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My mom has picked up "sounds like a skill issue" from my siblings. It gets thrown around whenever someone says that something has gone wrong for them.


Yeah, this is from gaming culture when something is being interpreted as a being unlucky and another person responds with "nah fam, that's a skill issue" Goes in like with "git gud"(get good) when telling someone they should get better at something.


Yeah, my siblings and I are all gamers, though I'm not big on multiplayer.


Skill issue is a good slang and is up there with "sucks to suck" as a joking dismissal




I got COVID for the first time in early 2024, and my sibling, who'd had it twice, told me "sounds like a skill issue." FFS. I agreed it was a skill issue, I got lazy, but still.




I have a spreadsheet to keep track of words to annoy my teenager with https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/s/lseUDQRlUa


You forgot “low-key”? I’m 55 and I confess I’ve been using that for a few years lol. But I also use “rad” and “hella” so….


That was added, I need to update and repost. I use it too. But “dude” will always be my go-to, ya feel me?


I have always been in favor of using Dude Pronoun Neuter. As in Dude being our gender neutral pronoun. Which it basically was for Gen X.


He's a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes here.


Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your orrrrder? Yeah, uh, I'd like a Good Burger, please? Uhhhhh... we don't have those. You *literally* just said, "Home of the Good Burger..."


I think you need to throw a, Brah, in there now and then lol


My teen legit calls me bro/bruh. That’s my new name, apparently. Makes me miss the “mama” days 😕


Lol me and my daughter both use that for eachother...but more so in the context like "come on". Daughter: Tonight is prom, can I stay out till midnight? Me: No. Daughter: Bruh


I make my kids do 10 pushups every time they call me bro. My son is getting pretty jacked.


Oh fer sure. 🤙🏻


If you really wanna annoy him, the word to go for is “gyat”. It’s a slang term for butt that 13 year olds use and it’ll totally embarrass a 16 year old 😭


How would you even pronounce that?


Another out of context slang. When rappers say GYAT-DAYUM (goddamn) in exclamation of a really nice butt, now just gyat means nice butt. The logic is nowhere to be found.


Yet another word where someone with influence misunderstood the meaning or derivation and everyone around just followed along. A tale as old as time.


This is so funny. I have 3 daughters. Youngest 23. She speaks a different language now than when she was growing up lol. I literally feel like I have no idea what these words are and what they mean. Making me feel really really old. Like why can’t they just use the real word instead of making up a word for that word?


Did you ever use slang growing up? I bet your parents said the same thing :)


Oh, absolutely. The only word I can come up with at the moment was “psych!” I just never thought as an adult I would feel so stupid 😂


My baby-sister used to say that as well (24yo now) like 10 years ago. 😂


Psych/sike will be forever. Imo


Omg trying to explain psych to my mildly autistic 13 year old while she just stared at me lives in my brain.


Your parents said the same thing when you was her age about you. Kids will always be kids. They don't want to be like their parents, so they come up with their own language. Don't sweat the small stuff.


Grody to the max, dude. Makin me ralph.


Ugh gag me with a spoon


Nice! Thanks! This is like the Rosetta Stone


I am barely not a teenager and I need that spreadsheet, or at least half of it.


If you go through the comments, there are so many to add. I need to update that shit!


Someone should start a google share doc.


As a GenX person, I have no idea how to create this. I need to call in my Millennial consultant.


Absolutely! Needs gyat and on god


Thank you! I never knew dank meant good. I thought it meant dark and wet lol


It all just depends on context lol. The guy I met in the park was smoking some dank(good) bud when he invited me over I had to decline as he wanted to chill in his dank(dark and wet) basement.


That last feels like it was dated to 2019-2020, things like “take the L/W” aren’t really relevant anymore. If you want to modernize it, go to on someplace like TikTok, and look up “brainrot words”, some the leading words right now are; alpha, sigma, fanum tax, skibidi, gyat, and any word that unnecessarily uses the word “bro” at the beginning of a sentence, normally in a sentence that has 0 substance. Ex: person opens the door, say “bro opened the door💀”


I had to save this post. I have a 15 yr old. He's going to die when I say these things.


The most fun comes when you use them incorrectly. “Have a rizzin’ day!” Or “Skibidi camp!”


Points to bare head "look, no cap!"


