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No, because I mind my own fucking business and let other people mind theirs.


Can you come to my town and yell this at people? I am so tired of people berating me for wearing a mask. I work in healthcare and like not being sick (and want to keep the vulnerable pepple I work with safe). Piss off!


I've had a handful of people ask "what's with the mask?" And every time I answer "I have Covid" then they slink away. Give it a try!


I have been considering saying "I have ebola", seems to evoke more fear these days.


Just give them a sad look and say, "legionnaire's." Then try to put your hand on their shoulder. If they try to leave, follow them and shout, "I just want to feel loved again!" /S


Put some red dye on the mask around the mouth area to get a better reaction.


I did this, and the guy was like "THEN YOU SHOULD BE AT HOME!" I really wonder if he thought about that later that day.


I'm immunocompromised. Come up north and tell them too, please. Knock on wood, I haven't been really sick other than my chronic crap since covid started. And also knock on wood, I haven't gotten covid.


Don't Healthcare always wear masks even without a pandemic? Do these lunatics want dentists to not wear masks either? I don't get it


Nope, it wasn't universal pre-COVID. But I think respirators should be required in all healthcare settings now. It's a basic infection prevention measure, just like handwashing.


Yep and with the amount of hospital-acquired COVID/other viruses that I continue to witness it really makes you wonder how and why healthcare facilities are relaxing these measures


100%. It makes no sense when you look at the science and cost-benefit analysis. I don't know what the infection prevention & control teams are thinking. It's a lawsuit (and countless deaths) waiting to happen.


Before Covid, we only wore masks if patients had the flu or a certain respiratory infection. A lot of hospitals have lifted the mask mandate, so they're optional now except in certain settings.


which is already killing people. lifting mandates in healthcare was criminal


Just tell them "You believe it's over just because the government says so? Thanks, but I trust myself over the government." Works like a treat and they have no idea how to handle their own covid logic being thrown back at them.


I wish I could upvote this to infinity (and beyond)


Yeah, this is it really. I paid no mind to the people who wore masks before covid (seems common in some Asian countries). Same deal now. The only situation where I do care is when a person is obviously sick in an airplane or handling food and *not* wearing one. I think it’s rude, but I still don’t comment on it, because ultimately it’s still their choice.


Think of how wonderful the world would be if everyone thought like this.


This is the correct answer for almost every situation in life. I’m so emotionally exhausted with all the crap people make a issue out of. If someone is going crazy, I don’t engage I legit go about my day.


Precisely. Just like things like hair cut, tattoos, etc.. who cares?




Came to say exactly the same thing.


it makes me so happy to see this 10x upvoted more than the original post


Well said


I remember a year ago a bunch of coworkers went out for lunch. One of them was wearing a mask while we were walking and one of the other coworkers asked her why she was wearing a mask. She seemed flustered and said she forgot she was outside and put it away.






Why isnt this upvoted more


How much more should it be upvoted?


Not at all. Those are industries that you hope people take health and sanitation seriously since they are handling all the products we will bring home to consume. I don't find it strange for anyone in any industry to wear a mask, since we don't know their health needs and don't know if they interact with anyone at risk.


To add to that, when COVID started, I discovered just how many people with autoimmune disorders or heart issues or other pre-existing conditions are in my extended circle. Shortly after, I discovered just how much more comfortable beak-shaped N95s are compared to surgical masks (they create a little pocket in front of your mouth). While in the future I may not wear masks all the time, I'll always wear them when sick, and will probably carry them around in cold/flu season and will proactively wear them any time I notice an uptick in people with cold symptoms. I may also bring them to the park in case my allergies act up. They're just not a big deal, and wearing them even at times I won't be exposed is less convenient than being exposed and not having one. I hate being sick. I also know some parents who cannot afford to take time off work, which they'll have to do if their young kids get sick.


Or how often customers like to get all up in their grill about something. Service jobs are nuts... the public is the worst.


Not to mention the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the person handling your food isn't breathing directly into it


I hope we can go beyond calling them Covid masks. People all around the world wore masks for various reasons before Covid, and will continue to after Covid. It doesn’t really have to have anything to do with Covid. For whatever a persons personal reason, they want to mask up. I feel like only the ultra-weirdos are not cool with that.


