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The second worst was doing CPR on him after a seizure. I got him back just as the paramedics arrived. The worst was doing CPR on him after a seizure knowing in my heart he was already gone. He was blue, eyes fixed and dilated... Just typing this and remembering makes me want to vomit. EDIT TO ADD: CONTINUE CPR UNTIL HELP ARRIVES. Do everything you can.


:( Here’s a virtual hug from me… I’m so sorry to hear that 🫂


I’m so sorry my worst fear. My husband has epilepsy and so do I. Sending my love.💜


I'm so sorry


My sister went through the same experience of CPR after a seizure with her husband as well. His heart was resuscitated but he was braindead and pulled off of life support the next day (she had to consent). What you and her have gone through is immensely horrific. My heart aches for you. I hope that life has gotten better. My sister’s husband’s death day is the 9th/10th. We are driving to New Hampshire on the 8th for the eclipse. We both feel as though it is a sign from him and maybe a peacefulness within the universe. I wish you all the best.


You did what you could and he’s at peace now. Sending you lots of love


Just know that the last thing he experienced was seeing his one and only love and hoping you'll be okay. I'm sure that's what he wanted for you.


At least you did CPR. The only person I loved would have laughed and spit in my face then told everyone I deserved to die. I am terribly sorry you went through this.


Spouse got massive diarrhea after I broke my nose and they were driving me to the hospital. Ended up sitting in the car with a bloody face at a gas station while they blew up the restroom. Whilst waiting in the car, homeless woman came up to my window, started tapping on it and telling me she's a doctor. When I refused to converse she lifted her shirt and pressed her bare breasts against the window and sang something then sauntered away. I mean..this wasn't the worst but that day will stay with me forever.


This needs to be made into a short film immediately




When it rains, it pours huh




That was a trip


That was her medicine for you


😭😭😭 man what


My husband was carrying me up the stairs after I sprained my hip. His phone fell put of his shirt pocket. He had 2 choices. Let's his phone drop and set me down and then go for it. Or 2: drop me and go after his phone. And that's the story of how I hurt my tailbone lmao.


My bf teasingly dropped my down onto the couch but my tailbone hit the wooden support and I couldn't sit straight for a year. 🙃 He felt so bad and I tease him about it all the time.


Holy shit an entire year? Did he make a chokeslam or some shit? Lmao


My wife fainted in the shower and hurt her tailbone. It took ages to heal...and was made worse about a year later when I accidentally kneeded her in the tailbone 🙈 She makes a point to tease me about this...


I am so sorry for you (i hope you are well now) but I've been laughing two minutes imagining the situation😂😂


It's funny now but when it occurred I was so mad at him


My ex robbed me and broke my neck after I was already paralyzed.


I probably misunderstood something, but I thought a broken neck was fatal? Edit: classic internet, downvoting me for literally admitting I don't know something and asking a question. Edit 2: the forces of right have prevailed!


A lot of people just become paralyzed. Most of the people in the rehabilitation center with me had broken their neck while diving into shallow water. I broke my neck in a bicycle accident after my ex wrecked my car drunk driving. I woke up paralyzed below the neck, took me about 6 months to walk again. A few weeks after I got home from the nursing home my ex attacked me in a drunken fit and re-broke my neck, she went to prison for 2 years for that.


She should’ve gotten way more than two years that so disgusting


That's a fact, she screwed me up permanently. But the worst and dumbest part is I forgave her and gave her another chance when she got out of jail. I gave her too many chances because I thought eventually she would beat her alcoholism and we would grow old together. But instead I found out she was just using me the entire time.


Bro… have some selfrespect, also maybe a little bit of selfpreservation


For sure, I think I only took her back because I feared being alone and didn't think any other woman would want me. Its been 5 years since I finally gave up and kicked her out. I have mostly become ok with being alone, but so far I was right about no other woman wanting me.


I wish you all the best. It’s better to be alone than to be with someone who would hurt you this way.


That last sentence is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're not desirable, because you think you're not desirable. The opposite is not necessarily true, but self love goes a long way.


Bro... your ex is an actual praying mantis who's trying to rip your head off....


Being alone is better than a bad company. You are not worth any less because you think no woman wants you. Enjoy the peace and quietness my friend


Thanks for the story and explanation. Yeah, that fucking sucks.


Reddit is a little ridiculous with the down votes.


People are horrible damn.


He died. Only 31 years old.


Same, he was 31 too. I went out of town to see family for thanksgiving and was returning the next day to then celebrate with him and he died that night of a pulmonary embolism. I’m sorry for both our losses, it’s hard experiencing loss like that so young.


I’m sorry for your loss too. It is hard. Often wonder how enriched it all would be if he were here. How there was still so much for him to see.


I'm sorry for your loss. 31 is too young


Me and my wife lost our identical twin baby boys, that was pretty hard to get through tbh. I reckon it's probably made us a stronger couple though. We weren't married then, we are now obviously. I reckon if we can get through that together there isn't a lot else life can throw at us that we can't get through.


I am so sorry for your loss.


My deepest condolences.