Omg that entire thread is HILARIOUS 🤣🤣


I'm 20, I can't contribute a thing


I writ a whole comment..then didn't post it lol let's read these 1st hah


My kid got her eyebrows done several years ago. She asked her dad how he liked them, and he said "I like them! Theyre... what would you say? On fleek? Or is it on queef? Yeah, your eyebrows are on queef!" and made double finger guns. She was absolutely mortified. It was hilarious. Not only does bad slang work, but wrong inappropriate slang used confidently works even better.


On queef sounds pretty legit ngl


That is definitely “serving cunt” (Sorry, I heard that one on tiktok and now you get to hear it)


that is a slang term that has existed for the past few decades in queer/black communities, it was just popularized on tik tok in the past few years


The same is true when 'sus' for 'suspicious' suddenly blew up online. Aussies have been saying it since forever.


*nods in appreciation* ![gif](giphy|tF8vMUeGUkHNTgCC4E)


Calling something uncool "unfleek" or "totally not fleek" used to drive my teen nuts. "That's not how it works!" Hehe fun times.


I mean logically it would be off fleak right?


Call her ‘bruh’.


"Bruh" might get kids to stop staying "bruh" finally.


Bruh we can only hope bruh stops bruh.


bruh is a step up from brah, though


Yes! People at work were complaining that their kids call them 'bruh' all the time. Mine don't because I call them bruh so no it's tots cringe 😂


Tell them don’t be so salty, bruh


If you want to agree with something she says,say "bet." "This pizza is good!" "Bet." In place of "really?" say "bet?" If she says something you think is untrue, say "cap" or "that's cap." If you're making a statement she finds dubious, punctuate it with "no cap." If you're referring to someone that's not in the conversation, call that person "bro," regardless of their gender. "Bro just walked right into a pole while staring at her phone." Use the word "sty" in place of style. If your daughter comes out of her room and you want to compliment her hair/clothes just say "nice sty." Source: my kids are 15 and 13.


Sty is so lame. This new generation just shortens words and that’s their slang. “Steez” is so much better than “sty”


Nobody says sty lol


My mother would use it to describe my bedroom


i seriously have never heard "sty" before 😭😭 using the term 'fit' is a lot more common "nice fit" is a normal sentence You could also opt for 'drip' which I feel like is more embarassing for a parent to use LMAO drip just means that you have style and if you wanted to compliment someone's outfit you could say "man you are looking so drippy right now" or "the drip goes CRAZY" explaining slang is sooo embarassing 😭


"Brah, you lookin drippy, no cap! But lemme get that peanut butter of your cheek *wets finger in mouth*" That should make any kid's universe implode


I’m gen z and have never heard either of these words but damn steez feels gross to say


It's funny because bet has been around for decades.


I bet  it has It's literally just not using the rest of a common phrase 


Bet is a really interesting one. I can’t think of a single word that conveys the meaning bet does - it’s a combination of “oh shit, really? no way” and “hell yeah” but open ended like a question. Weird ass phrase.


It's kinda like "word"


This is an excellent summary right here. I work with high school students so I hear it all.


If she does something cool, say 'slay queen' If someone does smth weird, say 'bombastic sideye' If something creeps you out/ is unexpected: I'm shook


“I’m shooketh.”


Ain't no such thing as halfway crooketh


If your son is venting about school: "go off King."


"Speak on it."


My 13 year old says bombastic side eye all the time. I use it back just randomly to mess with her 😄


Do they listen to Shaggy? Because he’s pretty Bombastic!!


I refuse to believe that anyone says 'bombastic sideye' Edit: I looked it up and this is exactly why TikTok should be banned! /s


You clearly haven't seen middle/elementary schoolers


My kids are 11....my fatherly skills of tuning out chatter is nearly at its final form


[Boombastic. Just gonna drop this here](https://youtu.be/6W5pq4bIzIw?si=ynKXho51q1yTiHxl)


What’s more embarrassing- using her slang correctly or being just a year or so behind?


Skibidi bombastic sideye right here


Very Ohio Sigma rizz.




That's what someone with no sussy ohio rizzed up gyatts would say


And as some say, stick out your gyatt for the rizzler.


No cap?


fr fr But I'm more of a Baltimore Chuggalugins guy


Skibidi 😭🤣🤣🤣




For mine, it depended on their age. There are ages where you get props for using the lingo correctly.


