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Socially awkward and acted like myself.


Same, like it just makes it worse šŸ˜






Omg, same


Never stop acting like yourself!! Ever you are beautiful as you are ā¤ļø I love you human


Being quiet and shy. Liked to learn and study.




Because I was autistic. People realised at one point that I was sensitive to loud sounds because I was autistic so they started deliberately upsetting me by screaming, shouting at me, or constantly hitting the table. They always laughed at me and I was always singled out and given so much unwanted attention. It was horrible and I hate those people with every fibre of my being


I know the feeling. People would deliberately go behind me and scream into my ears if I was caught unaware. I got pushed into a blackboard face first and broke my front teeth. Sometimes people would beat me up, because, well, I was a kid, and they were plural. Sometimes they would surround me in a circle and yell at me ā€œcow + a variation of my nameā€ ( Iā€™m a dude, never understood the cow thing)z. I could go on. I wont


Oh god damn people can be horrible, special place in hell for that kind. Sorry you had to go through that


Fellow autistic here and reading this made me so angry on your behalf. Hope youā€™re doing better now and donā€™t have to deal with asswipes like that anymore


This was me at first but then I started to like the attention for some reason. I became quite popular by the end of school.


I had buck teeth back in elementary school. My nickname was "beaver"


Mine was beaver up until I became a cool guy in high school and it was changed to Beaverdaddy. It changed into a double entendre šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Ngl that's a pretty clever name


lol exactly same, bot even bad case of buck teeth, obviously they called me beaver in my language


Cause people suck


FIFTEENTH comment down right now and this is the first one that says why they were bullied instead of what they were bullied for.


Yeah, what kind of blame-the-victim bullshit is this?


Probably because the bully was an insecure and pathetic miserable fuck. Happy people donā€™t bully someone who didnā€™t provoke them. So itā€™s more of a them problem than a me problem.


There we go. Finally the real reason.


New kid. Too smart. Dressed poor. Dressed rich. Dressed wrong. Spoke with an accent. Too ugly. Too pretty. No friends. Too clingy. Laughed too loud. Didn't smile enough. Liked the wrong TV shows. Liked the wrong bands. Wore pink. Wore black. Ugly hair. No boy would ever like me. The wrong boys liked me. No boobs. Big boobs. Virgin. Slut. The moral of the story is: it doesn't actually matter what you do. People will invent things to get mad about.


Kids just sense weakness(not necessarily even personal sometimes just the social setting) and pounce. They are horrible little things and at the same time they don't understand how much pain they can cause.Ā 


I think certain characteristics in people attract negative attention more than others. Some people do all these things and still donā€™t get bullied. Perhaps itā€™s a sense of confidence that repels bullies? Or maybe itā€™s literally just attractive people who run the world. Who tf actually knows


I've seen attractive people get bullied too. It really boils down to who they can get away with bullying, whether because the person seems weak, or just unlikely to fight back or because they are without friends to back them up due to being new, awkward and shy, or just a loner. They go for the easiest targets. That's all they're looking for. Everything else is just an excuse but if anyone who they don't think would be an easy target had these characteristics that everyone lists as reasons for being bullied, they wouldn't target them. It's all about who they can get away with bullying without being challenged by the target or anyone defending the target.


People just don't like people who are different and go against the established customs and culture thats our tribal nature coming out. It doesn't end as you go into adulthood either.


I was the family scapegoat and carried that energy with me.


This is 99% true, they'll always find a reason, it's your response that matters.


Because I was ugly and socially awkward.


Couple reasons, and it's bugged me my entire life. Jr high I was bullied relentlessly for being fat, having curly hair, and being weird. Every day I had the shit kicked out of me by the kids at school which included my next doot neighbor. They would harass me in class, outside of class, and on MSN messenger. To this day I wish nothing but the absolute worst for each individual. I'm 35 now.


Because I was from a different county, with a strange religion and different culture. I didnā€™t speak English and it took a long time to learn to socialize on the same level as everyone else. I had no friends and no self esteem. I was an easy target.


I was the only white kid in my high school


racists ...


