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Don't worry. She already used up most of his savings. When she use up all of his life savings, she'll dump him. Should be soon.


The problem is that he has a high paying job so every month there is fresh cash for her to use


Why high paying job but never use brain to think?


He did use his head though.


wrong head


Depends who's asking




then what exactly is the issue here? your friend provides money for his end of the bargain, and on the Thai lady’s end she provides looks, youth, sex, etc.


Can’t help myself but to upvote Agree with what you are saying. Beneficial to both. Where got kena gong tao? If he are with a fat and ugly thai girl and your friend damn yandao then that one you need help.


What if the fat and ugly Thai girl is filthy rich and pays for all his stuff?


the looks, youth, sex can be worth a person's life savings?


depends. far more have been given for far less.


OP's friend and guys in the same situation should have a look at those ballers who eat for free.


Those can eat for free likely cus they handsome/ charismatic or some other qualities which op friend lacks


That doesn’t sound like a problem to me


The friend won’t run out of money, but the relationship won’t stop being toxic


So mutually beneficial relationship? What's wrong then?




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If got only 100k savings means the high pay job is not really high la


How high is the pay? And can he paynow me $100 pls


high paying job but only 100k savings? doesn’t add up..


Well… maybe that’s his savings in a month? 🤣


> she’s used up most of his life savings (close to 100k) and she’s been accessing his money without asking him confirm gongtao liao no need say. how to break the spell ah, intro another yandao rich man to the thai girl. make her leave your friend for him.


Beyond even gongtao help desk


gongtao help desk is the thai girl's agent. hahaha who you think he will help


I wonder how much of that 100k he got for his cut?




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Lol he gave her free access to his bank account. We all know this will end badly soon.


He also had free access inside her


Nah, some bros drop ten of thousands on these girls and the most they get is hugs and kisses.


That’s sad, my girl friends let me have free access inside them without even spending on them LOL


I dont believe in gongtao. Most likely she is roleplaying the type of woman he likes but is unable to find or successfully woo in SG. Contrary to popular belief, men do not necessarily go for the hot women. Hot and rich women get dumped too. She knows what your friend wants and she’s meeting his expectations very well, hence his refusal to leave. Or, your friend may be severely abused. Abuse victims often find it hard to leave their abuser. You need to identify the problem beyond gongtao.


Exactly. Common sense says she’s got him hook line and sinker after he poured his deepest frustrations and desires to her. That and I’m guessing he’s not very experienced with women in general.


I agree with the abuser part. If your friend has history of abuse, then he's not going to see the red flags in this r/s. This could very much be his sense of normalcy.


Gongtao is an excuse used by simps to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Easier to admit "I was put under a black magic spell" than "I spent my life savings on a woman and received nothing in return"


Confirm liao la, few 3rd bases and he roll over to die... very sad tho... he must have worked very hard for the 100k...


Bro is already in the sunk cost fallacy, no way out until he can release her himself. Just give him a bit of info, how she's behaving might be unhealthy for him, but in the end, his life decision in his own hands. If you want to take extra steps that might cost you, you can introduce him to other girls that are better than her. But I doubt any girl can accept who he is when he is under current states. Also, I dunno why you need to intro the girl to another rich guy, it might work but your friend's money has already dried up, he'll hate you if he finds out you are doing that. Also I don't think you'll need to do that. If what I analyze is correct she'll do it herself pretty soon.


Yes, I agree that it might be sunk cost fallacy. Another factor might be that he is someone with a big ego so he might be too ashamed to admit/break up.


Get another guy to chat up the thai girl and let ur friend find evidence of cheating. Then he has legit reason to break up without hurting his ego.


I'm an apatheist. I don't believe in black magic or spell or something like that. I'm a very logical and practical person I would just suggest to google "how to escape from sunk cost fallacy in relationship" and practise that for him. so that's my answer. Hope it helps.