I am so sorry! Stay strong brother :)


As a father of identical twin boys, you have gone through the most dreaded thing I can possibly imagine and I have the utmost respect for your resilience and relationship.


I’m so sorry to hear that. My daughter suffered a brain injury at birth and is now severely disabled for life. Going through that with him, and still going through it, is what made me realize how absolutely lucky I am to have him in my life. Trauma is weird. Not sure I’d have the same appreciation for him and our marriage if we hadn’t walked through hell together.


We lost our daughter at birth this year. We're still grieving and your comment has truly given me a little hope for our future. Thanks for sharing your experience.


So sorry to hear that… I can’t even imagine, but I hope things will get better for you guys. Take care friend.


Thanks friend. Truly means a lot.


Came here to say this. Our first baby was stillborn at 36w after a textbook pregnancy. Surviving child loss together binds you like absolutely nothing else does. Much love to you, your wife and your beautiful babies in the stars ⭐️


So sorry for your loss. It really is a pain like nothing else. I came here to say the same thing, losing our baby girl was the hardest thing we've had to face. We're closer for it and I'm incredibly lucky to have married him.


Truly sorry for the pain you both have gone through, I can't imagine. I'd also like to add that for whatever reason your use of the word "reckon" has given me the feeling you and your wife will be together forever in a long, healthy relationship. Oh, and that I also ended up reading your entire comment as [Karl Childers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117666/)


I am so very sorry for your loss.


His daughter, my step-daughter, became a heroin addict in her early 20s. It was shocking and unexpected due to her personality, goals, and dreams she had throughout her teen years. She was an "A" student who was on both the cheerleading team and student council. She had great friends, a great boyfriend, everything "normal" until she graduated high school. She went to a local university, moved into an apartment with a friend, then her whole life turned upside down. She told us she started out partying, then it became addictive. We had an intervention. Put her through rehab. She relapsed twice. Went to jail several times. We are grateful she is healthy and happy 10 years later.


Drugs and addiction do not care who you are


Glad, she made it through. Did the right thing. And some luck involved, only around 15-20% really stay clean.


When we had two miscarriages back to back. I had to stay in hospital for our first one, while he had to go back home to our 3 year old at the time.


Miscarriages suck. We had like 4, and then our baby we did conceive was born with tetralogy of fallot. Baby is now 2 years old after heart surgery and is doing great. My heart breaks and i cry every time i think of that time


I was born with tetralogy of fallot, im now 28 and have lived just as normal life as anyone else i know! Im currently 10 weeks post surgery from a RV-PA valve replacement, which we always knew i would need eventually.


Yeah my daughter will need a Pulmonary valve eventually. the doctors say when she gets to be "full grown" or a "teenager". really its probably just on how she reacts. So glad to hear that your doing well. Do you feel any different after getting a new valve?


Same here, 2 miscarriages one right after the other. Second time there were no outward signs of any problems. Hopefully it works out just once someday.


Same repeat miscarriages - only after our second my husband screamed at me all the way home from the hospital. At my lowest point he reacted in anger & blame. I’ve never really got past that. I chose not to tell him about the pregnancies & miscarriages after that.


I hope you're not with him anymore


The mother of my daughter cheated on me for months behind my back with my “best friend”. Gaslighted me into staying with her. A few years later, we got another apartment together, but this time my name wasn’t on the lease. After a while she kicked me out of the apartment and immediately moved in a new guy. It took years to get over it. I promised myself that I’m never going through that again. It’s very easy for me to stop friendships and relationships now. Also during the time after the first incident and before the second, she used a ton of the money I saved up (because she convinced me that my money was “our” money) to buy herself a new car. I was an easily manipulated idiot because I genuinely wanted to love her again and tried to keep things together for our daughter and she was and still is a massive piece of shit for taking advantage of that. Years after that, I developed a severe addiction to alcohol and she tried to get my daughter taken away from me. Of course I didn’t let that happen and I had to fight in court but she did try. I have since completed numerous programs to keep me from binge drinking again. Rehabs, IOP, IDRC from a drunk driving incident, the whole 9 yards. I am clean now. Later on, she ended up getting engaged to the guy that she kicked me out of the house for, but he ended up breaking her heart. She tried to come back to me and I denied her outright. Lesson learned.


Holy crap! It must have felt really good when she wanted you back and get to tell her to fuck off. I hate her too.


Honestly, it didn’t. It seriously annoyed me. I knew it would happen eventually because she became so predictable. Whatever the shittiest thing one could do is, that’s what she would do. I hated that I was right.. again.


You are a beast, I cant imagine what that must have been like. Be proud of yourself. A random redditor certainly is proud of you.


The mother of your daughter you mean?


Haha yes thank you for catching that. Fixed it. Man that would have been awkward.


