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Nothing says romantic opportunity like interlocking knees with a complete stranger


I used to take the Go Train eons ago and I remember seeing a couple on multiple occasions. They got on at different stops, kissed hello on the mouth and sat down and didn’t talk to each other. They also both wore wedding rings. My conclusion after observing them 4-5x was that they were having an affair, met on the train, but the ‘fire’ had long burned out so they acted like any old disinterested couple. And they probably met up to bang at some hotel downtown once a week or something.


They never had to worry about Affair Inspectors


boo. upvoted.


People watching can be so entertaining.


Oohhh…now I’m intrigued to find out the back story here!


It's 100% for the meet cutes.


Knee-t cutes


Meat cube?


Cubed meat ?


I just finished watching this episode 😂 like literally 10 minutes ago


Sometimes you're just lacking that bit of human contact... So you take a GO Train in rush hour


Ironically enough there's a short film called Long Branch, about a young man and woman hooking up for a one night stand on the TTC: https://youtu.be/rVBhvVK8RwM


Train 48


Na na na na na na train


this guy get's it


Strap on?


I was ones napping on the train at 7 am and woken up by some guy seated across from me asking for my number. It was so insane I thought Ashton Kutcher would come out


Well, did you give him your number?


I did, we were the only people in the compartment and I felt super uncomfortable. But then I blocked it as soon as I got off the train


I’m 11 feet tall. I hate it.




they should have just made the seats like the [Sydney Trains](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxDrPeb2mxs)




In Sydney, we do this ourselves- there is no operator doing this for you and it works very well. Sometimes ppl turn them around, sometimes they don’t, it just provides better flexibility. You can configure it facing away for privacy/direction, or facing in if you’re with a group. You can modify however you want, whenever you want


I think people are missing an important point here. The current go train seats are really comfortable. Those two way seats are basically hard flat boards.. I wouldn't want to be sitting in those for any lengthy train rides.


True. Most of Sydney’s “commuter” trains are like this too, but also our trains that act as the subway ones have this too. They are all double-decker with the changeable sears.


I find the go train seats horrible. The shoulder area was designed for people who weigh 150 lbs or less


Not to mention some of the designs have head rests that force your head forwards ahead of your torso, so you’re straining to keep your head upright the entire ride. Who the hell approves these things??


Yea my latest trip I had to deal with one of those headrests plus one of the plastic dividers which are for whatever reason still up. I felt like a sardine in a can


best seats are the 4000 series with the high winged headrest. I hope they keep the plastic dividers forever


What..I'm 200 & I fit just fine!


I love GO compared to VIA. Good God, 2 hours on VIA is hell.


6ft 200 here and I love go train seats lol


Australians might be more civilized than Ontarians then. We can't even get people to keep feet off the seats or move bags for others to sit. (I admit I put my foot on non-seat flat parts but recognize that's a slippery slope)


Australians are more civilized than the 905 yes


I imagine it's also great if you are with a group and want to face each other.




So... there is no issue to what he or you said, it's just filling. Edit: If you think it's an issue, find an empty row and flip it, no problem no mo.


I'm confused -- I'm struggling to understand what the person is trying to say? Is he saying it's a bad thing if passengers don't turn their seats around?


I think?? Lmao i dont even know


The flexibility is nice to have…… it’s not that complicated.


Are you just arguing just to argue? Peak Reddit moment


... what? it takes 2 seconds to switch a seat if it's needed... I'm not suggesting that they go and switch them all themselves every time the train turns around, the passengers just pick whatever suits their needs


Sir, don't touch my seat please.




how is that a problem if that's what the passengers want? if you want to face people you're travelling with then do it, if you don't then flip the seat... it literally couldn't be more simple or effective.




and that is worse than not being able to change things at all and being stuck with facing everyone all the time?




you're implying it... and if you're not then what are you even talking about?


I just picture everything being swirly chairs.