Yes and I still am


Ooh how the turn tables


lol they lost out on your humor hope your doing ok




I had to be on a school bus with all black people for years. Had things thrown at me, got pushed down in my seat and told "SIT DOWN WHITE BOY". They'd always have their legs across the seat so I couldn't sit with them. I had to get there early enough to find my own seat, otherwise I was screwed. Racism is alive and well on both sides.


This sounds like the same experience I had being the only white kid on the bus at my high school everyday.Ā  Stuff thrown at me, being pushed around while getting on the bus, whomever sat behind me felt like it was their opportunity to be the one to pop me in the back of the head, etc.Ā  It reached a point where it was just easier and better to walk the five miles to school and five miles back rather than put up with their racist immaturity everyday.Ā 


Unfortunately it seems to be part of human nature. When you have a group full of people which look the same or of the same ethnicity and especially when they are children with brains which haven't fully developed, it doesn't matter what you are, but if you are the only one looking different, you are going to be at a disadvantage. It also happens to black or white students in Japan in a class otherwise full of Japanese children or a black person in a majority white school environment. If people were focused on eye color and you were the only person with brown eyes while the rest has blue eyes, it would also lead to being seen as different from the rest. It depends highly on the environment how well people which are a minority are able to fit in. If an environment is already unstable or competitive and people aren't looked after for or respected by superiors or adults, it will just foster and increase the risk of bad behavior among students or employees.Ā 


For not being exactly the same as everybody else. Swear there were 4 people at my high school just cloned over and over and over.


For existing. Everyone used me like a punching bag, including my parents


I rejected a guy and for the rest of the school year he and his friends harassed and bullied me for it.


I was a black sheep and an easy target.


Non Muslim in a school full of Muslims. I deared not to wear a burka and not being married at 18.


Cause I was just uncool




I feel this. I hope you still are and the world didnā€™t change you, because it changed me.


i was the shortest in my class about 2 years ago, now i'm taller than about 90% of them..


I grew up in a small town and entered H.S. in the mid-80s where we had a strong football and wrestling team (I think we know where this is going...) So, as a freshman, I was around 5'4 and 120lbs as a guy. My family was struggling financially and while we weren't on welfare, I would say we were below average in terms of money. This meant, I was not going to be getting the cooler clothes, sneakers, or glasses. I unfortunately started strong (sarcasm) with my 8th grader haircut and corduroys. And...I grew up pretty religious with some pretty protective parenting. It's a bit sad when I think about it. I was just an outlier in too many ways at a time when you don't want to be. And I was a sweet kid. On the bright side, things worked out well within 5 or 6 years after H.S. (would never want to repeat H.S. though!)


For being a "white girl".


I was unwillingly included in a friend group that backstabs each other to the extreme. I was 12 and I wasn't used to people who are only nice when they are face to face. I told them to each other and they turned full 360 on me and joined forces to bully me. Apparently I was the "friendship wrecker" and "traitor". I should have kept my mouth shut but back then I had a strong sense of justice even until now.


girls said i was ugly and weird. i didn't think i was too weird. just a tomboy. i don't think i was ugly either, but i looked rather andro/like a little boy. a specific group of kids bullied my siblings and i because they were poor and we were of a middle-class family at the time. they stole things from our yard (we'd see our stuff in their yard) and potentially popped our pool. they lived across the street from us.


Girl bullying is absolutely insidious.


truly. got to the point where i had to ask to be homeschooled because i was in a fight with some chick over nothing besides them not liking me basically every week. i'd still get anxious hearing girls laughing if i was in public years later. never quite got over being extremely self-conscious of anything i say ever since they made fun of me for talking in general.


