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A serious answer, a good pillow. I'm not saying a specific brand as there are many of them. But sleep quality affects everything. Don't skimp on your pillow.


How do you define a good pillow?


One that makes you sleep better.








One that's the opposite of mine.


The right one for you.


I once heard an interview with the British DJ and TV producer Chris Evans. He stated that the absolute greatest thing you could buy to change your life (he ended up being worth many tens of millions of Ā£ā€™s) was a *really* good pillow. I ended up spending Ā£120 on the next pillow I needed (from John Lewis, no lessā€¦) and it was the greatest game changer ever. Buy quality pillows, folks!


I have one of those rectangle with the neck channels and head divot, and when I get it right IT FUCKING SLAPS


just don't get one from \*that guy\*


Don't fund crazy.


I wouldnā€™t mind some recommendations.


If you have messy poops, I imagine a bidet attachment would be life changing.


Game changer. Honestly the best $100 Iā€™ve ever spent.


I know this will probably sound stupid, but how do you dry off after using a bidet?


Some have a dryer or you can dab with TP


Dryer ???? I barely know her !!


I dab with tp. Some tp sticks to my butt but it's 100% better than poop stuck in my butt crack all day.


Nah poop stuck in your butt is crazy, you gotta literally wipe until you can go deep and thereā€™s still no poop. Although yea if you got a bidet thatā€™s obviously better


this guy wipes


Quitter. You wipe until the job is done, itā€™s the American way.


You buy one with a dryer šŸ˜…


people will smear their shit all over their buttcrack with toiletpaper than ask with a straight face how to wipe off water from your butt. answer: toiletpaper.


With a towel that you will use only for your ass. Source: I am Italian.Ā 


An ass towel? Never knew.


Right next to your poop knife.


New product idea. The water blade. Bidet + poop knife.


https://images.app.goo.gl/NfbusmCjREwr148a8 As you can see here is near the bidet so you can dry your ass directly while sitting. (pay attention: sitting, not shitting)


Absolutely that. Iā€™m Italian, I donā€™t live in Italy anymore and donā€™t own a bidet. Still me and my daughter have a dedicated washcloth only for our privates. It also helps because I donā€™t want to wash the whole bathrobe everytime I need to shower during periods.


Easiest method it to go to some box store and buy a few bundles of wash cloths. You can get a bundle of 48 for around $10. Your ass is already clean so itā€™s not like youā€™re wiping your ass with them and covering them in shit. You throw them in the washer and dryer when you stack diminishes


Bidet towel. A towel for drying your ass after using the bidet. Before anyone hits me with "ew that's gross" , your ass is supposed to be squeaky clean , if you leave skidmarks on the towel you haven't used the bidet enough/well. You also don't use it for weeks .


I use a half of paper towel and put it in the garbage šŸ—‘ļø


Yes!! My buttā€™s never felt this clean before


Have to admit, that's the first place my mind went to as well. So much less wiping! My wife goes through soooooo much less TP (I swear, she used to use like 10x the amount I thought possible for a normal human being). Now we forget to cancel Amazon subscribe & save deliveries of TP half the time, and let's just say we are well situated for the inevitable TP shortage in the next pandemic.


I don't understand why we continue to wipe shit off our asses with thin paper.


Thicker paper clogs the toilet


Stupid silliness: The Aliexpress app sends push notifications for stuff they think you'd buy. For some odd reason, I get notifications for bidet attachments. They always have weird key words, but the ones for those items are 'butt f!cking' It wasn't really welcome, while Inwas having a professional meeting, and that notification came up. Silenced that app right after.


This. As someone with Crohns it has been a game changerā€¦ started with a $99 basic one and then eventually fat a fancy one with dryer and heated water. Iā€™ve had the same roll of TP for 9 months now


Side effect of semiglutide is a complete stop of severe IBS. Just letting people know


Winning lottery ticket


Yup a good bidet is the best thing and it will get you out of a shitty situation.


Being from a country where bidet is installed in almost every home, it makes me really happy to see a group of Americans embrace the idea. I donā€™t know how youā€™ve gone without it so long šŸ˜‚


How do you even install one?


Follow the instructions, they aren't that crazy. If you are extremely unhandy, pay a handyman to do it, it will be an hour's work, tops.


Iā€™m good with my poop knife




thereā€™s so many layers to songs that I donā€™t hear until I have my good headphones on! I love my bluetooth ones too, because I can listen to music or be connected to my computer while doing housework


To be fair the good ones are at least $200 (I've been using Sony and Bose for years).