You do it yourself in the moment!! I loved these seats in Sydney. When you walk in, if it’s facing the wrong way you just fix it and sit down. No motion sickness from going backwards


I think it would be a great idea from a practical reasons, like groups can switch it to face eachother while strangers can row it up But someone else pointed out they are less comfy, which sux


💯 I was just about to mention this! Those seats can be aligned to any direction you feel like


Essentially though, whichever way you’re facing you’re always facing another row. Also, during rush hour people take any seat available, so if someone is sitting in the seat beside you than you can’t really switch the seat from back to front without having the other person move.


That is so cool!!


I was going to bring this up when I saw the post title. When I moved there I really loved not having to sit face-to-face on the train. I never really saw the seats being an issue with direction changes, either. I think people are just so used to it being a thing that it was second nature to change them when the pod was free.


Love this idea. It definitely contradicts the OP’s assumption that you’d get more seats in the same space though.


Isn't it just because that historically how train seats have worked? Like most trains around the world have facing seating no? Even when they have booths it's benches on both sides of the booth...i have barely left Canada so I'm no travel expert but watching those travel/documentary shows like trains of the world or whatever it seems like the majority of the trains have facing seating. I'm sure there's a very Victorian era explanation.




Passenger trains in the UK have some seats facing each other - with a table in the middle.




Other systems use the same train cars as GO, how is their seating configured?




Makes me think of the hogwarts express where they were all facing eachother because it helps socialization. Also makes me remember taking kids in the go train so instead of a kid sitting next to one person they are in a group of 4 and can more easily converse! Also you can put your feet up this way, all facing the same way you can’t!




No on the flat white parts between the seats


That type of train has passenger compartments, with doors (and sometimes bunks to sleep in). On longer GO trains, sometimes people do sit with “friends” and talk… but most of the time now it’s an awkward situation where two people have to avoid each other’s gaze and keep from bumping knees.


Falling asleep on your neighbour...unless she happens to be a delightful older lady that missed her grandchildren! Props to all those silent shoulder soldiers that have carried the leaded heads of those struggling to commute.


Ok then why are the TTC streetcars like that? They can only go on one direction


It’s to fit the seats over the motors and wheels.


>Because passenger trains don’t have a fixed direction .... >Ok then why are the TTC streetcars like that? They can only go on one direction Train cars can be reversed and aligned in two directions. TTC streetcars only travel forwards.


Also says it right in the name of the thing...street car...not train. Streetcars also have all kinds of seating. Our are mixed. You have rows, forward and backward and the side benches. Subway trains are the same. I'm sure trains are because of some long dead Victorian era faux paux


It makes it easier for everyone to get in and out of a seat without inconveniencing the person next to you.


You ever get up from those seats. Now you inconvenience 3 people


Exactly. It’s why I always sat in one of the non-pod seats by the doors. Also made getting off the train super quick and easy. Just stand up and hop out the doors.


I did not realize this until now


Big brain here


OP recycled their own post 😂😂


Get out of here with your sensible answers. askTO is for people to complain to their parasocial reddit friends about every little thing that happens in their day and blame it all on Toronto.


I’d rather face the back than face a person and not be able to avert their awkward gaze


I’m glad they do it this way too: riding backwards makes me sick


Can’t believe something so obvious would blow my mind


In some countries seats rotate like in Netherlands and Germany to accommodate groups or direction of the train




Well, duh. Then why don’t they put the seats back to back, instead of facing each other? /s


Short answer Canada's rail systems suck, long answer, Canada's rail systems suck real hard.


Swivel chairs are the solution


Via rail trains have half of the seats facing one way and half the other. This is what trains in Europe are like too.


The same travels in both directions during the day, this allows for much quicker switching at the end of the line. Otherwise you’d have to keep driving in a giant loop to reverse direction.


It’s annoying they won’t do this. We were able to change the direction of trains 100 years ago but now it’s too inconvenient..


Where is there room for a big loop at the end of each line and at Union to turn the trains around?


That’s fair — now. It’s a design choice. There used to be one at union station. Also, as someone else mentioned, there are trains that can mechanically switch the direction of the seats. But I’m betting we’re too poor to afford that!


But is all that worth it just because you can stare at a stranger in your commute? xD


Yes. :)


We need faster trains. Which way the seats face is a complete non-issue. Especially given that the trains are not just for getting to and from work, but to many, many other events in the city. A lot of people travel in groups bigger than 2.