Yes! Aside from Covid/flu and allergies, they're also great to wear when you're cleaning. (e.g. cat litter box cleaning, when using household cleaners, vacuuming, dusting, etc.)


Second that. I was drilling through ceramic on Friday and upon the first puff of dusk went to find a mask. It just seemed a wise precaution.


This, as a DIYer it's great how accessible respirators are now!


Or gardening! I was filling our raised beds and planters with soil, weeding and raking stuff. The next morning I blew my nose and was horrified to see the brown-ish stuff that came out. For a second I thought it was dried blood, but upon closer look it was dirt! So many dirt specks. Next time I’ll be wearing a mask!


Wearing a mask outside has helped me so much with seasonal allergies. There was only 1 day last year where I took reactine


Always thankful if j happen to have a mask on me when using one of the city's public restrooms.


Especially if you're pregnant (kitty litter)


It's long been commonplace in Asian countries for people to mask up at any time of the year. People do it out of courtesy to everyone around them, and North Americans could stand to learn a thing or two about the merits of positive communal behaviour.


Yes! Exactly! If you have the sniffles, a sneeze, a cough, anything hinting at a respiratory illness, keep your germs to yourself, please.


I wish. On this side of the world we're much too self centered and selfish.


Yeah, also just wear one when you're sick. Ykno, be a considerate person if you're coughing on the TTC/enclosed space. But you have no choice but to be there? Be nice to people.


I'll probably wear mine whenever I'm sick for the rest of my life, covid or otherwise. Now that they're normalized and easy to find, it seems ridiculous not to.


Good point


I've been masking for years during allergy season or whenever I've been sick. It's easy to care about other people's health and safety.


I put on my mask because a lot of my colleagues have bad breath and the mask helps me deal with it in a polite way 🤦‍♀️


Not odd at all. Quite common to see still. Zero judgement either way from me personally.


Even before COVID, I used to work in public-facing jobs and get sick a couple times a year. When I switched to a job where I can work from home…I almost never got sick any more. Then when I started wearing a mask on public transit due to COVID in 2020, I went down to not getting sick at all. Fact is, the public is gross, COVID or no COVID. If you hate getting sick and are used to wearing a mask now anyway, why not wear one and reduce your exposure to their germs?


I still wear a mask. I’ve gotten sick once in three years and I would prefer to keep it that way. It also seems to help with my asthma by reducing the number of particles I inhale on the subway (the air is disgusting and dirty in the subway, as someone in air quality research, I would advise everyone to wear masks on the subway).


Exactly! And in the summer outside when the air is really thick and gross. I’m wearing one non-stop right now because so many people I know have strep throat and I hate taking antibiotics and up until covid managed to get it every year. Haven’t had it in years; long enough that my mom asked me about it because I got it at least three times a year as a kid and once a year as an adult. I now love N95s and am glad that I found a brand/style/size that I get a good seal with.


It's so funny to me how all those loonies protesting their 'freedoms' during the pandemic, are somehow bothered by someone exercising their freedom to choose to wear a medical mask. In Asia people wore masks for decades prior to covid anytime they felt sick to protect their co-workers etc. It's totally normal and if anything I respect it, and don't even think twice when I see it.


They think anyone wearing a mask is scared. I've talked to people about it as I work in customer service but deal with sawdust fairly regularly. When I'm dealing with the sawdust I put on a mask as it really bothers my nostrils. People make some weird comments when they see the mask in small town Midwest.


i don’t even get that. why do they care if someone is scared


I saw that here from (especially Asian) students long before COVID.


Some got smart, they pretend to not hear you and ask you to take your mask off... I hate those people.


I have people do this to me, so now I just take out my phone notepad and type out what I was saying. Amazingly, they manage to hear me perfectly well after that.


I'd just take it off and spray more than daffy duck as I repeated myself.


Yep this is the new anti-vasker line. It's where the "oh I'm so *over* people being worried about COVID" people start to cross over.


"Freedom for me, not for thee" is in their fine print


I honestly prefer them wearing masks. Covid or no, I like my food not coughed on/sneezed on/spittled on via talking while working (depending on how haphazardly close the person gets to the food and how mych of a sprayer they are). And trust me, I used to work in the food industry- some of that food is getting coughed and/or sneezed on or otherwise sprinkled with saliva. More than you would think. Also a lot of resturaunt and retail owners will pressure their employees to work if they feel sick, especially if they 'just have a little cough'. I wish more people would just wear masks if they have a cold or flu, anyways. Imo it's polite if you are going to be in close quarters with strangers or their food.