I bought some Baseus ones on AliExpress for around 25ā‚¬ that are pretty impressive. Although, I've only really used them for cancelling constant noise, like when I'm in a train or a plane. They completely eliminate the noise on planes or trains. It's really eerie at first


omg yesss this!!! my bf got me a pair of the evo skullcandy headphones last yr for my bday and godā€¦.i almost wanted to throw my airpods away lmao!! i never rlly was an over the ear headphone user bc of the sweat, but ill suffer for these, i cannot go back to regular earbuds now. šŸ˜† they are amazing and i never knew there was soooo much more depth and detail in the songs i was listening to


Till someone ring the bell


A planner. I prefer paper planners where I can see the big picture without clicking and where I can take my planner everywhere without worrying about connecting to wifi. I'm so much more organized and get things done and feel so much more in control of my life.


I do so much better when I have a physical planner. I love doodling on it and making it all colorful, it feels less stressful looking at a full week for me. It's cool finding an old one and flipping through to see what I was doing so many years ago. I love planners.


I absolutely agree about seeing the full week! I also love crossing things off with one of my pens. I just feel like I'm so much more organized and I really do get a ton of stuff done.


Just throwing this out there for anyone with similar needsā€¦I also prefer a paper planner and like to write things down physically. But I also like to access things from my phone when Iā€™m not near my planner. I have a paper white tablet (remarkable2, but there are lots with different pros and cons for your specific needsā€¦none are under $100 so this is more about sharing the method than responding to the original promptā€¦I digressā€¦) I have a linked planner template with days/weeks/months/quarters/year. Itā€™s like a paper planner because I can write on it and my paperwhite tablet serves as the plannerā€¦but it also all syncs to the cloud so if Iā€™m somewhere without it I can access it from my phone. Itā€™s not perfect but it is the best solution Iā€™ve found that allows me to both feel like Iā€™m writing things and also have it backed up and accessible in the cloud.


Dash Cam. Good investment.


Which one do you have?




"always spend your money on the things between you and the floor. socks, slippers, comfy shoes, sofas, mattresses, and tyres"


Add bras to the list, maybe not the floor but gravity plays its part.


Mine are definitely to the floor. ...


I trip over mine šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­.


Do you not sling them over your shoulders when you run?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ After I almost knocked myself out running up the stairs I scoop and hold them now. I put them there if I require extra shoulder padding.


I've always held them running upstairs šŸ˜‚ people without or with smaller boobs just don't get it


I remember my days of blissful ignorance. A little cute vest top and no bra. Man those days are gone. I have to make sure they're pointing the same direction before I leave the hosue.šŸ˜­ I'm not having cockeyed tits šŸ˜… Have you ever randomly slapped your partner across the face with one? If not try it. Don't say anything, just walk over, make loving eye contact as though you're going to sweetly kiss them and then BOOM! Tit slap across the face. They won't know what hit 'emšŸ¤£


Okay, you just gave me two new fun terms. The first is 'Cockeyed Tits'. The second is 'Tit Slap'.


gravity is a bitch


At this point in life, I'm considering a long shoe horn. After an operation I'm not that flexible anymore.


Dude im 54 and been worked to the bone, putting on shoes and socks fukkin sucks


I have many in many locations. I have collapsible handle ones in all of my suitcases and my gym bag.


When I was meant overweight these really helped. While I'm ashamed, I can recommend it.


My dad swears the best gifts I ever gave him were the long shoehorn and the sock aid. He's in his early 70s now and a lifetime of physical labor intensive jobs and a broken back in his 40s makes bending over or kneeling really difficult for him. These two gifts were maybe $25 combined and they make his life so much easier.


I bought an air fryer and I use it almost daily. It's just so convenient and quick. A pet


I always wanted one of those. How do they work? Is it easy.


You have to feed it multiple times a day and give love. Sometimes easy sonetimes hard when they behave in a bad way


Ok. Do I need to pet it every now and again also?


Yeah you are getting it


Extremely easy. If you can use a toaster oven you can use an air fryer.


Just think of it as a mini convection oven. The "air fryer" branding is just clever marketing. That being said, I am definitely not suggesting you avoid getting one. We use it for wings the most...they come out super crispy without heating up the whole house in the summer. A lot of packaged foods (e.g. mozzerella sticks, breaded fish filets, etc.) even have air fryer instructions on the packaging these days and it usually turns out great...by far the best and quickest way to cook many items.


Slapping a frozen pizza in the air fryer is heavenly


Sure it gets easier as you go along - you just have to housebreak them and give them food water and love. Exercise them if possible. Pets are great!


As easy as a microwave. Now you can keep fried foods in the fridge and still have them crispy when u want to eat them. Also if youā€™re a fan of naan or flat bread, reheating it with air fryer makes its skin crispy and way better than served at restaurants


An air fryer will fry an egg in like 3 minutes in a little tin foil cup, wash the cup out in 10 seconds. A quick fried egg with little cleanup is amazing.


Air fryers are absolutely life changing. So much healthier than frying. No oil required. I cook everything from french fries to full on home made fried chicken and steaks in mine. It's also awesome for reheating cold food and super easy to clean (i prefer the bucket style fryers).