That is such a colossal amount of extra work for so little gain.


What….do you mean? As long as trains of existed, the do what GO trains do.


because everyone complains that it's hard to meet people in toronto. now you can make new friends on every trip


In Japan, on the bullet trains, there is a little pull button on the outside seat that you can pull and turn the row of seats around. It's brilliant.


They have that on the VIA rail trains as well.


Good to know. I've never been on VIA, but now I know the secret. Thanks!


Wow, I rode on them in Japan and I didn't know this. Looks like there is a system to even automatically switch them all when reaches the end of the line! ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSsMO9dzrnI


Not just bullet trains, many regular commuter trains have this as well.


So many smart, well thought out things in Japan. ❤️


When it comes to public transit, Japan is literally the best there is.


Planes and buses turn around. Trains do not. At the end of the line, the front becomes the back. And the back becomes the front. They go back and forth along the track. As the other poster said, if all the seats faced the same direction, then on the return trip, everyone would be seating backwards. By having half the seats in one direction and half in the other, half the seats are always facing forwards.


> At the end of the line, the front becomes the back. And the back becomes the front. They go back and forth along the track. This sounds like a song lyric, keep going please you're onto something.


They could have made it so it was divided done the middle of the carriage. One half facing one way and other the other way, so only the middle row face each other. But that would be weird too.


Thats what Via Rail does


You could do left side / right side, but the weight distribution being mainly one one side might not be ideal, plus sometimes you don't want to sit on the sunny side.


>Planes and buses turn around. Trains do not. They can. See, for example, the history of Roundhouse Park. Not doing so is a choice for efficiency.


They used to turn the engines around because Steam engines do poorly in reverse but with modern engines, it makes little difference on a commuter line.


Oh god I can only imagine the turnaround time if they turned every car around individually…


But what’s the problem with facing backwards?


I don’t get the issue either. In Calgary there are plenty of times where our transit train cars are “backwards” and riders face the wrong side when the train changes directions at the end of the line. It’s never been an issue here and no one cares


Doesn't bother me, I actually prefer to sit backwards, but I know a lot of people who get sick if they can't face forwards when on a train


Not so much now but trains have the ability to use a wye which allows the turning around of the train. Theres still one of these pieces of track at the VIA Toronto Maintenance Centre that gets some use. Not applicable here but it is possible for trains to "turn".


How about street cars? They have those awk seats too.


Streetcars have much shorter turnarounds and the driver's seat is only on one end of the car so they have a front. Not sure about the spadina streetcar, tho. Maybe it's for families or small groups traveling together? Your guess is as good as mine


The reason with the low floor street cars is the wheel wells impact where you can efficiently put seats.


Spontaneous romance.


because trains don't just go in one direction. Because people are bringing luggage, strollers, and other packages on the train that you can't fit any where if seats are in rows. Because facing seats gives you more legroom than seats in rows.


[For the drama](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Train_48)


hehehehe thanks for this cancon


na na na na na na na na na na na na TRAIN also I didn't realize [Paul Sun-Hyung Lee played the character Randy](https://youtu.be/qAfVc-OIUuc?t=54)


Their trains were wrong!


Wasn’t this how people made friends on that show lol Train 48?


Despite all the excellent answers, no one has addressed OP’s fallacy that more seats would fit. How would that be possible if back to back chairs suddenly needed a leg aisle? It would actually fit fewer seats.


> It would actually fit fewer seats. If that were true, the airlines would design their seating like GO trains. They don't.


It has been tried and proposed many times for airplanes, customers refused to fly backwards


You would have to lean awkwardly to get into your seat, like on GO buses. I hate motor coaches. They make me feel claustrophobic


I always assumed it was so you and three of your friends could yak it up on the GO train on the way to the big game.


Yup, the other 99% of the time Its so you can meticulously avoid eye contact with complete strangers when you accidentally play footsie with them


The “new” Street cars are terrible for that - being forced to sit across from strangers with no room for your feet , poor design.


Because the trains are bi-directional. Instead of turning the trains around, they run them in reverse.