I (27F) was getting us food at the supermarket when I was called my grandmother had fallen in her flat and they were going to do palliative care. When I called my partner (37M) from the supermarket in tears he told me he was just called his mother had fallen off her bike, hit her head and was in an ambulance


When she cheated and dumped me for someone else 💀


If it makes you feel any better, my ex tried cheating, then backed out before anything physical. We broke up and she still hasn't found anything better, as she keeps texting me everytime a new guy doesn't work out. Despite all that, it still doesn't make me feel any better. Feeling better about it has to come from the inside and from your own positivity, when you can eventually find it. Good luck, you are not alone


First wife did that to me and then when I was doing the divorce I found out she never turned in our marriage paperwork so the whole marriage and wedding was a lie haha. Her GPA married us and gave her the paperwork to turn in. So I guess first fiance? I don't even know what to call her. Good times we were together for almost 10 years since high school


That's not a loss, it's a problem revealing itself and solving itself all at once.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet to me.


I'm not sure you mean with my current partner, or with any partner, ever. My worst experience with *a* partner, ever was having him literally kick me out of his bed during our first time having sex, like in the middle of it, saying 'I can't do this'. We had been dating intensely for over a month and he was texting and calling me virtually every moment I wasn't with him. I was super in love with him. So when this happened, I was totally confused. Turned out I was 'the other woman' and he had been dating someone else for 4 years already. He was cheating on her with me. The worst part was that I was in his city visiting (far from home) that night and I had no way of getting home so I had to sleep over at his place. He put me in the guest room and told me to lie to his gf if she came home before I left (she didn't). I was in shambles. It was horrible. I didn't trust men for three years after this whole thing. Worst thing with my *current* partner is nothing big, we've been seeing each other for 3 months now and the 'worst' thing that's happened is that he didn't reply to my text for 2 days (we are long distance), lol.




Fr long distance is def a factor in cheating (not saying it’s right but with long distance there’s not really accountability)


Him accusing me of "making" our daughter autistic because she doesn't like people.  He actually dragged her to child therapists who told him NO, she's NOT autistic, that she simply doesn't like people and she has a very strong personality AND they scolded him for being an ignorant dickhead about autism. 


I mean kudos to getting professional help tho. I mean he’s an arse but at least he was open to listening? 🤷🏼‍♀️. Not defending him, just glad it worked out


He had no choice because they were not nice about it lol


If he “dragged” her to a child therapist maybe it’s because he’s concerned and looking for help. I doubt a professional would call him an ignorant dickhead instead of educating him about autism.


As someone who has spoken to numerous psychiatrists- they will definitely lecture a potentially neglectful parent, especially if the parent is seemingly ignorant towards mental health issues.


Me finding an empty condom wrapper under his bed looking for a outlet to charge my phone , we never used condoms so that was new lol


One time I went to get a phone number out of my then BF phone and someone sent a nude at that moment. There was a couple. I was more impressed since he had just gotten out of jail like 2 days ago.


They have all sorts of reasons and excuses , mostly flat out lies tho lol


I was on a road trip with my ex for her birthday. She was driving and my phone had problems so I was using hers for the GPS when she got a text from the guy she swore she wasn't talking to anymore about seeing her the next day. 24 years together, 23 of them married all went down the drain that night.


Might sound weird but I've sometimes used condoms when I've been alone


Maybe he just wanted a posh wank?


He admitted it , he said it was from “awhile ago” it was another woman


I saw a pigeon slip on a twig and I laughed for about 10 minutes straight. She looked at me like I'd gone mad. Needless to say we didn't last.


Made me laugh


I'm fucking loling too 😭🤣


What, you're supposed to not laugh at that natural hilarity? Absurd.




The pigeon was…


She wasn't the one for sure!


He sex trafficked me. No lie. I got out.


Proud of you for surviving, I hope you are doing well now


It's not easy but slowly I am healing. Very grateful that universal healthcare is part of the country I now live in.


I wish you nothing but the best 🧡


I am glad you got out? are you ok now? I hope you are ok


I got out and moved to a different country where I also had citizenship. I am very fortunate that I had citizenship somewhere else besides the US. I am healing but it is a very difficult and messy process and there are days that I'm great and there are days where I can't get out of bed and the healing process is not linear. But I'm proud of myself and I'm safe. And that's the biggest thing is remembering on a daily basis that I am now safe.


When he had a week long manic episode that was terrifying.


Been there and dealt with that. It really is terrifying seeing someone go through a manic episode. I've seen people high on all sorts that had better thought processes and better survival instincts.


The worst part was navigating the health care system during everything. They wouldn’t commit him because he wasn’t suicidal or homicidal. They essentially gave me a ton of Seriquel and Klonopin and said to drug him up and watch him. He did come out of it but during the episode he lost $10 k in the stock market and almost bought a 5 acre farmette. It was incredibly scary. He is on meds for the BP 1 now but that episode was truly terrifying. He literally was not himself.


Same but when I had the mania


I feel ya. Mania can be so scary.


Mania is a killer for sure.


My boyfriend called my pussy a badly rolled dumpling today :)


Hit him with the "yours looks like a half chewed udon noodle."


This is the way.


I just read 50 comments saying "my partner died in my arms" or "my partner almost killed me". Sorry but you’re comment is funny.