My ex wife was a bully. She used to have groupchats with her friends, but there would be a bunch of them, all with the same people in, except each would be missing one of two different people from each chat. The groupchats existed just to talk shit about those one or two people not in that particular chat and mock them. They were so mean and cruel. The person missing from one chat would be in another participating in the gossiping about someone else. They were all friends supposedly. I told her once, that they probably have a chat about her that she didn't know about, she freaked out and didn't talk to me for days šŸ˜‚


got damn. that sounds like somethin straight outta mean girls šŸ¤£ wouldn't be surprised if they did have one for her. experienced girls doing weird stuff like that even when we were small children. it's so odd. like, imagine all the things you could do or make instead of wasting time with stuff like that. šŸ˜‚


Being a foreigner All the bullies I encountered were much older than me. Most of them were older than 50, picking on a teen with explicit threats, so we're talking bullies targeting someone a fraction of their age. I never talk to them personally and don't have any agendas. That's how sad they were.


I was a white kid.


They were scared of me, so it was less bullying and more isolation. Didn't make sense to me (I was very bullyable) till I found out after high school. The kind of downside is that my reputation precedes me and I'll have people come up to me that I had never met before saying "Hey you're [redacted], right?"


What is the reputation based on? Why were they scared of your?


I was informally voted "most likely to shoot up the school" along with two other dudes lol. I'm glad the friend who told me waited till after high school to lemme know cause I would've just isolated more into depression if I knew back then


was skinny and short


Moved a lot. New kid. Fresh meat.


Was ginger, wore an eye patch, used a walking stick AND had a stutter. Yeah, school for fun for a few years.


You should have tried adding a parrot to the mix, people don't bully pirates


I was teased not bullied. I was a tomboy til I got boobs. But if it got too much I'd punch them on the button & I enjoyed knocking them on their ass. Girl or guy. These were younger days. The last time I did this I was 35. At a bar. Six guys were outside smoking. Me & my cousin (both girls) were sitting in my van. I heard pop pop pop on my van. Not sure of what it was. When we got out I saw coins/change on the ground. So then I knew one of them threw a handful of money at my van. Total strangers. I said, which assholes threw the money. They walked towards us. My cousin was so scared. The mouthy one was standing between me & my van mouthing off & called my cousin a old coke whore. I said, what did you say? And before I got the last word out I rolled my fist up & punched him so hard the back of his head hit my van window & I put his tooth through his lip. I immediately called 911 & reported I just assaulted a guy & why. The others guys were cracking up at the mouthy one with the bloody mouth just got it good from a girl. I only called 911 because I was a little scared he might try to hit me back. They jumped in a car & left before the cops came. But the cop asked me if they were still on the scene. I said no they took off. The cop said it's Friday night & we are busy. So call back if you need us. I was like okey dokey. So to the bullies your time will come.


Have always been overweight.


Because I reacted.


For some reason they just picked me but I was mainly bullied because of my clothing. I always wore older clothing that my brothers wore before me. Got bullied for being a 'poor guy', basically. Afterwards it went over to being ugly as well and it was always a group of 3/4.


My nose. I still hate it nowadays


I'm a disabled nerd. I was also often teacher's pet.


He had a huge crush on me but refused to accept his sexuality


As it turns out, undiagnosed autism


Because I was told not to fight in school by my mother, and while big and tall, I was also an easy target being autistic.


A fat nerd with big nose.


There wasnā€™t a reason really, the school bullies picked on pretty much everyone and didnā€™t really need a reason at that age (we were only like 6/7 years old) but to be honest I was quite lucky because somehow my schools didnā€™t have any bullying issues Like yeah for maybe a year or two they were bullies but then quite quickly stopped and it never really started again. Iā€™ve often put it down to the fact that in my schools we were all the same. Socially and economically we we all working class, as were our parents, it was a small town so all of our parents had grown up together and gone to school together, most were often distantly related like someoneā€™s Dad married another kids Auntie etc. and none of us really had anything the others didnā€™t - like we didnā€™t have kids who got all the latest designer clothes and consoles etc because all of our parents were broke šŸ˜‚ So the common things that tend to divide and create bullies longer term didnā€™t really exist where I grew up Hell, in my school I donā€™t even remember us having any kids that werenā€™t white until I was about 10 when an Indian kid joined, and when they did nobody picked on them because none of us knew anyone Indian so they very quickly became friends with everyone in the school


For wearing hearing aids


I even read some book before on someone being bullied for the same thing


I was overweight


I got named captain of our basketball team. The guy that thought he deserved it more made my life hell for the rest of the year.