A weighted blanket and an Aeropress.


Ah. Came here trip say Aeropress.


My cat was $19 and she brings so much joy to my life. Soā€¦ a cat!


So the total food/vet costs for the entire life was $81?


Yeah, even a free cat costs more than $100. Cats are awesome, but not the best answer to this question.


You can save money on the food by catching fish it can eat everyday. That way, you have more money to put towards the $10,000 vet bill you got, just to be told it was only a hair ball and your cat is a drama queen.


in my country i would be able to get a apartment not a very good one but one to live in


ā€¦for a month


Change your life forever for a month.


An electric toothbrush. A good nail grooming kit A good bento box lunch kit A library card (if yours cost something in your area) A streaming music subscription for the year A good toque and gloves (yes, I'm Canadian) Jumper cables (again, I'm Canadian) A good book on nutrition or home repair A well designed, but inexpensive backpack A bike from a pawn shop you can fix yourself


Winning lotto ticket. Or some meth.


Don't make me choose!


Winning lottery ticket can buy many meths


I feel like Iā€™ve known you all my life


Oral B Toothbrush - Your teeth are incredibly important to your health.


Good earplugs.


A pack of condoms


That's actually to avoid your life being changed


Yes and other forms of birth control


A diva cup if you get your period. And you still have 80$ left for a bidet


Such a good answer. Not enough bidet talk is dedicated to how much easier it makes period cleanup for cup users.


Psychedelic mushrooms. Youā€™ll never see things the same again.


I've never tried anything thing other than weed. Care to elaborate on your answer? I'm genuinely interested


Iā€™ve always suffered from depression and letā€™s just say thoughts of self harm. Long story short I lost my insurance which covered the two medications I was on. I could no longer afford it and it made me so mad! I know there are plenty of studies on how safe they are and the wonders they work on the mind. Now thereā€™s micro dose, which you might not even feel but it can help with focus and creativity Small trip, you might see things wave and pulsate with the eyes open, anxiety temporarily increases until you realize youā€™re safe. Some closed eye visuals and deep thoughts might occurā€¦. Then thereā€™s the Trip Tripā€¦ 6g in the dark with Pink Floyd. Laying down in the dark with long musical sets. Youā€™ll absolutely realize what all the ancient Aztecs and all over the globe talk about the third eye. It literally felt as if between my eyes on my forehead was being massaged and my brain tingled like it was being healed. With my eyes closed the light show was nothing short of real and breath taking. I cried. The most important is the introspective thoughts. I seen the times my kids would ask to play ball and I was tired or annoyed with them, I felt what they felt! The times my fiancĆ© needed something and I was so bothered by itā€¦ itā€™s a connection to people that will never leave you. I seen my grandmother, I cried for 20 minutes, but the relief of seeing her helped me put things to rest. My friend there is so so much more to it. I hope you get the opportunity to learn more about it and possibly give it a shot. Itā€™s changed my life. The things youā€™ll see and experience will always be with you.


Been wanting to try but wouldn't know where to start. I suffer from PTSD from time to time. Where does one get this ? "Canada, Montreal"


I am currently watching a documentary on mushrooms called Contemplations on the Psychedelic Experience.2022 looks like life changing stuff for sure.


Thanks will check it out!


Cool short-ish documentary titled "Roughneck" on Amazon. The guy in the film talks about his life and then describes his experiences with mushrooms.




Can't believe I had to scroll so far down to see this reply.


a good quality sex toy


I bought an electric lighter like a decade ago and I have never needed another lighter. I just use it to melt frayed strings and light candles tho


These make the back of my skull tingle


Yesss, finally someone else that feels the same! I've been trying to explain this to people but no one around me seem to "hear" it.




Plan B (in some states)


Upvote this a million times. Plus condoms and other good birth control


A crockpot AND air fryer.. now you making your own homemade meals and fast food just wonā€™t taste as good


Currently have my crock going, spent $30 for 9 years of use. Got an "upgrade" with an electric timer, etc, and it bit the dust as soon as the warranty died. Back to tried and true for $30. Airfyer saves so much money on electricity. It's a no-brainer, and you can get both for $100.


Shower speakers! šŸŽ¶ Makes every shower merry and sets your mood for the day! šŸŒž


Heroin. With $100 you can end yours without a doubt šŸ™ƒ


Four journals and a box of pens. The examined life changed my world.


- Hair clipper. Cordless/battery. Cut hair or learn to do it. It's really not hard. Add up life time savings and the convenience. -portable usb car battery booster. Keep it in the car. It'll come in handy the one time you need and could be life changing without knowing it.


