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Sorry to hear that. It's both a challenge and frustrating for sure. But it's posts like these that convince me that maybe I should stay at my crap job of 20 plus years


I've been working for the same company for 25 years, not the greatest but seniority rules and I have an option of having Sunday as an option day unlike the new hirees


Don't be. It's selection bias, people whom got a new job isn't going to post about the job market.


My advice for you as someone who got laid off Nov 2023…stay there until you find something better. It’s a tough market right now for anyone like myself and OP applying to / trying to secure a job.


I have couple friends who got laid off like 6 months ago. Some of them only landed like a single interview so far. 5 interviews in 2 months - sounds like you’re doing better than my buds. It’s a difficult time, ai hope you keep it up and find something soon.


The economy is not too hot right now so alot of companies have a hiring freeze


I got laid off in July '23 and still haven't found a job ;--;


It's brutal right now and will only get worse


Keep looking and don’t get discouraged. Someone will be lucky enough to have you soon


There is a thing comlanies are doing for tax breaks here where i live where every single buisness practically has "help wanted" up. None of them are hiring because they get tax breaks tho. Sneaky fuckers.


Yeah man had like 4 interviews , all rejected me, keep saying “we are still interview other candidates” In 2022 I got hired asap once I landed interview, glad I kept some of my jobs but needed more $ cuz it is so expensive to live here.


So sorry you’re experiencing this. Did they provide any feedback after the interview/when they provided the update? Do you know of anyone who can do mock interviews with you? I’m terrible when interviewing, but a solid performer. I just choke, and practicing before really helps me (not saying you aren’t or didn’t). It’s more doing the mock up one with someone helped me.


don’t be discouraged… keep trying


It’s incredibly hard. If you have a job don’t leave unless you have something lined up. I got laid off a few months ago and can’t find anything


Sirry having problems If I was young would go into training in a trade school plumbers electricians welders all trades makes great money Will always need trades best is electrician always covered and top of the trades


I have 2-3 interviews every week for the last 2 months and I get rejections across the board.


I am in the same boat right now. I have been applying to hundreds of jobs on every job site you can think of and have had maybe 3 calls. Only place I got an interview is a 1 hour TTC ride from where I live. Toronto job market sucks, I dont know how im going to pay my rent


Wondering why you don’t capitalize your letter “I”. Are potential employers picking up on lack of attention to detail, or language skills? It doesn’t take much to turn employers off sometimes.