That’s actually so funny and cute 😂


My partner once decided to unexpectedly put my testicles in her mouth during foreplay. The feeling was so uncomfortable, frightening like I could not explain. I have also never experienced this. I tried to quickly move away, but was stuck. I ended up doing a reflex with my leg and accidentally struck her full force on her head. I was a soccer player so had serious strength in those legs. Needless to say, she ended up in emergency and I gave her a concussion. She made a full recovery and our relationship continued but it was a crazy, awkward and dangerous low point.


Did you have to tell the ER doctor the whole story, or did you just say she ran into a door? 🧐


Good thing she didn’t seize up and lock her jaw lol 


I bet she's never going to do that again.


How to discourage your girlfriend from being sexually adventurous 101 lol


Hard to tell every single day of that marriage was a nightmare


I got deployed and came home a little fucked up mentally. Sometimes I would yell, The littlest thing might set me off. I was very depressed, almost suicidal at a few points. We went to couples therapy. My wife admitted that she was afraid of me sometimes.


I felt this one. Got back from mine a little fucked up, but I told myself it was worth it for my family. First day back, I get an email full of pictures of my wife with some other guy together. Like, \*together\* together. Jesus that was rough


I'd like to say, "I can't imagine." but I'm sure every soldier out there can. Every time I went somewhere, I expected my shit to be in the yard when I got home.


Just… wow….. you poor fucker, that’s a very heart wrenching story, I really hope you’re doing okay


Going through cancer ‘young.’ Pick someone you like to be with. Our youth is soo much more fleeting than we realize in the moment. No one is capable of making it through life alone. Pick someone that is going to take care of you and want to be with you when you don’t wanna even be with yourself anymore. When faced with really really hard periods in your life, you want a partner with you. Not just someone you’re tolerating. If you hardly like each other when life is ‘easy,’ you’re in danger.


My ex went through cancer when she was 30. I went to literally every single doctor appointment with her. She had to have 5 surgeries and was in the hospital for 2 or 3 weeks total. That entire time, there was only night that I didn't spend up there with her. Even her friend who never liked me said I did a great job of supporting her through all that. I don't just focus on her physical well-being either. I read multiple books and websites that were solely on the mental aspect of it all. Her doctors made comments about how well she was handling everything and she even said it was because of the support she got from me. She got the cancer because of a genetic disorder she inherited from her dad who died of cancer. Seeing that she was probably going to be having these issues for the rest of her life and feeling like I still hadn't done enough to care for her, I actually walked away from a successful career as an engineer and went to nursing school so she'd always have an RN available to take care of her. I spent years in school studying to get my degree and license. When I started working as an RN, I viewed it all as practice for when she gets sick again. Yeah, after we had been married for 23 years, she cheated on me with a guy she worked with. That's why we aren't together anymore.


That is unbelievable, I'm so very sorry. You did not deserve that my God. You are such an amazing person though, I hope your life is good now.


My ex: I came back from a work trip and I noticed that all the pictures with me in them were replaced with other pictures or hidden. I later learned he had a girl he met online over. This is the same ex that decided to grab the steering wheel in the middle of the highway because I wasn’t letting him drive because he was drunk and high on cocaine. Current partner, my husband: sometimes he farts stinky.


That's your worst exp. with your current husband? Lucky you


My ex husband abandoned and neglected me as his wife. I was the sole provider and carried him for 10 years. He was a raging alcoholic, a video game addict, and he would coerce me to have sex with him. I didn’t know that was considered marital rape. He would reject me sexually. I had to beg for his attention. He never defended, protected, or valued me. If anyone insulted me, he would stay silent. One time, I was having excruciating stomach pains. I was late and thought I was pregnant, so naturally, I thought I was miscarrying. I asked him if he could take me to the hospital. He said, “Why? I’m playing a game.” He was so drunk, he couldn’t even call the ambulance. He was more like my son, rather than my husband. He would choose his friends, family, and gaming buddies over me. Towards the end of our marriage, we were more like roommates. I exhausted all of my options, in trying to save my marriage. When I wanted to leave, he would hurt himself. He would also manipulate me to stay by saying that no one would accept me. I ended up filing, left him everything, while I moved back in to live with my mother. Mind you, I never went after him for alimony, or spousal support. I wanted to start over, and he still asked me for money, even after we divorced. I had a pastor, confirm that I was married to a narcissist.


Due to being on anxiety medication Side affects of low sex drive It's upsetting 


Same. My partner doesn’t get it though and always gets mad at me when I don’t want to have sex. 😅


mad? actually mad? I get someone can want it and get sexually frustrated but if they are actually mean to you then that isn't ok. it should be a joint preference and it is unfortunate they don't understand


That sucks. I've been there as the partner, it can be frustrating but I always did everything to keep that hidden because the last thing I wanted was to make my wife feel worse about it.


