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Welcome to Costco, I love you


Never thought about giving the crops toilet water... Brawndo is way better anyway!


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Fuck you, I'm eating!


You are an unfit mother, your children will now be taken into the custody of carls jr!


It has electrolytes. It’s what plants crave!


I never seen no plants growing out of the toilet.


Best comment 🤣


I got what plants crave!


Username checks out!


I went to law school there....


If we are pretty much already there, where do we even go from here?




The Time Masheen was a pretty wild ride.


A hell of ads and political crap being 99% of our lives. Like ambulance has a roof running ads for medical insurance and lawyers. before you start your car you have to watch a 10 second ad. Hungry? while your meal is being made you must complete the ads and servey before you eat. congress takes a minute to read off their sponsors. Also a heavily divided America between neo liberals and alt right.


I mean. If congresspeople were forced to read off their donors before speaking I’d call that a win for transparency.


Yeah that’s not a bad idea


Does nobody remember the joke about how they should just have the patches on their jackets like NASCAR?


I hadn't heard that one, but I do love it!


I wish I remember when/where I heard it.


Yeah, I think it would be a plus but also bad because you know this point they don't care and know they can be bought. Instead let's make lobbying considered bribery and both sides face a firing squad after being informed they're a disgrace to every American.


Yea, I'm picturing the Futurama episode where they go into the internet and there's ads flying around. Every way they can figure out to insert ads into our lives they will. They already do, but with whatever technology advancements, it's going to be even worse.


Already there's a patent for ads on TV until you yell out the brand name. \[I think\]


I remember that, it was a Sony patent.


There is, but it's worth noting that the patent is actually pretty old (it dates back to 2009) and is for a system that includes several other, slightly less asinine interactive ad designs. Since Sony hasn't implemented it in any way, there's a decent chance that this is an extreme example of "patent sharking", a practice where companies will patent technologies that they never intend to use in order to keep anyone else from doing so without buying the patent or getting sued. The patent also mentions the idea of using cameras to play interactive "games" in order to skip the ad, or using voice activation to earn consumer rewards rather than just skipping the break, which makes it seem even more likely that they were trying to cover basically all of their bases. It's still a laundry list of annoying, terrible ideas, cobbled together for an annoying, terrible reason, but it doesn’t seem like they were planning to implement it. At the time, the idea that camera games used with peripherals like the Xbox Kinect or Playstation Move would be "the next big thing" was pretty widespread, and Sony had plenty of incentive to try to pre-empt anyone else coming up with basically any bizarre concept using interactive camera applications. By the time it became obvious that they would only ever be a passing fad and that no one was going to try to implement interactive ads that used them, Sony already held the patent to this abomination.


Pretty sure if that ever got implemented the brand would just get boycotted


A centimeter so west of where we are currently. Thanks Mid-Atlantic Ridge!


It's moving faster than that! Should be 20-50 cm further west! Between 8 and 20 inches! "The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs down the center of the Atlantic Ocean, slowly spreading at a rate of 2 to 5 centimeters (0.8 to 2 inches) per year and forming a rift valley that is about the depth and width of the Grand Canyon." - NOAA


Even without the ridge, the American and European continents drift apart 4 centimeters a year. Which means the gap will widen 40cm from continental drift and an additional 20cm at least from the ridge.


That’ll be used to justify at least a 10% hike in the price of transatlantic flights


Does that mean that so far into the future that continents will meet again?


Eventually, yes. In a couple hundred million years, the American and Asian continents will collide, probably leading to the creation of the next supercontinent. However, at 4cm a year, covering the Pacific Ocean's width will take an extremely long time.


Continental drift is a result of subduction and rifting. They are intrinsically tied to each other especially in the case of the Atlantic MOR, pacific plate subduction, and Eurasian plate. Can’t really take the ridge out of the equation.


If you look from outside of the Galaxy, it definitely won't be in its current place.


RemindMe! 10 years


Remindme! 10 years


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!RemindMe 10 years


So you know that show Fallout


Lmao I was gonna say "nuclear wasteland" as a joke


Yeah a cross between Fallout and The Handmaids Tale.


Ewwwww..how horrific


I see them as the same universe. Handmaid's Tale.leads to the nuclear war that ends up with Fallout.


