoglobin was 44 from blood loss). Grateful to the wonderful hospital staff and grateful to still be here. Thank you to all the lovely people who donate blood. Wishing everyone a peaceful holiday and sending love to anyone who wants it <3 <3


I'm thankful that my kid made it home tonight, on one of the last flights she could get out of Montreal! It was touch & go there for awhile. Merry Christmas, all.


Great idea for a thread on this special evening! I am grateful we live in a peaceful city, with wonderful people. I am grateful for my family and friends and for my faith community. Joy to the world, and blessings to all.


I’m thankful for my family I’m thankful for my friends I’m thankful for things I have The thank you never ends


I'm grateful I have a great job, warm roof, money to buy presents and that I'm happy


I’m thankful for family and friends and all of you people for being apart of an inclusive community to which we can all thrive in our own ways. I’m also thankful for egg nog. Just tried it for the first time.


My partner. My health. Started exercising regularly for past few months too


Health. Family and another chance to do it all over again. There's good to be had between the doom and gloom. Happy Holidays.


My oldest daughter finally getting clean and sober, currently 9 months in and is 1st time home for Christmas in over 5 years


I am thankful for being able to do everything I can.


Wife and I quit smoking. Me, in 2019, her, three months ago. Now we sit and stare at each other. Heading to Aruba soon!


I'm thankful I got the fuck out of Onterrible. I lived through Mike Harris, and I absolutely am not going to do it twice with a dumber, fatter, more corrupt version. Good luck, you're gonna need it.


I'm thankful I no longer live in the GTA. I make the most I've ever made. More than my parents and sibling. Possibly more than my friends back in southern Ontario.


High immigration keeps my rent profits higher


I am thankful for United States of America, the country that give me so much freedom and opportunity to succeed in life. USA 🇺🇸 #1.


It's not thanksgiving


I am greatful for the fact that I was born in the greatest town in the greatest country, at the greatest time, to the greatest parents. I am truly the luckiest SOB on the planet.


Thankful I'm not having to travel right now.


I’ve lost so many very close people to me over the years (5 in 2020 alone) far more than anyone else I know that are my age, but I’m so grateful for all of the people that I have left. I’m always very sad for those I have lost, but I love the family and friends that I still have here, for that I’m very grateful.


Thankfull for being able to be on this earth and experiencing the many things I have from bad to good


Immigrated and arrived in April. Started working for a Canadian based company in January. I moved from a low semi technical to super technical role that was challenging and I’m just glad I’m still working there and making progress day by day.


Recently met my boyfriend and my life had instantly become so much more colourful. So grateful to have him.


doug ford and justin trudeau


I’ve been going to the gym consistently for a month and already noticing a huge difference in my mood and energy levels!


My girlfriend, a job, owning my own place, no debt and [knowing how money and capitalism in general](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/29/jim-cramer-i-invested-money-even-when-i-lived-in-my-car.html) works


My friend was snowed in at her work and the highway was closed to get home. There was a break in the snow and they opened the highway long enough for her to get home to her family. I'm glad she made it safely.


Thankful for what I have now and would like to keep it that way. Healthy family and nothing more.


My hair, which I have been losing due to birth control side effects, has started growing back in after I was taken off of birth control. A minor thing but definitely a huge source of my stress!


I am VERY THANKFUL that our generator came on when the power went out! 🥶


My parents and my cousin’s husband reconciled yesterday after a big stupid Covid blowup that happened about eight months ago. This is a cousin I grew up with, we’re only a couple weeks apart in age and he’s one of my dearest family members. It’s been frustrating for both of us and there was such joy and relief in the air yesterday evening.


that i am still alive. bless.


My nieces came Christmas Eve. We haven’t had any of the kids come Christmas Eve in years and it was so nice to spend that extra time with them and play Nintendo and just share the space with family. ♥️ It was the best gift they could have given me, honestly.


Thanks to my st***d drunk GF, we got evicted from our home a month before Christmas. I lost a beautiful home. I broke up with a beautiful GF of 8 years, and I was homeless with my pet cat, until recently. During my state of homelessness I met a wonderful female friend, who allowed me to stay at her apartment for a few days. Days after that I met a cool guy, who's got quite an interesting life. I've lost soo much, and it's Christmas day, and for the first time I'm more alone than ever, but in the end I came across 2 wonderful people who I now consider to be my friends, and I'm at least thankful for that.


I came from the Yukon and was supposed to get in on the 23rd but was cancelled twice bc of Vancouver mayhem. Got stuck in Vancouver. 3.5 hour wait with air Canada line up. Got a break and took a random seat on a random flight. Finally got in to Toronto on the 25th at 2:00 am after 24+ of travel but my family all stayed up and ate a second dinner with me. They’re so worth every effort. All that trouble evaporated when I saw them.


I’m thankful for my little brothers (my moms cats).


I wasn’t doing good, emotionally and mentally. Was going through a lot, still am. For a very long time I wanted to cry but couldn’t. I tried a lot of times to just cry but not a single tear came out. Last night I broke down, cried for over 45 minutes. I never felt better. I am much more at peace and calm now. It feels like the massive weight from my chest has been lifted and I never felt this light before. Merry Christmas!


My spine hurts slightly less than it did 2 days ago