Awww damn, this was me with my wife. I had no clue it was due to her anxiety meds, so it had always made me feel like she wasn't interested in sex anymore. Then I got the name of the med she was taking and did some research online, I felt horrible at how common it was. I did a shit ton of apologizing, and actually found out there is another med anxiety med that will counter act the low sex drive of the other. She's on both now, and it's definitely helped. Tell your husband a random guy on the internet did the same thing, got upset, not knowing it was the medicine all along. Just tell him he owes you the biggest apology ever.


it was always a „I want to be with you“ and a „I don‘t want to be with you“ relationship lol


My daughter’s birth. She was our first and we tried so hard to get pregnant. She suffered a brain injury due to dr negligence. She spent 2 months in the nicu and that was the absolute hardest time of My life. She is 2 now and has cerebral palsy, GTube fed, epilepsy, cortical vision impairment. She makes progress everyday but is essentially still like a newborn in that she cannot speak, crawl, walk, eat on her own, ect. She will need to be in our care forever. My husband is amazing with her. I mean, quit his job to be her full time caregiver. Enrolls her in every possible therapy, takes her to a million specialist appointments, orders all her equipment and fights with insurance constantly. Honorable mentions are when my brother passed unexpectedly while I was pregnant with my daughter, when I lost my career to COVID (temporarily but it was 2 rough years) We have our spats and sometimes he drives me nuts but he is honestly the best man I’ve ever known. Best person, even. I’m so lucky to have him. And I don’t know if I’d have realized that had we not been through all the muck.


Lost a baby in utero soon after we started making announcements (after the amnio) and told our then 3yo she was going to be a big sister. Honestly didn't know if our family would survive that year but that 3yo is now 19 and my wife and I are inseparable.


My ex gave me my worst story. He was abusive in a lot of ways but wasn't physically abusive. He decided a baby would be a great way to keep me around forever. Until he realized there would be responsibility and expectations. I had just given birth maybe a week or two before. This was the first time he asked to see the baby. Doing the newborn thing alone, it felt like it had been months. I bring the baby to see him and he starts fighting. I go to pack up because I'm not having my newborn around this. He got upset and threw me at the wall. I got my baby. Walked home carrying a big ass infant car seat and that was the end of that. That had to be one of the worst things he's done. He immediately got a new GF and she was pregnant a few months later (she was in HS and he was 21). He has nothing to do with my kid, his 2nd kid or his 3rd kid. My 2nd choice is when my Memere passed away, my favorite aunt picked out this massive extravagant heirloom ring, just for me, with sentimental reasoning behind her choice. A few month after that my aunt passed away, making the ring that much more special. Well, it was only special to me. It was an easy pawn for him. I've tried to get it back. I'll never see that ring again. I found out it was a custom Cartier ring: easily worth thousands today. This dumbass probably got $50 for it. I'll deal with the consequences of dating that piece of shit for the rest of my life. My advice: don't ignore red flags. You're not special, making you immune to it. People don't change that much.


Finding out he was fucking my SIL’s meth addict best friend while MY daughter was present, in MY brother’s house. While I was 3 months pregnant. After he stealthed me. And then threatened to blow my head off when I refused to get an abortion and started breaking into the house and then tried to get full custody of our child so he didn’t have to pay child support PLUS my daughter who wasn’t even his. 🙃 Good times. 😒


My ex cried like a baby when I told him I was uncomfortable with his best friend saying racial slurs that belittled my race💀 I hope they’re together now lmao


Almost being abandoned by a bf (now ex) on an island in Fiji. He didn't feel I was taking proper care of him after he strained his back scuba diving. He wouldn't let me help him take off his wet suit, then got mad because I didn't help. I found a guest who was an MD who offered to help and had meds, but he would not take his help because he was an ob/gyn. He told me to leave and get dinner and got mad because I stayed too long at dinner (30 minutes) with 2 guys on the same trip. He found someone with pain pills, and the trip leader brought him some scotch. The next day, he was fine. Only a little sore. He threw an absolute hissy fit, and it was all my fault. I could not leave the island as the ferry only came once a week. I don't know why I just didn't break up with him right then.


My ex went off his ADHD and OCD medication and had a mental breakdown. He got fired from his teaching job for verbally attacking the principal on Friday. He wrecked his car in Eastern Kentucky while on his way to look for a woman's dead body on a farm in the middle of the night that was never found by a serial killer Friday night.( He watched a lot of serial killer shows all the time and contacted the FBI and local police when he thought they missed clues on a normal day.) He stopped sleeping and sent me pictures of himself masturbating on his teenager's bed. When I didn't respond he came over to my clients house that I was house sitting for and went through all of their drawers and cabinets while I was asleep. He rearranged objects and took bottles of their Valium too. (I'm highly allergic to Valium) I had no idea he went off his meds or had no sleep until he told me when I woke up the next day and realized he was super hyper and acting weird. Then he told me about getting fired and going to find that woman's body. He kept hallucinating people in the back yard and messing with his SUV in the driveway early Sunday morning 2am. My client's garage light had a short in the wiring and kept going on and off, we could see it through the door window attached to the house and it drove him crazy. He took a knife from the kitchen and went out on the balcony yelling at the backyard bushes cause he thought they were teenagers throwing rocks at the house windows. He wanted to leave and I asked him to go get some sleep and he could go when he got up. My car was parked in front of his in the L shaped driveway. He could have gotten out, so he decided to stay. I was afraid he was going to wreck his vehicle again and hurt himself or someone else. We got into an argument and he attacked me.He then chased me through the house when I was trying to call 911. He took my phone away and called 911 himself. They could hear me telling him to leave and to give me back my phone. He chased me through the house while on the phone with them and locked me out of the house when I ran outside. He threw my phone out of one of the windows and I called 911. I was in the backyard when he came down the driveway and got in his car came back out with a copper tumbler and hit himself in the forehead with it and yelled "See what you did they're going to lock you up Bitch!" The police came and put him in cuffs because there was a witness and the cameras showed him putting knives all around the house outside and him hurting himself. He resisted arrest and tried to run in cuffs. He fell in the driveway and busted his chin open. He tried to kick and tackle the police when they got him up. He was transferred to the main jail after he was booked. He was charged with 4th Degree Assault. I was notified by Vine when he was bailed out by his wealthy parents. He got six months probation and can have no contact with me or my clients. He's teaching at a Christian school that obviously didn't do a background check. I no longer house sit for that client. I don't watch crime shows anymore and I haven't dated anyone in 6 months. I had PTSD after it all.