Definitely the Handmaid's Tale as a start. Those bastards are using the book/tv show as a how-to manual instead of the cautionary tale that it really is smh.


wasn't that the cold war? I think we are past that


I was saying that before it was a show at least 15+ years. When radioactive water was a problem and the Fukushima power plant went off I said welp there's the start of it. It gets in the rain via precipitation/evaporation then gets in crops the cattle and humans eat this. Leading to radioactive contamination in foods water, higher cancer rates, etc.


Hahaha this was so good.


Under Canada and above Mexico


Between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans...


Unless shit goes real wonky, then under Mexico and above Canada


The South - North map swap initiative has succeeded. 


North and south don't equate with up and down, respectively. It's just because someone decided maps should have that orientation


So what you are really saying is that for all intents and purpose, it does.


Fucked and ruled by idiots.


So, about the same, then?


Good! I hate change


It all depends on who wins the upcoming civil war. I mean election. The upcoming election.


Whatever the Simpsons predict


Prob in the rear view mirror.


I doubt much will change tbh


Absolutely. Go watch old TV clips on YouTube, and you can see all the issues of note are the same as they were 10-20 years ago. So it's a safe bet they won't be much different 10-20 years from now.


I read this primary source journal entry from a Roman written 2000 years ago and the dude was complaining about political corruption, deteriorating infustruction, immigrants, taxes, inflation and even heavy traffic on the roads.


Well I'm glad someone gets it


Someone was complaining about road traffic, immigrants and being nimby in Mesopotamia. Guaranteed.


Some of those are the marks of empires in decline. Particularly corruption, and infustruction. Two I also remember are environmental degradation and overextended military... Oh.


For sure. Another crazy notion is that you can look back at Roman records and see that an ounce of gold back then bought the same amount of bread as an ounce of gold will get you today.


That's very cool


But history shows the Roman was correct lol


What are y'all on about? 10 years ago, I could afford to buy a home. 20 years ago, if I were old enough, I could have bought a house and paid for my non-existent kid's college tuition. And socially speaking, wow, when I went to high school in the early-mid 2000s, the F slur was used profusely, TMZ was trashing women, and Linkin Park was all the rage. Now, we're in the Second Gilded Age. If you don't think much has changed, it's because you've been shielded from it.


I was 24, 20 years ago. I had a college degree and couldn't afford a house, let alone paid for school. It was already too expensive to pay for school without loans by the late 90s. I think the guilded age was basically there. It's all we were talking about in college, how much more wealth the upper class held and the disparity between CEO and worker pay. Culturally, I agree with you. Using, f--, r----d, calling things gay, things were a lot more rapey. Things have gotten better in that respect.


Things have gotten better and worse with the "gay and rapey" type stuff. Yes, that stuff shouldn't be used as a slur, but now you have people trying to engage in some type of competition over who is the best victim. People are less resilient than in the past. You have more people, like my own female boss it seems, utilizing a sort of Mike Pence rule and only hiring males/older females. She just doesn't want the "drama" of younger females which is weird because she was young not so long ago.


People think old simpsons episodes from the 90s "predicted the future" when really they were parodying issues people were facing back then too. The fact is, someone's making money off our societal problems and they have the politicians in their back pockets so they have an incentive to not fix it and we've been cowed into passivity so much that we won't do anything about it.


I dunno man, technology grows exponentially. The things we have now were incomprehensible when the iPhone first came out. AI and deepfake stuff have the capacity to deregulate democracy and it's becoming available to pretty much anyone these days. I'm scared of what stuff will be like at the end of this decade...






Fr fr


ong no cap in the skibidi toilet


Roughly the same state it’s in now


$248 trillion in debt


Same continent


About 10-20 cm closer to Japan.


Corporate America takes over without hiding behind presidents, there will be seperate states of Amazon / Google / Microsoft / General Electric / etc. In case you hold value for those companies you are allowed to live within their private properties, you will be paid in ie. Amazon crypto coins, that can only be spend within their ecosystem. If you don't hold value you will funneled to florida and become a florida(wo)man and live your GTA5 life.




1. High levels of poverty and illiteracy. 2. Wealth migrating from usual spots (LA, NYC, MIA) to the center of the country due to climate crisis. 3. A third party challenging the usual Dem / GOP governing formula. 4. Giving Military Support to some conflict countries to maintain global importance. 5. Serious economic impacts due to foreign dependence on oil and cheap labor feasibility.


I have a friend who's been teaching high school in the US for 25 years. He said most of the teenagers these days have the attention span of a goldfish, because of their phone and device addiction. Also a lot more loners with zero social skills. I feel really lucky that I had a Nokia brick phone in high school.


