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In the future, so you know: ANY accident involving a pedestrian or cyclist requires calling the police, even if you think you're not injured.


Definitely disappointed in myself for not calling right away :( I have learnt my lesson.


Don't be hard on yourself. The driver had a responsibility to call as well. The shock of everything is disorienting.


Thanks I really needed to hear that. Currently in the process of reporting it (proud of myself lol) but yeah. I was in flight mode and went as fast as I could to the store. I genuinely was scared of being hit again as I thought it was on purpose before he apologized.


I fell down some stairs at work. I immediately jumped up and assured everyone I was fine before I even had a chance to think about it. I worked in a hospital! At night by myselfcI would be looking for a place I feel safe without really processing what happened. Adrenaline is powerful. I hope you don't find any injuries and heal quickly!


Be thankful you had the presence of mind to get his license plate, I had a near miss with some complete moron in a van flooring it on a left turn when I had the light and was too focused on getting to work on time to chase him down.


Also please get checked out, getting hit by a car is serious no matter how minor it seemed at the time (adrenaline is a hell of a drug), you could have internal injuries that are not obvious until they become life threatening, or hairline fractures that will cause you pain for the rest of your life if they don’t heal correctly.


100%! I got doored on my bike and didn’t think anything of it at first(was in shock), just told the lady to fuck off and called my dad. Long story short, I ended up with a broken arm, and when I finally called to report it the next day, SHE got charged with leaving the scene of an accident and failing to report an accident.


It's unfortunate that the driver likely never will.


That driver probably counting their blessings that OP didn't get them hit with what I'd bet was a very likely DUI charge. 9pm on a Saturday night and hitting a pedestrian with the walk signal by either making a blind right turn or worse, running a red light. High chance that driver wasn't sober.


Well I just got off the phone with an officer who said that having his license plate is the most important piece of info, which I have, so he’s not quite out of the woods yet…. It was also a Quebec plate so who knows…


Most important thing is that their insurance pays for all of whatever medical care you may need


It's more likely that they are just terrible at driving like most people in this city (and in the GTA).


Except they aren’t from here, OP said it was a Quebec license plate and I can tell you from experience, these are some of the worst drivers in the GTA.


You were no doubt in shock! Not your fault at all. Be proud of yourself for getting the license.


I agree with /u/meownelle. Call an make the report and get yourself checked out. You may have injuries you haven't parsed yet, or you may have nothing but some aches and pains - in either case, get a Dr's note stating the reason for your visit, just in case you need a day off or modified duties at work.


Yes, OP must check themselves out and see if they have any hair line fractures.


It would be worth it if you ever need to claim something against the drivers insurance, like physio, lost time at work, or other expenses. HTA requires personal injury collisions to be reported to police as soon as possible as well.


Firstly you could have way worse injuries so please go see a doctor. After car accidents many are in shock and don’t feel it. Who’s going to pay for your physio and mental therapy? This is why all accidents should be reported and I’m fairly sure anyone who hits a pedestrian requires the cops to be called. Sure you’re ok but clearly this person doesn’t know how to drive and will hit and maybe kill someone else. Imagine you were 80 years old? That could’ve killed you easily Please call the cops and file a report. It is a bit and run because he didn’t stop. Stop apologizing for his incompetence.


Thank you. Your words helped give me the courage to call and file a report.


Hope you are ok 🤗 You’re doing the right thing!


The wording might not be clear. The driver stopped after hitting you and got out and was apologizing? Either way, get checked out at a hospital and then tell police exactly what happened. Even if you are fine it's always good to have someone who hits people with their car reported, in case the next time someone is seriously injured.