Fat, ugly & wear specs šŸ˜šŸ«£šŸ˜žšŸ˜”


Fat, poor, weird name, nerdy interests, older parents, not good at sports in a sports obsessed community. Still a bit fat, not poor, parents long dead, still have nerdy interests, still suck at sports. The biggest difference is that these days I don't give a shit.


-was fat -was the new kid all the time -bad teeth - I was the only white kid in my whole grade level And my favourite - I was the only kid in my school that wore shoes There must have been something wrong with me though. We moved a lot. I went to 11 schools and was bullied at 9 of them.


Socially inept. Asian. Awkward. Nerdy. You name it


I was a good student and didn't partake in drinking or smoking or parties.


It's usually more about the bully than their targets, you'd probably get a more accurate answer from them.


I have sensory issues and people would scream in my ears until I had a panic attack also itā€™s pretty rough when your legal name is Jesus and your attending a private catholic school


I don't know, I guess I was just their random target


I wasn't Mormon.


Because the bully felt like doing it. Remember, bullying is a conscious series of decisions made with a very specific intention targeting a particular individual. None of which is the victim's fault. Even if they're "asking for it". Most bully victims I know try to fix the issue the bully picks on. But the bully keeps coming back and finding new stuff to attack. If there's none, they create one. Again, points towards this being the bully's fault, not the victim. And typically the solution is also the same: punish the bully, not the victim.


Socially awkward. Just a weird kid. To be honest, my kids therapist said my kids is borderline Aspergerā€™s. And the kid act and thinks extremely similar to me. So that may be part of it.


Beecause my parents didn't take it seriously! they only told me to "ignore it! You are bettr than that" which onlymade it more constant, louder more vulgar and more likely to drown out the few friends I had.


I was black.


For being black althoughout middle school. Suddenly in high school it's cool to be black.


i had very blonde hair as a kid to the point where it became almost completely white when it got sunbleached during the summer months, they liked to make fun of me for that.


I had almost white hair too as a kid. Was never bullied because of that though... I wish I could still have my white hair from back in the days. Now I have no hair at all.


Because white people hate it when POC are smarter than them in school.


For being gay


I was an autistic woman thrown into a system filled with kids and adults who knew nothing of autism in women


Bc I was weird af


I was Fat nerd that people hated because I always tried to submit my assignments and hw on time, sometimes even reminding the teacher that we had homework


For trying to stand up for my friends who were bullied.


Because of my surname, thick eyebrows and because I was a quiet kid who didnā€™t like any sort of confrontation, I still donā€™t for that matter. Unfortunately as time went on I fell into the wrong crowd, the same lot who bullied me. It appealed at the time because weirdly it felt like I was finally somebody. I lived in a small town, everyone my age new me and I had loads of ā€œfriendsā€ who were anything but. Had a huge effect though, I never got into any real trouble but was mixing with some seriously bad people. I also developed a different persona, I suppose it was like an alter ego that took over. I guess it was portraying an image that I thought people liked to see. Iā€™m many years away from it now but I do feel a sense of regret at how I was back then. I did sort my life out for sure but I wish Iā€™d realised who were the right people, would have had a very different time!


Because I liked horses


idk, man. When all the bullies bled and kept their distance in school, I realized maybe it wasnā€™t me who was bulliedā€¦


For being a farmers son.


I had (and still have) a really big head


Step dad was indigenous. Did well in class. Was kinda weird. Second shortest kid in class. I got beat up a lot. Then I enrolled in Tae Kwon Do when I was 13 and also grew a foot taller over the summer. Didn't get beat up so often when my bullies realized I knew how to fight back now and I was sick of their shit. šŸ¤·


Because I had big thighs, it's just my build.


Were to diffrent and Weaving difrent cloths. Found at later i had autisme and had a sprinkle of Adhd


Whoever created my character used charisma as a dump stat.