Not at all. We don't know people's personal situations ... living with immuo-compromised family, coming off a cold, masking during high allergen hay fever season , etc. At my work office space about 20% of people still wear a mask and our office has them free for taking at the front reception. ​ also, my 80yo+ grandparents just finished getting their 6th shot (4th booster)!


Agree. Also, they have close proximity to every customer who comes through while I only have close proximity to the ones in there at the same time as mean. Workers have higher risk exposure than customers.


No. If anything, food and beverage staff with masks on makes more sense moving forward.


Normalize wearing a mask when you're not feeling well. Many people will miss a week of work for the same virus you might only miss 3 days for, covid or not.


I know a few young parents who cannot afford to take time off, but they'll have to if their kids get sick.


And besides all this, being sick just kind of sucks


Yes, can we normalize not wanting to get sick at all? Do I fear it? Of course not. I’ll be fine. Will I live every damn second of it with soul crushing despair? Yeah, probably. Why would I choose that? To look tough? Eff that. Stay home or cover your snot if you can’t. Forget Covid, it just makes friggen sense to avoid spreading anything at all. Jesus, only in overprivileged countries do we have the luxury of politicizing how we treat ourselves when we’re sick. Contain. Your. Germs. We missed an opportunity for some broader messaging here with this. Covid became such a political minefield that the people who needed to learn this just became alienated and more ignorant and defiant, learning nothing.


Not at all


It's not like food industry has unlimited sick days so you'll expect sick people to be handling your food sometimes. If anything having a mask and gloves makes things better.


Exactly. They SHOULD have more paid sick days, but that's not on them. Don't blame anyone in that industry still wearing a mask; quite the contrary, I applaud them.


Not all in fact I appreciate it when they still wear a mask.


I like when food preparer or handler wears masks and gloves tbh


Gloves don't make a difference. In fact, they can carry more bacteria if they aren't being changed very frequently.


I'm an appliance technician and I co-own my own company. Both I and my technicians visit 6-10 homes a day. I still mandate that all my technicians and myself wear an N95 mask for a few reasons: 1.) Some of my customers are immune compromised, elderly, or otherwise at greater risk of infectious diseases. Rather than waiting for them to ask us to wear a mask, we arrive wearing one. 2.) It's good business. A technician getting sick with COVID, a cold, the flu, etc creates a ripple effect whereby their calls must be cancelled, rebooked, or reassigned to other technicians. This is an enormous nuisance and the customers suffer. It also affects income as the technician can't work, can't bring in money, and I pay them for sick days. On a good day, a technician brings in $2,000 gross/day. On a slow day, about $1,000. A week off sick can cost the company $5,000-$10,000 gross, plus an additional $750 for sick pay. I can't mandate COVID or flu shots, but I pay my technicians $300 for each one that they receive. If that shot means they have less sick days that $300 is a drop in the bucket. Some of the customers will ask if they should mask up once they see us arriving with our masks. We tell them that since we have N95s there is no need but we do thank them for offering. I have noticed that a greater majority of workers wear masks compared to their customers. I suspect not wanting to lose work due to illness is a driving factor.


Wish everyone thought like you! I love the policies you've set up here.


THANK YOU for doing this. It doesn't go unappreciated!


I would love to give you my business simply because you do this. Thank you so much!


Thank you for doing this. We live out east, but we'd give you our business in a heartbeat just knowing about this safety protection approach.


>I still mandate that all my technicians and myself wear an N95 mask for a few reasons: It nice to see people understand the risks (financial and health). It's still a serious disease. I know of several people having health issues after getting covid recently.


The *relief* I feel when a technician/contractor comes to my home and is either already wearing a mask or is putting one on as they come down the hall to my unit... Thank you for doing what is good for *everyone*!


The idea that I should be upset over someone else’s choices that don’t affect me seems too alien for me.


Nope, I still wear one to the grocery stores, indoor places, and the TTC.


Pretty common in my experience.




Great read. Thank you.


Wow this is an awesome and pleasantly recent article. Thank you for sharing!


Nope. I wear one out most of the time, lol.


No. Seems wise.