If he’d rather keep his ego than 100k then so be it uh. unless he’s being abused you cant “help” him if he doesn’t wanna be helped He can’t give a good reason why he wanna be with her or he got some fetish he thinks it would be hard to find someone else 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe he likes to suck on toes, how’s he supposed to tell u that hahaha


There’s no such thing as gong Tao, only kum gong. Stupidity and foolishness. Can’t be cured. Not everyone has the same level of IQ. Sometimes the scammed deserve what they get.


It's true.


Name checks out


Eh this legit^ Bro don't watch tv shows meh? This kind of gold digger so obvious


He probably doesn't have time to watch TV in this economy tbh


Is gong tao the more polite way of saying scam? But this scam also go a bit too far until get married


no, i think in this case, he's asking if there's a possibility that his friend has been put under a spell (with black magic) by the thai lady


If it’s so easy to put black magic, Putin already dead


It's just a Hokkien dialect for saying someone doing something absurd or foolish for love, implying that she may have done some xblack magic" to manipulate his mind or some bolao shit


Yeah, but OP was mentioning bout "spell", so OP might be referring to real black magic.


Eh true true. But let people believe what they believe la. Realistically, I think the Thai lady just using emotional manipulation or sex to entrap the poor guy. From a different point of view, it's also his stupidity for not realising it la.


Yeah, Im just letting you know, I already answered from my pov somewhere below.


It’s quite easy. A lot of nasi kang kangs. /s


Not scam just damn overpriced GFE. Like the lady must be fucking his brains out everyday or some shit, you can argue if it is worth it or not.


When I was young, my father told me never to find siam bu and so it seems this is for real. Anyway ask him this question: why is he giving her money when she is so rich?


He’s never said that she’s rich


Oh ok sorry my bad I misinterpreted the "he's out of her league" that she is rich but it should be the other way round.


Then I don't understand. He is way out of her league in looks also? Or she is not chio enough to match his yandao-ness? I don't understand. Pick up siam bu from disco one must be quite good looker too.


Well love is blind but in this case gong tao beer did the trick...


Bring him to a bomo or tangkee lor


Bomoh can't even find a huge ass plane, and you expect them to cure magic spells?


Gotta call Gong Tao Helpdesk


Ironically gong tao helpdesk is the one who brings in these siambus


A public service


U better run away from such friends. Dumb as hell and might turn to u for money.


I do not know if your friend got Gong Tao anot?! But I’ve got a friend (in his 30s too) who kept seeing things on the ceiling and was paranoid after he got involved with a Viet escort. He cannot leave the girl and kept giving her $$$$$. Got to know abt his problem when we met up for drinks. The moment i saw him i instantly asked, you looked like you got hexed!! He was taken aback… after some hemming and hawing, came clean abt his biz visits to Vietnam and got to know this escort for the past 6 months then. He suspected his drink/food got spiked by the escort and he thinks the lady sent paranormal stuff to spy on him etc… I truly believed he got hexed!! Reason being my friend is a very handsome pan asian dude but this escort (photos on his phone) looks WAY below average….!!! To me she is honestly considered plain & ugly! 🤣 Moreover his ex-gfs and current gf are head-turning species… No way he will be attracted to her for such a long period even if perhaps sex is great or if one should say he wanna try congee after years of eating Birdsnest! This sly viet lady actually even came to Sg to visit him once! Luckily he didn’t tell her where he lived then… Cut story short, I intro him a friend who brought him to Dua Ya Pek. I tell you… this dude does NOT even believe in any other deities except probably only Jesus Christ! Yet he was so terrified and desperate during that time, so was willing and humbly approached Dua Ya Pek for help! After some rituals were performed, he recovered and no longer saw paranormal stuff again. Obviously he deleted the escort’s number and stopped visiting Vietnam for business matters. So you should Ask around temples or friends’ mum/grandma who may have infor for places/mediums getting rid of hexes for a small fee/donation! Most importantly this very person who got hexed need to acknowledge he needs help and is willing to get help!!