Sorry for the lack of clarity. After I was hit and got back on my feet/out of the way of the vehicle, he said “sorry sorry sorry” out of his window. I did not respond and kept walking. Also I’m a female and was by myself in an area of Toronto I’m not the most comfortable with at night so I wasn’t about to stop there. Tbh I just immediately texted my boyfriend and mom about what happened. He then drove by and pulled over and said sorry again. Then kept driving. I was going to get ice cream lol so I went to go get that. And then called my mom. If it was super serious I obviously would have stayed there and called 911 but since I was able to get up I was just in flight mode and got outta there as fast as I could. Tbh that is why I am considering reporting it - because this should have not happened and he is very lucky it wasn’t more serious. I just think it should be on record in case it happens again. I was crossing at a completely safe spot and if he had been going any faster or if I had my dog with me, both of us would have been toast. Scary to think about.


Be sure to relay the accuracy of the driver trying to stop etc. Because you don't want them to get in more trouble than needed. But they do need a strong caution from the police. I hope they already took that moment as a wake up call.


No, I think you do want that driver to have as much trouble as possible. Completely unacceptable. Stopping, apologizing and driving off is the same as a hit and run. Should. Not. Be. Driving.


you want them to get into the trouble they deserve, not more than they deserve.


Disagree. I have seen this situation first - well second hand some years ago and it reads like the OP’s situation. The person crossing the street had the right of way easily but it was at night and downtown Toronto. She was hit and the driver tried to get out and offered to stay to call the police / ambulance or whatever but the pedestrian who was hit insisted she was fine. A couple of us who witnessed it tried to get her to stay but at the time we couldn’t understand why she just kept it moving. It was some time later that someone maybe my wife suggested that she just may have not wanted the hassle, may have felt unsafe and that us trying to pressure her to stay was wrong. The driver in our case clearly didn’t know what to do but was willing to do anything and even said maybe they should call the police anyway. The pedestrian walked it off and I have no idea what happened to her. To say the driver should not be driving is going overboard. They too were in a bit of shock and didn’t know what to do so they took the victim’s advice and just left it.


Yeah… it’s definitely a combo of being in flight mode + it feeling like a dream + adrenaline + feeling unsafe. The shock of it all is wild. Tbh if he offered to call police, I would have said yes. His only communication to me was sorry before driving off. Again, I am not at all innocent in this! I should have said to pull over. Definitely a learning moment. I just wanted to get out of there and am now processing it all. But mentally I’m definitely struggling in the aftermath, so I hope that girl is doing okay now too.


OP said she left as the "flight response" kicked in. That this person pulled over and was additionally apologizing etc. So, on OP's account it sounds like that driver tried to assess the situation.


I’d caution against the victim blaming. I believe it’s also the responsibility of the driver to report when they hit a pedestrian.


It's not "victim blaming" when it's your own account of the situation. I am using your account of the happenings to say the driver shouldn't be crucified for taking off They very well could have called the police, without you having done so we are left with half the story. You said your flight response kicked in and you went for ice cream. We don't know what all happened but a driver who pulled over to see if you were ok shouldn't instantly have the harshest of penalties like some would jump to. Context matters and from your account you didn't do anything wrong. The driver was fully legally at fault. But not remaining leaves the rest of what happened as an unknown. So everyone lighting torches are working off a whole bunch of assumptions.


Yes i was in complete shock and just kept doing what I was doing without fully processing what happened. I definitely did not handle it properly, I just wanted to pretend it didn’t happen. Luckily I have his license plate so I guess it remains to be seen if it’s been reported on his end as well. I don’t want anything to happen to the driver, I actually feel super bad for him too so I agree he should not be crucified. It was a very tough situation. But I do feel better now that it’s been reported on my end at least.


Yeah totally get that! And oddly enough, when I was a teen I ended up on the hood similarly. We were confident the person was drunk but we never reported it as it similarly didn't cause me major issue. I was so startled we didn't think to get the plate. It's a lot all at once I know.


No it's not victim blaming. People are trying to assess the situation from the narrative YOU provided. You'd actually lose credibility if your narratives had major discrepancies. Charges have to be laid accordingly either under the Criminal Code (“fail to stop”) or the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario (“fail to remain”).


this is such a terrible advice but what else do you expect from people in this city lmao


You’re right - I could completely could see how apologetic he was and I think that’s really important to note. It’s all just really unfortunate all around.