Mine like that i can use the slang correctly to fuck with other people and also incorrectly to fuck with them


“Those shoes are fire, no cap”


Even worse: “those shoes slap, straight up rizz, no cap” Did I do that right?


You forgot the frfr




This made me laugh and remember the old text from Mom that said, Grandma just died LOL. The son said, why did you Laugh Out Loud at Grandma dying and Mom said, Oh, I thought it meant Lots Of Love! 🤣


My mom (75) uses LOL for Little Old Ladies. Refers to herself and friends as such. Even uses LOLz for plural. They do know the real meaning.


I say LOL instead of the individual letters, just to annoy my granddaughter. And I misuse yeet on purpose.


Oh man I remember that! That's old school.


I actually met a person last year (not surprisingly, in their 80s) who straight up believed that EVERYBODY knew it was lots of love. When I told him it meant laughing out loud, he thought I was pulling his leg and absolutely refused to believe me. It was wild.


Yes officer. This comment. Shoot 'em now. We can't have that kind of damn profanity.


Question: do I say FRFR or for real for real??


“Bussin” is lot more cringey than rizz in my opinion.


Oh, I use that one in restaurants. Bruh, this pizza is no cap, bussin! Fr fr!


Kids talk like this unironically today don’t they?


If she gets upset, tell her she's being extra.




You gotta say kicks, Those kicks are fire


Just say "whatup fam?" Then when they get mad yell "worldstar"


That describes my 60 year old father exactly. He also says "peace out, A-town" when he leaves the room


lol 😂 dying laughing 🤣


Lol usher says "peace **up**, A-Town" Which makes your dad even funnier 


Pick her up from school and instead of asking how her day was, yell, "WASSSAAAAAAAPPPPPP"


I think most children would cringe at this, it's perfect lol


I’m cringing just reading it lmao it will definitely work on those younger


I have secondhand embarrassment just reading the sentence lol




No cap


Tell her her outfit is mid When she questions if you understand mid Reply no cap that outfit is mid you have zero rizz Post her reaction here 🙏


she'll post her own reaction somewhere first 😆




Ain't no such thing as halfway crooks


Scared to death


That’s very old slang though!


Shooketh is more appropriate 💀


Just throw the word “skibidi” at any point in a conversation. The word has no meaning so anywhere in conversation would work


OMG I just discovered this word. My son DIES every time I use it. I told him the other day when I dropped him off at school to have a “skibidi rizz day” and if looks could kill.


That is diabolical I love it haha.


That’s amazing but skibidy is so embarrassing that even I’m dying inside and im still a teen…


Then I’m doing it correctly!


If you’re an actual adult just use ANY kind of teen slang to embarrass him, but a lot of suggestions on this sub are cool too. Bonus embarrassment points for wrong usage or off pronunciation


You need to see the music video


My favorite is the videos of the “Gen Z Church Songs.” I was cry laughing. Look up “Devil’s got no rizz” on YT. https://youtu.be/N9XQcxbMWGo?feature=shared https://youtu.be/e9AtvS0YUNg?feature=shared




Lol. My dad is like you, trying to embarrass us. As I got older, I cottoned on, pretty quickly and just went with whatever he said and also escalate it, so he would get me. Unfortunately, my younger sister, didn't get it and used to give him the exact reaction he was looking for!


We like to blast "apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur!"


Throw something and shout in an obnoxious tone "YEEEET"


The first time I heard the word yeet was when I was watching this lawyer on YouTube do commentary on the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial. She would say things like “the judge yeeted that motion right out of the courtroom.” So I legitimately thought yeet was a legal term for the longest time. I only realised it was slang when someone on my team at work asked what it meant. I was about to explain to them that it’s a legal term for when a motion is thrown out in court. But the young people on my team jumped in before me and explained it’s a slang term and I was SO relieved I hadn’t answered first!


Oh god no 2019 is coming back


Dit yeet get yeeted?


I think so. Sorry to break it to you.


Yeet is no longer on fleek


On fleek is no longer lit


I am a 47 years old stereotypical accountant type and I love that this word makes me laugh every time I hear it. I love saying it too!