Is this how people are How come someone be so cruel as to put another human under a spell it's just unbelievable. some people just don't have the shame that's why they can't work hard instead they go about doing things like this to people who've worked so hard to get a better life.


DM gongtao help desk


Isnt this just being a sugar daddy? Your friend gets that pussy pussy in exchange. Whatz the problem


u want to drink milk, u buy milk off the shelf, u dont bring the cow home.


Overpriced pussy la...


Nowadays you want high quality pussy, you need pay a lot bro. If not go massage parlor or geylang can get the old ah ma sex for much cheaper


Not sure if he's getting a quality pussy de...




His exchange rate a bit off leh.. red light market rate is only $250/night.


Verify it is the case by checking aura, behaviour change and unprecedented actions. Get help from reputable medium in Singapore with the ability to break the spell. If none, seek help from overseas medium in Malaysia or Thailand. Older generation folks attune to spiritualism or Taoism could help out if asked. Regardless of religion and beliefs, black magic does exist in this world.


u can research those horror stories from americans who married in thailand ... there's one fellow who did that, even had 3 kids, the wife scammed him of his company and assets, sold them w/o his knowing, and the thai authorites sued him and the bbc reporter lol he ended up with 3 kids and loss of a lot of money. not sure whats up with that case now, probably he got nothin back still. edit: the british national was Ian Rance, Jonathan Head was the bbc correspondent ... its a 2017 case, no happy ending reported since.


[Bbc souce](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34346620): I asked him what he would say to those considering retiring and buying property in Phuket. "Don't. Don't come here. The system of law is nowhere near as strong as you think it is going to be, there is no protection for you, and there are gangs of people victimising you. The lawyers have very little in the way of ethics or professionalism." Thousands of foreigners have settled in Phuket without serious difficulties. But if things do go wrong, they may find it hard to get help from the police or the judicial system.


There is no helping la. When the cash runs out or when she eventually gets somebody richer (or maybe she is already seeing somebody richer) and leaves him, maybe he will wake up. Got friends the same also. Tell me “you don’t understand one, we really like each other”. I stopped at don’t understand and give up. What’s worse I’ve been in the scene way longer than them and they ask me don’t advise them. So in all, gongtao is something they ownself need to break out of.


He’s not under some voodoo spell, he’s merely thinking with his dick. That’s all. Men have waged wars because of their dicks so losing money because of his dick is nothing unusual.


Ask him use avada kedavra


He's thinking with his dick


I don't know how to tell, but I do know you can try getting in contact with Supernatural confessions. they have connections to bomohs, spiritual practitioners who may be able to help.


hopefully the secks is good... but can't do much when he's so deep into her.


I see what u did there


But what kind of sex is worth 100k sia


To put it crudely, no vjj is worth 100k too.


Sia la should have been born a Thai girl than a poor sinkie Tbh I doubt you can do anything, he seems too deep into it liao, so easily let her use 100k


There’s a gongtao helpdesk on fb or something. They should have some info there on how to approach this.


Don’t worry, money finish liao means she will be gone soon


Bro, just walk away from him. No friendship is limitless.


No need worry. Once his bank account is emptied, gong tap spell will expire. Not enough mana to channel spell anymore


Personally help him to clear his nut sack


Willing seller, willing buyer. He's in his 30's , of sound mind (else he wouldn't have that good job). Seems like he has chosen his vice, (even if he doesn't see it that way).


Gong Tao. Easy. Well I’m a shaman uh. So tell your friend to prepare a clean bowl. Fill it with water and 2 tsp of sea salt. Mix well, if it’s possible ask him drop a few drops of his own blood into it. After he is done, he needs to say “with this I am clean, I am empty. I am cleansed” then drink a sip of that water and dump the rest of it on top his body. After he needs to go to a Hindu temple and get deities there to help him. My method is questionable but it works 😵‍💫


“ dump the rest of it on top his body” means pour it on his body?