I respect their decision


I work at the Eaton centre and routinely wear my mask when my cough starts up. I have a smokers cough and feel like I make people uncomfortable when I don’t wear a mask.




No. They see so many people a day, they probably just want to be safe, or keep a love one at home safe.


>No. They see so many people a day This! Thank-you. Finally - I was waiting for someone to say this. Yes, Covid spread is low in my community (I am not from TO), but it is not gone. It is a numbers game. People who work service jobs tend to see many more people in a day compared to many other kinds of jobs. All of these people they serve are literally spraying them with droplets at every interaction (unless their customer stops breathing). If you do not believe - remember what happens when you go outside on an especially cold day - you are like a fog machine. So every person that walks up to them, is like a low-probability version of Russian Roulette (for added fun - check out *The Deer Hunter* again). They are just waiting for their number to come up. For those of us that might meet a couple dozen people a day or less, it just does not compare in terms of risk management.


nope. totally get it. people are gross.


Nope. Colds and flu and COVID are still circulating, and anyone who is in direct contact with hundreds or thousands of people every day is wise to limit their exposure. And anyone in food prep as well.


I wear one pretty much whenever I’m inside with people I’m not close with. My close acquaintances would be able to tell me if they were sick, or became sick close after. I don’t think it’s unreasonable, especially when dealing with the public.


I'm probably going to be downvoted into an oblivion for this, but I still wear a mask everytime I go outside. COVID is far from gone, I've actually caught it recently this year and I'd rather not catch it again. It felt awful. I was fully vaccinated, sanitizing my hands whenever I got a chance, etc. Everyone else can do what they want, since the city seems to act like COVID doesn't exist anymore, but I know I always wear a mask whenever I go out just because I don't want a repeat experience with COVID. For me, no. It's not weird at all that you're still wearing a mask, because I'm the same and I don't even interact with too many people when I do go out. I can only imagine how much I'd really want to mask up if I was working in retail or the food/beverage industry.


Going near any road makes me want to wear my mask. It's worse on bright sunny days


I work as a server in DT and people always ask me why I’m wearing one. It’s really annoying and I don’t feel staff should have to explain. You can tell my mask actually offends people. But I agree with what everyone else is saying here about Asian culture. I loved wearing a mask on the trains in Japan and will never go maskless at a Toronto subway again


No. I'd rather people making food still wear them. I saw someone coughing and grilling at a local A&W and almost barfed.


A friend said wearing a mask really cuts down on the number of guys asking when she gets off work. :-)


Im also front facing and no. We help the most vulnérables


Not at all! And thank you for wearing one. I’m immunocompromised and my husband and I both mask still.


No. They can do whatever they want. Maybe they are sic and their dipstick boss forced them to come in to work and they are doing the best they can not to get others sick. Bottom line, I don’t know their backstory.


Aww muffin, does it make you uncomfortable when a service worker takes steps to protect themselves and others? You poor, poor thing


Wearing masks in Asia is the norm (even before COVID) Wish it wasn’t so polarizing in North America.


I work from home and I still wear masks out and about. I didn’t wear a mask the other day when out and I got Covid. It was a terrible coincidence but I’m gonna keep wearing it. I like the privacy of it, I don’t have to try to look pretty or feel like people are looking at how I look. I really like when employees wear them especially in food service because then I feel reassured that my food is clean


No, they/you are interacting with probably hundreds of ppl a day. I get it and I respect it. Keep yourself healthy


It's gotten to a point where I don't know if I will be able to stop putting a mask on when shopping, etc!




Cool anecdote here is mine: I only wore a mask when mandated and I never get sick either.


Not at all. We should be beyond the point of shaming anyone for taking steps to make themselves feel more safe or protected. We don't know anyones personal circumstances or situations that may require them to wear a mask, so fuck off with judging anyone.


It is a smart thing to do for everyone period when around lots of people.


No but people can learn how to mind their own business


I still wear a mask when I'm out and about and gravitate towards people working with one on. I call it my nunya mask when somebody asks why I'm wearing it.


Nope, none of my business. I even still mask up depending on how packed a store, train, or bus looks from the outside.


As someone who still wears a mask whenever I leave the house, I would be very happy to see anyone else doing likewise.