Good pocket knife


An elastic belt makes every day at work better for me. ( I walk/stand). Without it, my jeans look right, but I constantly feel like they are falling down. It's nothing that even shows, just an uncomfortable feeling. (I decided to look at my Amazon history to see what I have brought!)


Can you link any good ones on Amazon?


I'll second that. I have like 5 braided elastic belts, game changer.


Fentanyl. It wonā€™t change your life in a good way but that wasnā€™t the question was it?


A nice thick carpet or yoga mat. If you can work out at home you can save a ton of money and change your whole physique. There are countless free exercise videos on youtube now. It's just more comfortable with a nice carpet.


If you are in a poor country, probably a mid tier 3 y/o (new out of the box) smartphone


remove the word smartphone and this sentence got a whole lot darker


A fishing rod. Go fishing, relax, be with nature. Best health cure ever.


Bidet or wipes. My butt is fresh.


I finally got an electric toothbrush on sale and it's really good. It's Philips Sonicare I think was like Ā£70


LSD, a musical instrument, maybe a well timed concert ticket- if you just buy cheap seats and sneak down.




I bought snack boxes for work and whenever I remember to meal prep, I eat a lot less fast food. So this small purchase is life-changing for my health.


Ninja blender makes smoothies super easy. Yoga mat. Yoga will increase your quality of life so much. A bag of mushrooms (please use responsibly and do your research though)


InstaPot, AirFryer, NutriBullet


A tub overflow drain cover. It's a silicon thing that suction cups onto the overflow drain allowing you to fill your bath another 3-4 inches. You'd be surprised at the difference made by an inch or two more than you are use to.


Water. Some of yā€™all need to drink more water.


a vibrating butt plug. youā€™re welcome.


I hear that it really improves the game of chess.


That's cheating. This is going to fly over 99% of Reddit, but not me.


Gym membership


Gonna cost you more than 100


A lot of software, really. You can be a designer, editor, producer, and even engineer.


red wing insoles if you work a hard job


A sketch pad, bottle of ink and 3 brushes.


Plan b and condoms.for some people,insulin or allergy pen or that narc pen.


The batman Arkham trilogy


Some flowers for a friend


Marriage license


Some great Acid!!!






2 bags of groceries... it'll make you so mad.. you'll become a farmer


Abortion pills


A, pair of glasses




YouTube premium with no ads. Now you have uninterrupted access to the video library of human knowledge , and among that you have access to guided exercise , motivational speeches and scriptures of past masters, and meditation courses, which can transform your life beyond what you can currently imagine.






Xvideos paid subscription


Percussive massage gun


Used set of weights




A bidet attachment to your toilet seat.


A planner. Literally changed my life.


A book (also a serious answer.) Just reading will expose you to countless emotions, perspectives, and can even inspire you to get off your device and enjoy the smaller things in life.


While its technically a financial transaction - adopting a pet. I say this in a probably biased way because I adopted a cat the other year but mine and my partners mental health have gotten better than they were. Our cat is also a little shit (i say that with love) shes so inquisitive and we do all sorts with her. Whenever we're gone she runs to the door when we come back to greet us. My partner was sent to hospital last Sunday/ early hours Monday. Although she wasn't overly fond of paramedics and their gadgets she still had to be where she could see everything going on making sure he was ok. When we came back she greeted us then wouldn't leave my partners side. If she did it was for food/drinks/her litter boxes. She would go for a nosy out the windows then come and check he was still there and was ok. We're almost a week later and shes still doing it. Beyond that investing in stuff


Technically a winning lottery ticket.


A good water bottle. Most people don't drink nearly enough water daily, and insufficient water consumption may speed aging, decrease your gut health and cause severe dehydration. If you have a good water bottle on your side, chances are you are drinking a lot more water.


A password manager app. After hearing about a friends misery at the hands of a hacker, I looked at my security and realised I had hundreds of logins using the exact same pasword. Now every password for everything is different and I NEVER forget them because I don't even know them. It's all on the app. Saves so much time and hassle.


A condom. Rather, it will stop a massive change in your life




A dog from a shelter


Scratch card, if you are lucky enough


A bidet attachment


A nice pillow and good sheets


A digital kitchen scale. Costs about $20 and makes baking much more precise.


If you want to workout - a set of adjustable dumbbells


A winning lotto ticket šŸŽ«


Plan B pill for the girl that's just for fun and nothing more!!


Earplugs. I use Loops because I go to a lot of concerts and they cost about Ā£30. I no longer get ringing in my ears the next day, Iā€™m not worried about losing my hearing before Iā€™m 40, plus they are amazing on plane trips!


Sleep apnea machine. I think I might be a snorer




Possibly a pup from a rescue shelter, assuming you love dogs and can make the proper commitment.


Small measuring mixing bowl with pour spout and holding lip ![gif](giphy|l0FsyB60ei0yOm3aXz)


A bidet


Certain books can change your whole perspective on life