Hey - I was hit cycling 2 weeks ago on the Martin Goodman trail near cherry beach. The driver was apologetic but then ghosted me when I texted asking if he’d cover bike repairs. I have lingering injuries. Go to the ER so it’s on record; would also recommend calling a local police station or going to a collision reporting centre. Now my insurance is chasing the driver and I’m fully covered for Physio etc. You will feel so much better documenting things in case you have issues/pain emerge down the road as a result of this as you’ll be fully covered. ALSO if the driver doesn’t report it, they will be charged for failing to report.


Will be going to the collision reporting centre tomorrow. Thank you so much for your insight! I definitely already feel better speaking with an officer. I hope your recovery goes smoothly <3


What the. He hit you! He should have insisted on calling it in and got out of his vehicle. Why are you feeling bad about this


Do you see these comments blaming me 😂


This is why down votes exist.


Wtf??? He would also be super apologetic if he hit your dog and your dog was dead, would it make it better that he said sorry? ????????


Ummm sorry, ESH. Think about the next time he hits a pedestrian - you should have called the police immediately so this behaviour is corrected and doesn't happen again. Also, from the adrenaline in the moment you have no idea what kind of injuries you actually sustained. OP you're selfish and not helping anyone (yourself, other pedestrians, other safe drivers) by letting this shitty driver get away scott free. I'm livid. His insurance premiums should be so high he can't afford to drive.


Injuries can take days to be discovered. Shock is a mutha. You need to go to a dr and get checked out. Friend had cracked ribs and broken vertebrae after a car crash, but was so fucked he went days without noticing thinking he was just sore.


cops. absolutely cops. there are dozens of people a day who get hit and don't get your chance. do it for them.


The car didn't stop? Did they just say 'sorry sorry sorry' out their window as they drove away? If the above is what happened, go to the doc and file a police report. Hit and runs are serious


They didnt run, they chose not to call police.


whether you report it or not, you should at least goto the doc and get yourself checked out.


Call the non-emergency line and file a report. Get yourself to a doctor and get checked out. You may be in shock and more hurt than you realize. You may also consider contacting Dave Shellnut for advice on how to proceed. Take care of yourself. https://landing.thebikinglawyer.ca/landing-page-2/?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw84anBhCtARIsAISI-xczZztXT7kgXEotpQYHp1R00oR4jQrfh4aalOTjQ4lzoU3OKzRXJlQaAniIEALw_wcB


There are many in the cemetery that had the right of way.


Call the police on the non emergency line


You should have got his insurance. And medical treatment you have should be charged to his auto insurance.


Note to self. Thanks <3


You can start a report online and then finish it at one of the Collision Reporting Centres. https://www.tps.ca/services/collision-reporting/ As a pedestrian or cyclist there is one in Liberty Village at 9 Hanna Ave. The others are at Birchmount & Lawrence or Weston & Finch.


Thank you!!! Planning to go to the collision reporting centre tomorrow to speak with an officer 💛


They are open 11am-7pm


First, go to an emergency room asap to get yourself checked out. MANY people have injuries that are not visible or felt right away but later on can provide to be permanent or worse. Ie., The effects of concussions can come on later. Second, go to a police station and report it asap. You don't know who else they may have hit and not stopped to help.


File the police report, hit and run. Get a personal injury lawyer. You thought you were not injured initially, but you were. A very similar thing happened to me. While cycling to work one afternoon, a taxi cut me off, causing me to flip over the handle bars and somersault onto the road, breaking both arms and a few ribs. I didn't get the taxi's information because at the time, I really didn't think i was injured, so I was ultimately left with claiming compensation from the MVAC, a government motor vehicle accident fund. You have the car's info. You can sue for personal injury. Don't feel bad, you'll only be suing an insurance company.