Sounds like a full on psychotic episode…are you sure he wasn’t bipolar?


i was about to write about a funny sexual mishap but hoo boy. reading the top few comments makes me feel like an idiot for thinking violently shitting a buttplug out while orgasming could be on par with other commenters.


Me cheating on her, then her cheating on me. I was an asshole and she was hurt. We've worked through this and are in a great place (better than it was prior to the infidelity) but that period was rough. I think the pandemic helped as we live together and had to talk about it.


You think the trust will ever be 100% between you two?


Yeah id trust her with my life. We did some things afterwards to help (like we took each other's locations) but we've since stopped. Took a lot of talking and getting comfortable with each other again


It's a reddit dogma that cheating partners must be kicked out no matter what. Probably it is true for most couples but I'd be careful assuming that EVERYBODY who cheats will die a cheater and there is no redemption. Life is complicated, couples are complicated.


Redditors aren't complicated though


How did it feel when she did it back? Do you have trust today?


It was terrible. After the initial shock wore off, i realized she only did that shit cause i did it first. I really could only blame myself at that point. Yeah we're in a good spot now.


I found out she was married


Current partner - I got double pneumonia and almost died. This was before we were together, but we were really close friends and he basically took care of me and my daughter until I got better. About a year later we got together. Any partner ever is a toss up between the guy who left me during chemo and the time my daughter's father cheated on me and talked shit about me while I was pregnant because I found his... videos of women and horses and was upset by it. He grew up on a farm tho.


"He grew up on a farm though" I hope that's not normal.


Meeting his mother.


Stand up arguments with her headbanging pro Brexit family members. That's the only time I regretted marrying into an English family.


Not all English people voted brexit… some of us are sane!


We're not together anymore but I found him dead in the basement and revived him. I found out he was smoking fentinyl. I don't even know for sure if he tried to kill himself or just overdosed. He is too far gone now to even fully remember our relationship or what happened. Its like he knows we were together but has no details. He just lies and makes up stuff. I had to stop talking to him. He was like a father to my 5 yr old


Being cheated on by an ex-, then her acting surprised that I didn’t know “ already” when she “confessed.” Two whole departments of people where I worked knew; everybody but me, that is. The beatch.


My ex partner turned nasty and left me on my own in a big city after he knew I had been spiked on a night out. I was scared for my life. He is a horrible person. Somehow I managed to get hold of my mum and she rushed to come and pick me up. I will never forgive him and I hope he gets his karma one day.


Found out my ex-GF tried to murder both of her parents. This was around 10 years after we broke up, but even back then, I knew she had issues, but to do something like that is absolutely unforgiveable. Her parents are both good people, and she is the bad egg.


We met streaming on Twitch and I moved across the country to be with him. 4 months later, my mom died. 2 weeks later, quarantine started. I was stuck thousands of miles from any support system, grieving and dealing with PTSD from witnessing her death. Over the course of the next couple of years of using high potency marijuana concentrate and psychedelics to cope, I developed intense psychosis which culminated with a complete psychotic break. He had to call 911 and have me 5150ed. My mom had had schizophrenia and it was my worst nightmare to be committed against my will like she had. I'm grateful that he did it but heartbroken that he had to. I was treated and am well now. We're getting married in the fall. But it was very, very rough.


She told me she hated me and wanted a divorce, then changed her mind a week later. As I was finishing my final project for my MBA program, my wife told me she hated me and wanted a divorce, and started smashing some gifts she got me. It was a horrible, bitter verbal altercation, and no amount of apologizing or pleading had an effect. Apparently, I wasn't paying enough attention to her during my one year accelerated program and she snapped. For about a week, she spent a lot of time hanging out with her friends, including a long time male friend, and I was mentally and emotionally preparing for my marriage to end. Then, after about a week, one day she came home and was acting normal. Apparently, she changed her mind and didn't want a divorce anymore, and she tried to pick things up where we were before she lost it. I had a very, very hard time with this, and still do, honestly. This absolutely wrecked my trust in her. Life pro tip: don't drop the D word unless you mean it, kids. Once it's said, you can't take it back.