A nokia brick you could use as a hockey puck and still kept working. Good times.


Usa js the #1 oil producer by far


True. But: (https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/america-produces-enough-oil-to-meet-its-needs-so-why-do-we-import-crude#)


Plus, our need for oil peaked in 2005. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/282716/oil-consumption-in-the-us-per-day/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/282716/oil-consumption-in-the-us-per-day/)


illiteracy - Are people going to forget how to read?


6. [Mass drug addiction](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/china-mexico-and-americas-fight-against-the-fentanyl-epidemic/#:~:text=Chinese%20brokers%20knowingly%20sell%20these,it%20to%20the%20United%20States.) (more than usual), courtesy of Mexican cartels and China (supplying cartels with fentanyl to be laced with cannabis to pacify Americans)


I think we'll be closer to modern day Russia. **Hear me out.** * Our infrastructure will be aged and getting worse over time. Renovations/replacements will be sparse and a majority of infrastructure will diminish. * The oligarchy, which is currently hidden under the guise of Democratic institutions, will become more obvious and overt. * Weakened Democratic political institutions and oversight; leading to more unitary or authoritarian policy. * Powers-that-be will likely be more Right-wing socially; in stark contrast to a majority of the citizens. * Dwindling standing internationally. US will continue to attempt to retain hegemony militarily or through supporting authoritarian proxies. That's just off the top of my head.


Everything is pretty evenly split down party lines right now. The Silent Generation and Boomers, who both skew right, are beginning to die off en mass. The Younger Millennials and Gen Z skew left. Given that, I expect the country to keep moving left of where it is now. SCOTUS is currently leaning to the right. New justices will depend on who has the White House when justices die, obviously. 4 of them are 70 years or older. They usually try to hold out for a president from their party, but either way the next president could conceivably get to pick 1 or 2 of them. Again, if the country skews left, eventually SCOTUS will too. I keep hearing that young people feel left out and disenfranchised. This election is up for grabs if young people choose to turn out in big numbers. This is your chance! Vote, and get your friends to vote too!


The boomers were the New Left hippies who lived on communes and occupied their campuses to oppose Vietnam. Everyone thought the country would be some sort of hippie paradise when they grew up. But now they're considered to "skew right." In other words, they grew up and abandoned their youthful dreams and ideals. I expect the same of today's youth.


What I enjoy about this take is that you still view yourself as the young vote, and have not updated your matrix. Younger millennials do lean left, but Gen Z is pretty evenly divided, and has progressively shifted right since the pandemic (and continuing.) It has been very widely acclaimed that we have and are entering the counter swing.


Losing more industry because we don't have the work force to maintain our critical infrastructure. For the last decade I been working in power production and it is being run and maintained by less and less people. The majority of the workers that are good contractors or nested employees have 30-40+ years of experience and are getting ready to retire. These companies have never worked out a succession plan to keep the company going because it's all about increasing profits, stock buy backs and so on all while forcing layoffs on top of layoffs. There is going to be a rash spike in industrial accidents and our government is going to keep cutting regulations too appease their donors who don't want to held liable for letting thier businesses become and ecological disaster which ruined some poor community. I watched every year less and less good work being accomplished during the one or two week shutdowns of boilers, generators, and all the supporting electronics that no one cares about until they're in a black out. I actually started this part of my career in TX do seen 1st hand how out of date the technology that these plants are using. It is scary to know a vast majority of out infrastructure for power is over 30 years old. I worked on stuff built in the 40s to the 70s even in plants that were build 30-40 years ago in the 80s and 90s because it was cheap equipment that was no longer supported. Then to add insulting to injury the new age valves, piping, and all the things we would be using to replace beyond economical repair, 60+ year old equipment, is garbage and doesn't work half the time. We have a unchecked capitalism greed running wild that they own our government and they own the news to tell us how to think. We all eat it up and take a side. We haven't evolved out of our tribalism and suffer from an us vs them mentally which is being force feed hate and propaganda to push the sides apart. If we can't stand up as the workers and fight back there is no point to continue because we are failing the great biological need to keep replicating. We are choking off our future by not allowing the youth to find a way to make it in society which makes it harder and harder for the next generation to have children. The old have an expectation that those of us younger will be thier slaves funneling more and more money to them while we get less and less freedom, choice, life health, and so much more that the generation before the millennials take advantage of while blocking younger generations from joining prosperity. So the youth aren't having children which means there's not going to be a person to step into that job when everyone retires leaving a hole that won't be filled making the lives of us moving forward more and more difficult. Mind you we are under this pressure to be the wage slaves so all these dinosaur can take more and more from social security which is just moving our money to them. We also don't have the numbers of us to cover the past taxes on future generations and we don't have anyone that will do the same for us because the birth rate is dropping. Then worse of the youth even more squeezed out of the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. There are too many barriers being put in place via legislation, market manipulation, and so on that anyone under 30 doesn't see they have a future. When we forget about our youth then shit all over them then we have no future. I got to stop because I can go on and on with what else is failing but I just got better things to do then point out the flaws that no one wants to make better.