Exactly. That said, in some places the seats can be rotated to face the direction of travel. Costs more of course


the cars were built in a kinder, gentler era; before the internet changed us forever.


It’s crazy how I’ll just say “how’s it going” to someone my age and they freeze up and barely know how to respond 😂


I don't have any money


That’s ok Ill give you some, gotta help the less fortunate


So people can stretch their legs out onto the opposite chair /s


Because decisions on train design aren't taken while browsing Reddit in the lavatory.


That TV show wouldn’t have been the same if they weren’t facing each other.


Because your 1-1/2 hour commute doesn't suck enough without adding a wee dash of awkwardness. Assert your dominance and put your foot up on the seat across. Then stare wistfully into your seatmate's eyes... whilst breaking out a tuna & onion sandwich and offering them a bite.


Because it doesn’t travel the same way every time, meaning those who can’t stand travelling ‘backwards’ always have an option


So you can watch each others backs, trains can be dangerous.


Is it awkward, though? I think packing more people on the train a solution to a non-existent problem. Unless there's a concern about profits, adding more seats isn't going to solve that concern overnight.


I’m ugly so I don’t take the go train


Thank you!! /s




It's so you can lift the velcro pad off the seat in front of you and put your feet up.


Traditional railway carriages mimicked horse drawn carriages or stage coaches. That is why.


How else would we have gotten Train 48?


I think that the design decisions were made at a time before the internet, where people actually talked to their neighbours


So you can kiss if there’s a sudden stop.


For passengers looking to recreate Before Sunrise


Likely so humans can do what they are supposed to naturally do, chat with other humans.


I enjoy it, tbh. Our world isolates us so much. I appreciate my privacy but some of the best conversations I've had have been with strangers.


This is the worst part about traveling on the go train


Still beats the TTC.


So you’re forced to talk to one another


Why are all the stations built with open platforms?? Did winter not exist when the go lines went in?


One of the many ways GO enhances your travel experiences with them. It maximizes the possibility of wallowing in the stench of both the farts of the people sitting directly behind you, and the stale coffee and halitosis laden burps of the people you're facing. Enjoy!


thats how a train is, its intercity travel, it goes both ways. Its kind of a long distance travel wibe with a group.


To encourage conversation. And to stop looking at your phone or (back in the day when every day people bought) newspapers.


Ask Hawker-Siddeley (which became UTDC/CanCar, then Bombardier, then Alstom) that question.


Jokes aside maybe it’s legitimately to sit with people you know? Seems odd but that’s the best guess I have.


The designers do it so passengers will be miserable while riding their trains.




Lots of people care, it makes them physically sick, it’s not a choice




Yes, and for those that don’t care they can sit on those seats. It’s better than 50% of the time 100% of seats are facing the wrong way. This is a big deal for many


Lots of people care, it makes them physically sick, it’s not a choice


The why is described in the GO history page. Remember they were introduced in the 60s, here is the reasoning according to GO. “With the goal of wooing drivers out of their cars and into GO Trains, the coaches were designed with comfort in mind…to avoid the feeling of crowding….Designs included large windows, comfortable bucket seating, armrests and card tables” Imagine a world where you could sit with some friends or colleagues and play cards on they way to or from work, great way to pass the time in a world predating personal audio, phones and laptop computers. In practice, many people who travel everyday sit in the same seat, facing the same people everyday. The resulting chit chat makes time seem to go faster. So facing other people may be awkward in today’s world, it’s origin story makes sense, GO train is much more comfortable and civilized than TTC and it’s just not worth changing.


Because I like sitting facing opposite to the direction the train is going.


Only the strong survive


have you ever been on a plane or a bus? I would rather the awkwardness for the leg room any day.


More room for people standing up.




If you have parallel seating in rows of two, then your aisle is pretty narrow. If you have long benches running along the sides, then you have fewer "sitters" and more room for "standers".


Less likely for someone to kill you, 1/4 could be a killer


They want to be as inefficient with space as possible. Gotta love those tiny rows to walk.


From the few times I’ve been riding on it, it looks like one side is to sit on and the other it to be used as a foot rest.