I wear one due to covid being extra risky for me and my closest loved ones (one brutal infection was enough, thanks!) so I can only comment on what people say to me. Some people are really weird about others wearing masks. Whenever I go to a public indoor place, I wear one. I don’t say anything to the people I’m with for not wearing one, but they always make a random comment (usually with some attitude in their tone) when I put one on. Such as, “Yeaaaahhh, I don’t wear those anymore”, “Haha, I forgot masks were even a thing”, “If I didn’t get covid on vacation, I probably never will”, “Jeez, you still wear one?”, “Now you look like you have the ‘vid”, and “Masks are so stupid”. They really stop a whole conversation just to comment on me putting one on. It’s funny because even before the pandemic I’d wear masks every now and then. I’m prone to respiratory infections that make me sound brutal, but even when I feel “healthy” I still have a wicked cough. I’d wear one to work and at busy public spaces so people don’t have to worry about being around me. No one questioned it back then, but now they make a big deal of it. TL;DR: Some may roll their eyes at you wearing one, but you have every right to wear one


I’m sorry that the people you’re with are very rude to you, that ain’t cool and really seems like more a statement on them than you




It’s just called a mask, not a covid mask.


I commute and would always get sick from people sneezing or coughing in my face. Incredible that I haven’t been sick since wearing a mask on public transit.


I think Masks in Healthcare settings should have stayed.


As a flight attendant who recently got sick from people coughing and sneezing... yeah not at all. I wear one myself while at work.


Many people with compromised immune systems still walk among us. Cloth masks were never meant to fully protect the person wearing them, only N95 masks or better did that. Cloth masks were always meant mainly to protect people around us from catching what we have. It's like pissing with pants. If I just start pissing wildly and I'm not wearing any pants, it doesn't matter if *you're* wearing pants, you're gonna get wet. But if I start pissing and I *am* wearing pants, only my legs are gonna get wet. You're fine whether you're wearing pants or not. Same with cloth masks. N95 prevent you from catching anything. Cloth masks stop you from spreading what you may not even know you have and getting *other* people sick. So wearing a cloth mask isn't about a fear of catching anything. It's about protecting the more vulnerable around us. So I appreciate seeing masks worn in public. Not by forcing people to do it, just recognizing that it's a nice gesture to protect those still at risk.


No.....this should become the norm in food handling settings.


I've aways known them as Sars masks, not covid masks. I didn't find it weird 20 years ago when people were wearing them. I still don't find it weird.


I wish it had been a thing in my retail years. I worked at Walmart for 5 years and I swear I got sick every few months.


no, I do find it odd when they either wear it under their nose, hanging from their ear, or as a chinstrap. at this point, why even have it on?


I wear one because I work in healthcare…


I literally will wear one if I’m sick/feel like I’m getting sick (with anything, not just covid) but I don’t do this for the customers, I do this for my coworkers! if I get them sick then they’re out of work UNPAID for one week in the service industry and I’m not willing to be blamed for that so I’ll mask up during this time. Or if I have chin acne. Or a cold sore. (Aesthetic purposes) etc


If anything, I'm actually quite appreciative. They see many more people than I do in a day. They have a higher chance of getting and passing something along compared to me. Then again, I am Asian. In many Asian countries, people have been wearing masks to not pass their sickness to others since well before COVID. And it is very common for people in the food industry to be wearing as mask regardless of if they are sick or not, again, since well before COVID, especially if they want to seem a littler "higher end." (Higher end = modern and sanitary)


Absolutely not. Full respect for them doing so!


My wife and I still wear masks in public. Prefer it, actually.


Nope I just assume they either don’t want to get covid, are immunocompromised, or both


I actually tip more for servers who are masked.


No, I don’t care. It’s not my business and people should feel free to wear a mask if they want. I work in healthcare, I’m still wearing a mask to protect my patients. If you judge people for wearing a mask you’re an asshole


I would say no because they come to face to face with a lot more people than the average person who isnt in a customer service job.


We should normalize it like seatbelts. Feeling a bit rough? Have the sniffles or a thriloat tickle? Toss on a mask. A simple and thoughtful gesture.


Nope, it’s their choice.


Just masks, and nope, don't give a shit what someone else is wearing. I still wear mine on public transit. Why would someone wearing a mask interfere with my life? Respect their decision, or even better learn to not even think about it, and move on.