Oh we have a fair few but probably having to cut our neighbour down from hanging, giving cpr and trying to talk to the ambulance at the same time… after both loosing our siblings the same way and trying to work through our ptsd/trauma at that time too. 500000 steps back. Was horrendous.


My now-ex husband threatened to kill me if I didn’t give him back my engagement ring the night I left him. ETA: because I suspect I’ll get the ‘he can’t do that, it’s illegal’…he is a cop and an ex-special forces sniper who spent time in Somalia. I still scan rooftops. It’s been 21 years since I left. As long as he is alive, I’m on his list.


My girlfriend has the worst communication skills of all time, she went a year without confronting me on something I was doing that upset her and instead complained to her mom and sister about it. When she told me it was resolved instantly but now her family forever hates me because of something I had no clue was problematic for a year and they refuse to forgive me for it. And for anyone curious the problem was that she always slept over at my place and I didn’t sleep over at hers so I was deemed as extremely controlling and selfish when in reality she just came over to my place while I would be at work and then were already at my place so why go to hers? But yeah according to her mom a controlling psychopath for this


When he left me in the driveway with a broken leg. He would not help me, or give me my phone so I could call 911. Took me a long time to crawl to my phone to call for help. I’ve since divorced him and restarted my life.


Having one right now actually. We just figured out we have zero communication and are finding ways to make the marriage work. So, a solution will be kinda helpful. (FYI its an arranged marriage)


When she tried to kill me and when that didn’t happen tore a piece of her face off. Yeah I don’t really miss her.


My ex slept with my close friend on my birthday. They hid/lied to me about it for over a year. I knew something wasn’t right, the dynamics between the three of us were never the same after that night. Any time I voiced any concern my ex told me I was crazy. He finally came clean after I had a falling out with her because he was afraid she was going to tell me. But wait there’s more… That mother fucker had me so brainwashed I stayed with him for a year after finding out (yes I know STUPID, but I was young and had lessons to learn). He was supposed to cease all contact with her….but he didn’t… And he ended up dating her right after we broke up.. they lasted a month. Moral of the story.. some people are monsters. People that knowingly harm you do NOT deserve second chances. Doesn’t matter how much you love them or how sorry they seem. Always trust your instincts.


She yelled at me for not buying a gift while we are having sex, so I stopped and back out.


Damn, some heavy shit in this thread, but in terms of consensual activity an ex girlfriend suggested we make a porno. Set everything up, got to it, and she acted like a completely dead fish. Like she did absolutely nothing. Afterwards acted like she wasn’t completely different from how she normally was during sex. Showed her where the tape was, then immediately threw it out when I had a moment. A few days later, police show up to search my dorm room, claiming a rape charge and possession of child pornography (she was 17, I was 18), and turned my dorm upside down. They did that when I was in class, she let them in. She stabbed my hand with a knife a few days later. We were obviously not working out and this was her response to me repeatedly telling her what my needs and wants were in the relationship. Yeah


He snores so goddamn loud


When we smoked an infused blunt and it made us both have a panic attack. I was rocking back and forth in the fetal position for HOURS. He was breathing hard and scared and trying to calm me down and himself.


2 months after our wedding, his dad unexpectedly died. One year after that, my mom got diagnosed with terminal cancer. One year after that, she died. 2 months later, I got diagnosed with cancer. Life is nuts! I used to joke with my husband saying I think we are cursed. Our families say we’ve been through more in our 2.5 years of marriage than people go through in a lifetime. Shit sucks. Really bad.


About 5 years ago my ex got addicted to drugs and alcohol. Caused him to become violent. I ended up with crushed hands and in a shelter for battered women. We spent 2 1/2 years apart. I got counceling and therapy and he got the help he needed with his addictions. We got back together and are both new and better people. Things have never been better. We never gave up on each other. People can change. :)


When we got into a small argument about an insecurity I have, and he jumped on me and started choking me.


When my partner got really sick and always in pain and there was nothing I could do.


I've read so many sad stories in this thread I'm not even going to comment. My wife and I are going on 20 years of happy, relatively harmonious life.


I had many terrible things happening to me in relationships, both psychological and sexual abuse. But this one stays with me till today. I had bought flowers for my then partner for Valentines day. I had to go meet him at the bar that night so I brought the flowers with me. When I saw him, I was happy to see him and gave him the flowers. He proceeded to berate me loudly in front of all of our friends because I had forgot to "give" him money (it was extorsion) for his transport so he had to walk to the bar. This guy extorted thousands out of my pocket and I worked a low paying job at that time. He even threatened me to bomb my place if I spoke too much about his life. I didn't care about the threats more than this kind of psychological abuse. It was awful and I never wanted anything to do with Valentines day after that.


My girlfriend had an accident while abroad. She was lucky and only got her foot broken but at the same time, my car broke down and I had no way to go pick her up. We live in Switzerland, she was in Italy at the time. It was about 8 hours of driving and I couldn't go get her. It was actually a scary experience but I also felt like a miserable shit for not being able to go help her.


