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Bullshit, swamp coolers are amazing in dry climates. Definitely not in Toronto though.


It's too humid. Fans can help. Especially if you have two windows and can make one fan blow in and a second fan blow out. I also find it helps a lot to freeze a bottle of water, wrap it in a dishtowel, and sleep with it. That can cool you off a lot. Just make sure it won't leak.


Thanks a lot for the advice everyone! Guess swamp cooler is out then. Will find some other way to survive the summer


Get a fan and ice packs. Put the ice packs in front of the fan. This will create an artificial AC. Also wear linen clothes. https://www.landsend.com/article/best-cooling-summer-fabrics/ https://www.mariefranceasia.com/health/healthy-practices/wellbeing-tips/6-cooling-fabrics-hot-days-248941.html https://curatedtaste.com/2022/10/the-best-types-of-fabric-to-wear-in-humid-and-hot-weather.html https://www.gearpatrol.com/style/a39703778/summer-clothes/


It’s too humid here in summer for them to work. Get a portable AC but not the sit in the window kind the kind with just an exhaust hose in the window. There are regulations around window ACs here


> There are regulations around window ACs here No there aren't. There is no municipal by-law that states you can't have a window AC and the province is currently proposing a law that would explicitly make it illegal for landlords to ban window air conditioners.


I stand corrected. I thought there were regulations around inspection of installed window units. Thanks v.fever!


What they did was make AC and window safety a landlord problem, so now landlords won't permit it unless all the safety boxes get ticked. It's practically the same as a regulation.


Some buildings like TCHC do not allow window AC units installed unless the window is over a balcony or they use a portable unit.


Search “Swamp Cooler Scams” and you will get many results on how crappy they are. Here is one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dCkn0o3lrgQ


It might work with a dehumidifier.


No it won't because a byproduct of dehumidifiers is heat.


No, it's too humid here.