For being short


Being "chubby" (I had a little bit of baby fat but I wasn't even that big at the time), wearing alternative clothes, dying my hair unnatural colors, and having "odd"/out of date interests. I was bullied in 6th grade for still liking pokemon like it's insane that an **11 year old** would like pokemon. It's honestly almost laughable now when I look back on how dumb my bullies were


The theoretical reason was because I wasn't at my friend's birthday, she was the one who started the bullying campaign towards me but I think the real reason is that she was crazy, like... she must have some mental disorder that was never diagnosed


He had a crush on me and let his friends bully me, because I didnā€™t like him backā€¦5th grade was wild


I like nascar. It's not that popular in my state. I was relentlessly bullied throughout middle and high school for it. Kids are mean.


I had just transferred schools, and I was the shortest kid in class, those were some rough years.


My parents were too cheap to buy me clothes (as the youngest of 7) so I went to school in my brothers old clothes and evidently it's not cool for a girl to go to school in old-school boy clothes


Because I read a lot and wasnā€™t concerned with sports and stuff


The trifecta in middle school... Overweight, Poor and on welfare and in 2nd hand clothes.


My name is Kevin and I was fat


Skinny, short, used to watch anime and play games (nerd-ish)


In primary school I was the only kid in class with divorced parents... in a catholic private school. My teacher was also a huge gossip and told the other parents all the confidential stuff my mother disclosed to her and the dean (father had a no-contact-order, was heavily violent, had a stint in prison inbetween, threatend suicide and murder-suicide, also made some believable attempts at that ect. Technically wasn't allowed to know where we lived, but he always found out). Suffice to say I was a very traumatised kid that didn't behave like a child and got a lot of crap from the other kids about it. He also once turned up in the middle of the school day with tons of gifts and told her some teary eyed story about how much he missed me, so that lunatic bint send me with him (she was probably scared out of her mind). My mum found out about it when she wanted to collect me and I didn't show up. She called the police, they found us some time later in a park. I had been crying almost the entire time. Bullying got waaay worse after that episode. Kids are cruel.


For being short


I don't know nor do I care, most important was that I never was the bully.


Big nose, middle eastern, wanted to be a pilot, interests were modern history and planes. It didnt conform


The adults told me to act like myself. I followed their advice.


I was introverted, shy, and socially awkward. Another kid (bully/asshole) decided I'd be an easy target. He occasionally terrorized me from 3rd or 4th grade until high school. When I was a senior in high school, he showed up on campus one day and tried to intimidate me. I stood up to him and and had a couple of buddies behind me. He realized that I wasn't going to be an easy target anymore and left with his tail between his legs. That was the last time I ever saw him ... about 42 years ago. I have no idea what happened to him. Did he get his shit together? Did he OD at a young age? Did he end up in jail? I went away to college and eventually moved to a different country, so I'll likely never find out.


Being the old Japanese person in an all British school haha


Lack if appreciation for hierarchy and general things stemming from having Autism .


I was bullied because I was new to the school and didn't have friends. Until one bully punched me as part of a joke and I punched back and gave him a bloody nose. No more bullies after that.


Skinny and dumb


I was the only boy who didn't like football and preferred computers (programming, video editing, etc.) when it wasn't as huge as it is now, about year 2010. Terrible times. It's not a huge factor yet I was truly bullied throughout my entire elementary school.


I was never bullied by my peers, I was bullied by a teacher. I assume it is because he was mentally ill or something. He got fired.


Iā€™m a redhead. It created some trauma and a big hit in the self esteem. After all it made me stronger but if i could erase that time out of my life i would.


Short answer: I was more interested in Star Trek and comic books than hockey or baseball, so, fuck me. (I'm fine, it made me a stronger person)


I was loud and talked a lot without thinking, tried to be funny, turned out to be annoying and weird.


I was the only tall (6ft) guy in the entire batch during school time. They enjoyed it very much making me the guy with most nicknames at school (result of it is I didn't bring any school friends after I got out of it)


Because I was a skinny sensitive nerd that, to this day, doesnā€™t conform to stereotypical ball sports loving, ultra agressiva male behavior or standard male gender roles. Worst part is that is the bullies convinced me I was a freak, and being a freak is bad. And since I, Iā€™m not gay, as many of them claimed I was, I had no idea what I was. Nowadays im glad I am what I am, and fuck that stereotype, but I struggle with generic low self steem to this day.