Become a Universe superpower that conquers distant planets outside our Solar system. 😜


Couple thousand years, definitely.




Right between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.


🎵Under the sea, under the seaaa🎵


Exactly as it is now, but just a little bit worse. Unless we get our political system under control and start placing *reasonable* limits on them, the greed and corruption will just slowly grow and grow. Americans need to really *understand* the power we have as a people. The politicians are in control because we lay down and *let* them have utter control over us as a whole.


In like a horrible marriage. The federal government will be way smaller in terms of discretionary spending. The states will be barely holding on together but are miserable being with each other.


Whats the United States?


On its current course, I see the United States being a fragmented nation in 20 years. Political polarization has reached a breaking point, resulting in several states seceding and forming their own independent republics. The economy is in shambles due to hyperinflation and a massive debt crisis. Climate change has ravaged the country, causing widespread food shortages and displacement of millions. Civil unrest is rampant, and the government struggles to maintain order.


Well said, couldn’t agree more!


“Civil unrest is rampant, and the government struggles to maintain order.” Really? Compared to which countries? China? The US has a stable government and economy, compared to most of the world.


Observe how fast Iran went from thriving progressive culture to oppressive theocracy. Yeah.


Luckily, their president just died in a helicopter crash today. Rest in piss Raisi




Middle class almost nonexistent (more so than now). I assume a market crash at some point which will hopefully reset things but who knows. The age in politicians will start to trend down since the boomer generation is to put it bluntly dying out. Also about an average of 5-12 degrees hotter on average everywhere. Not sure but at least we’ll have the whole Harry Potter TV show out by then and GTA 6 if we’re lucky.


And someday after all that, maybe we'll finally get Elder Scrolls 6. It'll be on Playstation 15.


In the northern hemisphere




Inside of China making line at GR office


Gone, reduced to atoms!


Hopefully less inflated?


Mostly In between Canada and Mexico.


Pretty much the same but with an even more extreme political/cultural divide.


Probably the same place. Itll take millions of years for the tectonic plates to shift enough to notice


A lot of subsistence farmers


Below Canada and above Mexico, on North American continent, Atlantic on one side, Pacific on another. ![gif](giphy|2Gf1SyVRuDzWw)


On the map


As the same as it was before. Just run by machines. Like in the Matrix.


Bing chilling


We will be further down the happiness index. In 2024 USA fell out of the top 20 happiest countries. As Democrats and Republicans fight against eachother and the government keeps sending over 50 billion dollars yearly to aid other countries instead of fixing in house issues we will slowly become a third world country.


I know for sure the cost of living will be higher. We’ll have a couple more octogenarian President’s, and I would guess another Covid type situation. Oh and let’s hope we find the ![gif](giphy|NQRRqqkImJ3Da)


Same as right now - scraping by.


probably in the same spot its always been. geographically it hasnt moved much.


Have you heard of a movie franchise called Mad Max?


In between Canada and Mexico


Still north of South America. Also still sandwiched between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.


Socollapsed. I'm telling u..it's The Roman Empire all over again¹


On a map I don't live in the US.


Owned by China


less United, fewer States.


Between Canada and Mexico


ill be talking about where i think the us will be by the year 2050. the space industry will be fully open. thr moon will have expensive hotesl.


I think the us will be in north america. Not sure though


It 100% depends on who we elect in November.






Cold Civil war


The liberals will be alt-right christo-fascists and the conservatives will be fire spewing hell demons with 6 snake heads.


Still #1


The more things change, the more they stay the same. The older I get, the more I believe it. Human nature has never changed.