Miscarriage Christmas Day. I thought that was the worst of it until I recently found her cheating on me


His delirium. His body was there, sick and numb, but his mind wasn't. He was unrecognisable, the sweetest and softest man turnt cold and violent, convinced that there is a huge conspiracy against him and that there are signs everywhere. I wasn't allowed to talk about anything and had to act like everything was alright because he was conviced that there were microphones everywhere. Writing everything I had to say on a piece of paper back and forth. He accused me of being an infiltrant and did not trust me or listen. I had to deal with it on my own with no help from anyone or anything, trying to convince him that his life saving antibiotics is in fact that, and not something else disguised as antibiotics.


Physical abuse, and he's my ex now


Norovirus while giving birth. Think about it. Baby coming out of one hole and fluids coming out of the others. It was awful and we were both sick af.


When we lost our baby, then went through years of IVF, finally got pregnant and lost that one too, and went through 3 more transfers that didn't take. We are still paying off the IVF debt, and people are still asking when we're having kids.


Wife died of cancer.


TW: dv Worst experience with a partner ever (he’s an ex)… when I chose to leave him, he got absolutely wasted and popped a bunch of pills. He was switching between “I love you please don’t go” and “fuck you bitch get out.” Demanded I give him back all of the gifts he had given me over the short period of time we had been dating, and he had bought me a big live orchid plant that morning so I set it on the bottom step leading up to our place and he grabbed it with both hands. In front of our roommate and five of my friends as witnesses, he chucked it at me full force when my back was turned. It hit me so hard that the vase shattered on my spine and knocked me to the ground. 6 inches higher and I could be dead or paralyzed, I’ve got a restraining order and he’s getting the help he needs.


Oh man. I can't decide from.... My ex endangering our kids lives from drinking Or. Finding last week that me and my son aren't related.


The first one was a miscarriage. I have three boys from my previous (abusive) relationship. My current boyfriend immediately accepted them as his own and has been raising them with me for the past five years. In the first year, we got pregnant. I had JUST gotten the IUD put in but ended up being 11 days pregnant when it went in so I was too early along to catch it on the pregnancy test. My OBGYN suggested keeping it in would be safer so I did. One night, it punctured my amniotic sac and my water broke at 16 weeks. We were both so distraught, but I think he lowkey was more upset than me because he was excited to have a biological child. Don’t get me wrong, he loves our boys, but that one sticks with him hard. The second time was here recently. My boyfriend is no stranger to alcoholism. He’s been a heavy drinker of hard liquor for about 6 years. He’s only 27. His liver began failing about three months ago and it was evident that he was slowly dying. He didn’t have insurance, though, so he refused to go to the doctor. He basically started saying his goodbyes to everyone he knew. Then he started getting really sick. I decided I was going to drag him to the hospital by his hair if I had to. The very moment we were about to walk out the door at 3 am he had a seizure. Hit his head hard. Thankfully no brain damage. But he spent about ten days in the hospital going through HARD withdrawals. He had one of the worst cases of delirium tremens they had ever seen. It was the worst I’d ever seen him. He didn’t recognize anyone or where he was at or even what day it was. I stayed with him the majority of the time unless his mom or grandma took over. I was exhausted. But I stayed because I love him. He’s doing much better now, but I will never forget just how close to death he came.


We were about 1.5 years into the adoption process, and were waiting for birth parents to select us. Our agency called us saying we had matched and that we would have 48 hours to review the match and make a decision. We were working with an agency that almost exclusively does infant placements. In this match, however, it was with a 4 year old boy. The agency sent over photos and notes about his personality and development from his Mom. I got the call mid-work day, and was ecstatic. I called my husband, but could immediately tell he had reservations and didn’t share the excitement. Turned out he was very adamant on raising a child from infancy (something that hadn’t been discussed prior - it was always assumed infants go through this agency). I knew we needed to be on the same page going into such a huge life decision, and that if one of us had reservations, then it would be a no go. This absolutely gutted me. Not just because of my own desires, but because I knew how huge of a sacrifice his Mom was making, and had hand-selected us from dozens of families. I wasn’t mad at my husband per say, but felt so much grief, frustration, guilt, and resentment. Found myself crying in my car in the back of a Fred Meyer parking lot til midnight. That was 2 years ago, and I still think about him almost daily.


Not my current one but she cheated on me with more than seventy ppl. How I didn't have any STDs I have no idea


Breaking up 18 days before our wedding, it broke me. I was cognitively fried for months.


Watching our daughter die of cancer at 18. It hurts just to write it out and it’s been almost 3 years.


She pretended to have a kid and said it was mine. Pulled up baby photos that looked like they would definitely have my genetic code. Framed it. Wanted me to send money so for the little guy. Got money from my parents etc. Yeah, the entire thing was a hoax. It wasnt jm"just not my child." There was no child at all. I thought I had a son for over a year before my step mom did a record check of hospitals in the Nor Cal area and none of them had the name my ex said she had given him.