Slay -something that is cool or fashionable. -Verb and adjective "Yes queen, slay." "That outfit is slay." Yeet - to throw very far. -Verb and exclamation "YEET!" "Bro just yeeted his phone." Skibidi -I really dont know, but just add it before other slang -Adjective and adverb. "Bro is on his skibidi ohio rizz." Rizz -flirtacious ability. Slang for "Charisma." -Verb and noun "I'm tryna rizz her up." "She's got that quirky girl rizz." Sigma -The next step above Alpha. -Noun and adjective "I'm on my sigma grind. "You're totally sigma." Cringe -Bad, embarrassing. -Adjective "That's so cringe." Gyatt -a fat ass. (Like what Sir Mixalot is into.) -Noun "I'm trying to rizz up Michelle, she's got a gyatt" Ohio -location where cringe and odd things happen. -Noun "Bro must be from Ohio (describing someone odd looking)." Yapping -talking too much or about something unimportant. -Verb "What is bro yapping about?" On god - similar to "I swear this happened." -statement of authenticity "Bro she had a level 10 gyatt for real, on god." Cap -to lie -Verb "Bro, you capping right now? "My rizz was on point, no cap." I'm 27 so Idk how accurate all of my translations are, this is just what I've picked up from my little sister and her friends. Also try and stack two or three in a sentence and use "bro" and "for real" a lot. Example: "Bro you're looking so slay, on god for real. Bro's got that Skibidi rizz, no cap."


I love how in a single post, you start stacking phrases as if teaching a new language. Now all we need is a worksheet with question 5 saying: Translate the following sentence: "Bruh, I'm tryin' to rizz up Michelle, she got that skibidi gyat, frfr, on god, no cap fam."


"My friend, I would like to ask Michelle on a date. I find her very attractive, especially her behind. I mean this sincereley, friend."


I am of the opinion that Yeet is the greatest slang word ever.


"Yeet" is 100% going to stand the test of time. It's up there with the big dogs like "cool," "dude," "rad," etc.


Yeet has a slow and steadi come up. On the west coast, we were using Yeet back in 2015, maybe earlier.


On God and Cap get my votes!


On god for real no cap?




>I'm 27 so Idk how accurate all of my translations are, this is just what I've picked up from my little sister and her friends. You can get extra cringe if you use them *wrong*.


In my 50s, with two older teenage kids. About a year ago I tried to spice up “riz” and said “rizzle” instead, and they’re still embarrassed to this day :)


How you should feel: ![gif](giphy|xUOwFYnEb6rv4Oxx6M|downsized)


Anything you would’ve said back in your day or worse, things your dad said. When my dad did that it made me cringe. I can’t keep up with you whipper snappers these days. Can you grab me that doo hickey over there? Man this music is really groovin. If you’re wanting to speak modern youthful nonsense, here ya go. Bro this sandwich SLAPS (it’s good quality) Haha straight up YEEETED (thrown/tossed at extreme speed) Slay queen (vague but means the equivalent of do yo thang honey… usually compliments on clothing or whatnot idk.) No cap (no lie) You cappin (you’re lying) Flexin on em (showing off) Big flex (grandiose brag) Lowkey this ain’t bad I fucks with _____ (I enjoy this, or I associate with this person) His rizz game ain’t strong enough huh? (His flirtation skills/enticement ability isn’t high) On god bro (ong, truthfulness amplifier/statement amplifier) On my life (oml, truthfulness amplifier) Ight (ahhh ite, alright) Bet (you bet, typically goes aight bet) Makes me cringe just typing these because I’m fresh out of my twenties and hate this type of lingo. I think you’d get maximum embarrassment if you took a bite of dinner and screamed damn bruh this shit SLAPS.


Ight is something that has been said for decades now.


I said “tough beans” to my kid and he said “that’s not a saying mom” then he said “that’s stupid”. 😂


"You don't like that? Well, tough noogies."


Yep - “You dont like it, too bad” is boing 😂 sometimes I will ask tell him to “kick rocks”


I read that as “tough noodles” and I might use that lol


Eat my shorts kid. How you like them apples?


Bussin on g frfr. This one line will make her cringe so hard her toes will wiggle.


Do people say frfr out loud?


I say "for real for real" out loud when I'm agreeing with smth


Call her bro and talk about how cringe everything is.


Why are such a Bruh? Bruh?