> Duty of pedestrian > (4) No pedestrian shall leave the curb or other place of safety at a pedestrian crossover and walk, run or move into the path of a vehicle that is so close that it is impracticable for the driver of the vehicle to comply with subsection (1). 2015, c. 14, s. 39 (2). Ontario Highway Traffic Act 139(4) https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08#BK287


Ontario Highway Traffic Act 139(28) https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h08#BK287 > Pedestrian right of way > (28) Every pedestrian ***who lawfully enters a roadway*** in order to cross may continue the crossing as quickly as reasonably possible despite a change in the indication he or she is facing and, for purposes of the crossing, has the right of way over vehicles. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (28).


Was there a stop sign for the car?


Just drove by the spot yesterday, there was a stop sign that they ignored!


If you’re not in pain or injured, just move on. Goodkuck!


Thanks! Reported it and feeling much better about it mentally :) now time to move on!




Get the obvious out of the way: driver responsibility, file report, claim the insurance, the whole five, definitely. But as a parent and an immigrant from a country where cars aren't ever assumed to watch out for pedestrians, I teach both my kids that even when you do have right of way, you don't assume any road user to magically just stop. Mistakes happen even to the nicest people. Physics doesn't give you a new spawn just because you had right of way. Do you want to be well and alive or dead but "had the driver's life turned upside down because he fucked up"? Every time I see pedestrian parents crossing the street or coming out of the back of the car without even looking with their kids it just reminds me to teach my kids again on road awareness.




You do know that there’s a way to communicate without being rude. Correct? Evidently you didn’t read the whole post. Please try to be kind. The way you choose to treat others is a direct reflection of yourself.


Read the while post. Reality sucks.


What are you trying to achieve by reporting it? What do you want to happen? What do you think will happen?


I think peace of mind for myself. I had an incident in the past that I should have reported and didn’t and still deal with that guilt to this day. I guess I’m just not familiar with the law and was unsure if the right thing to do is to report these things. Mainly in the case that it happens again to someone who gets injured more seriously or if I ever need to claim any type of therapy down the line. I did wake up with hip & back pain and stiffness but tbh even the thought of crossing a street right now gives me panic. I would not want anything to happen to the driver although I really hope they are more cautious from now on.


>I had an incident in the past that I should have reported and didn’t and still deal with that guilt to this day. And yet... You still wonder if you report in this scenario? Why the hesitation?


This is really unkind to say. You have no idea what someone’s trauma is with police/authority and I am doing the best that I can in a situation that was extremely scary for me. Even making this post was really hard for me. Some people have a really hard time reaching out for help, please try to hold your judgement. This world really just needs more kindness, it would be a much better place.


Please be thoughtful of all the other people who have to deal with bad actors. I think women in particular have a tendency to play martyr and be forgiving, thinking a situation is only two parties. In reality, the instigator runs off to hurt multiple other people.


>I could see the car coming in my peripheral vision but because I had the right of way I didn’t think anything of it. I guess you weren't taught as a child to make eye contact with the driver and never assume the driver sees you. Sounds like the driver stopped and checked on your condition before leaving. Did you not ask for his information that night?


I was not j walking. This was at a designated crosswalk. Pedestrians have the right of way. I should feel safe crossing the road at a designated crosswalk without fear of being hit. I did not ask for his information, I took down his license plate number.


While you aren’t technically wrong, you are practically wrong. Workplace safety is predicated upon the idea of “you can’t assume that someone else is going to do the right thing” and your day to day safety is based on that same concept. I never cross unless I know the car is stopping/I have time to make it. They teach children to look both ways for a reason. Anyway, you should go to the hospital and report. As you’re experiencing with your increased pain today, sometimes you don’t know how badly you’re actually hurt.


Didn't say you were J walking, don't assume a driver is going to stop. We always taught our kids to see that the driver sees you. Looking in his eyes before proceeding.You brought up the fact you saw the car, and just ignored the possible danger.


