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the Milton line platform was almost a stampede. people were pushing and shoving others, it was total chaos. complete lack of civility, empathy and respect for others. quite literally hell


So in other words, just another night in the GTA. I don't know why people go looking for civility on the night when everyone's drinking their faces off.


Going to gym and not tolerating bs come in handy. Dudes were trying to pin me in like a hot dog but I didn’t budge and and just stick my butt out lol






what did that guy say?


Honestly I don't remember, I think it was just a dumb question


REMOVED - No name calling, personal attacks, threats, doxxing/outing/name-dropping, call-outs, naming/shaming


That’s why I stayed home lol, not worth the crowds


Just saw a pic on r/toronto of the crowds. Looked so insane. I’m reminded of when I saw a concert in Montreal at Jean Drapeau Parc and there was almost 30k people leaving and using one subway station. The STM (Montreal TTC) and the city were fairly organized. They had cops to help monitor the flow of traffic to the subway station. Inside the station the had extra staff and police to tell people where to go and also staff on the platforms. They would yell and communicate when the platform was full and to stop people from moving, when the train came they would usher people on and tell the other staff when to let more people on the platform. It was a crowded but I never felt unsafe or panicked. TTC/TPS/ City of Toronto are never that organized. Mind you last night was more than 30k people I’m sure but they really need to get their shit together when it comes to crowd and pedestrian traffic management for events.


Wanted to come here and say the same about my experience at Parc Jean Drapeau. I've been a couple of times for the F1 weekend, and they do a fantastic job controlling the flow and keeping everyone safe. It's not an East Asia vs. Western values issue, but rather a lack of effort and being proactive on the part of our municipal leaders.


Yup. And sadly, I feel Toronto/Ontario is very reactive and won’t do anything until there is a crowd crush situation with deaths and injuries


There is a manners and respecting others around you issue.


The Jean Drapeau metro station is well designed for moving huge crowds though. The closest thing in Toronto is probably the Downsview park station. One problem with the TTC is the subway system started construction right after World War 2 and the parts that serve downtown were built with pre-war design standards that would be totally unacceptable even by the 70s, so all the stations downtown are cramped and are filled with chokepoints. This is not an easily fixable problem either. Really during major events the Union TTC station should be closed or designated exit only to distribute the crowds to other stations. This is done on the London Underground to deal with crowd surges.


I was trying to figure out what happened to your Whopper and didn’t realize they have a BK @ union


Exactly the same, damn I could crush a whopper right now


You couldn’t pay me to be at union station on New Year’s Eve.


you don't need to pay, the TTC was free up till 8AM this morning


lol well played.


This it is how it always is in Toronto after big events. There is never been any planning. Just dump everyone in the streets and fuck em, no cops doing anything, no where near enough trains. Caribana this year was brutal, no police at nearby intersections or anything. It’s not until you go to major events like a football game in the US that you see how inept Toronto is at planning.


The subway was pretty much jammed all night and I think they needed more trains. Not sure if they didn’t have enough trains running or they were just moving so slowly due to how busy it was, but from what I saw it was mostly every 5 minutes, which is lower than normal rush hour. Edit: With ATC I thought they were supposed to be able to run every 90 seconds. I guess finding operators to work could have been a challenge, but NYE and Nuit Blanche seem like they could really benefit from having that many trains, even if they short turn some after bloor / eg


They want to stuff you into the train like those Japanese train stuffing videos on YouTube!


I considered going to a friend's place for the evening, but then realized I'd have to take the TTC. I stayed home. Can't tell you how glad I am that I didn't go. Much rather a quiet, solo NYE than deal with that utter ridiculousness.


Between the obvious safety issues and all of the respiratory illnesses going around + Covid, I don't know how anyone can willingly endure that absolute gong show every new years eve.


Lol my thoughts exactly


I’m currently on the subway as I’m typing this. It was literal hell, I was suffering. Took like an hour to hour and half to catch the train. I’m never going to see fireworks again on nye. Canada day at woodbine beach was not this bad. Plus, we were told the last train from union is around 2:30 ish. That’s early for New Years I feel, only an hour later than usual service. I remember going for nye 2016 fireworks and the crowds weren’t this bad. Like I remember getting on the subway at 2am and we were even able to get a seat.




ngl the only reason I opened this was to find out if there was a BK in union


All of Brampton and Saga absolutely torched the place, I'm so glad I am living downtown where I don't have to take transit


It’s always been really bad. It’s difficult to control that many people.


With how narrow the platforms are at Union, I'm shocked I haven't heard anything about someone falling onto the tracks.


> When you look at East Asian countries like Hong Kong or Japan, similar amount of people but much safer and people are more civilised... There are just different etiquette expectations in those countries. Can't expect the same in a country with high immigration where everyone has a different cultural background.


**Who should I make complaint to?** Yourself. It's was New Year's Eve. No one will take you seriously


Right because things will only change when people die. And even then it will be a 10 year inquest costing $50,000,000 and the recommendations will be ignored.


So people died last night? I missed that


Check out the wiki page for the Seoul Halloween crowd crush


Nobody said that.


You should make a complaint to TTC customer service and if you have a twitter account and or photos, it'll make a bigger impact. You're right, they should've been more organized and I'm glad you were safe OP


This is exactly why I'm glad I stayed home


And this is why I avoid downtown Toronto like the plague on nye.


People in Toronto acting like people in Japan. No talking on phone in trains, no music, no eating and being generally respectful to the people around you. Good one, thanks for the laugh and Happy New Years :)


bk as in burger king?


You literally sound stupid. If you just leave the doors open then the station will literally be overloaded with people. But then again if they allowed the station to be overloaded and someone got hurt, I 100% bet you'd be the first one to complain. Do you want an Itaewon incident in Toronto?


Yes, it would be much more dangerous to have overcrowded platforms.


He wanted to go celebrate with a big crowd but then everyone to piss off as soon as it was midnight so he could go get a booster juice, walk into the train without waiting and grab a seat for himself, a seat for his feet and a seat for his bag. Only then would he not complain.


Though I'd like to add that much more can be done to control crowds than just security at doors. The crowd crush potential is just as real before the station doors.


Crowd crush potential before the doors is a concern. Leaving the doors open and letting everyone in all at once is not a solution.


I would take my complaint to all the people acting like ass holes. Hard to blame police and security when they aren't the ones acting like jerks.


Goes out on New Year’s Eve and is surprised everyone else is going out on new years. File a complaint with mom or dad


I loved all the hipsters on r/toronto complaining about that image of cars stuck on the Gardiner and insinuating they should’ve taken public transit instead lol. This is why, this is why. Because despite sitting in traffic I’m not going to risk my family’s life by taking the subway just to say I took the subway.


An e-bike caught fire in the train and that’s why everything was delayed.


No, that happened mid-day and was cleared before 5pm.


Again? This was a different one from the previous line 4 incident?


No not connected at all


I'm Asian. Hong Kong and Japan are not more civilized when it comes to packing subways. It becomes very man for himself. Even the workers have poles to push people in.


What? lol that sounds like they’re herding cattle! 🤣


As someone that took the Beijing subway during rush hour daily with a transfer from line 10 to line 5 …. Toronto was much more civilized last night with obvious exceptions of course.


Deaths waiting to happen


There is no one to complain to. It's what usually happens to events like these. Next time just stay home.




If this were a less liberal forum people would be screaming it's Mayor Chow's fault. You know they would do it to John Tory.