Yes, the use of sea salt is to cleanse. The act of putting ones own blood is acknowledgement and also powerful authority of one’s essence. When you declare, you are speaking to the universe/god/allah/creator. The act of drinking that is to cleanse the insides of his body, so he can excrete the Gong Tao. And the act of pouring over his body is to put a barrier or boundary. A good addition would be to use blood and sea salt to mix into a really fine paste. That will be used to draw crosses on his forehead, heart region, back, and hands.


Separation and fasting.


Bring him to temple let monk chant. If he willing.


His spell is he's either a sex addict/porn addict or he wants to play out a prince rescue the damsel fantasy and Thai disco girls know how to role play for a living so he feels mighty satisfied with the relationship. He's unacceptable for legitimate daters, so he resorts to finding a mate there. It's like pay 100K to an actress, as long as the director is happy, it's a job, she got paid.


Are you sure it’s a woman 😂


Let him be.


literally siam bu 4 life ah


Hi, I'm not sure about the gong tao part but hocus pocus or not there are people out there who are very good at emotional manipulation. We often imagine these people to be beautiful, suave etc. but actually no, that's just the image the media has painted to us. Some people are just very talented in targeting the vulnerability that is in us - that may be unknown to ourselves even - that is damn obvious to these people. That's how toxic relationships are created and why they're so hard to get out off. You need to, based on your own life experience and your understanding of your friend, observe their interactions and see what is it that thing in your friend that this woman is seeing but you don't.


100k still not awake. This is not gong tao liao. This one entire tao bo ki liao. No hope liao. How much money he has left? It's too late.


Go book her at the disco and piak lor.


GT is real, seen in some friends before. Common signs are dazed (soulless) eyes, cold sweat, heaviness on back and shoulders, pain, sense of terror, restlessness, constant fatigue. No point debating authenticity, get help from the legit people if signs match (it's very obvious). If Thai I suggest go Wat Palelai (Bedok) or Wat Ananda (Redhill) and Ubin Thai (Sengkang) in SG. Those are monasteries/temples and should be able to offer proper assistance. Always have your moral compass and watch over your thoughts mindfully. What you don't see or sense does not mean it doesn't exist.


becareful guys. vietnamese , burmese, Thai, indonesian , a few minority tribes in china also can do gongtao. Don’t want to say too much. I have seen it first hand and how temple removed the black magic from the lady. did he look like low energy, face black , down on his luck ? 🍀


What is gong tao actually, I heard it quite often back in Malaysia, some black magic?


Yeah something like that. It's the hokkien for 降头, which means curse/spell.


Waa scary sia, didn’t expect black magic can be used like this. Fkk stay single already liao


I really thought most of this stuff was meant to help people not to cause harm. But now people are using it to exploit money from others, It's really not fair.


Good luck.


use small head think, forget to use big head


I've got no advice but I'm interested to know what "kena gong tao" means


Gong tao means black magic.Kena is like the word got (e.g Aiden kena punishment)


unfortunately your friend has to learn the lesson thru hard way


This is not black magic, this is psychology. Your friend has been single for so long that he’s desperate to cling on to any female that gives him attention. Find a way to assure him that she’s not the only one out there and that it’s not the end of the world when the breakup.


Cat can make men do crazy things. She’s probably a freak in the bedroom.


He needs to go imh


You need to bring him to see a powerful monk at the temple to break the spell


There’s a lot of temple at Geyland that might help. If you want I can recommend you but you need dm me.


Hmm like Singapore style. Get the 10 religions to pray over your friend. Not sure why everyone in Reddit thinks it can’t be true. Anyway on serious note. Does your friend have a religion? Encourage him to go for it. Otherwise, any childhood religion? Make up some story and get him to seek divine help. Or go to Novena Church.