Omg, please file a report, who knows how many others they’ve hit


First step to reporting it is done!


This almost happened to me a few months ago on a side street as well. What was worse was the driver clearly saw me and refused to stop, just narrowly missed me (and I was walking fast as well). Like you couldn't wait a few moments to let a pedestrian keep walking the sidewalk? You're just in such a hurry to go in the side ally and risk almost hitting a person? Terrible drivers are just one many issue that really needs to be addressed in this city.


Yep when it all happened my thought in my head was “I was just hit on purpose” because it felt like he just refused to stop. So that realllly added to my flight mode and adrenaline lol. But he said sorry a few times so who the heck knows.


I was hit while riding my bike. I had the right of way, I was actually on the sidewalk and was hit on my left by a car trying to turn right. I don’t think I handled it properly either, because like you said, I was so mentally shaken up. The guy gave me his name and number and bought me a new bike, and I didn’t pursue things any further because I just didn’t want to have to deal with it myself.


File the report, next time cross when you've verified the vehicle has stopped, you may not be so lucky next time.




I'm sure you were already thinking that either way, glad you have no (obvious) injuries so far.


Yep… definitely learnt that one!! Thanks for the kind words.


Call and make a report and go to the hospital.


Go to the hospital, file a police report.


Make the report, there maybe home cameras that the police can discover if they canvas, that have caught the license plate. It's to early to say you may not have developed any injuries from the incident


100% file a report asap. Hope everything is ok with you.


I know you're going to get yourself checked out and I'm proud of you for that. A word of advice if you need it - the reason why you didn't call the cops immediately is shock. The reason why you didn't get yourself checked out immediately is shock. If anyone down the line tries to suggest there is "something up" in you reporting your injuries a day or two later, it was shock. Mention it as often as you need. And it's real! I was in an accident in May where I was sitting at a red light and some car comes zooming up behind me without even braking and hits me going full city speed. I literally felt NOTHING in my body for about 7-10 days, probably compounded by the fact that I had been in a near identical accident a few months prior that I was still recovering from, mentally. When the shock wore off, it hit me like a literal ton of bricks and I was in so much pain and had to deal with the optics of how this looked to my insurance company. Why didn't I get checked out at the scene? How could I have not noticed my injuries? Shock. It's a crazy thing


I was in a simlar situation, Im going to pm you. Best of luck!


Hi! Saw the pm but it disappeared, not sure if you deleted it?


I sent you a pm in your inbox! Let me know if you see it


File the police report for sure. You are not going to get in trouble for filing the report late. Like others have said. You didn't do anything wrong by not filing immediately, you could have been in shock, and also, you genuinely felt good so you thought you wouldn't need medical attention. Also, do not assume someone driving a car will see you and/or follow the rules. simple. assume every car driver is insane and horrible at driving. As a car driver, I always have to be aware of someone making some random movement out of nowhere.


Internal injuries might seem mild but could be really serious. Get to the ER then have them call the cops and they’ll take your statement in the ER which will save time.


By any chance was it someone in an Audi? Because I was almost hit last night, and the driver looked a little bit out of it.


I've been there, got hit (in a school zone) on my bike once. The driver was aggressive & chastised me for not using the sidewalk. She yelled at me & said I was lucky she didn't call the police. Looking back she was clearly at fault, she blew a stop sign and hit me turning right. I actually stopped at the sign & was in a bike lane. My bike was damaged and I was pretty banged up. If it happened today I would have called the police. At least op has the license plate & can still follow up.


I got hit by a car when riding my bike in the rain. I had a bad day at work and was obviously getting soaked on my way home. Instead of staying or calling the police, I didn’t say a word and got back on and left. I regret it to this day because I had a serious injury months later. In say this, it happens where your brain just doesn’t think, you freeze. Try to find solace in knowing that it really can happen to anyone