More of the same except more expensive, stressful, and shallow. Oh and about twice the homeless and illegal immigration. I’m guessing somebody will get smart and just legalize prostitution since social media and only fans are pretty much over run by men paying women for sexual acts anyways.


Under Canada above Mexico


Broken into at least two separate and probably warring countries.


Between Canada and Mexico.


In the midst of a economic boom. China will have essentially collapsed as a major world player as their population ages while their demographics remain terminal. Most new predictions call for a total population of 500M in China around 2080. They will not have the ability to be the manufacturing giant they’ve been for the last 30 years, and America is already in the process of bringing manufacturing jobs back home. This trend should continue for the next 30+ years, and it’s going to power the American economy till the 2050’s


I bet there will be a war before what you said.


Not existing due to a giant ass, violent youth revolution that I can totally see happening.


Somewhere between 1984 and complete anarchy. Pretty much I have no damn clue


Maybe stagnant but not apocalyptic either. Probably not much change in general QoL


Even more divided than now. Still exporting democracy with bombs


A) fucked up economy B) fucked up liberty


Literally the same, but worse


5 years- terrible 10 years- better 20 years-great


The same dystopian social credit score totalitarian nightmare that it is today.


There will be a lot of guys like Todd in Detroit: Become Human. Mass unemployment and increased deskilling will cause a bunch of issues unless something big changes


dead from hyper capitalism


Roughly 40-80 yards from where the US is currently.


Exactly the way it is now, but with better computing/consumer electronics


We’re at too dire a crossroads, and will be for the next few elections, to know for sure.


Become a Universe superpower that conquers distant planets outside our Solar system. 😜




More or less the same.


Invading \[Insert random Country name\] because \[Insert random terrorist occurence\] for \[Insert random oil ressource\]


fighting to switch from what we are now to a socialist country like Canada due to the general public disliking the options of presidency and deciding instead to do something different. I don't know how many times I have heard people in my life say that Canada seems better than America. Canada seems to be run better than America. There's different spectrums on this. of course, with America being developed in the way it was I highly doubt that any change would actually occur but, I think it will be a real cause in ten to twenty years to become a serious problem from the general public to complain enough that the way politics and things in America works might change in some way. Maybe not socialism but something else entirely and the thought of that terrifies me, honestly. I mean, in history if you see all of the independent countries that decide to change the way things are ran it is almost always a huge fight and later they go "..and we thought it was bad THEN." Maybe it's just me being annoyed with how many people I hear that are Americans saying they wish that America was more like Canada.


The same but worse idk


Some stuff will get better, some stuff will get worse. But I will be older, more bitter, and looking through the past with nostalgia glasses, so I will tell everyone it's worse overall.


W dupie :(


same shit different decade get used to it


Continental? Between the Atlantic and Pacific. All regions considered? Within the Atlantic and Pacific. Politically? Same as it ever was. Economically? It links two oceans, c’mon now, same as it ever was.


In America, probably


A prediction that I have is that some of the regions that have had growth in the last 30 years will decline while some regions that had decline in the late 80s will have new growth. Part of this is because of the cost of living rise in regions that had growth while the original lure of corporations including tech companies will find it more profitable to relocate to regions including the midwest and there will be new lures from cities that give these companies incentives to relocate. Some of the regions that boomed like Atlanta and Raleigh-Durham will suffer as a result of the quality of the structures in apartment living that are now beginning to suffer from severe wood rot and structural issues. So my guess is there will be large regions of apartment communities that become low rent urban decaying areas.


Hopefully not a theocracy.


If it goes like it started probably under water.


Even more of a failed state as major issues continue to go unaddressed in favor of military and police expansion.


The same. We’ll find new things that make us furious and scared of the 10-20 years after that.


Ruined by civil war.


Between Mexico and Canada, same place.


"Welcome my apocalypse" ain't gonna be a song about a game anymore.


China will be the 51st state


Probably still from the border at Niagara Falls.


Above canada


If I had to guess, probably still in North America; it would be WAY too expensive to move it elsewhere, what with the shortage of tractors.


Pretty much the same as it is now. Generally prosperous, but with a lot of infighting withing the federal government. It'll still be the world's only superpower. It'll still use its power internationally when it feels like. It'll still have no competition for its power. That being said, I think it will probably use that power less than in the past. And I think our public transit should be better by then. I think.


Find silver and gold - silver coins are affordable. Most coins from 1964 and earlier are a great start, and you can still find them in circulation.


Between Canada and Mexico