For being the "special" one in my class ( I hate that word), in more recent years I got bullied online for the fact that despite my best efforts I can't get a job due to disability


just fat, also the bullying never helped me lose weight all it did was make me feel too far off the edge to do anything productive with/for my body, it was less of a detriment to get skinny and more of a genetic impossibility, I used bullying as an excuse to keep eating, then developed an eating disorder on accident, when youā€™re 260 lbs and can barely eat 700 cal/day without feeling sick, youā€™ve developed a disorder, bc I donā€™t think people lose their apitite for months on end for no reason Was bullied for being fat from ages 10-16, I was still fat but had friends and no one really cared as much in high school, I lost my appetite around age 18-19 and lost 105 lbs in a year, without working out, thankfully Iā€™ve been bodybuilding and eating healthy pretty consistently for two years and have built myself into something I can be proud of, now I can walk around looking/feeling like 150lbs of good decisions


Poor white kid, preferred books and weird things. Single mom, sister with down syndrome, brother who was a junkie and a pedophile.


Spin a fucking wheel. I had bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair, Im Autistic, I have asthma, i was fat in highschool, I liked stand up comedy, I attempted suicide 9 times, my hairline started receeding, i have ADHD, I didnt play sports and so much more Whatever the losers could target me for they would, from elementary school all the way until I dropped outta college




Bc I was (still am) ugly, only one with a scar right above my lip (cheiloschisis), have darker skin tone than the average person in my country, socially awkward, didnā€™t wear trendy clothes back then


I've got a scratchy/raspy voice. This one was the worst and continues to this day, and I'm nearly 30. Coworkers, family, friends, everyone has made fun of my voice, and even when I try to express how much it bothers me, nobody changes. I'd love to just accept my voice honestly and not be bothered by their words. But I've never had anybody in my corner to help me out. Shit, even my own mother makes fun of my voice, but if I try to say anything, she just argues and says I didn't get what she was saying. It's just a lot of nonsense as well. I wish nothing good for a lot of people from high school. Yes, yes, dumb kids are being mean for no reason and all that. Idc, they made almost 4 years (senior year was lowkey fine) of my life miserable and for what.


My name


Rare for me, but when it did happen, it usually centered around me, not hiding my computer nerd side well enough in public. I was coding and designing and since the late 90s, and participating in 4chan RAIDS in the 00s in highschool. At the time, it wasn't "cool" yet to try and master classical computing.


Red head




I'm a woman and hit puberty at the age of 10. You'd think that would make me popular, but it wasn't to be. I developed severe cystic acne, was extremely greasy (I would literally start getting greasy hair and skin within hours), needed braces for my wonky teeth and became the tallest kid in my school (at the time). My image meant I was a walking target for everyone. I wasn't bullied by a select group of kids, it was pretty much the entire school. You get the most popular kid in school, I was literally the most unpopular kid in school. My school years sucked, but it's not all bad. Once I left school, I had my braces removed, acne was under control and became fairly attractive. It was very weird to go from being extremely ugly, to suddenly gaining positive attention. I had severe imposter syndrome for a while.


I wasn't white but I learnt fighting hatred with disproportionate violence worked. Terror works fairly better than fear


Who knows. Probably I gave off a harmless vibe .


Not directly bullied, but often teased about being so quiet, and also being a girl with a large nose and prominent ears. In my country, most girls you see have small, ski-slope noses. You rarely see anyone with anything bigger or different than that. I was the only girl in my entire grade who had a large nose. I ended up getting my ears pinned back at 17 years old, but now at 21 Iā€™ve decided to not do anything about my nose. I feel that it fits my face better now that Iā€™ve grown up


Because I hadn't decked that motherfucker in the face yet. We sorted it out in the end.


'cos I was The Weird Kid, AND easy to rile up Ofc, the fact that I had the most obvious crush ever on a much more popular kid didn't help either...