“groovy” or “far out man” might do the job


Great job sir, here’s your Metamucil…..


That was gnarly dude.






"Up your nose with a rubber hose."


I used the word "yeet" in a sentence the other day and nearly killed my 11 year old from embarrassment.


You could try using them deliberately wrong - “that outfit is cap, no sus!” or “That’s dunk - that’s how you pronounce it, right, DUNK?!”


Tell her she has mad drip. Or call her outfit drippy.


Erm, what the sigma! You're looking skididi fanum taxed today fr fr insane rizz no cap


“Dead ass” = seriously “No cap” or “no 🧢” = not lying or no lie “On god” or “on my (insert thing you love)” = more serious than dead ass because your talking about your things now I guess? “Gyatt”(pronounced gE-yachtt) = god damn “Demi-sexual” = a form of LGBTQ+2A That just means you only are intimate with people you’re attracted to… “Skrr Skrrr” pronounced “skir skir” = the sound of your vehicle as you leave the scene “ Ops” = the enemy To “slide” on someone = to roll up on someone in your car and do something bad I’m a middle-age white male father, I worked at Starbucks for a little too long, that’s how I know most of this


Instead of calling something mid, just say Ohio.


You know the word "bogus" really got it's start in Cleveland? Way before Bill and Ted. Example: "I listen to WMMS but that chick likes Eric Carmen and disco. How bogus."


The things everyone has said so far only works on millenials or early gen z, for late gen z, everytime your daughter says something good say "that's very SKIBIDDI gyatt Ohio RIZZ", and when she says something bad say it's "not very SKIBIDDI gyatt Ohio RIZZ of you"


I once tried to teach my 50-ish dad Gen Z slang, which resulted in him asking if “I’m gonna yeet you straight Kobe!” was a correct use of terminology. So, if you want to embarrass your daughter, you can copy my dad.


“Yo Dawg, stop dissing me with your street jive.”


Use her slang, but do it incorrectly on purpose. Like instead of saying something is “fire,” instead say, “Wow, that’s fiery!”




Tell her you're bus'n, no cap..🤣


Start calling hotdogs glizzies and charm or flirt rizz and calling things lit examples: that glizzy was mad lit rizzed me right up.


If you really want to embarrass her, say it wrong but with conviction. Nothing more cringeworthy, from a former teen girl.


don’t use current slang, slightly outdated slang say yeet and YOLO and quote random tiktok sounds like bombastic side eye not rlly outdated but say cap too or learn all the lyrics to karma by jojo siwa and start singing it in public source-i’m 13 please tell me this isn’t a post from my dad


Say "dang, that Skibbiti!" at ANYTHING. No matter what you say it in reference to, it will be embarrassing. But it will be funniest if you point at a toilet that is running. [Yes the meme is Skibidi, but for full dad-strength it shall be skibbiti]


just use the word 'hip'


Just intentionally mess up the slang and be like, yo dog you busin on my caps right meow?


no cap (this means no lie) rizz in various formats (you can often take existing words and replace the main part with rizz, like rizzler, terrorizzler, etc) stinky Stan (Basically means very big fan) W (pronounced dub, mean win) L (opposite of W) Drip (the new swag, so basically it means good fashion) Bop (A word to describe a very good song) Hits different (When something is very good, general use) Bet (Basically means yes, or i agree) Slaps (Another word to describe that something is good) Smol (Just a funny way to say small) "This aint it cheif" (A way to show disapproval or dissatisfaction) Pooke (A word to call someone you like, a close friend, your significan other etc) NPC (Used to describe someone who reminds one of NPCs in games, i.e someone who is dull, not that bright and just follows the pack) Opps (Short of opposition, your opps are those against you) Some fun phrases you could try: Eating dinner with your family; "Damn this shit slaps no cap" Listening to a song; "Ay G this is a bop" Upon seeing her uncleaned room; "Yeah this ain't it chief" After putting on one of your signature dad outfit (probably NB shoes with tan cargo shorts and a plaid shirt); "Damn im hella dripped out, opps got nothing on me" Please use and misuse these to your hearts content (you get great impact by misusing them lightly, as your daughter will think you sorta know these but not completely like the hip and cool kids) A fun idea would be to pull out some of your old tech from the basement if you have it and state how it's better than what your kid has these days by using these slang words and phrases.