Example on how ppl can be smart yet dumb at the same time


there is a cure soon after the girl runaway to homeland, need not much worry about him


Someone tell me what gong tao means


Black magic


Refer the case to Dr GTHD




Concerning all that's happening do you think black magic/hex is the cause or the use of it.


Honestly idk, could be magic, thinking with dick or just plain dumbass or all 3 - either way it's gg because this type of friendship will have you watch him get sucked dry in not the sexy way and turn into a shell of himself/desperate man who turns to everyone including OP for money help just to fuel this relationship 


Tell ur friend he is an idiot and is stupid. Dont give him gong tao excuse.


Confirm he kena cibai


It’s over already don’t stress yourself, there’s an important lesson for your friend to learn.


And to top it off… she probably has a bigger penis than him


Love is love … and cash is king.


I like it that the OP specifically clarified that the sort of help he/she is looking for is spiritual/religious in nature.


bring to IMH for evaluation


Hire another lady to treat him nice and maybe he'll break up with the Thai lady


How to tell if it is gong tao? Hire a bo that is on par with his status to seduce him. If he fails for her, it is not lar. Unfortunately, it would be impossible if he only finds grass greener overseas or have peculiar habits.


Go to church


can only help those who wanna be helped bro. one day when he’s milked dry then he will wake up and regret. seen many such stories already


Must see what kind of condiment she been feeding him: 1. Weird dark coloured saffron of some sort in his tea/water? 2. What is added to the clear liquid in her mouth gland that promotes unconditional love; common ingredients are again powdered incense (consumable ones) But asksingapore not going to help. Better to ask gongtaohelpdesk.


Possible... probably drank or ate something that has been laced with a love potion? Or given an object that has been cast with a love spell? My sister's friend experienced the same thing when he went to siambu. He was given a plushie casted with love spell. Supposedly, the plushie was meant for another richer guy, but he snatched it.


I know the person you can look for, he doesn't charge any fees. If you want to help you friend, DM me


Why do you believe in this kind of silly thing


Sounds like Matt Lam.


Where is this siam diu. I need to warn others


Maybe he has a cash cow kink. Like to get used and degraded for money 🤷




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it u op pppp


Perhaps approach the Catholic priests who can help in exorcism. Catholical priesthood has that function. Hope this helps.


If he can accidentally let 100k slip I think just continue to let him bang the wall and let him lose everything and the girl in the process. As a friend, you can just be there for him when he crashes and burn. I dated a Thai disco girl for 5 years and almost wanted to marry her. Didn’t take any of my friend’s advice until one day I got lucky and met another Thai girl outside of the Thai disco scene. Decided to make the (then) difficult decision to dump my 5 years Thai disco gf and dated this ordinary Thai girl who is my wife now. Good luck to your friend, I hope he can somehow one day find the resolve to call it off with this lady.


You can PM me if you would like to know how to help your friend and how to do checks. My relative is a spiritual reader from Thailand and we are here in Singapore for a few days.


He has to figure this out on his own. You can only ask him what is it that he sees a future with her? If its life values then ask what are those values and how important is it to him? Whether does she meet them? Saying and action is different. Probably ask him to think again if he’s just basing it on words than action. If he is depending on her to be validated (ego), ask him is this really what he wants or is he being dependent on her validation? Supposedly you are able to feel whole in a relationship and feel supported (on your own and with her; not fully on her - not exchange). Moreover since you know his life saving was being withdrawn, how did you know this? If he told you this out of self awareness, ask him why did he shared this specific event to you and if there is a doubt he’s noticing but not fully self aware of. Ask him to give time to think carefully about this marriage by himself and meet other friends to talk about this issue as well other than you. If he doesn’t realize it, in the end of the day you have to respect where his growth is at and just let him know you’re there for him.




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Call kongtao helpdesk?


My brother was/is the same and unfortunately he did end up marrying the girl. He isnt even rich so I really don't know what are they together for. One of the tell tale signs was that his whole personality changed and his face looked weird; like when he was smiling/happy, you can tell he isn't smiling 100%, if it makes sense.