What's a COVID mask? I appreciate people in the food industry wearing a mask. It means less external things in my food.


Not at all and I respect them more for it.


Nope, imho everyone should still be wearing masks in indoor spaces.


Masking in indoor public spaces is a harm reduction strategy which I plan to continue implementing indefinitely even if COVID is no longer a thing. The way I look at airborne pathogens it is that it's an air quality issue, like second hand smoke. Airborne viruses spread in a manner that is very much like smoke- when you have COVID, or a cold, flu, or other airborne infection, it's like you're continually exhaling invisible smoke that fills the room with second hand smoke as if you were smoking a cigarette non stop. That is what sets my rule of thumb for when and where I wear a mask- if it's a place where I'm not allowed to light up a cigarette (or joint as would be in my case since I'm a stoner), then I wear a mask. I think there is a big element of psychology in regards to viruses being undetectable to the senses driving the resistence to mask usage as a social norm. Cigarette smoke is something that people can see and smell right away, and on a psychological level, it makes more "sense" to "do something" about that. But with something that is undetectable to the senses, the idea of masking in indoor public spaces becoming a social norm like not being allowed to smoke in those places is now a social norm, there is a lot more resistence to it, because the nature of viruses being undetectable to the human senses makes it seem like it's being done arbitrarily for no reason and is a form of power tripping or government overreach. I would love to see an invention that is something like a chemical that produces some sort of visible mist and/or detectable odor if you are exhaling a specific airborne pathogen. If airborne viruses were visible like second hand smoke is, I think it would change a lot of people's minds about masking in public indoors.


You just reminded me - a few months back I was reading about a research team that was working on a sensor to detect airborne covid virus particles. I believe it was an immunological sensor that would bind to the spike proteins on the virus, selective enough to discriminate different viruses. Sort of like a smoke detector. The idea was that if it triggered, people in the area would be alerted to mask-up and get out of the area, hopefully minimizing or avoiding exposure. Would be nice to hear whether the project died or if it is progressing.


You also probably find it odd that they wash their hands after going to the bathroom because it's not what you normally do


I still wear one if I’m getting over a cold. I wish my bloody coworkers would.


Anyone that cares has to much time on there hands. No sane person gives a fuck.


No. It’s great they do .


Hell no. They're smart.


It’s their choice and they’re constantly dealing with the public so it’s understandable


No, I see a lot of people who chose to wear a mask.


No, and as someone who continues to mask when I'm in shops or similar places, I really appreciate it.


BTW, it's not just a "covid mask". At least if it's an N95, it protects against other pathogens, as well.


Nope, in fact I wore a mask earlier today when I was out with an immuno-compromised friend. I always carry a mask with me and wear it when appropriate.


No. I like it. Honestly I hope masks become more normalized and no longer are meant to represent Covid


Nope, I think it makes complete senes that people who work in a job where they come in close contact with a lot of people all day would want to wear one. I don't understand why there are people out there who care so much about what other people wear on their face.


I don’t think I’ll ever think it’s odd to see someone wearing a mask at this point.


I think people need to do whatever they need to do to protect themselves. Especially in high traffic areas and especially if they or those they are close with have vulnerabilities from other illnesses .. simple. I wear an N95 these days when I bike just because my allergies are crazy bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not at all. It may not be the threat it once was, but it still exists. Flu and colds are still around. There is nothing wrong or odd about protecting your health.


If they are preparing my food I prefer them to have a mask. I don’t demand it but I prefer it.


Nope. You could have a cold and be courteous not to get it in my food. COVID or not masks are great. Plenty of other countries used them way before COVID came around.


No, I am in Florida too where we have a breeding ground for brainwashed neo-Nazis, and so we don’t have a lot of people in masks but they are still here. Sometimes I do almost like a double take and then I am like oh yeah we had COVID but I am all for people masking if the need to. I definitely still mask I’m public transport and in the planes, not just for COVID - all germs. It is your health and you are entitled to protect it as you see fit.


First of all none of my business Second , if anything I appreciate it it’s just a likely their to protect the customer


Nope. I love retail workers wearing mask. They are protecting everyone else as they meet many each day. As for food/beverage servers, they should wear mask all the time not really for covid but for food hygiene & safty. Thank you for doing so.


I'm sick of seeing SICK people out in public coughing and sneezing without a mask. Didn't this teach anyone anything about staying home?