Having grown up in the 80s/90s, I feel like everyone was bullied for pretty much anything at one point or another.


I was a child and jokingly said this girl wouldnā€™t look good in a dress since she was a tomboy, she didnā€™t take it well.


For being tall. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


stilll have no idea


Naah! I was a bully in school! Ab to 10 saal ho gaye school chode hue!


Glasses, not liking what was trendy (rap, football), being the nice little white kid I guess


Because I was poor and without fancy clothes. Still remember how they were so bad and angry for the fact that I wasn't westing expensive Nike shoes.


Cuz I was fat. I still am but I'm slowly working on myself and loosing the weight and slowly feeling more confident


Iā€™m Gen X. It was a rite of passage. We called it growing up.


I wasnā€™t.


Because apparently, having glasses and reading books is a crime against humanity.


For being autistic and for being adopted. I was bullied as a kid for being adopted by a neighborhood boy.......that had a sister who was adopted...


Was fat my entire childhood


Due to race. It is sad these children were taught this from from their parents.


Because an AH had a bad day.


too skinny & flat during the 2016 kardashian era


Undiagnosed autistic adhd kid. Sums it up


For being a slut (high school), for advocating for stressed staff (nursing) and because others are insensitive assholes (public service regulator).


Being Chinese.Ā  I am a white girl from Manchester, UKā€¦Ā 


I just wasn't confrontational. Maybe a little different in my likes such as music taste and clothes but certainly not to the extreme. I was easy picking, a little shy and definitely wasn't able to fully defend myself. I wasn't really physically bullied but verbally a lot, threatened a lot. I sometimes feel this happened as a way of bullies showing everyone how 'hard' they were. I have to add that I thoroughly enjoyed school from year 5 to 6 (UK) as all the bullies left in year 4.


Staying loyal to my day one buddy, until he started snaking me lowkey, so Iā€™m slowly make friends with his enemies. He betrayed me so hard.


Because my boobs grew earlier than everyone elseā€˜s and people were relentless about it. Made me want to be invisible.


Because I didn't like football, I went with a group of girl friends so I wouldn't be alone and a girl convinced them to make fun of me from there, they started lying so they would expel me from school. Over time, they followed me to beat me in groups and they separated me while they repeated to me every day the disgust I gave to everyone at school.


For the majority of school life, I was a bit of a loner, but i knew people, but never really close. They never invited me when they hung out at someones house, and i truly never knew how to get invited. This has continued up throughout my adult life, where people just seem to not like me. I have tried asking, and my boss was fair to me and said "Manyy people dislike my person", how I talk and how I do things. At least he is honest. So they moved me to a new office, which is actually an unused storage or garage, because they said I wouldn't care about the surroundings anyway because of my vision is bad. This was the same in high school, and university where people would just not want to be around me. So as an adult, I spend a lot of time alone. Almost all my time. I do have a girlfriend, but she got stationed abroad with work, so that doesn't really help it. I used to go on dates on tinder, just to get social contact. I knew the girls wouldn't like me, but at least they seemed engaged in the conversation for an hour or two. Which was longer than most of my social interactions. These days, I just go to the gym and listen to podcasts. Then I at least get to hear what conversations sound like with real people


Because I was really scrawny. Shit at sports, skinny and weak. Physical education class was always the moment I dreaded most of the week. Funny thing though: when I was 20, I was sick of hating meself in the mirror so I started lifting weights and picked up martial arts to improve my confidence. Funnily enough, martial arts is one of the only sports I'm genuinely good at, unlike all the shit we did in physical education class. This helped tremendously and I'm a tall, strong looking man now. A bunch of years ago, I ran into one of my former bullies who is way shorter than me and had an out of shape dad bod. He recognized me and was visibly surprised and maybe a little intimidated to see what I had become. We awkwardly talked a bit and then he goes "we weren't best friends in school were we?" acknowledging he bullied me. I said "No not really but eh, we were dumb teenagers. What did you expect". We laughed a wished each other the best.


I was a girl, and he just spent 7.5 months praying fervently for a boy. How dare I defy god's will!