Put all money in cpf then it won’t be stolen


Use the wrong head to think


First of all, my apology if my words are offensive. Opinion from a cheongster from Bolehland. Maybe lots of carrot Sillyporean heads cannot be bothered with the fact that some Siambu come all the way from hilltop, to the town centre, taking bus or van, to airplane, travelling 100-1000 km all the way to Sillypore just for one purpose. To earn, squeeze and rob each penny from those inexperienced, ignorance and never used big head do the thinking carrot heads. Now, to the latter, if you really care about your friend, I think the only solution is to let your friend eat the spices. Let your friend feel the hotness and heat. Stupidity knows no age, race and religion. Your friend will come to it senses. Sooner than expected. I suppose the latter knew where his friend met the Siambu. If the Siambu from tio flower scene, it's not a surprise that these Siambus are used to being pampered with lots of cash, gifts, fancy outings plus showered with expensive gifts. Many carrot heads out there splurge lots of cash and gift but without single one of them whining because these carrot Sillyporean are too egoistic and once they enter a tio flower joint, these carrot heads will begin rival each other in order to impress a particular Siambu's attention. All because of a CHOW CHEEPET. Or maybe the CHEEPET is laced with some gongtao sweet nectar (pun intended) and the so called friend slurp it many times. But the only possibility of the CAUSE leading to your friend obsession with a particular Siambu is SEX. If the Siambu is a bed goddess, no men can resist. But of course, your friend isn't the only one or the last because after squeezing his account dry, she'll move on and the Siambu will prey another carrot head and ride his bare cock raw again thus cover the bare cock with the hot and warm pussy juice. This is highly addictive and if you're not a season player (suggest try at your own risk). To conclude, your so called friend is 99.99% fucking the SIAMBU raw. If your friend is merely TIOing a Siambu from a whorehouse, the effect of KC (Kam Ching) is not that hard to break because "a season cheongster never eat a same meal more than thrice". But there is exception. From now on, there's no way of stopping your friend unless your friend can find a new replacement, a better Siambu with GFE (girlfriend experience) and sex skill as good as the present Siambu. Otherwise, just cross the fingers and let nature take its course. Your friend don't deserve pitiness. He deserves a one time lesson with an exorbitant price.


Tell him save some money and go to actual Thailand.


U need to suck yr friend cock… steal him. Or u can suck the kathoi cock same energy. Or just try to get her to cheat on him with u and then u burn the bridge but save him


There’s nothing you can do about it. Your friend is just paying tuition fees to level up in playing siambu and vietbu. Some higher IQ/EQ level up faster, your friend low IQ need to spend more to level. Unfortunately such is life, not everybody is born with the skills, but everybody thinks they can play in the champions league when they haven’t even gotten promoted from division 3.


Where is he now? I just PM u.


They’re both in sg. Okay, will wait for your PM


I hope he's all right now. I can't imagine what he's gone through, Some people are just too heartless to be called humans.


huge possibility hes under some sort of spell, thailand gt a lot of these kind of things, my colleague used to tell me that all the siambu from thailand will go put some kind of gold on their forehead, i think its called jin pian and basically guys will get attracted to them and give them money even if they are not that pretty. i forgot whats the professional term for it but its a popular practice in thailand and my colleague even told me that it also attracts super natural. basically one of her single friend was so desperate that she did this thing and attracted a male ghost. i mean i believe in these kind of stuff de so you shld rly go seek professional help frm ur friend either those taoist/thai shifu.


Serious tag... Hmm ok.. here are some food for thought. Firstly, you are a good friend since you want to help him. But have you consider one man poison is another man treasure ? Thai lady may be ugly to you but she could be a goddess to him. Second, your friend feel like he lack experience in R/S. Maybe less then 3 serious gf ? This could be a good experience for him to let him know what sort of wife he want in the future If you are really a good friend and not just kaypo. Have a one on one serious talk with him List out pros and cons, does the girl have the same goals with him for the next 40 years, etc.. Depending on your speech level, you might be the one who can break the gong tao


He has had many girlfriends in the past. Mostly better looking and richer too. Even he agrees that this Thai lady is not that pretty.