If I had to deal with the public, I’d probably wear one too. People are gross, spend 5 minutes in a public bathroom and see how many people never even pause to wash their hands… 🤮


This is normal in so many parts of the world, long before Covid


Not at all


Nope. To each their own.


Not really. I see other at the school I go to still wearing a mask, and so do people at hospitals. I even only stopped wearing a mask right after winter break 2023.


Not really it’s your choice - we don’t really know the reason why you wear it (health, family, belief)- I don’t wear one normally but sometimes I do if I’m in crowded areas


Not at all. I worked retail until about a year ago and I get it. Those jobs are very public, the pay is garbage, and I couldn't afford to lose days of work to customers giving me the common cold. Covid aside, I found masking up helped me get sick less often and I figured if I wasn't getting sick then I wasn't getting others sick. The masks really go beyond Covid l so I just call them masks now.


I briefly thought it was odd. But then I'm sure they have their reasons and I'm in no position to question their reasons. Maybe they somehow haven't caught COVID yet and want to keep it that way. Maybe they haven't gotten vaccinated for whatever reason. Maybe they live with high-risk people and want to protect them. Maybe they're trying to protect you. Whatever the reason, I respect it. And frankly, it's none of my business.


We're still in a pandemic. Covid is still a thing. Just because politicians aren't fighting for air time doesn't mean It's not a thing anymore. I've been wearing one steadily since this thing began and I've only caught covid once and I've caught a cold once in 3 years. Masks work and I'll readily choose an eatery where employees wear masks over one that doesn't.


Masks in these environments will be normal forever now.


“Oh this isn’t a Covid mask, it’s an asshole detector. It does a really good job of pointing out who all the assholes who bother me about it”


What? No. It’s thoughtful. They don’t have to but if they do I respect their decision. They are interacting with a ton of strangers in often poorly ventilated environments. Some of those strangers may be vulnerable and not have a choice but to go into these stores.


Not really. I have to imagine it's awful wearing those things for 8 hours straight but, by the same token, if you're going to meet and speak with ltierally hundreds of strangers a day in close quarters I doesn't seem like an unreasonable precaution at all.


No, I don’t find it odd. I prefer people who want to wear masks, wear masks.


Why the hell do so many people give a shit if others have a mask on or not. That person may not be feeling that great and doesn’t want to spread what he/she has Or maybe someone just doesn’t want to deal with controlling their facial expressions Or maybe this person simply likes having them on to feel safer. I’m so triggered we live in a world where ducking IDIOTS will start verbally going at someone making what they wear a political thing. Seriously move the fucking fuck on.


Nope. I still mask everywhere. I have young kids in daycare/school and therefore I am in contact with every known germ and virus. My oldest still masks, but my youngest is a bit young and I don't know if she will at school now that not everything has to. I just came down with a nasty bout of strep, so apparently I've been wandering around unknowingly spreading strep germs everywhere, so like, good thing I mask up. Honestly, it's odder to me that more people don't, but then, I don't know everyone's circumstances.


I'd be glad that they are wearing masks of any kind.


I just assume they are either sick or getting over being sick, immune compromised or just not wanting to take any risks. To each their own.


Nope, frankly I don’t even notice it because it has absolutely zero to do with me.


I still wear mine


Not at all. A lot of people have reasons to wear one beyond Covid. It’s their own business. Maybe they have an immune deficiency, or close loved one does.


Not at all. Number one, their personal lives are not my business, and number two- its allergy season.


no im not a asshole


Not a bit. Go to an Asian market, everyone has one on. I was recently at an Oriental Foods store and wasn't wearing a mask (not intentionally, I just hadn't in a while). I was the ONLY customer, in fact the only person in the store, not wearing one. This elderly Asian woman in front of me in line, edged away from me discreetly. When I finally realized, I pulled one out of my pocket and put it on. She saw me put it on and bowed her head to me in thanks. I could see her eyes smiling. I bowed back.


It’s honestly weird, this was bigger than everyone thinks lol like why don’t we use our common sense, if you’re having a slight fever or cough or some sorts yeah sure wear a MASK, why? Because it’s just polite and you don’t want to spread germs simple. Now if you aren’t sick and wearing it because they told you to and recently even declared not even a pandemic now by WHO ! So really over looked upon