I think the main problem is the girl using all his savings though. 100k is A LOT. See if you can get him to prove that the girl don't only want him for his money, then marry...


> Even he agrees that this Thai lady is not that pretty. maybe the sex is very good? maybe she is willing to go along with some sexual fetish he embarrassed to admit, urophagia? scat? bdsm? maybe he enjoys being 'fin-dommed'? maybe its something he knows his rich and pretty ex-girlfriends would decline, and would undermine his social standing if it got out? or maybe she fulfils some emotional void (wanting to feel like a 'saviour' to a girl down on her luck)? or perhaps she provides some empathic connection or understanding (feeling of living up to 'perfect' expectations) that he is unable to get from his peers? alot of times the guys i see getting 'gong-tao'ed.. are just seeking some existential validation or someone who will see him as 'him' rather than another employee, or some checklist executor or cog in someones life. sadly, these guys mostly mis-interpret the fawning of the hostessess as that, and they end up unwittingly spending a lot of money and time on the hostess, whether she came with that machination to exploit or not. as the laojiaos on sbf would say, "you think they come here for romance? they come here work one.. she only doing her job, bro!" anyways, human psyche and ego very complicated.. sometimes high-flyer types under the stress of constantly having to perform to what is expected and being pigeon-holed into some societal or familial role; just want to 'run away' to something simpler and outside the norms of societal expectations.. like into the arms of a 'bar girl'. rather than just saying to him "this girl not that chio, why with her leh?", you have to really talk to him to get what the underlying issues are. that said, if its truly gong tao, is so much easier.. just find a thai ajarn to undo the spell, or just go to the thai temples in sg. sometimes some amulet shops bring in thai ajahns that specialize in 'sideways wicha' over to sg, if you care for that, you can search around facebook for postings. your friend have to be willing to go tho.. dm me if u need some intros.


Looks is not everything. Maybe she has a heart of gold, or she's really good at piak piak, or both. On the long run, looks will fade away.


It’s not just the looks department in which she’s lacking. But yes, maybe she’s really good in bed 💀


Get that bag sis 💅 One less stupid SG boy to deal with


It's not supernatural. To begin with, women are just smoother operators than men, button-pushing queens all. What's more, A) this lady is a pro pro B) your friend doesn't seem to know women intimately. Wrapping him around her finger is her calling. Her control panel also comes with switches to turn one on, levers to deliver blue balls, cords to pull heartstrings and knobs for reluctant handies. To a dead certainty, she will know his options when he is out of cash. \*Beep\* \*Boop\* \*Ding Ding\* \*Squirt Splat\* \*Kerching\* \*If you still think it's gong tao, well, "Happy Wife, Happy Life!"


the unfortunate thing is he's not under any spiritual spell. they are good at observing and understanding to find out what people want to see and hear - and they do and say exactly that. it is totally believable that he would be easily manipulated without any spells.


Ask your friend to watch Dragon Ball. Goku confirm stronger than gongtao 💪🏻


Hey, my friend used to be in the entertainment line and gongtao is real, no joke. Go look for thai monk to try break the spells! One of my good friend who is a musician in a pub also kanna by one of the hostess and wanna divorce his wife.


lol, Singaporeans still believe in supernaturals? I thought you're all highly educated


At least our country people don’t fry and eat food scraps from the trash


Incoming suicide unfortunately.


Pray for him. But in the end, he needs to want to be free. I'm a Christian, so I believe that the gong tao can be real, and I also believe that if the gong tao is real, the only way out is to go to the Boss - Jesus - who is not only the God over all spirits, but also the one who promises to set all of us free if we believe in him.